• Title/Summary/Keyword: Supply Expansion

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Demand Characteristics and Analysis of Changes in Spatial Accessibility of Public Sports Facilities (공공체육시설 수요특성 및 공간적 접근성 분석)

  • Kim, Seong-Hee;Kim, Yong-Jin
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.7
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    • pp.283-293
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    • 2017
  • This study analyzed the actual conditions of use of public sports facilities and characteristics of the users of the facilities through surveys and measured the spatial imbalance of the public sports facilities currently supplied by using gravity potential model. This study also suggests evaluation criteria that may be considered for efficient location selection by examining the change of accessibility to the facilities that meet the needs of users in the future. As the results of the questionnaire survey, unlike current usage, the users hoped for badminton, weight training and swimming. And we could confirm the demand for the expansion of the multi - purpose indoor gym which can carry out such activities in the areas. As the result of the analysis on the difference in accessibility of the public sports facility, there were some large variations in the regions. It was found that a balanced supply of facilities was needed in terms of equity. In particular, when analyzing by considering the population estimates of 2025, It is analyzed that the accessibility will be reduced to about 60% compared to that of 2015. In addition, it is evaluated as the best alternative in terms of overall efficiency that the location of the facilities should be in Munsan area where population growth is expected in the future.

Economic Feasibility Study of the Life Extension by Reactor Type of Nuclear Power Plant in Korea (우리나라 원자력발전의 노형을 고려한 계속운전의 경제성 비교 연구)

  • Cho, Sungjin;Kim, Yoon Kyung
    • Environmental and Resource Economics Review
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.261-286
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    • 2018
  • This paper evaluated the economic feasibility of the life extension of Kori unit 1 and Wolsong unit 1 according to the types of the nuclear power plants (NPPs) and the life extension period comparing to the levelized costs of energy (LCOE) of the new NPPs, coal-fired plants (CFPs), and combined cycle gas turbine (CCGTs) which proposed in the $7^{th}$ Basic Plan for Electricity Supply and Demand. The economic feasibility of the life extension of NPPs using LCOE method is affected by the types of NPPs, lifetime extension periods, discount rate, and capacity factor. According to the analysis results, the pressurized light water reactor (PWR) is more economical than the pressurized heavy water reactor (PHWR). Comparing the economical efficiency between the life extension of NPPs and other alternatives, the operation of the PWR for 20 years is more economical than the one of new NPPs and CFPs. However, 20 years of life extension of PHWR is more economical than the CCGTs, but less economical than new NPPs and CFPs. In summary, the 20 years of life extension of the NPPs seems to be more, especially for the PWR, which is more cost effective than other generation alternatives. Therefore, the government policy of the life extension of NPPs need to be a selective approach that simultaneously considers both safety and economics rather than closing all NPPs.

Analysis of Scenarios for Environmental Instream Flow Considering Water Quality in Saemangeum Watershed (새만금유역의 수질을 고려한 환경유지용수의 시나리오 분석)

  • Kim, Se-Min;Park, Young-Ki;Won, Chan-Hee;Kim, Min-Hwan
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.117-127
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    • 2016
  • In this study, analyzed scenarios of the environmental instream flow for water quality improvement in Saemangeum watershed. In order to get an environmental instream flow, Methodology is selected for Retention-Basin, reservoir expansion, new dam construction, Modification of water intake and drainage system, Rearrangement of plan for system which Yongdam and Seomjin river dam have been used water supply. The study composed of diverse scenario of Environmental instream flow increasement and analyzed the effect of improving the water quality by the QUAL2K model and calculation of runoff for saemangeum watershed by SWAT model. The following water quality indicators have been simulated in irrigation and non-irrigation period for BOD and T-P. When scenarios applied to water quality model, Improvement rate in the water quality for Total Maximum Daily loads of Mankyung B unit watershed during irrigation and non-irrigation period is BOD (28.70%), T-P (17.09%) and BOD (28.51%), T-P (28.68%) respectively. Dongjin A unit watershed during irrigation and non-irrigation period is BOD (14.39%), T-P (14.59%) and BOD (15.54%), T-P (19.46%) similary. Simulation results is to quantify the constribution of the improvement in the water quality. In particular, It was demonstrative that improving effect for water quality was evaluated to be great in non-irrigation period.

An Expanded Use of Reactor Power Cutback System to Avoid Reactor Trips in the Event of an Inward Control Element Assembly Deviation (제어봉 인입편차시의 원자로 비상정지 방지를 위한 출력 급감발 계통의 확대 적용)

  • Hwang, Hae-Ryong;Ahn, Dawk-Hwan
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.276-284
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    • 1993
  • The ABB-CE System-80 reactor power cutback system(RPCS) is designed to enable continuous operation of the reactor without trip in the events of the loss of one of the two main feedwater pumps and loss of load, and thus improves plant availability in a cost effective manner. In this study expansion of RPCS has been investigated for continuous reactor operation without trip in the event of an inward control element assembly(CEA) deviation including a single rod drop. Under the expanded function of RPCS the control system will provide a rapid core power reduction on demand by releasing CEAs to drop into the core and reduce the turbine power, if necessary, to follow the reactor power variation. This design feature which is included as the new design features to be incorporated in the ABB-CE System-80+ meets the EPRI advanced light water reactor(ALWR) requirements. For this study core analysis models of System-80+ have been developed to simulate the nuclear steam supply system(NSSS) response as well as the RPCS initiation of rapid CEA insertion. The results of this study demonstrate that the reactor trip can be avoided in the event of inward CEA deviation including a single rod drop by the RPCS initiation and thus the plant availability and capacity factor would be increased.

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A Study of Information Systems Development for Marketing Strategy (효율적(效率的)인 마아케팅 정보(情報) 시스템 구축(構築) 방안(方案)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Won, Doo-Hi
    • Korean Business Review
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    • v.4
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    • pp.355-383
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    • 1991
  • 1. The Purpose of This study research: The focus of marketing until recently has simply been on sales which means the transfer of goods from the producer to the consumer and on profits therefrom. However, the excess supply of goods due to the expansion of the economy and the resulting fierce competition between companies have changed the nature of marketing. Maximizing consumers' satisfaction and establishing marketing mix strategies for market subdivision and penetration into the target market are now significant roles of the marketing manager. In addition, with regard to company management, information within the company which had been collected, managed and processed sporadically indegrated manner. The purpose of this research on marketing information systems in connection with the above will be to seek ways enabling us to create an efficient and integrated information system for an entire company. 2. The Method and Scop of This Stdudy: Marketing information systems, as a part of management information systems, shall be examined based on relevant theoretical literature. The research process shall be generally developed as follows: 1) The basic structure of the marketing information systems, including its fundamental purpose and necessity, shall be examined. 2) The method for a specific plan shall be presented through fundamental marketing strategy concepts and marketing decision-making. 3) A general model shall be presented based on examinations of various mod els used for marketing information systems and on research of the models' relationship with management information systems. 4) The direction of development shall be presented as the basis for gradual development following examination of the scope, pertinent issues, and means of improvement of the marketing information systems. 3. Summary and Conclusion: As the competition among the enterprises has become keen and thus the management of the contemporary enterprises shows the tendencies of uncertainty as well as complexity, all the managers must make the correct and prompt decision of their mind. Otherwise, the danger which will lead to and failure in the failure in the business may befall to the enterprise. Though computer system and information related techniques have the endless potentiality for the improvement of the enterprise, those are granted only to the enterprise which will be able to manage the computer system and information related techniques. In the contemporary industrial society, the need to a managerial information system has been increasing because all the complicated information can be stored, disposed and managed by the efficient method. And the marketing information system is also the integrated system which has been formed and developed through the efficient mixture of all the constituent elements including the definition of marketing research as the definition of the information system has been enlarged due to the reason shown above. The common point of the two systems is the man machine system functioning to help the efficient decision of the mind by introducing the computer system on the basis of user manager centered thought in order to provide informations to be useful in operation and management of the organization and the function of the mind decision. The purpose for the marketing information system lies in making the utmost use of marketing information available in the course of the mind decision. The reason why the contemporary enterprises necessitate the marketing information system are as follows: 1) The stages of the business operation are expanded wide to the world. 2) As the living standards of the consumers have been on the rise, the enter prise has to satisfy the consumer's "wants" than simple "needs".

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A Study of Drawing Policy Schemes to Establish Marine Clusters - Focused on Shipping Port Logistics Policy - (해양클러스터 구축을 위한 정책 방안 도출에 관한 연구 - 해운항만물류정책을 중심으로 -)

  • Gim, Jingoo;Jo, Jinhaeng;Paik, Jongsil
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.173-194
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    • 2013
  • This paper aims at drawing policy schemes to establish marine clusters so as to enhance Korea's global port competitiveness and applying them to its national management for the advancement of national economy through policy suggestions. The research method is an integrated approach(IA) that comprises SWOT Method with strategic approaches, HFP Model enhanced by KJ Method and descriptive deductions. Strategic schemes established for the SPLC are followed by the group of geographical proximity, integration of ICT, expansion of the interchange of ICT & opportunities of ET, integration of ICT services with marine technologies, supply of integrated services in the SPLC and implementation of organizational policies. In order to make a specific implementation of strategic establishment schemes of the SPLC, we need to select a promotion entity. It is advised to establish the joint organization of the public sector and the private sector, which is considered most desirable. In practice, it is to be followed by promoting support schemes of the organizational policy on the level of national management. In order to reinforce this study, further compensative and proactive researches on the offshore sector with marine clusters are required in terms of the development of the high value added 'blue' ocean.

On Restructuring of the Debates on Child Care Financing in Reflection of Changing Policy Surrounding in Korea: with Burchardt's Model (우리나라의 보육정책 환경 변화에 따른 재정지원방식 논쟁의 재구조화 - Burchardt의 모델을 중심으로 -)

  • Baek, Sun-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.57 no.1
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    • pp.5-30
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    • 2005
  • This article attempts to restructurize the current arguments on how to change the method of financing child care programme, which is currently under discussion in Korea. There has been a series of changes in Korean child care policy, such as the amendment of Child Care Act, the transition of its responsible administrations, adoption the child care policy as a national agenda. In these changes, new needs for child care financing method comes out with a new direction of child care policy and a plan of expansion of finances. That's the transition from 'facility-centered subsidy' to 'child-centered subsidy'. This article redefine it as the arguments about 'supply-side subsidy' vs. 'demand-side subsidy'. To analyse the different traits of two branches of arguments, this article reviews the social welfare models, and has come to the conclusion that the Burchardt's model is appropriate to explain the financing debates. Thus, the analysis the traits of the two perspectives is based on three dimensions i. e. service provision, financing and decision making according to the Burchardt's model. This also examines how the two sides is connected to the discussion of publicity and quality improvement of child care service. Through this approaches and analysis, this helps us restructurize the debates on the method of financing from the present superficial arguments.

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A Study on the Development of men's Wear in Korea (남성복의 변화에 관한 연구)

  • 이순홍
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.29
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    • pp.5-22
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    • 1996
  • the present thesis aims to contribute to the further development of the men's wear indus-try in Korea which now confronts the need to adjust itself more actively to the conditions of the coming age of internationalization and free trade. To achieve this this thesis suggests the trade should provide for the changing domestic needs on theone hand and refine its wares as high value-added products in compe-tition with those from the advanced countries in fashion industry on the other, The history of the 'suit' the standard men's attire dates back to 1850 when the 'Ditto suit' was introduced composed of coat waist coat vest and trousers to remain virtually unchanged till the end of the nineteenth cen-tury and the modern men's wear originated in Britain. In Korea since the introduction of western clothes from 1876 custom-made suits had been dominant until 1944 while western clothes earned popular currency between 1945 and 1964 and ready-made suits began to spread with their advantages recognized in terms of practicality convenience and functionality The next phase from 1965 to 1985 witnessed the establishment of a number of ready-made brands although custom-made suits stayed in their height of prosperity until 1975. The turn-ing point for the men's wear industry came in 1975 when high-calss ready-made brands be-gan to turn up with the arrival of large companies in the market matching the change in consumers' life style. The men's wear market went through further diversification and specialization dur-ing the years between 1985. and 1990. Around the year 1990 however the expansion of the business suit industry came to slow down ac-companied by an oversupplied market. The fashion of pragmatism in the 1990s called for the growth of the casual wear department and as consumers' life style became more and more individualized conscious dressing in accord ance with T.P.O established itself as an important branch of culture, Such casual boom is likely to aid in promoting Korea's men's wear indus-try to peer with that of advanced countries. Consumers' fashion sense is now ahead of the trade's as well as being shortcycled highly individualized stylized and diversified. To meet consumers' demands under such circum-stances each company is required to develop its unique soft Know How based on accurate information and strategically specialized plan-ning. The trade should convert its hithero producer-oriented strategy to a new consumer oriented one and actively lead the needs and purchasin g pattern of consumers by providing an efficient and reasonable price policy with optimum supply of merchandise and also by presenting 'our' trend suited to our circum-stances.

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A trend analysis of the cultivation status of medicinal crop farmers in Korea

  • Lee, Eun Song;An, Tae Jin;Park, Woo Tae;Jeong, Jin Tae;Lee, Yun Ji;Hur, Mok;Han, Jong Won;Han, Sin Hee;Kim, Young Guk;Park, Chun Geon;Chang, Jae Ki;Kim, Yong Il
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.139-161
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    • 2020
  • The aims of this study were to classify the cultivation status of medicinal crop farmers and to obtain basic data on domestic medicinal crops. To this end, 406 medicinal crop farmers participating in farming education programs in 14 cities and counties were surveyed over 10 months. The results were as follows. First, the biggest difficulty farmers faced in the overall production of medicinal crops was a lack of cultivation skills. Second, in a detailed inquiry about each difficulty item, the most difficult problems were injury by continuous cropping of root-using crops, shortage of specific farm machinery, uncertain market prices, and lack of knowledge about pest control or the positive list system (PLS). Third, the profitability of medicinal crops increased with career experience. Among the farmers who earned profits, requests for education and technical guidance were the most important factors for profitability. Fourth, the results of the analysis suggest that to achieve stable cultivation of medicinal crops, the following items need to be addressed: development and supply of basic cultivation technologies, climate response, registration of pest control pesticides, a solution to the injury by continuous cropping, and contracting cultivation expansion. Additionally, to improve profitability, it is necessary to create conditions that enable the same crops to grow for a long time in one region.

A Study about Hospice Perception of Nursing University Student (간호대학생의 호스피스 인식에 대한 조사 연구)

  • Kim, Jeong-Hee;Lim, Cheong-Hwan;Jung, Hong-Ryang
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.391-396
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    • 2014
  • This study was conducted to be helpful to the expansion and development of hospice and to provide the basic data for Hospice palliative care by identifying the general characteristics of curriculum of hospice perception, level of perception, practice experiences, routes, times, meanings, needs, targets, supply, types, organizations, experiences, use of hospice and physical, emotional, social and spiritual aspects of hospice services. Study tools which were used in this study were composed of three sections. Survey paper is 3-point Likert scale which is composed of 6 questions of general characteristics, nominal scale of 24 questions about hospice perception and hospice service contents. Respondents can reply with 3 answers of Necessary (1), Mediocre (2), and Not necessary (3), in physical, emotional, social and spiritual aspects. Score ranges of this tool are from minimum of 24 points to maximum of 72 points and higher scores mean higher perception of Hospice. Hospice is a behavior to take care of terminal patients who are waiting for death and their family and it should be conducted physically, emotionally, socially and spiritually in order that the patients could meet their last moments of life by maintaining a high quality of life, human dignity and peace for the rest of their lives. Hospice could be mentioned to be a comprehensive care to relieve the pains and grieves of bereaved family.