• Title/Summary/Keyword: Sustainable Future

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지속가능한 관광개발을 위한 지표설정과 평가시스템 구축방안에 관한 연구 -동굴 관광지를 사례로 하여-

  • 차승훈;이희연
    • Proceedings of the KGS Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.126-131
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    • 2003
  • 환경의 파괴와 함께 환경에 대한 위기 의식이 증대되면서 1980년대 후반부터 지속 가능한 개발(sustainable development)에 대한 논제가 주요 관심사로 등장하고 있다. 'Our Common Future (WCED, 1987)'라는 보고서에서 '지속 가능한 개발'이라는 용어가 처음 사용된 이후, 1992년 리우회의를 거치면서 지속 가능한 개발 개념은 사회 전반에서 추구해야 할 보편적 패러다임으로 자리잡게 되었다. (중략)

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Exploring Business Opportunities for Building Social Overhad Infrastructure by Achieving Sustainable Development Goals (지속가능발전목표를 이행하는 사회기반시설 사업기회에 대한 탐색적 연구 - 3D 프린팅 프로젝트 사례 조사를 기반으로 -)

  • Lee, Yoonsun;Lee, Taisik
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.72-81
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    • 2020
  • Sustainable development goals (SDGs) are designed to promote human and social development and address challenges related to sustainable economic development, in addition to creating quality employment. SDGs create new market and business opportunities that enable companies to effect business changes through innovative solutions. To tackle structural problems and create infrastructure for future societies, a national-level digital transformation strategy is being developed in Korea. The Korean government announced an investment plan for living social overhead capital (SOC) to address various social and structural problems caused by low economic growth. This study emphasizes the importance of building SOCs in accordance with the requirements of future societies. This study primarily aims to suggest business opportunities created by achieving SDGs, by analyzing business cases involving 3D printing-based construction. Implementing living SOCs through ingenious thinking will not only create new businesses and jobs through digital transformation, but also improve the economic and social value by encouraging community members to be proud of their future society.

A Study on the Sustainability of Social Cooperatives (사회적협동조합의 지속가능성에 관한 연구)

  • Hong, Hyo Seog
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.93-104
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    • 2022
  • Based on the theoretical review of social cooperatives and the results of the fourth round of fact-finding, this study tried to discuss the sustainability of social co-operatives from the social, economic, and environmental aspects, focusing on the seven principles of co-operatives. The issue of sustainability is "a development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs, the use of resources, the direction of investment, technological advances and institutional change in harmony with one another. as defined as "a process of change that advances the needs and desires of all future generations". It contains the meaning of connecting a sustainable society to future generations through harmony and balance, rather than opposing concepts of social value, environmental conservation, and economic growth. As a result of arranging the concept of social, economic, and environmental sustainability contained in sustainable development, and the seven principles of cooperatives and their connections, I would like to suggest the following about the sustainability of social cooperatives. First, efforts should be made for social contribution closely related to the local community. Second, it is necessary to create a profit model along with the public interest. Third, partnerships should be strengthened. When examining the public values and objectives that social cooperatives want to realize through this study, the three scopes of sustainable development are directly related to the role of important actors in pursuing social and economic values that social and economic organizations are facing. would. Therefore, the sustainability issue of social cooperatives is based on the concept that the goals and values pursued by social cooperatives are harmonious and balanced development in the environmental, social, and economic aspects, not only their own efforts but also the institutional support of the government. this will have to be presented.

A Study for Architectural Planning Direction to the Future School Facilities (미래 학교시설의 건축계획방향에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jae-Young;Lee, Jong-Kuk
    • The Journal of Sustainable Design and Educational Environment Research
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2017
  • The study is a precursor to the final goal of organizing a future school building plan to prepare for the new paradigm. Planning direction presentation through planning elements and principles is key purpose. Based on the results of the study, it is meaningful that the school facilities will be able to fulfil the educational role of the school facilities, including science, technology, and environment. Based on the theoretical concepts of prospective school facilities and research data, the school plans to construct architectural plan elements and construct the architectural plan based on the guidelines of the school plan based on the evaluation criteria of the school building and the evaluation criteria based on the evaluation criteria of the school building and the calculation of the plan through the procurement criteria of the school and the Future Schools.

Analysis of Effects of Small School Space Innovation (소규모 학교공간혁신 효과성 분석)

  • Kwon, Soon-Chul;Lee, Yong-Hwan
    • The Journal of Sustainable Design and Educational Environment Research
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2023
  • The downsizing of schools is accelerating due to a rapid decline in the school-age population, and as the crisis over regional and school disappearance increases, the need for smaller schools to respond to future educational needs is increasing. Through flexible curricula and digital/artificial intelligence-based classroom teaching improvements, students' satisfaction with school life, student creativity and character development, improved academic achievement, and strengthened cooperative communication capabilities will be observed, and teachers' teaching and learning methods will change. Educational effects such as these are important, and transforming school facilities into future-oriented spaces, including school space innovation, is required to accomplish them. This study examined the future of education systems in small schools, focusing on analyzing the educational effects and awareness of the sustainability of spatial innovation, in terms of school space changes, school education correlation, and smart environment, to develop innovation projects in small schools. A desirable direction for implementation is presented.

An Analysis of Consumer's Taste on Environment-Friendly Agricultural Products in Korea (우리나라 친환경 농산물에 대한 소비자 의향분석)

  • 이종성;오주성;손흥대;양원진;정원복;정순재;김도훈
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.433-441
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    • 2002
  • There has been an increasing public concern about environmental safety and human health of field crops while customer consumes more and more field crops, to which overdose and residual chemicals were applied. As a solution for the problems, construction of sustainable agroecosystem is spreading out to pursuit the economic value of agricultural management as well as to meet environment concern. Public has extended their understanding on the preservation of environment and safeness of agricultural products, and governmental policy toward sustainable agriculture drives rapid increase of the production of sustainable agricultural products. Under this circumstances, it is time to encourage more consumption and to activate market system for the sustainable agricultural products. This study was initiated to diagnose the problems and future direction of domestic sustainable agriculture by analyzing the overall opinions of consumer on the sustainable agriculture. The results are as follows: The pursuit of low input management is a prerequisite to creat high valued agricultural products, and serious consideration should be taken to produce clean crops using natural products. Consummers are willing to pay 10∼50% more prices if the products get certified by official eco-label programs. It is believed that practice of sustainable agriculture using biopesticide and natural pesticide would accelerate the rapid extension of this pro-environmental agricultural management. To activate production and consumption of sustainable agricultural products correct informations on safety should be addressed to customer, and confidence has to be brought about from customer. This could be done by obtaining various and efficient distribution route, product competency for quality, upgraded sales strategy, maximum utilization of certificate system, and practice of recall system, so on.

Development of Environmentally Sound Herbicides and Their Formulations (환경친화적(環境親和的) 제초제(除草劑) 및 제형(製型) 개발(開發))

  • Oh, Byung-Youl
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.94-111
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    • 1997
  • A relatively wide range of weed technology concerning sound herbicide development, its formulation exploitation, and application techniques was extensively reviewed in accordance with least inputted sustainable agriculture. Herbicide plays an integral part of farmers' cultural practices in Korean agriculture like rest of world over. Weeds are more obstacle to the adaptation of more sustainable agriculture system. Because weeds dictate most of the crop production practices, weed scientists must become the leaders of collaborative integrated approaches to agriculture systems research. Feasible ways to minimize herbicide input involve the positive introduction of low-rate selective chemistries, innovative formulations, biological herbicides and newly developed application technology. Since herbicide will remain to be a core position in weed management for the foreseeable future, research is needed to optimize herbicide application technology and to minimize their impact on the environment. Public concerns and regulatory pressures on agricultural chemicals are likely to strengthen throughout this decade and coming. Researchers, pesticide manufacturing industries and regulatory authorities have to work together more closely, leading to understand each other better, as well as the needs of our customers and those of society. To be taken extensively, weed control management practices in the future have to be accepted such a way the respective demands of environment, society and economics are entirely matched.

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An Estimating Space Program of Technical High School for Future Educational Curriculum (전문교과 교육과정에 대응하기 위한 공업계고등학교 공간규모 산정에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Sang-Min
    • The Journal of Sustainable Design and Educational Environment Research
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.12-29
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    • 2008
  • The problem should be approached in terms of recovering essential functions of technical high school and identification to supply stable and quality human resources in technical sector. An adequate space programming for technical high school is needed to educate effective skills and techniques. Considering the education directions of vocational high school, the article covers principals of technical school's construction plan and directions and, based on this, suggest the way of estimating the scale in construction plan of technical school. Through this research, systematic and reasonable space planning can be possible. The range of this research is based on development directions of society and education and an objective standard in a newly reformed the 7th Stage of Education. In addition, the research is limited to technical high school among kinds of vocational high school. The purpose is to redefine the role of technical school that face identification crisis currently, comparing to the past, and to suggest a more effective space planning. The research limits the space to classes for specialized subjects, a core space for education in technical school among diverse spaces.

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