• Title/Summary/Keyword: Summer host

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The Colonizing Routes of Aphis gossypii (Hemiptera: Aphididae) to Mandarine Citrus Trees Grown in a Non-heating Plastic-film House During the Early Season (무가온 시설재배 감귤에서 계절초기 목화진딧물 개체군의 정착경로에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Tae Ok;Kwon, Soon Hwa;Park, Jeong Hoon;Oh, Sung Oh;Hyun, Seung Young;Kim, Doog-Soon
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.54 no.3
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    • pp.247-255
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    • 2015
  • The cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii Glover (Hemiptera: Aphididae) infests citrus orchards, causing sooty mold damage to the fruits. This study was conducted to investigate the colonizing route of A. gossypii in citrus orchards in a non-heating plastic-film house during the early season. The overwintering eggs of the aphids are frequently found on summer shoots of the citrus trees. The eggs were mostly those of Aphis citricola, without any A. gossypii when hatched. The colonization of citrus trees by alate A. gossypii in non-heating plastic-film houses was mainly observed twice, with advanced flight in late April and delayed flight in late May. The delayed flight was synchronized with the timing of the emergence of alate A. gossypii from the fundatrix generation in the holocyclic life cycle. During advanced flight in closed citrus orchards, alate A. gossypii were caught in yellow water traps installed in the fields, and the populations were found to originate from the surviving populations of the anholocyclic life cycle. Consequently, we concluded that citrus tree colonization with A. gossypii occurred during the advanced flight of the anholocyclic and the delayed flight of the holocyclic life cycle.

Host range and Bionomics of the Rhombic Marked Leafhopper, Hishimonus sellatus Uhler(Homoptera: Cicadelliae) as a Vector of the Jujube Witches-Broom Mycoplasma (대추나무빗자루병 매개충 "마름무늬매미충(Hishimonus sellatus Uhler)"의 기주범위 및 생태에 관한 연구)

  • 김규진;김미숙
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.338-347
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    • 1993
  • The study was to investigate the bionomics, host plants, and oviposition preference of Hishimonus sellatus Uhler. It has 5 generations under natural conditions and the peak of the 3rd generation was observed about mid and late August. Its average developmental durations were 80 days in spring, 69 days in summer, and 77.8 days in autumn. The lengths of each stage were 0.8mm in eggs, 0.9mm in 1st instar, 1.4mm in 2nd instar, 2.1mm in 3rd instar, 2.5mm in 4th instar, 3.2mm in 5th instar, 4.1mm in female, and 3.8mm in male. Hishimonus sellatus overwintered as egg in Morus alba, Humulus japonicus, and Zizyphus jujuba begining mid October, and attacked the shoot of M. alba and H. japonicus about mid and late May, migrated to the Zizyphus jujuba from late June to early July. Female oviposites 32~62 eggs into epidermis of shoot, vagina and vein during their life. The preferred host plants of H. sellatus were Humulus japonicus, Morus alba, Zizyphus jujuba, and ligustrum obtusifolium. Highly preferable oviposition site was H. japonicus, M. albal, Z. jujuba, and L. obtusifolium, etc. On audlt longevity, the host plants as H. japonicus, M. alba, and Z. jujuba were 43$\pm$2 days and A. brevipedenculata, C. mimosoides, L. obtusifolium, V. rosa, A. sinicus and, A. graveolens were more than 25 days, and other host plants were less than 20 days.

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Environmental analysis and strategy to jointly host the 2027 Chungcheong Summer World University Games (2027 충청 하계세계대학경기대회 공동유치를 위한 환경분석 및 전략)

  • Lee, Jong-Hyun;Kim, Hwa-Ryong;Jeon, Sang-Wan
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.333-346
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    • 2022
  • This study proposes a strategy to attract visitors by analyzing the justification for hosting the 2027 Summer World University Games in Chungcheong, Korea, as well as by assessing the internal and external factors to promote regional development. Using Environmental Analysis as the diagnostic approach, we focus on strength/opportunity (SO), strength/threat (ST), weakness/opportunity (WO), and weakness/threat (WT) analyses. SO analysis show that a matching strategy of mid- to long-term cooperation among the four cities and provinces in Chungcheong and development of local sports by promoting its linkages to science, and industry offer best strategic use-value. ST analysis shows that optimal infrastructure development and establishment of competition management strategies in preparation for non-face-to-face engagement make balanced regional development possible. WO analysis shows the need for rearrangement and renovation of outdated sports facilities, development of programs linked to convergence sports tourism products, efficient and strategic attraction activities, and promoting sustainable development of bed town cities. WT analysis suggests that the imbalance in regional development due to expansion of sports facilities, insufficient cultural contents in tourism, and tourism demand fluctuation are potential problems. Follow-up studies can focus on deeper analysis of the possibility and attractiveness of hosting the Summer World University Games in Chungcheong, Korea using qualitative methods such as focus group interviews and in-depth interviews with stakeholders and local residents.

Seasonality and the microhabitat of Microcotyle sebastis Goto, 1894, a monogenean gill parasite of farmed rockfish, Sebastes schlegeli Hilgendorf, 1889 (조피볼락의 아가미에 기생하는 단생흡충 Microcotyle sebastis Goto, 1894의 계절별 감염 및 기생 특성)

  • 윤길하;엔드류쉰;크리스티나좀머빌;조재윤
    • Journal of Aquaculture
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.387-394
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    • 1997
  • A total of 353 farmed rockfish, Sebastes schlegli Hilgendorf, 1880 were sampled from 3 localities on Korean coastline over a 12 month period. Full parasitological examination revealed the polypisthocotylean monogenean Micorcotyle sebastis Goto, 1894 to be abundant with infections consistently reaching over 90~100% prevalence throughout the year. A seasonal pattern in parasite abundance on the gills is evident, with the population peaking twice, the largest in winter and again in summer. While the parasitic load on the left and right gills was not dissimilar, parasites within the gill sets were found to favour settlement of the II and III gill arches. A comparison of parasite abundance with host length, revealed that the smaller length fish classes (<17cm standard body length) had significantly heavier infections than those of larger fish (>17 cm standard body length). This report represents the fist record of Microcotyle sebastis on farmed rockfish in Korean coastal waters.

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The Ecology of Lymnaea viridis, the Freshwater Snail, in the Field (민물에 서식하는 애기물달팽이의 야외생태)

  • 김상기;이정길
    • The Korean Journal of Malacology
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.21-28
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    • 1992
  • Field investigations were made in 1991 and 1992 in Kwangju and the western and central Chonnam area to determine the distribution of Lymnaea viridis, the intermediate host of Fasciola hepatica, and to study their life history during the different seasons. It had a wide distribution, existing all over the places, and the principal habitats of the snail were rice paddies. The life cycle was determined by making frequent visits to a series of habitats. The snsils began to produce egg masses in April, and egg production was the highest in May and June. Egg laying was continued but decreased in summer. There was sudden decrease in egg production in October when the temperature was below 2$0^{\circ}C$. The number of snails in July. Under the unfavourble conditions the snail either crawle up on the snail to aestivation. At low temperature below 8$^{\circ}C$ the snails hibernated inthe mud of the habitat. It was found in some habitats thao the snails were loving together with L. auricularia and Physa s pp. which indicates the neccessity of differentiation among them.

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Flying Aphid Population at the Horticultural Experiment Station, Suweon (원예시험장 주변의 진딧물)

  • Paik Woon Hah;Song Ki Won;Choi Seong Sik
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.13 no.1 s.18
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    • pp.25-31
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    • 1974
  • This survey was aimed to accumulate basic data of aphid population at the Horticultural Experiment Station at Suweon. The yellow pan traps were setted at five locations (Fig.1.), and ran from May 1 to October 31. 1970. About one hundred and twenty species of aphids were trapped, including 24 species of plant vims vectors. Of these, dominant species were as follows: (Asterisk shows virus vector) Aphid species No. of catches * Aphis spiraecola PATCH 2,635, * Aphis craccivora KOCH 2,377, * Myzus persicae SULXER 2,111, Capitophorus hippophaes javanicus H.R. LAMBERS 2,051, Anoecia fulviabdominalis SASAKI 1,480, * Aphis gossypii GLOVER 867, * Macrosiphum avenae FABRICIUS 859, Cervaphis quercus TAKAHASHI 692, * Lipaphis erysimi KALTENBACH 645, Pleotrichophorus chrysanthemi THEOBALD 489, The above 10 species consisted $76.5\%$ of total catches and the 24 vector species consisted $55.5\%$. The curve of the seasonal occurrence of flying aphids at Horticultural Experiment Station shows bimodal, typical for the temperate region. The total number of trapped aphids at the Station from May to September, 1970, were less than that of average yearly catches at the College of Agriculture from 1967 to 1970. Thi, low numbers at Horticultural Experiment Station may attribute to the frequent spraying of insecticides from Spring to Summer on growing crops there. But the aphids population increase suddenly in the middle of October. This might be resulted from cease of insecticide applications and migration of aphids from summer host to winter host plants.

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Apodemus agrarius as a new definitive host for Neodiplostomum seoulense

  • Chai, Jong-Yil;Park, Jae-Hwan;Guk, Sang-Mee;Kim, Jae-Lip;Kim, Hyo-Jin;Kim, Won-Hee;Shin, Eun-Hee;Klein, Terry A.;Kim, Heung-Chul;Chong, Sung-Tae;Song, Jin-Won;Baek, Luck-Ju
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.45 no.2 s.142
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    • pp.157-161
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    • 2007
  • A total of 1,496 rodents and insectivores were live-trapped at Yeoncheon-gun (n = 351), Paju-shi (804), and Pocheon-gun (343), Gyeonggi-do (Province), and examined for intestinal helminths, including Neodiplostomum seoulense, seasonally from December 2004 to September 2005. Six species of rodents, including Apodemus agrarius (1,366), Mus musculus (32), Micronytus fortis (28), Eothenomys regulus (9), Micronys minutus (6), and Cricetulus triton (3), and 1 species of insectivores Crocidura lasiura (54) were collected. A total of 321 adult N. seoulense were collected from 19 (1.4%) A. agrarius. The worm burden ranged from 1 to 101 per A. agrarius (mean; 16.9). No N. seoulense was observed in other rodent or insectivore species examined. The infection rate during autumn (4.5%) was higher than those during spring (0.8%), summer (0.8%), and winter (0.5%). The average number of N. seoulense in infected A. agrarius was the highest in spring (66.0 specimens), followed by autumn (15.2), winter (4.5), and summer (3.3). This study first confirms that A. agrarius is a natural definitive host for N. seoulense, and demonstrates that the infection rates and intensities vary seasonally and geographically.

A Study on the Promotion Plan of the 2032 South-North Korea Joint Olympics (2032 남북공동올림픽 추진방안 연구)

  • Lee, Dong-Hee;Kim, Heung-Tae
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.14 no.8
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    • pp.353-379
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    • 2020
  • The 2032 South-North Joint Olympics is an agreement between the two Koreas. Through this, various efforts are needed to improve new inter-Korean relations and co-prosperity on the Korean Peninsula. The purpose of this study is to proceed with the 203 South-North Joint Olympics. This study was developed by literature reserch methods. The result of this study are as follows. First, Seoul-Pyongyang soccer exchange game will be promoted. Second, the International Peace Cup a relay race(Marathon) will be held. Third, Korea Peace Cup International Table Tennis Championships will be held. Fourth, I propose holding the Korea Sports Science Forum. Fifth, about 16-17 events are propose for North Korea to host the 2032 South-North Joint Olympics. Sixth, the decision to host the 2032 Summer Olympics is expected in 2022 or 2023. Seventh, it is necessary to promote the Inter-Korean Social Association cultural Exchange and Cooperation Committee or the Special Committee for the Promotion of the Inter-Korea Sports Exchange and Cooperation. Eighth, it is necessary to implement a five-year plan to promote Inter-Korea sports Exchange Cooperation or a five-year plan for Inter-Korea sports Exchange and Cooperation. Ninth, the North Korea player registration system will be promote to the South Korean K-1 League. Ten, suggest sports exchange and cooperation ahead of time. Eleventh, train experts on North Korean sports or exchange and cooperation. Finally, the South-North Korea sports exchange Agreement will be promoted. It also promotes the Inter-Korea sports Exchange and Cooperation Support Act.

Epiphytic Algae Growing on Sargassum thunbergii in Southern and Western Coasts of Korea (한국의 남해안과 서해안에 생육하는 지충이(Sargassum thunbergii)의 착생 해조류의 종조성)

  • 김영식;최한길
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.173-177
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    • 2004
  • The number and abundance of epiphytic algae growing on Sargassum thunbergii and their functional forms were examined. Thalli of S. thunbenii were collected on the nine islands of southern coast and at Gyeokpo on the western coast of Korea in summer 2001. A total of 25 species, 6 green (24%), 2 brown (8%), 17 red algae (68%) were identified in the present study. Caulacanthus okamurae, Ulva pertusa, Sphacelaria furcigera were found on the thalli of S. thunbegii that collected at the all regions. Caulacanthus okamurae, Champia bifida and Laurencia venusta grew on the lower parts of S. thunbergii thalli whereas, Polysiphonia spp. attached to the apical parts of the plants. Four functional forms, such as sheet-form (8%), filamentous-form (52%), coarsely branched-form (32%) and articulated-calcareous algal form (8%) were distinguished. The epiphytic algae on the thalli of S. thunbergii are mainly annual opportunistic algae, filamentous-form algae and smaller red algae. Also, most epiphytic seaweeds of S. thunbergii produce and release spores before pseudoperennial host plants are necrotic in late autumn.

Molecular detection of Kudoa septempunctata (Myxozoa: Multivalvulida) in sea water and marine invertebrates

  • Paari, Alagesan;Jeon, Chan-Hyeok;Choi, Hye-Sung;Jung, Sung-Hee;Kim, Jeong-Ho
    • Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.20 no.8
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    • pp.16.1-16.8
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    • 2017
  • The exportation of cultured olive flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) in Korea has been recently decreasing due to the infections with a myxozoan parasite Kudoa septempunctata, and there is a strong demand for strict food safety management because the food poisoning associated with consumption of raw olive flounder harbouring K. septempunctata has been frequently reported in Japan. The life cycle and infection dynamics of K. septempunctata in aquatic environment are currently unknown, which hamper establishment of effective control methods. We investigated sea water and marine invertebrates collected from olive flounder farms for detecting K. septempunctata by DNA-based analysis, to elucidate infection dynamics of K. septempunctata in aquaculture farms. In addition, live marine polychaetes were collected and maintained in well plates to find any possible actinosporean state of K. septempunctata. The level of K. septempunctata DNA in rearing water fluctuated during the sampling period but the DNA was not detected in summer (June-July in farm A and August in farm B). K. septempunctata DNA was also detected in the polychaetes Naineris laevigata intestinal samples, showing decreased pattern of 40 to 0%. No actinosporean stage of K. septempunctata was observed in the polychaetes by microscopy. The absence of K. septempunctata DNA in rearing water of fish farm and the polychaetes N. laevigata intestinal samples during late spring and early summer indicate that the infection may not occur during this period. N. laevigata was suspected as the possible alternate invertebrate host of K. septempunctata, but the actinosporean stage was not found by well plate method and further studies will be necessary. This research provides important baseline information for understanding the infection dynamics of K. septempunctata in olive flounder farms and further establishment of control strategies.