• Title/Summary/Keyword: Subjective Rating

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The Study for Utilizing Data of Cut-Slope Management System by Using Logistic Regression (로지스틱 회귀분석을 이용한 도로비탈면관리시스템 데이터 활용 검토 연구)

  • Woo, Yonghoon;Kim, Seung-Hyun;Yang, Inchul;Lee, Se-Hyeok
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.649-661
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    • 2020
  • Cut-slope management system (CSMS) has been investigated all slopes on the road of the whole country to evaluate risk rating of each slope. Based on this evaluation, the decision-making for maintenance can be conducted, and this procedure will be helpful to establish a consistent and efficient policy of safe road. CSMS has updated the database of all slopes annually, and this database is constructed based on a basic and detailed investigation. In the database, there are two type of data: first one is an objective data such as slopes' location, height, width, length, and information about underground and bedrock, etc; second one is subjective data, which is decided by experts based on those objective data, e.g., degree of emergency and risk, maintenance solution, etc. The purpose of this study is identifying an data application plan to utilize those CSMS data. For this purpose, logistic regression, which is a basic machine-learning method to construct a prediction model, is performed to predict a judging-type variable (i.e., subjective data) based on objective data. The constructed logistic model shows the accurate prediction, and this model can be used to judge a priority of slopes for detailed investigation. Also, it is anticipated that the prediction model can filter unusual data by comparing with a prediction value.

A Case of Atopic Dermatitis Accompanying Seborrheic Capitis and Nummular Eczema (두피 지루피부염과 화폐상 습진을 동반한 아토피피부염 환자 치험 1례)

  • Song, Ji-Hoon;Jung, Min-Yeong;Kim, Jong-Han;Choi, Jung-Hwa;Park, Soo-Yeon
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology and Dermatology
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.91-104
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    • 2022
  • Objectives : The objective of this study is to report a case of a male atopic dermatitis patient accompanying seborrheic capitis and nummular eczema improved by Korean medicine therapy and lifestyle modification. Methods : A male patient was hospitalized for eczematous lesions in the head, face, and both hands which relapsed on March 2021. For 15 days, he took Korean medicine therapy including acupuncture, Bangpungtongseongsan-gagam, pharmacopuncture, and wet dressing with Hwangryunhaedok-tang. Simultaneously, lifestyle correction also conducted during administration. On the other hand, corticosteroid and antihistamine were prescribed from internal medicine of our hospital for the first 10 days because of severe skin lesions. As an outpatient, he was continuously treated by the same Korean medicine therapy except herbal decoction weekly for about 7 months after discharge. To assess symptoms, scoring atopic dermatitis(SCORAD) index, taking photos, and numerical rating scale(NRS) were used. Results : After 15 days of hospitalization, the SCORAD index decreased to 30.0, which was about a half of the initial SCORAD index(61.2). NRS score also dropped from 6 to 3. Despite stopping western medicine administration, skin lesions and subjective symptoms of the patient were steadily improved without aggravation. For 7 months of continued outpatient treatment, atopic dermatitis were steadily ameliorated despite temporary aggravation and improvement of symptoms, and seborrheic capitis was not relapsed. The final SCORAD index and NRS on November 9th, 2021 were 24.7 and 1, respectively. Conclusions : These results suggests that Korean medicine therapy contributes to improving SCORAD index, subjective symptoms, and skin lesions of the patient. Furthermore, lifestyle modification is also important as much as proper treatment for caring atopic dermatitis patients.

Analysis of Revised Helicopter Crashworthiness Criteria (개정 헬리콥터 내추락성 설계기준 분석)

  • Hwang, Jungsun;Lee, Sangmok
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.42 no.5
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    • pp.415-422
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    • 2014
  • There has been a lot of discussion to revise military helicopter crashworthiness design criteria. In this paper, newly revised crashworthiness criteria is analyzed centering around the Crashworthiness Index which is the core content of revised criteria. The Crashworthiness Index(CI) was conceived as an adequate method to quantify the crashworthiness capabilities of a rotorcraft design. The index can rate how well a new or derivative design complies with design requirements. The CI rating is made up of seven assessment areas. While the Basic Airframe Crashworthiness(BAC) area tends to be an objective calculation, other areas of the CI tend to be more subjective. Therefore, in this paper, detail CI calculation process for the BAC area is analyzed to inspect the effectiveness of revised criteria.

Workload Evaluation of Various Shoulder Posture by using Muscle Force, Fatigue and Psychophysical Workload

  • Park, Ji-Soo;Kim, Jung-Yong
    • Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.281-289
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    • 2012
  • Objective: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the potential risk of shoulder muscle at particular working postures in sitting. Background: The cause of shoulder pain needs to be specifically studied in relation with particular shoulder postures to prevent shoulder MSDs in workplace. Method: In this study MVC, fatigue and subjective workload were investigated depending on the change of shoulder posture. An experiment was designed to evaluate the six shoulder muscles at nine shoulder postures including the combination of 30(adduction), 0, 30(abduction) degrees and 60, 90, and 120 degrees of shoulder flexion. Surface electrodes were attached to the middle trapezius, inferior middle trapezius, anterior deltoid, posterior deltoid, serratus anterior and teres major. Thirteen subjects participated in the experiment. Dependent variables were RPE (rating of perceived exertion), MVC(maximum voluntary contraction) and MPF(mean power frequency) shift by EMG (electromyography). Results: The middle trapezius and inferior middle trapezius were not significantly fatigued at all postures. The decline of MPF slope was less than 10% at all postures. The anterior deltoid was significantly fatigued all postures. The decline of MPF slope was more than 10% at all postures. The posterior deltoid was significantly fatigued 30 degrees of adduction and 90 degrees of flexion. And, neutral and 30 degrees of abduction postures were fatigued more than 90 degrees of flexion. The serratus anterior was significantly fatigued except for 30 degrees of adduction and 60 degrees of flexion posture. The teres major was significantly fatigued except for neutral and 60 degrees of flexion, 30 degrees of abduction and 60 degrees of flexion posture. Conclusion: It was found that a certain muscle was fatigued fast at particular posture compared to other muscles, which would mean that a certain shoulder muscle at particular posture could be easily exposed to the risk of musculoskeletal disorders than other muscles. Application: It is expected that the result can be applied to design workplace using shoulder muscles.

A Study on Effect of Perceptual Orientation to the Army Nurses′Effectiveness Introduction (군 간호원의 지각 향상이 근무효율성에 미치는 영향)

  • Chung, Sook
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.67-83
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    • 1972
  • This study is designed to reveal the relationship of Army Nurses′ effectiveness to their perceptual orientation. Studies on nurses are very few despite of highly professional duties which deal with human lives. Effectiveness of nurses could be seen from both within and without. At present study, however, the researcher tried to work on the point of view of perceptual psychology. The study was designed !o fined the relationship of "Perceptual Orientation Scale"to their ratings training courses and experiences. The subjects are limited to nurses serving in the Army of the Republic of Korea. Many researches on nurses, such as Young Bok Lee(1970), Sook Ja Yoo(1971) Young Sook Hong (1970), Ik Do Choi (1966), are dealt with their attitude, morale, how to see their profession, adjustability and college lives, tut no one ever studied their subjective perceptual orientation. Method "Perceptual Orientation Scale"(Chunghoon Choy, 1971) was administered to 315 Army Nurses during the period of June to November 1971, and the relationship with their ratings by their supervising officers, training courses and their experiences were tested. All the relationship were calculated by the method of Chi-Squares. Result 1) There is no significant relationship between "Perceptual Orientation Scale" and their ratings. 2) There is no significant relationship between "Perceptual Orientation Scale" and their training courses. 3) There is no significant relationship between "Perceptual Orientation Scale" and their experiences. Conclusion As far as calculated result are concerned the research could not fined any Significant relationship. Therefore we can conclude that "Perceptual Orientation Scale"of the nurses has nothing to do with nurses effectiveness. It means the Army Nurses rating method has to be modified at once. Also we have to continue to fined mole significant effectiveness criteria and other researches be encouraged.

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A Field Study of Illuminance and Discomfort Glare in Pedestrian Passsage of an Urban Tunnel (도심 터닐보행로의 조도 및 불쾌글레어에 관한 실태조사 연구)

  • Lee, Min-Hee;Park, Jin-Chul;Kim, Won-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers
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    • v.23 no.9
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    • pp.6-16
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    • 2009
  • Recently, additional pedestrian passages are installed on urban tunnels in Korea. The lighting environment of the pedestrian passages should be appropriate to pedestrians. In this study, illuminance and discomfort glare where measured for determining the actual impact that pedestrians will be influenced by the tunnel lighting condition. Illuminance and discomfort glare were measured in 'S tunnel' which is located in Dong-Jack, Seoul, at day and night. And field survey on illuminance and discomfort glare was conducted to identify subjective responses of pedestrians. From the results of measurements and the survey, it is known that the lighting environment of the pedestrian passage in the tunnel is slightly dark especially at day time. UGR values which were measured at night were also higher than that at day. The results and methods of this study will be useful data for the 'Environmental Improvement of Pedestrian passage in Tunnel' project which was begun by Seoul City at 1st December 2008.

The Clinical Study on Acupuncture Sensation in Hwangryunhaedoktang Herbal Acupuncture and Hominis Placenta Herbal Acupuncture - The Basic Study on Placebo Herbal Acupuncture (2) - (황련해독탕 약침, 자하거 약침의 침감에 대한 임상적 연구 - placebo 약침을 위한 기초연구 (2) -)

  • Yoon, Jong-seok;Seo, Jung-chul;Lee, Hyang-sook;Lim, Seong-cheol;Jung, Tae-young;Shin, Leem-hee;Han, Sang-won
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.197-206
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    • 2004
  • Objective : This study was designed to find out whether NS(normal saline) is able to be constituted as an appropriate control group for HHT(Hwangryunhaedoktang herbal acupuncture) and HP(Homnis Placenta herbal acupuncture). Methods : NS and two herbal acupuncture were inserted into Quchi(LI 11) of the subjects. After 5 minutes the subjects completed a questionnaire rating the intensity of 21 kinds of acupuncture sensation; hurting, penetrating, sharp, aching, intense, spreading, radiating, tingling, pricking, stinging, pulling, heavy, dull, numb, electric, shocking, hot, burning, cool, pulsing, and throbbing. We compared the subjective acupuncture sensation between the two groups. Results : As for HHT seven items of the acupuncture sensation were significantly different from NS. In case of HP just two items were significantly different from NS. Conclusion : We found that NS may be able to be an placebo herbal acupuncture for HP. Further study is needed for the appropriate placebo herbal acupuncture.

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The Clinical Study about Qualitative and Quantitative Characteristics of Acupuncture Sensation According to the Body Parts (인체 부위별 경혈에 따른 득기감의 질적, 양적 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Oh, Hyun Jin;Lee, Eun Sol;Lee, Yoon Joo;Lee, Seung Deok;Kim, Kap Sung;Kim, Eun Jung
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • v.30 no.5
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    • pp.65-76
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    • 2013
  • Objectives : This study was designed to find out the differences of the acupuncture sensation by body parts. Methods : Sixty-three subjects got acupuncture at five acupoints which represent five different body parts ; head($GV_{20}$), abdomen($ST_{25}$), back($BL_{24}$), upper extremity($LU_9$), lower extremity($GB_{40}$). All subjests were asked to complete questionnaire rating the intensity of 13 kinds of acupuncture sensation(acupuncture sensation scale, ASS). We compared the subjective acupuncture sensation between the body parts. Results : Intensity of acupuncture sensation of $GV_{20}$ was significantly lower than $LU_9$(p=0.001) and $GB_{40}$(p=0.000). Sum of acupuncture sensation of $GV_{20}$ was also significantly lower than $BL_{24}$(p=0.011), $LU_9$(p=0.004) and $GB_{40}$(p=0.033). Among the 13 types of acupuncture sensation scale, tingling and aching were well sensed at $GV_{20}$ and $ST_{25}$, aching, tingling and sharp pain were well sensed at $LU_9$, $GB_{40}$, dull pain, deep pressure and heaviness were well sensed at $BL_{24}$. Conclusions : Head showed significantly lower intensity of acupuncture sensation than upper extremity and lower extremity. Among the acupuncture sensation scales, tingling and aching were well sensed at head and abdomen, aching, tingling and sharp pain were well sensed at upper extremity and lower extremity, dull pain, deep pressure and heaviness were well sensed at back.

Convergence for adherence: Subjectivity of immunosuppressive medication adherence after kidney transplantation patient (이행증진을 위한 융복합: 신장이식 환자의 면역억제제 투약이행에 대한 주관성)

  • Kim, Min-Young;Lee, Eun-Ju;Park, Euna
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.235-246
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    • 2015
  • After kidney transplantation, immunosuppressive medication is essential to enhance the quality of life and survival of the transplanted patient. To promote the medication adherence, subjects are required to have converged attitude with open mind. Medication adherence will depend on the attitude of the psychosocial characteristics and treatment guidelines. The purpose of this study was to identify the specific types and characteristics of medication adherence in the view of kidney transplanted patients. Q-methodology, a technique for extracting subjective opinions, was used. Forty participants completed the Q-sort activity, rating each statement relative to the others. The collected data were analyzed by QUANL PC program. Four types of medication adherence of kidney transplanted patients were identified: 'positive lifestyle management type', 'vigilant appearance management type', 'somber oblivion type', 'vigilant family support type'. Through the identification of attitudes to medication adherence, repeated and individualized medication adherence program will help to prevent graft rejection.

Open Versus Arthroscopic Technique in the Traumatic Recurrent Anterior Dislocation of the Shoulder (견관절 전방 재발성 탈구에 대한 관혈적 술식과 관절경적 술식의 결과 비교)

  • Kyung, Hee-Soo;Jeon, In-Ho;Kim, Sung-Jung;Yeo, Jun-Young
    • Clinics in Shoulder and Elbow
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.110-117
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    • 2002
  • Purpose: We compared the results of open and arthroscopic Bankart repair in traumatic recurrent anterior dislocation ,3f the shoulder. Materials and methods: We analysed 7 cases underwent open Bankart repair (group I) and 13 cases underwent arthroscopic Bankart repair (group Ⅱ). The average follow-up period was 68.1 months (51-113 months) in group I and 41.1 months (16~57 months) in group Ⅱ. All patients in group I and Ⅱ were non-athletes. We analyzed statistically objective evaluation, such as the stability of shoulder joint, the range of motion, pain, impaired throwing, Bankart rating system by Rowe and subjective evaluation, visual analog scale (VAS) between two groups. Results: In terms of dominant and non-dominant shoulders, the age at initial episode of dislocation, the elapsed time from injury to surgery, the number of preoperative dislocations associated with susceptibility to apprehension. respectively, there was no statistically significant differences between two groups. In group I the average Rowe's scortls was 84.3 and 3 cases (43%) had excellent results,4 cases (S7cfo), good ones. In group H the average Rowe's scores was 87.3 and 7 cases (54%) had excellent results,6 cases, good ones. There was tendency to show more excellent results in group ll, but there was no statistically significant differences. The average VAS were 90.3 points in group I and 88 points in group Ⅱ, which showed also no statistically significant differences. Conclusion: Open and arthroscopic Bankart repairs had no significant difference and showed also good results in travinatic recurrent anterior dislocation of shoulder.