• Title/Summary/Keyword: Sub-Elements

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Raman-tensor analysis of phonon modes in (Pb, Bi)2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ

  • Ji Yoon Hwang;Sae Gyeol Jung;Dong Joon Song;Changyoung Kim;Seung Ryong Park
    • Progress in Superconductivity and Cryogenics
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.10-13
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    • 2024
  • We performed angle-resolved Raman spectroscopy experiments on lead-doped and undoped Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ(Bi2212) samples using a 660 nm laser and analyzed the Raman tensor of the phonon modes. The phonon mode was clearly observed at the 60, 103, and 630 cm-1 Raman shifts. The 60, 630 cm-1 peaks were only clearly observed when the incident and scattered light polarizations were configured to be parallel. The polarization angle dependence of the amplitude of the 60, 630 cm-1 peak on the parallel configuration shows a twofold symmetry; therefore, both peaks originate from Ag phonons and the crystal structure of Bi2212 should be considered orthorhombic. On the other hand, the 103 cm-1 peak is clearly observed in both parallel and perpendicular configurations. Remarkably, the off-diagonal component of the Raman tensor of the 103 cm-1 peak showed an anti-symmetry that could not be realized within the known crystal structure of Bi2212. The implications of our findings are discussed.


    • Archives of Metallurgy and Materials
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    • v.65 no.4
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    • pp.1273-1276
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    • 2020
  • Liquid metal extraction (LME) process results in 100% neodymium (Nd) extraction but the highest extraction efficiency reported for Dysprosium (Dy) so far is 74%. Oxidation of Dy is the major limiting factor for incomplete Dy extraction. In order to enhance the extraction efficiency and to further investigate the limiting factors for incomplete extraction, experiments were carried out on six different particle sizes of under 200 ㎛, 200-300 ㎛, 300-700 ㎛, 700-1000 ㎛, 1000-2000 ㎛ and over 2000 ㎛ at 900℃ with magnesium-to-magnet scrap ratio of 15:1 for 6, 24 and 48 hours, respectively. This research identified Dy2Fe17 in addition to Dy2O3 phase to be responsible for incomplete extraction. The relationship between Dy2Fe17 and Dy2O3 phase was investigated, and the overall extraction efficiency of Dy was enhanced to 97%.

Development of a Quality Evaluation Standard for Educational Serious Games

  • Yoon, Seon-Jeong;Park, Hee-Sook
    • Journal of information and communication convergence engineering
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.103-111
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    • 2013
  • Given the lack of suitable quality evaluation standards for educational serious games (designed for both entertainment and instruction), we designed a development framework for evaluation standards of educational serious games and proceeded to develop standards in accordance with our proposed procedure. Our standards were designed to evaluate the quality of both technical and non-technical elements of educational serious game software products. We conducted a survey on the need for individual elements of the standard. Participants rated the need for each element on a five-point Likert scale. We then performed a reliability analysis of the survey results. Based on the survey results, we established a final standard for quality evaluation composed of 9 main elements and 31 sub-elements. The results of our research will contribute useful information to users as well as to the developers of educational serious games.

Characteristics of the Number and the Mass Concentrations and the Elemental Compositions of PM10 in Jeju Area (제주지역 PM10의 수농도 및 질량농도와 원소성분 조성 특성)

  • Kang, Chang-Hee;Hu, Chul-Goo
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.447-457
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    • 2014
  • The number concentrations, the mass concentrations and the elemental concentrations of $PM_{10}$ have measured at Gosan site in Jeju, Korea, from March 2010 to December 2010. And the correlation and the factor analysis for the number, the mass and the elemental concentrations of $PM_{10}$ are performed to identify their relationships and sources. The average $PM_{10}$ number concentration is observed $246\;particles/cm^3$($35.7{\sim}1,017\;particles/cm^3$) and the average $PM_{10}$ mass concentration is shown $50.1{\mu}g/m^3$($16.7{\sim}441.4{\mu}g/m^3$) during this experimental period. The number concentrations are significantly decreased with increasing particle size, hence the concentrations for the smaller particles less than $2.5{\mu}m$($PM_{2.5}$) are contributed 99.6% to the total $PM_{10}$ number concentrations. The highest concentration of the 20 elements in $PM_{10}$ determined in this study is shown by S with a mean value of $1,497ng/m^3$ and the lowest concentration of them is found by Cd with a mean value of $0.57ng/m^3$. The elements in $PM_{10}$ are evidently classified into two group based on their concentrations: In group 1, including S>Na>Al>Fe>Ca>Mg>K, the elemental mean concentrations are higher than several hundred $ng/m^3$, on the other hand, the concentrations are lower than several ten $ng/m^3$ in group 2, including Zn>Mn>Ni>Ti>Cr>Co>Cu>Mo>Sr>Ba>V>Cd. The size-separated number concentrations are shown positively correlated with the mass concentrations in overall size ranges, although their correlation coefficients, which are monotonously increased or decreased with size range, are not high. The concentrations of the elements in group 1 are shown highly correlated with the mass concentrations, but the concentrations in group 2 are shown hardly correlated with the mass concentrations. The elements originated from natural sources have been predominantly related to the mass concentrations while the elements from anthropogenic sources have mainly affected on the number concentrations of $PM_{10}$.

A Study on Co-precipitation of Indium Hydroxide (In(OH)3) for the Recovery and Determination of Trace Heavy Metals (인듐 수산화물(In(OH)3)의 공동침전을 이용한 미량의 중금속 회수 및 분석방법 연구)

  • Kwon, Seul-woo;Son, Seong-Hun;Lee, Man Seung;Nam, Sang-Ho
    • Resources Recycling
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.50-55
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    • 2017
  • Determination of trace elements in a sample including complicated matrix is very difficult due to the interference by the matrix. Therefore, if the trace elements can be separated from the complex sample matrix and determined, the interference effects can be reduced, and it is very helpful for the overall analysis. In this study, the analytes of trace elements were separated from the sample matrix by co-precipitation with trace elements using indium hydroxide ($In(OH)_3$), then detected by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometer (ICP-AES). Above all, the optimal conditions for the co-precipitation of elements with indium hydroxide were experimentally established. At last, salt was analyzed by the developed analytical method. No heavy metals were not found in Shinan Jeungdo salt, but trace amounts of several heavy metals except for cadmium were found in Cheonnam Yongkwang salt.

UO2 Spheres Produce by External Gelation Process (외부겔화공정을 이용한 이산화우라늄 구형 입자 제조)

  • Kim, Yeon-Ku;Sah, Injin;Kim, Eung Seon
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.30 no.10
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    • pp.533-541
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    • 2020
  • UO2 kernels, a key component of fuel elements for high temperature gas cooled reactors, have usually been prepared by sol-gel methods. Sol-gel processes have a number of advantages, such as simple processes and facilities, and higher sphericity and density. In this study, to produce 900 ㎛-sized UO2 particles using an external gelation process, contact length extension of the NH3 gas of the broth droplets pass and the improvement of the gelation device capable of spraying 14 M-NH4OH solution are used to form 3,000 ㎛-sized liquid droplets. To produce high-sphericity and high-density UO2 particles, HMTA, which promotes the gelation reaction in the uranium broth solution, is added to diffuse ammonium ions from the outside of the gelation solution during the aging process and generate ammonium ions from the inside of the ADU gel particles. Sufficient gelation inside of ADU gel particles is achieved, and the density of the UO2 spheres that undergo the subsequent treatment is 10.78 g/㎤; the sphericity is analyzed and found to be 0.948, indicating good experimental results.

Electrooxidation of tannery wastewater with continuous flow system: Role of electrode materials

  • Tien, Tran Tan;Luu, Tran Le
    • Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.324-334
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    • 2020
  • Tannery wastewater is known to contain high concentrations of organic compounds, pathogens, and other toxic inorganic elements such as heavy metals, nitrogen, sulfur, etc. Biological methods such as aerobic and anaerobic processes are unsuitable for tannery wastewater treatment due to its high salinity, and electrochemical oxidation offers a promising method to solve this problem. In this study, raw tannery wastewater treatment using DSA® Ti/RuO2, Ti/IrO2 and Ti/BDD electrodes with continuous flow systems was examined. Effects of current densities and electrolysis times were investigated, to evaluate the process performance and energy consumption. The results showed that a Ti/BDD electrode is able to reach higher treatment efficiency than Ti/IrO2, and Ti/RuO2 electrodes across all parameters, excluding Total Nitrogen. The main mechanism of tannery wastewater oxidation at a Ti/BDD electrode is based on direct oxidation on the electrode surface combined with the generation of oxidants such as °OH and Cl2, while at DSA® Ti/RuO2 and Ti/IrO2 electrodes, the oxidation mechanisms are based on the generation of chlorine. After treatment, the effluents can be discharged to the environment after 6-12 h of electrolysis. Electrooxidation thus offers a promising method for removing the nutrients and non-biodegradable organic compounds in tannery wastewater.

Rare earth element recovery from coal ash and leaching wastewaters by ecofriendly sequential extraction

  • Siyu Chen;Jae Wan Choe;Han S. Kim
    • Membrane and Water Treatment
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.193-202
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    • 2024
  • It has been reported that rare earth elements (REEs) are considerably present in coal ash. In this study, an ecofriendly sequential extraction method was developed for the effective REE recovery from coal ash and leaching wastewaters. Citrate, a weak and environmentally benign solvent that replaces acetate employed in the existing sequential extraction methods (e.g., European community bureau of reference (BCR) and Tessier methods), was found to be highly effective in leaching REEs from coal ash. Microwave-assisted thermal digestion improved the REE extraction efficiency even further, with an overall leaching rate of 70%, which is 2.54 and 3.76 times higher than the values achieved by the conventional BCR and Tessier methods, respectively. It was also confirmed that the majority of REEs was strongly bound to CaO, Al2O3, Fe2O3, and P2O5, not to SiO2. The sequential extraction method developed in this study is expected to be used as an effective and simple recovery procedure for REEs from coal ash and remaining leaching wastewaters.

Study on Extraction of Sub-element and Construction of System Model for the Technological Communication Skills (기술적 의사소통능력의 하위요소 추출과 체제모형 구축)

  • Kim, Ju Hyun;Lee, Yong Jin
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.105-120
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study was to extract of Sub-elements of technological communication skills and to construct of a system model. In order to achieve the goal of the study, it was carried out in two steps: (1)Extraction sub-elements and definitions of technological communication skills, (2)Development of a system model of technological communication skills. Obtained conclusions by the process of this research were as follows. First, sub-elements of the technological communication skills were extracted and they were images, sketches, flowcharts, drawings, prototyping, symbols tables graphs and presentations. Second, using the 'technological communication tools' based on the "collaborative activities in online and offline', technological communication skills were defined as communication skills to be raised through the process of 'Idea through the Communication', 'Realization through the Communication', 'Wrap up through the Communication'. Third, technological communication skills were described as the system, in which 'Idea through the Communication(images, sketches, flowcharts)', 'Realization through the Communication(design, prototyping)', 'Wrap up through the Communication(symbol table graph, presentation)' were collaboratively activated. Fourth, checking tool for the technological communication skills was developed, based on checking tool for the existing communication skills and system model for technological communication skills. And it was improved by the expert validity test.

PEO/PPC based Composite Solid Electrolyte for Room Temperature Operable All Solid-State Batteries (상온에서 작동되는 전고체전지 용 PEO/PPC 기반의 복합 고체 전해질)

  • Shin, Sohyeon;Kim, Sunghoon;Cho, Younghyun;Ahn, Wook
    • Journal of the Korean Electrochemical Society
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.105-112
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    • 2022
  • For the commercialization of all-solid-state batteries, it is essential to develop a solid electrolyte that can be operable at room temperature, and it is necessary to manufacture all-solid-state batteries by adopting materials with high ionic conductivity. Therefore, in order to increase the ionic conductivity of the existing oxide-based solid, Li7La3Zr2O12 (LLZO) doped with heterogeneous elements was used as a filler material (Al and Nb-LLZO). An electrolyte with garnet-type inorganic filler doped was prepared. The binary metal element and the polymer mixture of poly(ethylene oxide)/poly(propylene carbonate) (PEO/PPC) (1:1) are uniformly manufactured at a ratio of 1:2.4, The electrochemical performance was tested at room temperature and 60 ℃ to verify room temperature operability of the all-solid-state battery. The prepared composite electrolyte shows improved ionic conductivity derived from co-doping of the binary elements, and the PPC helps to improve the ionic conductivity, thereby increasing the capacity of all-solid-state batteries at room temperature as well as 60 ℃. It was confirmed that the capacity retention rate was improved.