• Title/Summary/Keyword: Subject Convergence

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The Psychological Relaxation Effects of College Students in Location Targeting Seonyudo Park in Autumn (가을철 선유도공원의 주제공간이 대학생들의 심리적 안정에 미치는 영향)

  • Yoon, Yong-Han;Oh, Deuk-Kyun;Kim, Jeong-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.13-22
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    • 2015
  • The study discovers mood state and enhancement effect of users by scenery of location targeting Seonyudo Park; where is widely recognized as the representative recycling environmental park as well as theme experience space and scenery admiration in Korea. Also, the influence level of park and thematic space upon wellness was researched for future park design and its base data. As a result of semantic differential(SD), the most items showed low point in positive way when people admiring the scenery in Seonyudo. Also, a subject experienced differently depending on each inside scenery element of the park. As a result of profile of mood states(POMS), a tension and anxiety points were shown in order of Urban (7.78) > Water Purification Basin(3.33) > Gardens of Water Plants(2.11) > Garden of Green Pillar(2.00) > Garden of Time (0.89). The depression points were shown in order of Urban(4.94) > Water Purification Basin(3.50) > Garden of Green Pillar(2.94) > Garden of Time(1.61) > Gardens of Water Plants(1.38). The anger and hostility points were shown in order of Urban(4.22) > Water Purification Basin(3.33) > Garden of Green Pillar(2.22) > Garden of Time(1.39) > Gardens of Water Plants(1.11). The fatigue points were shown in order of Urban(6.5) > Water Purification Basin(3.39) > Garden of Green Pillar(2.78) > Garden of Time(2.28) > Gardens of Water Plants (2.06). The vigor points were shown in order of Gardens of Water Plants(11.39) > Garden of Time(11.00) > Garden of Green Pillar(8.39) > Water Purification Basin(7.77) > Urban(5.28). Also, as a result of statistics analysis, difference value of scenery type is significant. The result of total emotional disturbance(TED) was analyzed in order of Urban(24.5) > Water Purification Basin(9.5) > Garden of Green Pillar(4.67) > Garden of Time(-1.39) > Gardens of Water Plants(-1.22).

An Exploratory Study on the Research Tendency of Domestic Art Therapy for Clients with Multicultural Background (다문화 내담자를 위한 미술치료의 국내 연구동향에 대한 탐색적 연구)

  • Kim Sumin;Kim Youngsoon
    • The Journal of Learner-Centered Curriculum and Instruction (JLCCI)
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    • v.19 no.16
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    • pp.471-494
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the design and effects of the art therapy program by making analysis framework based on the previous studies. This study aims to establish a clinical · theoretical foundation for introducing the programs for multicultural clients. This study did an literature review based on a journal paper. These papers were published from 2006 to 2018 and collected through the domestic database homepage, Riss. Dissertations were excluded from this study. This study was divided into three categories: basic information(publication year, publisher), research subject, study method(research methodology, major variables), programs(convergence of therapy techniques, session analysis, keyword analysis). First, according to the analysis results of the year of publication, research on multicultural families has been active since 2011, and conducted passively until 2016. After that, research has been actively conducted on children of them. These results reflect that the children of them are experiencing psychological difficulties. Second, the difficulties of the client were investigated according to the main variables of the program for the clients and the convergence of treatment techniques on art therapy. Art therapy program based on their psychological difficulties will be more effective for them. Third, group art therapy was the most common among the key words in the thesis. The program was structured so that they could reach the goal by receiving encouragement among the members through the program. Finally, the amount of thesis to which qualitative research methodology is applied is insufficient compared to other methodology. Most researches used questionnaires to statistically measure the psychological difficulties of the subjects. However, there is a limit to developing research when using only quantitative research methodology to demonstrate the effectiveness of the program. In order to analyze the dynamics of the group, we must consider the advantages of the qualitative research methodology.

Analysis of Football Fans' Uniform Consumption: Before and After Son Heung-Min's Transfer to Tottenham Hotspur FC (국내 프로축구 팬들의 유니폼 소비 분석: 손흥민의 토트넘 홋스퍼 FC 이적 전후 비교)

  • Choi, Yeong-Hyeon;Lee, Kyu-Hye
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.91-108
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    • 2020
  • Korea's famous soccer players are steadily performing well in international leagues, which led to higher interests of Korean fans in the international leagues. Reflecting the growing social phenomenon of rising interests on international leagues by Korean fans, the study examined the overall consumer perception in the consumption of uniform by domestic soccer fans and compared the changes in perception following the transfers of the players. Among others, the paper examined the consumer perception and purchase factors of soccer fans shown in social media, focusing on periods before and after the recruitment of Heung-Min Son to English Premier League's Tottenham Football Club. To this end, the EPL uniform is the collection keyword the paper utilized and collected consumer postings from domestic website and social media via Python 3.7, and analyzed them using Ucinet 6, NodeXL 1.0.1, and SPSS 25.0 programs. The results of this study can be summarized as follows. First, the uniform of the club that consistently topped the league, has been gaining attention as a popular uniform, and the players' performance, and the players' position have been identified as key factors in the purchase and search of professional football uniforms. In the case of the club, the actual ranking and whether the league won are shown to be important factors in the purchase and search of professional soccer uniforms. The club's emblem and the sponsor logo that will be attached to the uniform are also factors of interest to consumers. In addition, in the decision making process of purchase of a uniform by professional soccer fan, uniform's form, marking, authenticity, and sponsors are found to be more important than price, design, size, and logo. The official online store has emerged as a major purchasing channel, followed by gifts for friends or requests from acquaintances when someone travels to the United Kingdom. Second, a classification of key control categories through the convergence of iteration correlation analysis and Clauset-Newman-Moore clustering algorithm shows differences in the classification of individual groups, but groups that include the EPL's club and player keywords are identified as the key topics in relation to professional football uniforms. Third, between 2002 and 2006, the central theme for professional football uniforms was World Cup and English Premier League, but from 2012 to 2015, the focus has shifted to more interest of domestic and international players in the English Premier League. The subject has changed to the uniform itself from this time on. In this context, the paper can confirm that the major issues regarding the uniforms of professional soccer players have changed since Ji-Sung Park's transfer to Manchester United, and Sung-Yong Ki, Chung-Yong Lee, and Heung-Min Son's good performances in these leagues. The paper also identified that the uniforms of the clubs to which the players have transferred to are of interest. Fourth, both male and female consumers are showing increasing interest in Son's league, the English Premier League, which Tottenham FC belongs to. In particular, the increasing interest in Son has shown a tendency to increase interest in football uniforms for female consumers. This study presents a variety of researches on sports consumption and has value as a consumer study by identifying unique consumption patterns. It is meaningful in that the accuracy of the interpretation has been enhanced by using a cluster analysis via convergence of iteration correlation analysis and Clauset-Newman-Moore clustering algorithm to identify the main topics. Based on the results of this study, the clubs will be able to maximize its profits and maintain good relationships with fans by identifying key drivers of consumer awareness and purchasing for professional soccer fans and establishing an effective marketing strategy.

The Study of Structural Relationship among the Customers' Service Recovery of Complaint and After Behavioral Intention in the Service Industry (서비스 산업에서 고객 서비스 불평 회복과 사후행동의 구조적 관계 연구)

  • Heo, Seon Hee;Youn, Chun Sung
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.165-176
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    • 2014
  • This study is directed to examine the most useful restoration strategies for turning the customers' dissatisfaction caused by unsuccessful spa service to the satisfaction through each fair factors and tries to suggest the practical schemes to cope with complaints and dissatisfaction of spa service customers by establishing the system dealing with customers' complaints. And this verifies the relationship between the alternative attraction and the intention of conversion as the action after the restoration from the unsuccessful services. Moreover, it analyzes the mediation effect that a formation of reliance through the restoration of unsuccessful services has. To achieve the purpose of this study, the subject got decided as women who are customers of private spa facilities situated in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do region for the purpose of skin care in 1 year recently. After understanding their experiences of complaining about the services, this study investigates the alternative attraction and the intention of conversion as the next action and the perception of fairness and trust in the efforts of Spa service business for recovery. As the result of verifying hypothesis, it is shown that the recovery satisfaction increases when the 3 points of the distributive justice, procedural justice, and interactional justice, which are the fairness factors of the effort to restore services according to the quality of service, are more positive. In the relation among recovery satisfaction, trust, the alternative attraction, and the intention of conversion, the result was that recovery satisfaction affects trust in positive way and alternative attraction in negative way. However, the positive and meaningful result came out in contrast with the hypothesis which predicted the negative effect of recovery satisfaction on the intention of conversion. Furthermore, it means that indirect effectiveness which carries trust and alternative attraction should be considered instead of the direct effectiveness that the recovery satisfaction affects on the intention of conversion. In this study, it can be interpreted that the combined increase of the trust and the alternative attraction makes the intention of conversion higher rather than the higher intention of conversion following the decrease of the recovery satisfaction in view of the result that the indirect effectiveness is high between the recovery effort and the intention of conversion. In the relation among the intention of conversion, trust, and alternative attraction, the intention of conversion got influenced in positive way and negative way by trust and alternative attraction respectively and trust influenced the alternative attraction negatively as well. It means the high quality of services or the recovery of services has a direct causation which carries conviction to the customers' intention of action.

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Analysis of Emerging Geo-technologies and Markets Focusing on Digital Twin and Environmental Monitoring in Response to Digital and Green New Deal (디지털 트윈, 환경 모니터링 등 디지털·그린 뉴딜 정책 관련 지질자원 유망기술·시장 분석)

  • Ahn, Eun-Young;Lee, Jaewook;Bae, Junhee;Kim, Jung-Min
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.53 no.5
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    • pp.609-617
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    • 2020
  • After introducing the industry 4.0 policy, Korean government announced 'Digital New Deal' and 'Green New Deal' as 'Korean New Deal' in 2020. We analyzed Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources (KIGAM)'s research projects related to that policy and conducted markets analysis focused on Digital Twin and environmental monitoring technologies. Regarding 'Data Dam' policy, we suggested the digital geo-contents with Augmented Reality (AR) & Virtual Reality (VR) and the public geo-data collection & sharing system. It is necessary to expand and support the smart mining and digital oil fields research for '5th generation mobile communication (5G) and artificial intelligence (AI) convergence into all industries' policy. Korean government is suggesting downtown 3D maps for 'Digital Twin' policy. KIGAM can provide 3D geological maps and Internet of Things (IoT) systems for social overhead capital (SOC) management. 'Green New Deal' proposed developing technologies for green industries including resource circulation, Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS), and electric & hydrogen vehicles. KIGAM has carried out related research projects and currently conducts research on domestic energy storage minerals. Oil and gas industries are presented as representative applications of digital twin. Many progress is made in mining automation and digital mapping and Digital Twin Earth (DTE) is a emerging research subject. The emerging research subjects are deeply related to data analysis, simulation, AI, and the IoT, therefore KIGAM should collaborate with sensors and computing software & system companies.

A Study on the Analysis of Difference between IT and Non-IT Companies on the Smart Work Environment Continuous Use Intention - Focusing on Korean Small and Medium Enterprises (스마트워크 환경에서 지속사용의도에 대하여 IT기업과 비IT기업 간의 차이분석에 관한 연구 -한국 중소기업을 중심으로)

  • Jung, Soo-Yong;Shin, Yong-tae
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.249-259
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    • 2018
  • This research had intended to find out regarding the present influences of the Smart Work on the intention to use continuously with the staff members working in the small- and medium-sized enterprises as the subject. And, finally, it had intended to find out about the Smart Work environments of the IT corporations and the non-IT corporations. For this research, the questionnaire survey data were collected from the staff members working at the small- and medium-sized enterprises. Through the questionnaire survey data that were collected, an empirical analysis was carried out. And, through the reliability analysis, the feasibility analysis, the discriminatory feasibility analysis, and the inspection of the degree of suitableness of the structural equation model, finally, the research model was verified and, finally, a difference analysis of the IT corporations and the non-IT corporations was carried out. Regarding the results of the analysis of the research, it appeared that the factors of the job efficiency and the job autonomy of the special characteristics of the job had the positive influences on the usefulness and the job satisfaction, which were the parameters and which were perceived. And it appeared that the time flexibility of the job form could not have any influences on the usefulness and the job satisfaction, which were the parameters and which were perceived. And it appeared that the spatial flexibility had the influences on the job satisfaction only. The perceived usefulness, which was a parameter, had the positive influences on the job satisfaction and the intention to use continuously. And, finally, the job satisfaction had the positive influences on the intention to use continuously. And it appeared that there were the differences, too, between the IT corporations and the non-IT corporations. It is thought that, through the results of this research and through the Smart Work environment, the positive influences on the workers and the organizations could be induced and that a better working environment than previously can be provided to the workers to fit the special characteristics of the corporations.

A Meta-Analysis on the Effects of Integrated Education Research (통합교육의 효과에 대한 메타분석)

  • Kim, Jiyoung;Park, Eunmi;Park, Jieun;Bang, Dami;Lee, Yoonha;Yoon, Heojoeng
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.403-417
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of integrated education research conducted in Korea and to propose a meaningful discussion for further research. Among the studies conducted for last three years, the relevant 161 research articles were selected, and 236 effect sizes were calculated. Effect sizes were analyzed with different dependant variables including creativity, problem solving ability, academic achievement, inquiry skills, creative personality, scientific attitude, and interests. In addition, effect sizes with different moderating variables, such as characteristics of subjects, sample sizes, class types, core disciplines and publication types, were compared. The results are as follows: The overall effect size of integrated education program produced a huge effect (effect size=0.88, U3=81.06%). Integrated education program showed the highest effect size on scientific attitude among other dependant variables. However, all of the other dependant variables represented more than medium size effect size. Integrated program proved to be more effective on kindergarten pupils and gifted students compared to other school levels and regular students. The effect size for group of less then thirty students were larger than other groups. Programs implemented in after school hours were more effective than in regular school hours. Considering the core subject of program, arts-centered integrated programs showed the largest effect size, while all the others showed above medium effect sizes. Finally, doctoral dissertation showed the highest effect size compared to master's thesis and academic journal articles. Conclusions and recommendations for further research were provided.

Limits of STEAM Education and its Improvement Alternative : Based on the Viewpoints of STEAM Expert Teachers (STEAM 교육의 한계와 개선방향 -STEAM 교육 전문성을 가진 교사의 견해를 바탕으로-)

  • Son, Mihyun;Jeong, Daehong
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.39 no.5
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    • pp.573-584
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    • 2019
  • It is necessary to look at the essence of STEAM education from the viewpoint of the teacher who is the subject of education execution. We carry out questionnaires and telephone interviews for the purpose, definition, change, etc. of STEAM education from eight elementary, middle, and high teachers who are rich in policy and field application experience. As a result of the analysis, the purpose of the STEAM education that the specialists mentioned includes the active participation of the students. Most experts pointed out that the definition of STEAM education is ambiguous. So, it is necessary to express a clear goal of STEAM education. The category and level meaning "fields" from "a convergence of two or more fields" are not indicative definitions, but can be different depending on the situation, considering the context of activities and the level of students. The perception of the experts on framework may be a guide for STEAM education and stumbling block. It is necessary for "Context" to shift away from the emphasis on the real life connection and to the emphasis on the interest of the student and the guidance of the class. "Creative design" must be based on trial and error in the process of solving problems. "Emotional touch" needs to correct elements that cannot be observed, evaluated, and applied to lessons that are elements of emotional experience. As for the expansion of STEAM education, most expert teachers have recognized that STEAM education is becoming increasingly stable and that policy change has continued to slow the pace of stabilization.

Market Segmentation of Converging New Media Advertising: The Interpretative Approach Based on Consumer Subjectivity (융합형 뉴미디어 광고의 시장세분화 연구: 소비자 주관성에 근거한 해석적 관점에서)

  • Seo, Kyoung-Jin;Hwang, Jin-Ha;Jeung, Jang-Hun;Kim, Ki-Youn
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.91-102
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this research is to perform the consumer typological study of integrated emerging digital advertisement, where IT and advertisement industry were fused, and to propose the theoretical definition about consumer characteristic which is in need for collection of related market subdivision strategy in perspective of business marketing. For this, the Q methodology, the 'subjectivity' research of qualitative perspective, which discovers new theory by interpreting subjective system of thinking, preference, opinion, and recognition of inner side of respondents, was applied and analyzed. Compared to previous quantitative research that pursues hypothesis verification, this Q methodology is not dependent on operational definition proposed by researcher but pursues for analytic study completely reflecting objective testimony of respondents. For this reason, Q study analyzes in-depth the actual consumer type, which can be found at the initial market formation stage of new service, therefore this study is applicable for theorizing the consumer character as a mean of advanced research. This study extracted thirty 'IT integrated digital advertisement type (Q sample)' from thorough literature research and interviews, and eventually discovered a total four consumer types from analyzing each Q sorting research data of 40 respondents (P sample). Moreover, by interpreting subdivided intrinsic characteristic of each group, the four types were named as 'multi-channel digital advertisement pursuit type', 'emotional advertisement pursuit type', 'new media advertisement pursuit type', and Web 2.0 advertisement pursuit type'. The analysis result of this study is being expected for its value of usage as advanced research of academic and industrial research with the emerging digital advertisement industry as a subject, and as basic research in the field of R&D, Marketing program and the field of designing the advertisement creative strategy and related policy.

The Formation and Significance of Korean Ceramics Collections in Modern Britain (근대 영국의 한국도자 컬렉션의 형성 과정과 그 의미)

  • Kim, Yunjeong
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.52 no.4
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    • pp.104-123
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    • 2019
  • Various European countries were active rather early on in the formation and research of Korean ceramics, which are considered a representative genre of Korean art. Of these, England is especially noteworthy due to its relatively large volume of extant archival material related to the procurement of Korean ceramics in modern Britain. The material is important in that it contributes to our understanding of the formation and economic worth of these collections. Especially meaningful are the previously unknown documents dating to the period when institutions such as the British Museum and the Victoria & Albert Museum were most actively collecting Korean ceramics. These documents provide insight into the circumstances-process, prices, standards, perceptions, etc.-of procurement for the Korean ceramics now in British collections. The changes in the perception of Korean ceramics and the intention for forming such collections in modern Britain can be divided into three periods. The first, starting from the late 1870s and ending in the late 1880s, is categorized by the collectors' misguided ideal of Korean ceramics in the absence of a true understanding of the subject. During the late 1880s up until 1910, the Korean ceramics entering British collections were mostly ethnographic in nature and examples of implements used in Koreans' daily lives. Lastly, from 1910 to 1940, Korean ceramics were regarded as art objects to be collected, and Goryeo celadons formed the core of many of the British collections being assembled at the time. As for the matter of collecting standards and processes, the matter is examined through the study of three individuals who visited Korea and acquired Korean ceramics in the early 20th century. After 1910, the British started to make trips to the Far East via boat or the Trans-Siberian Express and purchase Korean ceramics during their travels. It has been confirmed that former bureaucrats were able to acquire 'good and old Goryeo ceramics' at reasonable prices from either tomb robbers or through direct visits to regions where such wares were being excavated. In addition, this study also focuses on the previously unfamiliar company Kavanaugh & Co, which made important sales and provided transport of various objects, including Korean ceramics, to its Western clients. The final part of this study examines the standards of appraisal for the Korean ceramics collected in modern Britain. The main criterion the balance between form and price of the piece. In other words, the best pieces were those that were of superior quality but acquired at the cheapest prices. British collectors particularly valued not only the Goryeo celadons favored by the Japanese but also Joseon ceramics for their innovative form, design, and technique. These standards of aesthetic and form were important factors that influenced the formation of diverse Korean ceramic collections in modern Britain.