• Title/Summary/Keyword: Surface topography

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A Study on Changes in Local Meteorological Fields due to a Change in Land Use in the Lake Shihwa Region Using Synthetic Land Cover Data and High-Resolution Mesoscale Model (합성토지피복자료와 고해상도 중규모 모형을 이용한 시화호 지역의 토지이용 변화에 따른 주변 기상장 변화 연구)

  • Park, Seon Ki;Kim, Jee-Hee
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.405-414
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    • 2011
  • In this study, the influence of a change in land use on the local weather fields is investigated around the Lake Shihwa area using synthetic land cover data and a high-resolution mesoscale model - the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF). The default land cover data generally used in the WRF is based on the land use category of the United States Geological Survey (USGS), which erroneously presents most land areas of the Korean Peninsula as savannas. To revise such a fault, a multi-temporal land cover data, provided by the Ministry of Environment of Korea, was employed to generate a land cover map of 2005 subject to the land use in Korea at that time. A new land cover map of 1989, before the construction of the Lake Shihwa, was made based on the 2005 map and the Landsat 4-5 TM satellite images of two years. Over the areas where the land use had been changed (e.g., from sea to wetlands, towns, etc.) due to the Lake Shihwa development project, the skin temperature decreased by up to $8^{\circ}C$ in the winter case while increased by as much as $14^{\circ}C$ in the summer case. Changes in the water vapor mixing ratio were mostly affected by advection and topography in both seasons, with considerable increase in the summer case due to continuous sea breeze. Local decrease in water vapor occurred over high land use change areas and/or over downstream of such areas where alteration in wind fields were induced by changes in skin temperature and surface roughness at the areas of land use changes. The albedo increased by about 0.1% in the regions where sea was converted into wetland. In the regions where urban areas were developed, such as Songdo New Town and Incheon International Airport, the albedo increased by up to 0.16%.

Hybrid Element Model for Wave Transformation Analysis (파랑 변형 해석을 위한 복합 요소 모형)

  • 정태화;박우선;서경덕
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.159-166
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    • 2003
  • In this study, we develop a finite element model to directly solve the Laplace equation while keeping the same computational efficiency as the models based on the extended mild-slope equation which has been widely used for calculation of wave transformation in shallow water. For this, the computational domain is discretized into finite elements with a single layer in the vertical direction. The velocity potential in the element is then expressed in terms of the potentials at the nodes located at water surface, and the Galerkin method is used to construct the numerical model. A common shape function is adopted in horizontal direction, and the cosine hyperbolic function in vertical direction, which describes the vertical behavior of progressive waves. The model was developed for vertical two-dimensional problems. In order to verify the developed model, it is applied to vertical two-dimensional problems of wave reflection and transmission. It is shown that the present finite element model is comparable to the models based on extended mild-slope equations in both computational efficiency and accuracy.

Experimental Study for Evaluation of Non-Linear Dispersive Wave Model in Shallow Water (천해역 비선형분산파랑 모델의 평가를 위한 수리 실험 연구)

  • 이중우;신승호
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.189-196
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    • 1999
  • In order to verify a numerical model for the calculation of wave motion around an offshore barrier in shallow water, laboratory physical experiments are necessary. In this study, sample experiments are carried out on the wave and wave induced current fields due to a sloping bottom topography and on that due to an isolated structure from the coastline. The water body is divided into 4 levels, in which the current tracking floaters are deployed to measure the wave induced currents. Data measurement was continued using the limited wave gauges and current tracking floaters including a video camera from the top. The wave heights for the preselected surface and time-averaged velocity distributions at each level were measured in detail. The distribution of wave and current fields was analyzed precisely combining the whole measured laboratory data. Moreover, comprehensive analyses were carried out on non-linearity of wave transformation in terms of skewness and atiltness.

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Overview of Climate Change and Unusual Regional Climate and the Future (기후변화와 이상기상 발생의 현황과 미래)

  • Moon Sung-Euii
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Crop Science Conference
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    • 2000.11a
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    • pp.3-11
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    • 2000
  • The Asian summer monsoon has a profound social and economic impact in East Asia and its surrounding countries. The monsoon is basically a response of the atmosphere to the differential heating between the land mass of the Asian continent and the adjacent oceans. The atmospheric response, however, is quite complicated due to the interactions between the atmospheric heat sources, land-sea contrast, and topography, The occurrence of extreme summertime floods in Korea, Japan, and China in 1998 and 1999 has highlighted the range of variability of the East Asian summertime monsoon circulation and spurred interest in investigating the cause of such extreme variability. While ENSO is often considered a prime mechanism responsible for the unusual hydrological disasters in East Asia, understanding of the connection between ENSO and the East Asian monsoon is hampered by their dynamic complexities. Along with a recent phenomenon of weather abnormalities observed in many parts of the globe, Korea has seen its share of increased weather abnormalities such as the record-breaking heavy rainfalls due to a series of flash floods in the summers of 1998 and 1999, following devastating Yangtze river floods in China. A clear regime shift is found in the tropospheric mean temperature in the northern hemisphere middle latitudes and the surface temperature over the Asian continent during the summer with a sudden warming since 1977. Either decadal climate variation or climate regime shift in the Asian continent is evident and may have altered the characteristics of the East Asian summer monsoon. Considering the summertime rainfall amount in Korea is overall increased lately, the 1998/99 heavy rainfalls may not be isolated episodes related only to ENSO, but could be a part of long-term climate variation. The record-breaking heavy summer rainfalls in Korea may not be direct impact of ENSO. Instead, the effects of decadal climate variation and ENSO may be coupled to each other and also to the East Asian summer monsoon system, while their individual impacts are difficult to separate.

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Topographic Analysis of Landslides in Umyeonsan (우면산 산사태 발생 지점의 지형분석)

  • Ko, Suk Min;Lee, Seung Woo;Yune, Chan-Young;Kim, Gihong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.55-62
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    • 2014
  • In this study, we investigated the landslides area which occurred in Umyeonsan in 2011 and collected landslide location data. Using this field data with aerial photos and LiDAR data which is obtained before and after disaster event, we analyzed the landslide occurrence frequency per unit area about various topographic characteristics. In case of slope, we compared two kind of slopes which are calculated with Neighborhood algorithm and maximum slope algorithm. Also we used aspect, elevation, profile curvature and planform curvature in topographic analysis of landslide occurrence locations. As a result, the region of which maximum slope is $40^{\circ}-45^{\circ}$ is relatively hazardous in landslide. If the perpendicular surface to the direction of the maximum slope is concave, it is more hazardous than other case.

Understanding the Flow Properties by a Numerical Modeling in the South Sea of Korea (수치모델을 이용한 한국 남해의 유동특성 이해)

  • Bae, Sang-Wan;Kim, Dong-Sun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.295-307
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    • 2012
  • In order to understand the flow properties of the South Sea of Korea, tidal currents, wind-driven currents, density-driven currents and residual flows were investigated by using 3-dimensional numerical model(POM). In offshore regions, tide-induced residual current tends to flow eastward during the spring tide and westward during the neap tide. Total residual flow is irregular due to the bottom topography in the coastal area. The density-driven currents in the coastal area showed to be relatively weak, with little seasonal differences. The special tendency was apparent in the open sea. That is, the flow in the offshore regions showed results similar to that of the Tsushima current. The wind-driven currents in the coastal area showed to be much stronger than in offshore regions. Vertically, the flow of the surface layer was much stronger than that of the bottom layer. Through these results, material transport and diffusion in the south coast, as a basis for predicting the spread of use is expected to be available.

Long Term Monitoring of Deterioration Condition for the Rock-carved Buddha Triad in Seosan, Korea (서산 용현리 마애여래삼존상의 장기 모니터링과 훼손상태 변화)

  • Chun, Yu Gun;Lee, Jae Man;Lee, Mi Hye;Park, Sung Mi;Lee, Sun Myung;Lee, Myeong Seong
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.439-446
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    • 2014
  • We carried out monitoring of deterioration condition for the Rock-carved Buddha Triad in Seosan after dismantlement of protective facilities and conservation treatment. As the results of ultrasonic velocity measurement, physical properties of rock were evaluated to maintain similar the past. Result of digital image analysis, white discoloration was reoccured after four years of conservation treatments. And biodeterioration of unknown in the past was generated left side on the Rock-carved Buddha. Phenomenon of biodeterioration on the surface rocks was estimated by variation of sunshine and water contents according to topography condition.

A Study on Geoid Height of Provinces in South Korea by Terrain correction of Earth Gravitational Models (EGMs의 지형보정에 따른 국내 지역별 지오이드고 연구)

  • Lee, yong-chang
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2007.11a
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    • pp.942-946
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    • 2007
  • The new gravity field combination models are expected to improve the knowledge of the Earth's global gravity field. This study evaluates six global gravity field models derived from gravimetry and altimetry surface data in a comparison with ground truth in South Korea. For calculating a more accurate estimate of the geoid heights from the height anomalies, the terrain corrections due to the terrain masses over geoid have considered, the model for the topographic correction is a spherical harmonic expansion of the ETOPO2 DTM model. Geoid heights obtained from GPS and levelling in land area of South Korea are compared with those from the EGMs. The results show that EIGEN-CG03C EGM and EIGEN-GL04C EGM displayed the nearest results to GPS/leveling, and also confirmed the importance of terrain correction for geoid height in case of the uneven topography.

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Development of a Web Service based GIS-Enabled Storm-surge Visualization System (웹 서비스 기반 GIS 연동 폭풍.해일 시각화 시스템 개발)

  • Kim, Jin-Ah;Park, Jin-Ah;Park, K.S.;Kwon, Jae-Il
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.14 no.9
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    • pp.841-849
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    • 2008
  • Natural disaster such as inundation due to the typhoon induced storm-surge has inflicted severe losses on the coastal area. The problem of global warming and sea surface rising has issued and thus influences the increase of frequency and potential power of storm-surge. What we can do is to make intelligent effort to predict and prevent the losses through the early warning and prevention activity from the accurate prediction and forecasting about the time-varying storm-surge height and its arriving time resulted from the numerical simulation with sea observations. In this paper, we developed the web service based GIS-Enabled storm-surge visualization system to predict and prevent the storm-surge disasters. Moreover. for more accurate topography around coastal area and fine-grid storm-surge numerical model, we have accomplished GIS-based coastal mapping through LiDAR measurement.

Three-dimensional Electromagnetic Modeling in Frequency Domain (주파수영역 전자법의 3차원 모델링)

  • Jang, Hannuree;Kim, Hee Joon
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.163-170
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    • 2014
  • Development of a modeling technique for accurately interpreting electromagnetic (EM) data is increasingly required. We introduce finite difference (FD) and finite-element (FE) methods for three-dimensional (3D) frequency-domain EM modeling. In the controlled-source EM methods, formulating the governing equations into a secondary electric field enables us to avoid a singularity problem at the source point. The secondary electric field is discretized using the FD or FE methods for the model region. We represent iterative and direct methods to solve the system of equations resulting from the FD or FE schemes. By applying the static divergence correction in the iterative method, the rate of convergence is dramatically improved, and it is particularly useful to compute a model including surface topography in the FD method. Finally, as an example of an airborne EM survey, we present 3D modeling using the FD method.