• Title/Summary/Keyword: Sunset

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A Study on the landscape change by Privately-invested Park of Long-term Non - executed Urban Parks by using accumulated viewshed analysis - (누적가시분석(Accumulated Viewshed Analysis)을 이용한 도시녹지 경관변화특성 연구 - 의정부시 장기 미집행 도시공원 내 아파트단지계획을 사례로 -)

  • Jeung, Yoon-Hee;Lee, Sang-Min;Yoon, Hee-Jea;Lee, Dong-Kun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.65-75
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    • 2018
  • This study analyzes the characteristics of the urban landscape changes as a result of the introduction of private parks among the long-term uncollected urban planning facilities and enables the analysis of the characteristics of the urban landscape changes as a result of the introduction of private parks, and applied to the private park projects. The DSM with its building was established for the quantitative landscape analysis to examine the view ratio using the stacked visible analysis. The analysis showed that Jikdong Park had a high frequency of view from downtown to green due to its location, and that the development project of a private park on park and town boundaries significantly lowered the view ratio. This implies a large degree of damage to the landscape by development projects provided protection of the view as a natural landscape is of value. Chudong Park also saw its view ratio of views from downtown to the hills green area of Chudong Park was much lower than that of Jikdong Park. And it was confirmed that the ratio of view changes due to development projects was small compared to that of Jikdong Park. In other words, although Jikdong Park and Chu-dong Park were developed in a similar scale in terms of the ratio of views, they were subject to significant damage due to their location characteristics. It is also meaningful to note that the degree of change in the landscape resulting from development projects that could not be found in the assessment or review of the existing Landscape Impact. As private parks are introduced in the urban green belt, apartment development is being pushed for at the edge of the green belt. This study is meaningful in that it is derived based on the calculation that the survey results are derived based on the changes in the views on green areas that urban residents may experience as the private park project is carried out, and it should be introduced based on the calculation of the private parks.

Evaluation of Tar Dyes Used in Commercial Foods (식품 중 합성첨가물 사용실태 조사 연구 -타르색소 중심으로-)

  • 윤미혜;김국주;김정임;황선일;문수경;정은주;김재관
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.108-113
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    • 2000
  • This study was carried out to propose a simple method for the extraction of seven tar dyes such as tartrazine, sunset yellow FCF, amaranth, erythrosine, allura red, brilliant blue FCF and indigo carmine using aminopropyl amine cartridge and to determine the content of the dyes in candies, soft drinks, ice bars and okchuns produced in Korea. The tar dyes were simultaneously analyzed by reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC). The recovery rates of the dyes ranged from 65.8% to 99.6%. The contents of the dyes in candies, soft drinks, ice bars and octhuns were N.D.∼50.1 mg/kg, N.D.∼49.9 mg/kg, N.D.∼56.0 mg/kg and N.D.∼867.3 mg/kg, respectively. The types of the dyes used most frequently for candies, soft drinks and ice bars were tartrazine, brilliant blue and amaranth, respectively. Of the samples, tartrazine was used frequently, and indigo carmine was not used at all.

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Potential Source of PM10, PM2.5, and OC and EC in Seoul During Spring 2016 (2016년 봄철 서울의 PM10, PM2.5 및 OC와 EC 배출원 기여도 추정)

  • Ham, Jeeyoung;Lee, Hae Jung;Cha, Joo Wan;Ryoo, Sang-Boom
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.41-54
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    • 2017
  • Organic carbon (OC) and elemental carbon (EC) in $PM_{2.5}$ were measured using Sunset OC/EC Field Analyzer at Seoul Hwangsa Monitoring Center from March to April, 2016. The mean concentrations of OC and EC during the entire period were $4.4{\pm}2.0{\mu}gC\;m^{-3}$ and $1.4{\pm}0.6{\mu}gC\;m^{-3}$, respectively. OC/EC ratio was $3.4{\pm}1.0$. The average concentrations of $PM_{10}$ and $PM_{2.5}$ were $57.4{\pm}25.9$ and $39.7{\pm}19.8{\mu}g\;m^{-3}$, respectively, which were detected by an optical particle counter. The OC and EC peaks were observed in the morning, which were impacted by vehicle emission, however, their diurnal variations were not noticeable. This is determined to be contributed by the long-range transported OC or secondary formation via photochemical reaction by volatile organic compounds at afternoon. A conditional probability function (CPF) model was used to identify the local source of pollution. High concentrations of $PM_{10}$ and $PM_{2.5}$ were observed from the westerly wind, regardless of wind speed. When wind velocity was high, a mixing plume of dust and pollution during long-range transport from China in spring was observed. In contrast, pollution in low wind velocity was from local source, regardless of direction. To know the effect of long-range transport on pollution, a concentration weighted trajectory (CWT) model was analyzed based on a potential source contribution function (PSCF) model in which 75 percentiles high concentration was picked out for CWT analysis. $PM_{10}$, $PM_{2.5}$, OC, and EC were dominantly contributed from China in spring, and EC results were similar in both PSCF and CWT. In conclusion, Seoul air quality in spring was mainly affected by a mixture of local pollution and anthropogenic pollutants originated in China than the Asian dust.

Physiological Characteristics and Diural Changes of Photosynthesis in Japonica and Tongil Type Rice (벼 자포니카 및 통일형 품종의 광합성의 일중변화와 생리적 특성)

  • 허훈;류경열;양덕조
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.237-244
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    • 1994
  • To elucidate the physiological characteristics of 2 japonica type and 2 tongil type of rice cultivars, photosynthesis, respiration and diurnal changes of photosynthesis rate had been investigated 6 times at each growing stage. The ratios of photosynthetic part of tongil types were higher than those of japonica types at tillering stage. The highest photosynthetic activity was measured on August 1, before heading in each growing stage, and efficiency of photosynthesis showed its the highest on July 25. Diurnal photosynthetic curve at heading stage reached the peak at 11-12 AM, but after 2 weeks from heading stage, the peak apperred at 1-2 PM. Conversion of respiration into photosynthesis for $CO_2$ fixation started 30~60 minutes later than the standard sunrise time and reconversion for carborhdrate accmulation began 50~60 minutes earlier than the standard sunset time. Photosynthesis showed positive correlation with chlorophyll content and root activity. Harvest index of tongil type cultivars were significantly higher than those of japonica type cultivars.

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  • PARK Sing Won
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.161-172
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    • 1969
  • Ten experimental tuna long line fishing operations were performed with the long lines A and B, in combination casting orders of BA and AB. The long line B differs from A in its additional main line length per basket and its greater depth of submersion (Table 1). The BA casting order results in an AB hauling order, so that the long line B is casted at an earlier time of a day and fishes for a longer period than A line (fig. 2). The number of fish caught was divided into subclasses in order to be subjected to $x^2-tests$ (Table 2). The first series of $x^2-tests$ were calculated using the hooking rates of two subclasses with other factors pooled (Table 3). The second series of $x^2-tests$ were calculated to obtain the interactions between two subclasses when other factors differed (Table 4). Attention was paid to the extremely small interactions as well as to the large interactions in order to find out whether a factor functions in the same way or in a contradictory way when the other factors involved differ. The test result is summarized in Table 5. The relationship between the hook casting time (relative to the sunrise time) and the hooking rates reveals the feeding behavior of particular species (fig. 3) A high hooking rate for yellowfin tuna shown in the period from one hour before sunrise to the moment of sunrise suggests that they feed actively in that period. Their poor hooking rate on earlier casted hooks suggests that they do not feed well under conditions of darkness and that they feed best while the hooks are sinking. Furthermore it is likely that yellowfin tuna maintain a shallow depth in the daytime, for the $x^2$ interaction between the line casting order BA and AB shows their persistant preferance of the long line A regardless of line casting order. Bigeye tuna show their feeding behavior under conditions of darkness, and show a preference for the sea's deeper layer. Alepisaurus borealis (Gill) show their feeding behavior under conditions of darkness more significantly than the bigeye tuna and their preferance for deep layers is also more significant. Marlins (mainly Makaria mazara) show a feeding behavior which is similar to the yellowfin tuna. The author emphasizes that certain variations of the hooking rates in relation to the line easting time were caused by an inadequate fishing depth as well as by the fish preference for a particular feeding time. When the part of the line casted in pre-dawn hours and hauled in the pre-sunset hours show a significantly lower hooking rate than other parts of the line, then it is concluded that tile hooks settled in a sea layer too deep for feeding.

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Home Range and Daily Activity of Nutria(Myocastorcoypus) Using Radio Tracking in South Korea (원격무선추적을 이용한 한국 정착 뉴트리아(Myocastor coypus)의 행동권 및 활동성 연구)

  • Kim, Areum;Kim, Young-Chae;Lee, Do-Hun
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.182-197
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    • 2020
  • This study investigated the home range and characteristics of activities to contribute to the improvement of management techniques and the successful promotion of management policies of invasive nutria, which is a representative invasive species of South Korea. Six individuals were captivated for the study. Remote radio tracking on three of them was carried out followed by the analysis of the results. The average home range of the follow-up individuals were confirmed to be 0.043 ㎢ at MCP 95%, 0.085 ㎢ at K 95%. It was 0.018 ㎢ at K 50%, which is the core space. In 95% MCP, males exhibited the home range with 0.058 ㎢, showed wider home range 0.046 ㎢ than females who showed 0.012 ㎢, and showed a wider home range 0.015 ㎢ more at night than during the day. As a result of comparing the results of this study with the case studies of overseas studies, it is determined that the magnitude of the derived home range is the result of a stable habitat in which the procurement of food resources is smooth and human interference is limited. The daily moved distance of males was larger than that of females, with a maximum moved distance of 1,278 m per day. Activity at the study site is high from around sunset to around 6 A.M., 10 P.M., 7 P.M., 1 A.M., and 5 A.M., and high around sunrise and low during the daytime such as 2 P.M., which reflected the propensity of nocturnal animals to act. The results of this study on the home range and activity in nutria can be used as useful data forimproving the management of invasive alien species for the installation and operation of traps, the spatial setting of controlled areas, and the calculation of the amount ofresources together with a basic understanding of nutria's behaviors in South Korea.

A Study on the Diel Distribution and Activity Patterns of Fishes in the Korean Eastern Sea (한국 동해 어족생물의 일주기적 유영행동특성에 관한 연구)

  • 이대재;김성기
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.85-94
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    • 2001
  • The vertical distribution and activity patterns of fishes during the evening and morning transitions were investigated acoustically and by pelagic trawling on October 2-10, 1997 in the Korean Eastern Sea. The acoustic data were collected from four stations with a scientific echo sounder operating at a frequency of 38 kHz, and the echogram was used to analyze the diel vertical migration of fish. Biological sampling was accomplished by pelagic trawling to identify fish species recorded on the echograms, and the species and length compositions were investigated. Vertical profiles of water temperature, salinity at the trawl station were taken with a CTD system and were related to the diel movement and the depth distribution of fish. During the day, one group of fish mainly distributed above the depth layer of 50 m, the other group was at deeper water, approximately 250 m, but began to migrate toward the surface before sunset with a time difference. During the night, they were dispersed between the surface and the depth of 125 m. Just prior to sunrise, the scattering layer was divided with 2 groups and began to migrate downwards, respectively. Several trials of pelagic trawling for scattering layers suggest that the most dominant scatterer in the survey area of this study was Japanese flying squid, Todarodes pacificus..

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Tar Colors in Foods Distributed throughout the Gyeong-In Region;Monitoring Favorite Food Items of Children Near Elementary Schools (경인지역 유통식품 중 타르색소 실태 조사;학교주변 어린이 기호 식품을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Hee-Yun;Nam, Hye-Seon;Jung, Yong-Hyun;Lee, Jin-Ha;Ha, Sang-Chul
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.243-250
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    • 2008
  • In Korean, nine tar colors are permitted in foods. This study assessed these compounds in the favorite food items of children found near elementary schools. A total of 439 items categorized under six food types were included in the analysis. The most frequently detected tar colors were tartrazine (Y4), Brilliant Blue FCF (Y5), Allura Red, and Sunset Yellow FCF, respectively. One or a mixture of two tar colors were commonly found in products such as gums, ice bars, soft drinks, and cereals. However, most often, combinations of two or three tar colors were detected. The levels of tar colors in candies, chocolates, gums, ice bars, cereals, and soft drinks were 0.11-1169.58 mg/kg, 0.73-468.02 mg/kg, 0.10-602.46 mg/kg, 0.25-162.32 mg/kg, 0.11-753.68 mg/kg, and 0.21-69.45 mg/kg, respectively. Tar color levels were higher in chocolates and gums than in soft drinks and ice bars. And Y4 and Y5 were detected at the highest levels. For ages 7-12, the total estimated daily intake (${\sum}EDI$) of each tar color ranged from 0.004 to 1.017 mg/day/person. These values were 0.02-5.98% of the FAO/WHO's acceptable daily intake (ADI).

Effect of Salinity-stratified Waters on Upward Migration and Ratio of Extracted DNA/RNA in Cochlodinium polykrikoides Margalef Based on the Ratio of Absorbance at 260 and 280nm (염분 구배가 Cochlodinium polykrikoides Margalef의 수직이동 및 DNA/RNA 비율에 미치는 영향)

  • Cho Eun Seob;Lee Young Sik
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.15 no.3 s.70
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    • pp.468-473
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    • 2005
  • The coastal regions of Yeosu, the South Sea of Korea, has occurred annually the red tide which is caused by potentially ichthyotoxic dinoflagellate C. polykrikoides, with a wide avenue for exchange with oceanic waters and freshwater runoff from Sumjin river. We attempted to examine the variability in response to vertical migration and concentration of extracted DNA/RNA of C. polykrikoides exposed to salinity-stratified waters. The experimental aquarium of the 60 liter was employed to culture C. polykrikoides. One aquarium was supplied with only sea water, the other was consisted of sea water and freshwater. Experiment was conducted for 5 days. In experimental column (mixture of freshwater and sea water), salinity was maintained to 20 at upper and approximately 30 at bottom during the period of this study. The fluctuation with related to dissolved oxygen and pH was similar pattern to both columns. Chlorophyll a was significantly higher value at upper than bottom. During 24h, chlorphyll a on experimental column was extremely high on the top as soon as lighting, compared with control. With elapsed time, the gap between experimental and control columns was a little. In darkness, chlorophyll a was not significantly different between upper and bottom, most cells appeared to randomly distribute on column regardless of water layer. Fluctuation with related to concentration of extracted DNA and RNA based on ratio of absorbance of 260 and 280 nm in experimental column was higher at final day or diel migration than control. These results implied that a large volume of freshwater could be associated with influence of concentration of DNA and RNA, in particular, rapid upward movement caused massive fish kills as soon as sunset.

Improving Usage of the Korea Meteorological Administration's Digital Forecasts in Agriculture: Correction Method for Daytime Hourly Air Temperature over Complex Terrain (기상청 동네예보의 영농활용도 증진을 위한 방안: 복잡지형의 낮 기온 상세화 기법)

  • Yun, Eun-jeong;Kim, Soo-ock
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.221-228
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    • 2019
  • The effects of wind speed on the temperature change during day time could be insignificant in a region with a complex terrain. The objective of this study was to derive empirical relationship between solar radiation and hourly temperature under a windy condition for the period from sunrise to sunset in order to improve hourly air temperature at a site-specific scale. The deviation of the temperature measurements was analyzed along with the changes of the hourly sunlight at weather observation sites located on the east and west slopes under given wind speed. An empirical model where wind speed use used as an independent variable was obtained to quantify the solar effects on the temperature change (MJ/㎡). This model was verified estimating the hourly temperature during the daytime (0600-1900 h) at 25 weather observation sites located in the study area that has complex topography for the period from January to December 2018. The mean error (ME) and root mean square error (RMSE)of the estimated and measured values ranged from -0.98 to 0.67 ℃, and from 0.95 to 2.04 ℃, respectively. The daytime temperature at 1500 h were estimated using new and previous models. It was found that to the model proposed in the present study reduced the measurement errors of the hourly temperature in the afternoon in comparison with the previous model. For example, the ME and RMSE of the previous model were (ME -0.91 ℃ and 1.47 ℃, respectively. In contrast, the values of ME and RMSE were -0.45 ℃ and 1.22 ℃ for the new model, respectively. Our results suggested that the reliability of hourly temperature estimates at a specific site could be improved taking into account the effect of wind as well as solar radiation.