• Title/Summary/Keyword: Subjectivity study

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A Study on Type of Clinical Experience of Adaptation of New Nursing Staffs in a General Hospital (일 종합병원 신규간호사의 실무적응 경험 유형)

  • Kim, Yun-Jeong
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.443-454
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    • 2014
  • This study designed to know subjective structure about clinical experience of adaptation of new nursing staffs in a general hospital and using Q-methodology. Using Q-methodology, 40 new nursing staffs sorted working a general hospital through personal interview. The statement positions on the sorting continuum were scored from +4(representing the highest level of agreement) through 0(at the neutral position on the continuum) through to -4(representing the highest level of disagreement). Factor analysis of the data was undertaken using PC QUANL program to determine if any patterns were discernible. The five types extracted all had eigenvalues greater than 1.0 and explained 62.38% of the variation in responses.: (1) New workload type, (2) Interest and responsibility type, (3) Improve the situation type, (4) Lack of knowledge and technology type, and (5) Excessive workload type. The significant differences found in the subjective structure of clinical experience of adaptation of new nursing staffs in ad general hospital. The findings of this study could contribute to the development of an effective programmes of education and personnel clinical practice strategies.

A Factor Analysis on the Degree of Importance of Professional Nursing for Advancing Nursing Image (간호이미지 개선을 위한 간호전문직의 중요도에 대한 일반인의 인식유형)

  • Oh Mi Jung
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.80-99
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    • 2000
  • This study was designed to find the characteristics and patterns in subjectivity of an attitude on the degree of importance of professional nursing for advancing nursing image. Q-methodology was used as a research design and the research procedures were as follows. Q-sampling has been derived from the literature review and interview. Its credibility and validity were also tested by nursing professors. Total of 34 statements were selected. P-sampling has been drawn and 32 samples were selected. Based on 9 point scale. the selected respondents rated their operant definition on the degree of importance of professional nursing for advancing nursing image. The results of above procedures were analyzed by PCQ program. The attitude about the degree of importance of professional nursing for advancing nursing image were analyzed based on the typical array. extreme comments. and the demographic information of study subjects. The results revealed that there were four types of attitude about the degree of importance of professional nursing for advancing nursing image. The four types were named as follows; 1) The first type. agree of problem-solving perspectives. was consisted of 8 subjects. They emphasized that the nurse should solve a patient's problem promptly and precisely for advancing nursing image. 2) The second type. agree of kindness perspectives. was consisted of 5 subjects. They insisted that the nurse should be kind to patient and his family for advancing nursing image. 3) The third type. agree of love and service perspectives. was consisted of 4 subjects. They emphasized nursing spirit based on love and service for advancing nursing image. 4) The fourth type. agree of professional knowledge perspectives. was consisted of 6 subjects. They emphasized that the nurse should construct of professional nursing knowledge for advancing nursing image. As a result. this study discovered three types of the degree of importance of professional nursing for advancing nursing image. By identifying the nature of each of four types. this study can be useful to develop efficient strategies for advancing nursing image.

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Study on Perception of Olympism by Korea Adult (한국 성인의 올림피즘에 관한 인식연구)

  • Seol, Su-Hwang;Yeo, In-Sung;Ahn, Byoung-Wook
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.324-334
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze Olympism. For analysis, a Q methodology was applied, which is useful for identifying individual's subjectivity structure. The research question raised in this study included what is Olympism. For this study, a Q-sample, which made 34 statements exploring the Olympism attitude and value system, was used. In addition, a P-sample was composed of 35 statements. Seventeen people with non-physical education involvement and 18 athletic players were selected. Olympism was categorized into five types: 'traditional values', 'meaningful to participate', 'contend for victory', 'fair play', and 'sense of ethics'.

Analysis on Habit of Dietary Life for Effective Health-promotion (식생활 유형 분석을 통한 효율적인 건강증진 방안 연구)

  • Lee, Jei-Young;Jang, Dai-Ja
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.20 no.8
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    • pp.327-337
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    • 2020
  • This work was researched by practical methodology in-depth study of a subjectivity dimension study, in sloughing away a past habituation of functional quantity analysis on perception-effectivity and a habit of dietary life for effective health-promotion. The perception patterns be generated from this study were classified into three types in Q-method. They are as follows ; it is that divided into 'I[(n=9) : eating type in morning], II[(n=11) : type of no having a midnight meal], III[(n=9) : type of mealing after taking exercise]'. Like this, it found that is very different type all over. Finally, this paper is to examine an acceptance behavior about reception type on effectiveness and a habit of dietary life for effective health-promotion ; to make a proposal in a developmental and creative opinion about it.

A Study on Space Practice Based on the Discussion about Social Space (사회적 공간 담론에 기초한 공간실천 연구)

  • Song, Young-Min
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.62-69
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to research the viewpoint of space practice method through the discussion about social space. The study researched how social practice strategy is unfolded through the understanding about daily life, space manufacture and interaction. As a social practice, space design should adopt the interaction approach method on the basis of social relationship latent in the base of space. As a result of study, the viewpoint of space practice can be summarized into 3 viewpoints as below. First, it is the viewpoint of recognition through the experience meeting daily life. Rural space is the one of experience where daily life and social relationship interact each other. As a delicate sensible experience, it is the recognition of special space detected in the space where daily life occurs. Second, it is the viewpoint of form creation as a media product of society and space. Space is a whole creature of the relationship that has been formed socially as a historical process. Depending on the goal of community, new form is created by sharing the characteristic of space and having sense of kinship. Third, it is the viewpoint of tuning as a practice for subject participation. Rural space is the daily space to practice structured society subjectively through interaction. In the place of subjective life, there should a space practice with the tuning and cooperation method between subject and society. The main vein of space practice, which is analyzed with the discussion about social space, shows that out lives are maintained by space practice and directly connected to social relationship and structure. After all, the space, which is searched for through space design, has a clear subjectivity, ensures abundant subject life and is led to realization of community value.

A Study on Culinary Staffs' Subjective Perception of Star Chefs' Appearance in Cooking Broadcast (스타셰프의 쿡방 출연에 대한 조리사의 주관적 인식에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Chan-Woo;Jung, In-Yeong
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.12
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    • pp.236-246
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    • 2017
  • As a research on culinary staffs' subjective perception of star chefs' appearance in cooking broadcast, this study analyzed the subjective tendency targeting culinary staffs in hotels & restaurants by applying Q methodology. Three research questions of this study were set up like below. First, what are the culinary staffs' acceptance types of subjective perception of star chefs' appearance in cooking broadcast? Second, what are the characteristics of homogeneous type of culinary staffs' subjective perception of star chefs' appearance in cooking broadcast? Third, what are the things in common and differences of culinary staffs' each subjective perception type of star chefs' appearance in cooking broadcast? In the results of typological analysis based on such research questions, total four types were drawn such as Acquiring expertise through cooking broadcast type(Type1, N=8), New broadcast genre recognition type(Type2, N=10), The profession of the chef reality recognition type(Type3, N=2), and Profession image of chef synergy type(Type4, N=2). Each type showed its own distinctive characteristics.

Characteristics of Narrative Conflict Mediation in Interpersonal Conflict Situations (대인 갈등 조정의 서사적 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, In-Yung
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.51
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    • pp.87-116
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study includes (1) to analyze the mediation process in which conflict mediation involves alternative stories through the mediation process after the characteristics of personal conflicts are analyzed (2) and to classify characteristics of the narrative of conflict mediation. This study attempts to examine mediation roles in the process mainly focusing on communication skills to which professional conflict mediators can apply. Based on this study, the usefulness of descriptive conflict mediation of social constructivism's perspective, one of the post-modern theories, was observed. The narrative mediation as a system that connects problems to conflicts with conversation and creates and develops the meanings of conflicts and problems in collaboration attempts to pursue new changes on the assumption of the subjectivity of human beings and the characteristic of the conflicts. Such a point supports the argument that conflicts should be approached from the communication perspective. Especially, it is expected that the fact that a variety of communication skills have great influence on conflict mediation becomes a key source to establishing communication study as one of mediation fields in conflicts.

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An Analysis of Factor Attitude on the Induced Abortion before Marriage in Women (미혼여성의 인공유산에 대한 대학생의 인식 및 태도유형)

  • Oh Mi-Jung
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.293-312
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    • 1998
  • This study was designed to find the characteristics and patterns in subjectivity of an attitude on the induced abortion before marriage in women for a university student. Q-methodology was used as a research design and the research procedures were as follows. Q-sampling has been derived from the literature review and interview. Its credibility and validity were also tested by nursing and methodology professors. Total of 34 statements were selected. P-sampling has been drawn and 49 samples were selected. Based on 9 point scale, the slected respondents rated their operant definition on the induced abortion before marriage in women. The results of above procedures were analyzed by PCQ program. The attitude about the induced abortion before marriage in women were analyzed based on the typal array, extreme comments, and the demographic information of study subjects. The results revealed that there were three types of attitude about the induced abortion before marriage in women. The three types were named as follows ; 1) The first type, agree of conservative perspectives, was consisted of 15 subjects. They emphasized the sanctity of human life and the right of life that will never allow the killing fetus and prevention of induced abortion. 2) The second type, agree of liberal perspectives, was consisted of 10 subjects. They insisted the right to choice for women to control their body, so women have appropriate reason, they could choice induced abortion. 3) The third type, agree of compromise perspectives, was consisted of 7 subjects. They emphasized prevention of induced abortion but allowed under social permission. As a result, this study discovered three types of the attitude about the induced abortion before marriage in women. By identifying the nature of each of these types, this study can be useful to develop efficient strategies for preventing induced abortion.

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The Study on the Convergence Perception of College Students for the Physical Education. (체육교육에 대한 대학생들의 융합적 인식 연구)

  • Yu, Young-Seol
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.9 no.7
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    • pp.125-133
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to explore college students' subjective perception on physical education using Q-methodology. Thirty college students participated in this study. This study found four types of college students' perception for physical education. Type I is named 'the type of Emphasizing Expertise.' The subjects of type I emphasize the importance of practicing professional motor skills and basic physical education knowledge in physical education classes. Type II is named 'the type of Emphasizing Instructional Strategy.' The subjects of type II emphasize the importance of developing effective teaching methods for students to participate actively. Type III is named 'the type of Making Physical Education Mandatory.' The subjects of type III emphasize the needing to make physical education and to increase physical education classes in school. Type IV is named 'the type of Emphasizing Sports for All.' The subjects of type IV emphasize to improve students' fitness and social-skill and connect between physical education and sports for all. These findings will contribute to plan the effective school curriculum.

Analysis of Resident-oriented Management Process & It's Participants Subjectivities in Maha Ecotourism, Pyeongchang-gun (평창 마하생태관광지의 주민 주도 운영 과정과 참여자의 태도에 관한 주관성 분석)

  • Lee, Jae-Hyuck;Son, Yong-Hoon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.63-75
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    • 2015
  • In analyzing the issues of ecotourism, collecting opinions of local residents and participants is an essential process because ecotourism needs to keep ecological sensitivity and respect local residents' ecological lives. Thus, the objective of this study is to analyze the local participants' attitude in resident-oriented ecotourism. Maha ecotourism site, as a study site, is located in Pyeongchang-gun, one of the twelve ecotourism sites designated by the Ministry of Environment. This site has drawn attention since the local government of Pyeongchang-gun transferred its management right on Maha ecotourism sit to the organization of local residents in 2013. This study uses Q methodology which is the most popular research method in analyzing people's subjectivity, that is, viewpoint and attitude. This study have found that there are four features in the subjectivities of participants toward ecotourism site: first group is the people who want more autonomous management right of local residents on Maha ecotourism site. Second group is the people who only want to stand by the ecotourism management. Third group is the people who focus on the migration of talented persons into their neighborhood owing to the program. Lastly, fourth group is the people who focus on the quality of the ecotourism program. In case of the second group, though they have negative opinions of the program, they have much interest in successful cases in other countries managed similar programs with Maha ecotourism. It would be effective for the group to have opportunities to experience successful ecotourism cases in other countries. On top of it, having seminars regarding ecotourism or holding community councils frequently would be very helpful for encouraging the second group of people to join in the ecotourism program actively like other groups of people. Supplying more manpower and developing various programs are also necessary in order to support other three groups.