• Title/Summary/Keyword: Supply Expansion

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A Review of U.S. Renewable Energy Expansion and Support Policies (미국의 재생 에너지 확대 및 지원정책 연구)

  • Kim, Chu
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.41-50
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to review the U.S. renewable energy policies implemented by the federal government and the state governments to investigate potential barriers of renewable energy expansion and to develop policy implications for the successful renewable energy policy making in Korea. Recently, the restructuring in the energy supply chain has been being a new trend in many countries that shows a transition from traditional fossil fuels to sustainable renewable energy sources. The United States has enforced effective renewable energy policies (i.e., regulatory policies, financial incentives), which have led to the exploding growth of renewable energy facilities and productions over the last ten years. For example, many state governments in the U.S. are implementing Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) policies that require increased energy supply from renewable energy sources (i.e., solar, wind and geothermal). These RPS policies are expected to account for at least 10-50 percent of total electricity production in the next fifteen years. As part of results, in the recent three years, renewable energy in the U.S provided over 50 percent of total new power generation constructions. On the other hand, Korea initiated to develop climate change policies in 2008 for the Green Growth Policy that set up a target reduction of national Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions up to 37 percent by 2025. However, statistical data for accumulated renewable energy capacity refer that Korea is still in its early stage that contribute to only 7 percent of the total electricity production capacity and of which hydroelectric power occupied most of the production. Thus, new administration in Korea announced a new renewable energy policy (Renewable Energy 3020 Plan) in 2017 that will require over 95 percent of the total new generations as renewable energy facilities to achieve up to 20 percent of the total electricity production from renewable energy sources by 2030. However, to date, there have not been enough studies to figure out the barriers of the current policy environment and to develop implications about renewable energy policies to support the government plan in Korea. Therefore, this study reviewed the U.S. renewable energy policies compared with Korean policies that could show model cases to introduce related policies and to develop improved incentives to rapidly spread out renewable energy facilities in Korea.

Pork Production in China, Japan and South Korea

  • Oh, S.H.;Whitley, N.C.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.24 no.11
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    • pp.1629-1636
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    • 2011
  • Global pork markets are becoming more competitive, riding the wind of the bilateral free trade agreement. China is the world's largest pork producer with nearly 50% of the world's total production. China's fast growing economy has provided its people with higher purchasing power, resulting in a rapid expansion of the Chinese swine industry over the past decades. Worldwide, China consumes the greatest amount of pork and it is believed that this trend will continue. Japan is the world's largest pork importing country, even though it also produces a lot of pork. The Japanese swine industry encounters weighty obstacles in production costs and environmental limitations which result in reduced domestic supply and creates the situation in which Japan has to import a significant amount of pork for their consumption. South Korea is also a large buyer of pork, with a status greatly influenced by the struggle that the country has faced with Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) which occurred in 2000, 2002 and 2010. High production costs, low production efficiency, and forced culling following the FMD outbreak resulted in the loss of many hog farming households in the country, reducing supply of domestic pork in the face of continued demand. Overall, pork production in these economically important countries can greatly impact the industry globally. The goal of this review paper is to describe pork production in China, Japan, and South Korea and discuss these countries' role in global pork export markets.

Development of Methodology of New Effective Installed Reserve Rate considering Renewable Energy Generators (신재생에너지전원을 고려한 새로운 유효설비예비율 평가방법의 개발)

  • Park, Jeong-Je;Choi, Jae-Seok
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.59 no.1
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    • pp.26-32
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    • 2010
  • This paper proposes a new effective installed reserve rate in order to evaluate reliability of power system considering renewable generators, which include uncertainty of resource supply. It is called EIRR(effective installed reserve rate) in this paper. It is developed with considering capacity credit based on ELCC by using LOLE reliability criterion. While the conventional installed reserve rate index yields over-evaluation reliability of renewable generators, the proposed EIRR describes actual effective installed reserve rate. However, it is not the probabilistic reliability index as like as LOLE or EENS but another deterministic effective reliability index. The proposed EIRR is able to evaluate the realistic contribution to the reliability level for power system considering wind turbine generators and solar cell generators with high uncertainty in resource supply. The case study in model system as like as Jeju power system size presents a possibility that the proposed EIRR can be used practically as a new deterministic reliability index for generation expansion planning or operational planning in future.

Incentive to Save and the Effects of Extended Mandatory Retirement Age (근로자 저축유인과 정년연장의 경제적 효과)

  • Kim, Dae Il
    • Journal of Labour Economics
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.1-23
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    • 2010
  • Extension of mandatory retirement age (MRA) differs from other labor supply increases in that it induces a change in the incentive to save for retirement. A simple general equilibrium model indicates that extension of MRA can lead to a decrease in life-time income and social welfare as it excessively discourages domestic savings and thus capital accumulation. However, in an open economy where capital inflow allows capital input in production to remain constant despite lower domestic capital stock, extension of MRA likely increases worker welfare. In such case, extension of MRA can contribute to expansion of hiring demands through lowering wages or mitigating upward pressures on wages.

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A Study on Characteristics of Present Import for Live Fish (활어 수입의 현단계적 성격에 관한 고찰;-활어 수입을 둘러싼 규정요인과 동향을 중심으로-)

  • 장영수
    • The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.55-77
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    • 1995
  • This study analyzed the structure of imported fisheries, focusing especially on the following factors of live fisheries import : First of all, it is confirmed that the import of live fisheries expands when domestic production decreases. To put it concretely, the structure of domestic live fish supply is based upon the production of aquaculture, the shift from export to domestic use, and imported live fisheries. These all coexist, expand, and grow together. Secondly, the structure of the consumer's market - the background of expanding and growing live fisheries-is currently diversifying with quality and quantity from a local area consumer system based upon regional markets, to a wider ranged system based upon the food industry and retailing market. The existence of the consumer markets is premised upon a stable supply structure, in terms of material and price. Thirdly, in terms of trade policy, control of imports instantly reduces import goods. But it is reasonable to say that there is not any logical effectiveness of denying the stable growth of low market capital under the background of strong consummer expansion. Fourthly, the attitude of the import related managener organization is directly related to the degree to which it is connected to live fish import. It is demanded that such a managing organization possess suitable facilities, specializaed knowledge, and management skill of live fisheries. So it is predicted that newly introducing the importing of live fisheries is not simple. It indirectly shows that the capital which relates to live fisheries are connected with the importing og live fish fisheries.

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The Change in the Housing Affordability of Japanese Tenants and the Policy Implication (일본 임차가구의 주거비부담능력 변화와 정책적 함의)

  • Nam, Won-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.23-32
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    • 2011
  • The change in the Japanese rental housing policy since the 1990s appeared as a reduction in the role of central government, an expansion in the local government's discretion, and an increase in the dependence on the housing market. As a result, the supply of new public rental housing decreased drastically and the rent regulation was eased. This study is designed to evaluate the validity of the policy change through an analysis of the change in housing affordability of tenants during the period of 1983~2008. The analysis showed that the housing affordability and the accessibility to the housing market by tenants had been improved, confirming that if the public rental housing stock was properly used, the housing needs of the low-income tenants would be met without new supply. Therefore, it appeared that the change in the Japanese rental housing policy may have a certain amount of validity. However, the study pointed out that the validity of the policy change must be limited as the future risk factors such as the possibility of residualisation of public rental housing and the increase of poor households according to job insecurity were not well considered. Accordingly, in conclusion this study suggests that new policy instruments should be developed at central government-level, such as offering incentives for local governments and establishing a housing allowance etc.

Dual Monopolies of New Durables and Their Ancillaries: Exclusive Supply Contracts

  • Flath, David
    • Asian Journal of Innovation and Policy
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.207-234
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    • 2018
  • A manufacturer of a durable good typically purchases supplies, including parts for assembly - that are also useful for repairs - from independent "original equipment suppliers" with which it contracts. The manufacturer is a branded monopolist of its final assembled product. To put into effect also a monopoly of the replacement parts, it must stipulate in its arrangements with independent suppliers of the parts that they not supply such patented parts to any other buyer. Durable good owners would then only be able to obtain their requirements of replacement parts from the same company that supplied the durable. This would amount to a tie-in of replacement parts to the direct purchase of new durables. And that describes the apparently widespread practice of automobile manufacturers in India, as exposed in a recent case before the Competition Commission of India (Samsher Kataria v Honda Siel Cars India Limited and others). Here, I will argue that such tie-in enabled automotive manufacturers to more fully appropriate consumer surplus, which induced them to lower the price of new cars, sell more cars and also sell more repair parts. The tie-in expanded the auto parts industry and promoted new entry. The main restraint on expansion of India's automotive manufacturing is not monopoly. It is government protection in the form of tariffs on automobiles and auto parts.

Studies on the production and marketing of apple of Kyungpook region and strategies of its improvement (경북지역의 사과생산 및 유통에 관한 연구)

  • 류진춘
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.61-75
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    • 1996
  • Apple is most favorable fruit in Korea, and apple farmland has been increased before and after the agreements of Uruguay Round and apple is considered as one of strategic agricultural products. Especially expansion of apple farmland is concentrated in Kyungpook region because of the suitable climate and its market share is about 70 percents in 1992. The marketing channels of apples of Kyungpook region are widely classified by merchant, agricultural or horticultural co-op and large scale farmer's. Among them market share of merchant's occupy over 65 percent. In marketing margins, commercial profit is higher than cost in total marketing margins and, assembler and retailer's margin is not less than wholesaler's. The fluctuation of the price of apple is high in year. The marketing problems of apples are several, first, complex marketing channels, secondly, the high percentage of market share by growing district assembler, thirdly, low rate of package and quality standardization, finally, concentration of shipment of apple because of the shortage of apple processing, storage and marketing facilities, of newly produced apples. In conclusion, to increase apple grower's income with the stabilization of supply and quality upgrade, the improvement measures of marketing system are as follows, first, government level's support in marketing facilities and mechanism, secondly, the increment of supply by grower's cooperatives, thirdly, the establishment of a serious of marketing system to increase the efficiency, fourthly, the establishment of cold-chain system and quality standardization of apple, finally, production of various kinds of apple processing goods.

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A Study on the Transformer Spare Capacity in the Existing Apartments for the Future Growth of Electric Vehicles (전기자동차 보급에 따른 기존 아파트의 변압기용량 한계시점에 대한 연구)

  • Choi, Jihun;Kim, Sung-Yul;Lee, Ju
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.65 no.12
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    • pp.1949-1957
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    • 2016
  • Rapid Expansion of EVs(Electric Vehicles) is inevitable trends, to comply with eco-friendly energy paradigm according to Paris Agreement and to solve the environment problems such as global warming. In this paper, we analyze the limit point of transformer acceptable capacity as the increase of power demand considering EVs supply in the near future. Through the analysis of transformer utilization, we suggest methods to analyze the spare capacity of transformer for the case of optimal efficiency operation and emergency operation respectively. We have the results of 18.4~29% spare capacity for the charging infrastructure to the rated capacity of transformer by analyzing the existing sample apartments. It is analyzed that the acceptable number of EVs is 0.09~0.14 for optimal efficiency operation and 0.06~0.13 for emergency operation. Therefore, it is analyzed the power demand of EV will exceed the existing transformer spare capacity in 7~8 years as the annual growth rate of EVs is prospected 112.5% considering current annual growth rate of EVs and the government EV supply policy.

Establishement of methods to expand supply of mushroom domestic varieties (버섯 국산품종 확대보급사업 추진경과)

  • Cheong, Jong-Chun;Lee, Chan-Jung;Moon, Ji-Won;Jhune, Chang-Sung;Suh, Jang-Sun
    • Journal of Mushroom
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.177-180
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    • 2013
  • The project spanned from 2009 to 2012, including 19 kinds of oyster varieties, 34 were advertised in the national 387 places. As a result, the proliferation of demonstration farms spread around the 30% (2009) share of domestic varieties 45% (2012) raised to the level. Early varieties of these domestic supply system more efficient, the central and local governments in order to promote dissemination of the technology of that business was expanded to promote.