• Title/Summary/Keyword: Supernumerary

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Supernumerary teeth in non-syndromic patients

  • Mali, Santosh;Karjodkar, Freny Rashmiraj;Sontakke, Subodh;Sansare, Kaustubh
    • Imaging Science in Dentistry
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.41-45
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    • 2012
  • Hyperdontia or supernumerary teeth without associated syndrome is a rare phenomenon, as supernumerary teeth are usually associated with cleft lip and palate or other syndromes such as Gardner's syndrome, cleidocranial dysplasia, and so on. Five patients with supernumerary teeth visited our department. They had no familial history or other pathology, certain treatment protocols was modified due to the presence of supernumerary teeth. Non-syndromic supernumerary teeth, if asymptomatic, need to have periodical radiographic observation. If they showed no variation as they impacted in the jaw, careful examination is necessary because they may develop into pathological status such as dentigerous cysts. The importance of a precise clinical history and radiographic examination for patients with multiple supernumerary teeth should be emphasized.


  • Lee, Dong-Hyuck;Kim, Hyun-Jung;Nam, Soon-Hyeun;Kim, Young-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.487-494
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    • 1997
  • It is rare to find multiple supernumerary teeth in individuals with no other associated diseases or syndromes. 'Non-Syndrome multiple supernumerary teeth' reviewed by Yusof(1990) have more frequency of occurrence in the mandibular region. Especially, mandibular premolar region appears to be the site of predilection for no n-syndrome multiple supernumerary teeth. Also, these may develop after most permanent teeth have erupted, thus their effect upon the occlusion is limited. In this case, the patient had 20 supernumerary teeth without other associated diseases or syndromes. All of the supernumerary teeth were impacted, and thirteen of them were found in the premolar region. In the radiographic and clinical finding, other specific complication resulted from the supernumerary teeth weren't observed.

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Supernumerary teeth in the mandibular incisor region associated with fused primary teeth : two case reports (유치의 융합과 연관된 하악 전치부의 과잉치 : 증례 보고)

  • Yun, Soo-mi;Ra, Ji-young;Lee, Je-woo
    • The Journal of the Korean dental association
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    • v.58 no.7
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    • pp.398-403
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    • 2020
  • Odontogenic anomalies can occur as a result of conjoining defects. These include fusion, gemination and concrescence. The presence of fused teeth can lead to various clinical problems, including the aplasia of permanent successor, the supernumerary teeth and delayed eruption of permanent teeth. In general, the supernumerary teeth associated with fusion is mainly found in the maxillary anterior region. This report describes rare cases of supernumerary tooth associated with fused teeth of mandibular primary lateral incisor and canine. In the first case, fused teeth was extracted. The supernumerary teeth was erupted at canine space. The second case is still being observed. Extraction of fused teeth and observation of supernumerary teeth is planned.

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  • Lee, Dong-Geul;Chang, In-Geul;Hong, Jong-Rak
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.445-449
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    • 2008
  • Unerupted or erupted supernumerary tooth may cause crowding, diastema, cyst formation, resorption, and displacement or rotation of adjacent teeth. However, there are few studies about prognosis about the pathologic condition and expectation of spontaneous eruption. The object of this study is to evaluate factors predicting the spontaneous eruption of supernumerary tooth. 431 patients (346 males and 85 females, aged from 5 to 29 years) who visited our institution from 2002-2006 and were shown to have 471 mesiodentes was reviewed. Supernumerary teeth were classified inverted and not inverted state. In case of not inverted supernumerary tooth, eruption rate ac cording to length of supernumenary tooth, width of the tooth, angle between the tooth and incisor tooth, location (inside the incisor or not) and shape (conical or tubercle) were investigated. The regression model showed that length, width and angle were all important determinants of influencing the eruption of supernumerary tooth (p < 0.001, Pearson R: 0.619). There is no relation between shape and eruption of supernumerary tooth (p > 0.05). Location of mesiodens has an effect on eruption of supernumerary tooth (p < 0.01).

The effects of impacted premaxillary supernumerary teeth on permanent incisors

  • Jung, Yun-Hoa;Kim, Ji-Yeon;Cho, Bong-Hae
    • Imaging Science in Dentistry
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    • v.46 no.4
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    • pp.251-258
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: The aim of this study was to examine the radiographic features associated with impacted premaxillary supernumerary teeth, to determine the relationship between their characteristics and their effects on permanent incisors, and to investigate the types of orthodontic treatment that patients received after the extraction of impacted supernumerary teeth. Materials and Methods: The clinical records and radiographs of 193 patients whose impacted premaxillary supernumerary teeth were removed were retrospectively reviewed, and 241 impacted supernumerary teeth were examined. Cone-beam computed tomographic images and panoramic radiographs were examined to determine the number, location, sagittal position, orientation, and morphology of the supernumerary teeth. Their effects on permanent incisors and the orthodontic treatment received by patients after the extraction of the supernumeraries were also investigated. Results: Supernumerary teeth were most frequently observed in the central incisor region, in the palatal position, in the inverted orientation, and were most commonly conical in shape. The most common complication was median diastema, followed by displacement and delayed eruption of the adjacent incisors. Ten (71.4%) of the 14 odontomas showed delayed eruption of the adjacent incisors. Displacement of the incisors was more frequently observed in association with supernumerary teeth with tuberculate or supplemental shapes. Orthodontic traction was most frequently performed after the removal of odontomas. In 32 cases (13.3%), permanent incisors erupted after the orthodontic creation of sufficient space. Conclusion: Median diastema was most common complication. The delayed eruption of incisors was common in supernumerary teeth with a vertical orientation and an odontoma shape.


  • Ahn Hyung Kyu
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.5-8
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    • 1977
  • The author has observed 906 full mouth roentgenograms in Korean young man who had the impacted and supernumerary teeth. Impacted and supernumerary teeth were analysed upon several items, such as incidences and positions in the dental arch. The result were as follows; 1. The incidences of impacted teeth were 59.05% and the ratio of upper jaw to lower one was 1:3. 2. The frequency of the supernumerary teeth were 5.52% and the ratio of maxilla to mandible was 49:1. 3. No significant differences between right and left side in both jaws, but incidence rate of the supernumerary teeth was 74% in the maxillary central incisor area. 4. The positions of impacted and supernumerary teeth were vertical and inverted shapes in maxilla, whereas horizontal and mesio-angular forms in mandible.

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Supernumerary ovary on recto-sigmoid colon with associated endometriosis

  • Lim, Chul Kwon;Kim, Hee Jin;Pack, Joon Sook;Ha, Joong Gyu;Yang, Yun Seok;Lee, Hye Kyung;Kim, Seung Hyun
    • Obstetrics & gynecology science
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    • v.61 no.6
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    • pp.702-706
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    • 2018
  • A supernumerary ovary is a rare gynecological anomaly, and is usually excised due to its malignant transformation potential. We report a case of a supernumerary ovary and endometriosis situated on the anterior rectosigmoid colon. When laparoscopy was conducted, a firm, 5-cm mass was discovered on the anterior rectosigmoid colon along with normal ovaries. In this case, the discovery of a supernumerary ovary implied the presence of endometriosis. It is unusual for endometriosis and a supernumerary ovary to exist simultaneously.


  • Jang Young Don;Hwang Eui Hwan;Lee Sang Rae
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.393-403
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    • 1991
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate the incidence and radiographic features of 1,300 cases of supernumerary teeth by means of the analysis of periapical radiograms and/or pantomograms in 69,442 persons visited the Department of Oral Radiology, School of Dentistry, Kyung Hee University during January 1980 to December 1989. This study of supernumerary teeth revealed the following features: 1. The incidence of supernumerary tooth was revealed to be 1.5% in total examined persons, and there was a higher incidence in males (74.0%) than in females (26.0%). 2. The supernumerary teeth were most frequently occurred in the 1 st decade (42.7%), followed by the 2nd decades (20.2%), the 3rd decades (14.1 %), and the 5th decades (7.2%). 3. There was a higher incidence in the maxilla (98.7%) than in the mandible (1.3%), and mesiodens (90.1 %) was the most frequently occurred. The maxillary lateral incisor region (3.1%) was next in order of frequency followed by maxillary distomolar (2.2%), and maxillary paramolar (1.5%). 4. There was a higher incidence of the impaction (82.7%) than that of the eruption (17.3%), and supernumerary tooth in lateral incisor region (87.8%) was the most frequently impacted one. 5. The inverted impaction was occurred in 63.1%, the vertical impaction in 18.1%, and the angulated impaction in 18.8%. In localization, a palatally (lingually) impacted supernumerary tooth was occurred in 85.0%, and middle impacted and buccally (labially) impacted supernumerary tooth showed the same incidence (7.5%). 6. A supplemental tooth was occurred in 3.2%, an accessory tooth in 96.8%, and a supplemental tooth was the most frequently occurred in maxillary lateral incisor and mandibular premolar region. 7. In effects of supernumerary tooth on adjacent tooth, crowding was occurred in 0.4%, diastema in 10.6%, rotation in 5.4%, eruption disturbance in 4.5%, root resorption in 2.5%, and dentigerous cyst in 2.2%.

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  • Choi, Hae-In;Song, Je-Seon;Lee, Hyo-Sul;Choi, Byung-Jai;Lee, Jae-Ho
    • The Journal of Korea Assosiation for Disability and Oral Health
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.118-121
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    • 2013
  • The supernumerary premolars account for 4%-9% of all supernumeraries and reported prevalence is 0.01%-1.00%. Multiple supernumerary teeth can be seen in syndromic phenotypes. But, only 2% of supernumerary premolars exhibited any pathological changes. Most of them cause interference with normal occlusal development that makes maintaining the disabled patients's oral hygiene difficult. It is recommended to delay the timing of extraction until the full permanent dentition is mature. If there is no complication, leaving the supernumerary premolars impacted is recommended. This case is about mental retardation patients with multiple supernumerary premolars.

Impacted supernumerary tooth in coronoid process: a case report (오훼돌기에 매복된 과잉치: 증례보고)

  • Park, Won-Se;Lee, Je-Ho;Park, Hyok;Jung, Ho-Gul;Kim, Kee-Deog
    • Imaging Science in Dentistry
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.89-91
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    • 2010
  • Impaction of tooth is a situation in which an unerupted tooth is wedged against another tooth or teeth or otherwise located so that it cannot erupt normally. The supernumerary tooth is also called as hyperdontia and defined as the condition of having additional tooth to the regular number of teeth. The most common supernumerary tooth is a mesiodens, which is a mal-formed, peg-like tooth that occurs between the maxillary incisors. The supernumerary tooth is commonly impacted but they are frequently impacted on maxilla. Ectopic impaction of supernumerary tooth on mandibular condyle, coronoid process, ascending ramus, and pterygomandibular space is very rare condition. In this case, we report a case of impacted supernumerary tooth on mandibular sigmoid notch without definite pathologic change.