• 제목/요약/키워드: Student development

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북한춤의 해외전파 : 일본과 중국을 중심으로 (North Korea's Overseas Transfer Dance - Focusing on Japan and China -)

  • 김채원
    • 공연문화연구
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    • 제22호
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    • pp.185-221
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    • 2011
  • 본 연구는 해외교포사회에 북한춤이 전파되는 과정과 그 발전양상을 살펴보는데 목적을 둔 것으로, 해외에 거주하는 민족집단으로서의 재외동포들의 무용문화, 특히 재중, 재일조선인들의 무용문화에 대한 관심과 연구의 필요성을 생각해보았다. 문헌연구 중심으로 살펴본 논점의 결과, 재일조선인사회와 중국조선족자치구의 무용문화의 출발점엔 공통적으로 최승희춤이 있었으며, 두 민족집단은 최승희로부터 직접·간접적으로 춤을 배우거나 작품을 전수받았으며, 최승희가 정리한 조선무용기본을 기초훈련으로 하여 무용을 습득했다. 또한 무용전수 및 훈련기관은 재일조선인사회의 경우 북한의 체계와 같이 무용소조를 따로 두고 그곳에서 무용훈련을 통해 재능있는 인재를 배출하여, 전문예술단에서 활동하게 하는 시스템을 유지해 왔다. 이에 반해 중국조선족자치구는 연변대학과 중앙민족대학내에 무용학과가 배치되어 있어 그곳에서 조선춤을 전수 교육함으로써 재능있는 무용인재들을 배출해 왔으며, 한국의 무용교육체계와 유사한 면을 볼 수 있다. 무용기초훈련과 작품의 경향면에서는 재일조선인사회에서는 북한에서 실천하고 있는 무용기초훈련과 기본훈련을 그대로 전수하고 있으며, 작품도 북한춤을 대표하는 명무나 민속무용을 그대로 전수받아 공연하고 있다. 그러나 중국조선족자치구에서는 최승희가 정리한 조선무용의 기초와 작품을 그녀로부터 직접 훈련받거나 전수받았으나, 최승희의 제자들은 그녀가 세운 무용기초를 발전시켜 중국소수민족의 춤기법 등을 접수하면서 중국조선족만의 무용훈련체계를 세워나가면서 한국춤과의 교류도 성사시켜 북한춤보다는 자유롭게 창작성을 가미한 중국조선족 무용문화를 형성하게 되었다. 전수된 시기로 보면, 재일조선인사회는 1960년대부터 시작되어 1970년대에 들어서는 직접적인 평양방문을 통해 전수와 교육을 받았고, 1990년대에는 북한무용가를 직접 일본으로 초청하여 무용기초훈련을 교육받음으로써 북한춤에서 볼 수 있는 스펙터클한 양상을 그대로 재현하고 있다하겠으나, 중국조선족자치구에서는 1950년대에 평양과 북경에서 최승희로부터 직접적인 지도를 받았고, 이후에는 북한무용가들로부터의 직접적인 지도보다는 북한예술단의 중국방문을 계기로 무용영향을 받는 한편, 1990년대 이후부터는 한국춤을 흡수하기 시작하면서 중국조선족만의 색다른 무용문화를 창조해 왔다. 같은 민족이면서도 살아가는 지역과 그 지역을 구성하는 민족집단의 구성체계 및 정치체제에 따라 북한춤의 전수과정 및 발전양상도 유사하지만 각각의 아이덴티티를 보장하는 독자적인 특색을 지닌 무용문화를 형성하며 발전시켜 왔음을 알 수 있으며, 재일조선인사회의 무용문화는 조총련의 통제하 강제적 문화접변에 의한 무용문화의 변동을, 중국조선족자치구의 무용문화는 자발적 문화접변에 의한 자유로운 차용과 발전으로의 변동을 살필 수 있었다.

양호겸직교사의 배치근거 및 분포양상 (A study on the distribution basis and aspect of teachers holding additional school health)

  • 이정임
    • 한국학교보건학회지
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    • 제2권1호
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    • pp.58-90
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    • 1989
  • This study was attempted to contribute to the development of school health by providing the basic data about the distribution basis and distribution aspect of teachers holding additional school health that are in charge of school health business in parimary schools, middle schools and high schools without any nurse-teacher. This study analyzed literatures about the history, related laws, organization and professional manpower of school health. The emphasis was set on the distribution basis of theachers holding additional school health. The results of this study are as following: 1. The school health of the world dates to the late 18th century in Europe where was free supplying with food for poor children. The school health of Korea orginated from smallpox vaccination which was executed with appearance of modern schools in the late 19th century. 2. The related laws of school health began as a part of Education Law with was constituted in 1949. By the School Health Law constituted in 1967 and the enforcement ordinance of School Health made firm the legal basis of school health. 3. The administrative organs of school health are the Ministry of Education in center and each Board of Education in cities and provinces. For the first time in 1979, the department of school health was established in the organization of the Ministry of Education. And at about the same time of establishment of the department of school health, health section was established in the department of social physical-training in locality. 4. In the manpower of school health which was presented in the related statute of school health, there are the ward chief of education, the superintendent of educational affair, of cities and districts, the mayors, the governors of provinces, the school managers, the principals, the school doctors, the school pharmacists, and the nurse-teachers, including teachers holding additional school health as the practical manpower of school health. 5. In order to get some information on distribution aspect of teachers additional school health, this study made up a questionnaire from August 3 to August 11, 1988. The subjects of this study were 212 leachers who took part in the yearly training for teachers holding additional school health from Kyunggi province, Chungbuk province and Jeonbuk province. The results of the questionnaire are as following: 1. The distribution percentages of teachers holding additional school health according to each Board of Education wich schools are subject to, are as following:70.1% (Kyunggi), 76.5% (Chungbuk), and 81.4% (Jeonbuk). There was a significant difference. The distribution percentages of teachers holding additional school health according to the school levels of 3 provinces are as following: 74.1% (Primary schools), 77.8% (Middle schools), 76.7% (High schools). There were little significant differences. 2. The distribution according to the general characteristics of the subject schools: There were 64.2 percent of primary schools and 35.8 percent of middle schools among 212 schools. 91. 5 percent of schools were located in districts. Public schools formed 55.7% and then national schools were higher in percentage than private schools. 58.5 percent of schools had 1-9 classes, 64.6 percent of schools had 101-500 students, and 90 percents of schools had 1-20 teachers. In considering student sex, the coed school showed the high distribution percentage (Primary schools : 100%, Middle schools: 81.6%). 3. The distribution according to the characteristics of teachers holding additional school health: 93.3 percent of teachers were female, and more than 60 percent of teachers were 20-29 years old. As the age got higher, the percentage became lower. There were little significant differences by marital status. In considering their educational status, 86.8 percent of teachers in primary schools were from teacher's colleges, and 64.5 percent of teachers in middle schools were from education colleges. In considering teaching career, 46.7 percent of teachers had teaching career of less than 2 years. 73.6 percent of teachers had held additional school health for less than one year. More than 80 percent of teachers had participated in the training one time or twice. More than 70 percent of teachers had 1-2 additional jobs except for the school health business. The motivation to hold additional school health is most caused by mandatory order, which accounts for more than 80.0 percent. In considering interesting degree concerning school health, lukewarm answer is the highest of 62.7 percent, followed by affirmative answer of 23.6 percent. In considering their contentment degree respecting additional school health job, "discontent or very discontent"is the highest of 47.6 percent. As a descontent reason of additional school health job, overwork is the highest factor of 37.9 percent. Among addiitional school health job, the most difficult affair is nursing service to be 34.0 percent, followed by health education of 31.6 percent. It testify the need of professional. The source of knowledge about school health has been acquired from masscommunication or private health experience, which account for as much as 56.1 percent. It shows seriousness of lack of professionalism. With regard to neccessity of school health experts, 95.8 percent represents absolute need. With above consideration of study results, I propose as follows : 1. I propose that the authorities concerned unify and improve statute respecting current school health which has not been steadfastly supporting school health business by ambiguity of expression and dualization. 2. I propose that the authorities concerned give the school manager, school staffs and parents of students educational chance with which they can acknowledge the importance of school health and in which they can participate as well as set up alternative policy plan to be albe to vitalize school health committee. 3. I propose that administrative organization practicable to taking totally charge of school health business is established within the Ministry of Education. 4. I propose that the authorities concerned back up and cooperate in an attempt by make school health better and desirable toward development by way of appointing qualitied health teachers on the basis of legally regular teacher staffs.

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네덜란드의 혁신클러스터정책과 시사점 (The Innovation Ecosystem and Implications of the Netherlands.)

  • 김영우
    • 벤처혁신연구
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    • 제5권1호
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    • pp.107-127
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    • 2022
  • 본 연구는 네덜란드의 지역별 혁신 클러스터정책을 통해 네덜란드 경제의 성장동인을 찾고자 한다. 전통적으로 농업과 물류중심의 경제구조를 가진 네덜란드는 1990년대 지역 클러스터를 만들면서 첨단 허브 국가로서 역할을 충실하게 해왔고 작은 나라임에도 세계 수출의 7위를 차지하는 등 혁신국가의 이미지를 만드는데 성공했다. 그 바탕에는 혁신을 위한 체계적인 분석 접근법으로 '지역 혁신 시스템(Rational Innovation System)'의 개념을 도입하고 지역의 특색을 살린 산학연 모델이 가장 큰 요인으로 작용했다. 여기에는 적절한 중앙정부의 혁신 생태계 조성을 위한 정책적 방향 제시와 지역을 중심으로 한 산학연 모델이 크게 작용한 것으로 평가받고 있다. 이런 점을 종합적으로 살펴 볼 때 본고에서는 다음과 같은 시사점을 발견할 수 있다. 첫째, 혁신 클러스터의 활성화이다. 둘째, Top 9을 중심으로 한 신산업육성정책과 미래산업 전략을 활성화하고 있다. 셋째, 산학연 협력을 구체화하고 있다. 넷째, 스타트업의 창업을 육성하고 있다. 이를 종합하면 네덜란드는 2019년 설립된 TechLeap은 네덜란드의 기술 생태계를 정량화하고 가속화하는 데 도움을 주는데 자본, 시장 및 인재에 대한 접근성을 개선하기 위한 프로그램 및 이니셔티브를 통해 기술 기업이 확장할 수 있는 최적의 환경을 조성해 네덜란드를 미래의 기술 선도기업들을 위한 보금자리로 만들기 위해 노력하고 있다. 첨단농업과 물류국가로 알려진 네덜란드는 4차 산업혁명시대를 맞이하여 로테르담을 중심으로 하는 물류의 항구에서 ICT 기술을 기반으로 하는 '지식항구(brainport)'로 확장하고 있다. 네덜란드는 물류 국가에서 산업화에 성공했지만 최근 지역혁신 생태계를 만들기 위한 중앙정부의 비전 제시와 지역의 특화산업을 연계한 산학연 클러스터 모델이 가장 큰 디딤돌 역할을 하고 있음을 확인할 수 있다. 네덜란드의 혁신정책은 혁신 클러스터 생태계를 중심으로 지역을 개발하고 일자리 창출과 새로운 산업을 위한 투자를 통해 유럽의 '디지털 관문'으로서 역할에 보다 충실할 것으로 전망된다.

실험 설계에서 나타난 소집단 논변활동 탐색: 활동에 대한 인식적 목표와 인식적 이해를 중심으로 (Exploring Small Group Argumentation Shown in Designing an Experiment: Focusing on Students' Epistemic Goals and Epistemic Considerations for Activities)

  • 권지숙;김희백
    • 한국과학교육학회지
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    • 제36권1호
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    • pp.45-61
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    • 2016
  • 본 연구는 탐구 과제에서 드러나는 학생들의 인식적 목표와 인식적 이해의 전환을 확인하고, 이러한 전환이 논변활동에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지를 알아보고자 하였다. 중학교 1학년 37명의 학생들이 연구에 참여하였고, 학생들의 인식론이 맥락에 따라 변한 1개 소집단을 선정하여 광합성 실험설계를 구성하는 논의 과정을 분석하였다. 학생들의 발화 및 행동을 통해 그들의 인식적 목표와 인식적 이해를 확인하였고 학생들의 실험설계 과정 및 결과를 분석하였다. 연구 결과, 학생들은 실험설계를 구성할 때 '과학적 의미 형성'이라는 인식적 목표에 초점을 두어 '이 실험이 어떻게 광합성에 이산화탄소가 필요한지를 알아볼 수 있는지'를 '과학 이론, 자료에 대한 자신의 해석에 기반을 두어 정당화'하였으며, 자기 자신을 '지식의 구성자'로 바라봄으로써 능동적으로 실험을 구성하였다. 그러나 다른 실험에 대해서는 '권위에 기반한 반박'을 보였으며 상대방 실험을 인정하지 않고 반박만을 제기하는 '평가자'로서의 태도를 보임으로써, 반박 과정에서 제기된 의견을 고려한 수정은 없었다. 하나의 실험을 선정하는 과정에서 인식적 목표는 '이기는 것'으로 전환되었고, '이런 실험이 좋다'라는 지식의 본성, '상대방을 이해시키기 위한 정당화를 할 필요가 없다' 혹은 '권위에 기반하여 정당화하는 것'이라는 정당화, '경쟁자'라는 청중에 대한 인식을 보였다. 이에 따라 학생들은 서로의 실험설계가 갖는 의미를 깊이 있게 탐색하지 못하였고 상대방 주장의 제한점만을 공격하여 인지적, 정서적 갈등 상황이 지속되었다. 시간 제한으로 인해 선택된 A의 실험설계를 정교화하는 과정에서 인식적 목표는 '과학적 의미 형성'으로 다시 전환되었고, '어떻게 그 실험이 과학적으로 타당한지'를 되짚어 보고 '납득할 만한 정당화가 이루어져야 한다'는 필요성을 바탕으로 과학적으로 옳은 정당화를 보였으며 학생들은 '협력자'의 관계에 놓였다. 이에 따라 구성원 모두가 의견을 제안하고 정당화하고 평가를 하는 생산적인 논변활동을 통해 발전된 소집단결과를 완성시켰다. 본 연구는 과학 수업에서 생산적인 논변활동을 지원하는 인식적 목표와 인식적 이해에 대한 기초 정보를 제공할 것으로 기대된다.

청소년의 건강행위와 비행의 영향 요인에 관한 모형 구축 (Model Development of Affecting Factors on Health Behavior and Juvenile Delinquency of Adolescents)

  • 김현숙;김화중
    • 한국학교보건학회지
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    • 제11권2호
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    • pp.171-187
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    • 1998
  • In recent years, adolescent issues including smoking, drinking, drug abuse, juvenile delinquency, deviant sexual behavior, mental health problems, high suicide rate, juvenile delinquency and absence without due notice, etc are emerging as serious social problems and the debate on these controversial issues is heating up. The previous studies on adolescent health behavior and social juvenile delinquency such as run-away from home and absence without due notice have been conducted mostly by cause analysis utilizing social demographic factors or biological factors. In other words, the main factors analyzed were demographic and economic factors or parent's educational level, etc, which were the fixed environmental ones that were unable to cause the change in the health behavior. Accordingly, the purpose of this study is to analyze factors which are changeable and fixable among the factors influencing the adolescent's health behavior and misconducts and, eventually influencing factors which can be used as the basis to establish health policies and health promotion program to reduce the health risk behavior and misconducts of adolescents. The study subjects were selected by dividing senior high school student in Seoul by region and through random sampling. The 890 subjects were selected from 10 schools including the preparatory school, vocational schools and institutional schools. The duration of the study was for July 1-5, 1997 for the first survey and the second one, for August 25-September 10. Regarding the analysis method, the SAS program was used. The adoptablity of theoretical model was tested through covariance structural analysis utilizing PC-LISREL 8.12 Program. The major findings of the study are as follows: As a result of establishing the model of factors influencing health behavior and juvenile delinquency, in case of male students as the health behavior self-efficacy, education level of fathers, economic level, self-control and the health interest of parent were higher, students were more likely to practice the health promoting behavior. Juvenile delinquency and health risk behavior were prevalent among those with the less shyness, the lower health behavior self-efficacy, lower self-control, lower self-assertiveness, lower economic level. The self-control was the most powerful factor. In case of female students, those with higher health behavior self-efficacy were more likely to practice the health promoting behavior whereas those with lower health behavior self-efficacy, lower self-control, lower self- assertiveness, less shyness were more likely to practice health risk behavior and juvenile delinquency. In case of prep schools, those with higher health behavior self-efficacy and better perceived health status were more likely to practice the health promoting behavior while those with less shyness, lower health behavior self-efficacy and lower academic achievement were more likely to engage in health risk behavior and juvenile delinquency. In case of vocational schools, as health behavior self-efficacy and economic level were higher, the practice rate of health promoting behavior was higher. As the self-control, shyness, self-assertiveness, health behavior self-efficacy were lower, the rate of health risk behavior and juvenile delinquency were higher. In case of social institutional schools, as, the health behavior self-efficacy, social support and economic level, health interest of parents were higher, the rate of health promoting behavior were higher. As the self-control, shyness, self-assertiveness, health behavior self-efficacy and social support were lower, the rate of health risk behavior and juvenile delinquency were higher. So the health promoting behavior was positively related to the health behavior self-efficacy, health interest of parents, social support, education level of fathers, level of perceived health status, economic level. The health risk behavior and juvenile delinquency were higher with the lower health behavior self-efficacy, self-control and self-assertiveness, lower health locus control, less shyness and loneliness, lower economic level and academic achievement. In conclusion, the health risk behavior and juvenile delinquency can be reduced by enhancing self-control, self-assertiveness, health behavior self-efficacy and social support. According to the final model drawn by connecting health behavior and juvenile delinquency, the reduction of health risk behavior can greatly contribute to decreasing social juvenile delinquency as the process of juvenile delinquency was extended from common behaviors to problem behaviors and further into juvenile delinquency.

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전문대학(專門大學) 수산가공과(水產加工科) 교육과정(敎育科程) 개선(改善)에 관한 연구(硏究) (A Study on the Development of Curriculum for the Department of Fisheries Processing in Fisheries Junior College)

  • 성대환;최종덕;김정균
    • 수산해양교육연구
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    • 제2권1호
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    • pp.15-28
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    • 1989
  • 본(本) 연구(硏究)는 식생활(食生活)의 다변화 및 향상(向上)으로 새로운 수산식품(水産食品)의 개발(開發)과 가공(加工) 저장 기술(技術)의 고도화(高度化)가 요구(要求)됨에 따라 수산식품제조(水産食品製造) 관리(管理)에 유능(有能)한 중견기술인(中堅技術人)의 양성을 위하여 전문대학(專門大學) 수산가공과(水産加I科)의 교육과정(敎育課程) 개선(改善)에 목적(目的)을 두었다. 본(本) 교육과정(敎育課程) 수정개발(修正開發)은 수산식품(水産食品)의 전망에 따라 직무(職務)의 종류(種類), 산업체(産業體)와 졸업생(卒業生) 및 재학생(在學生) 및 요구(要求) 등을 설문조사(說間調査)하고 식품가공(食品加工) 관련학과(關聯學科) 교수들의 의견(意見) 등을 검토분석(檢討分析)함으로써 최적 교육과정(敎育課程) 작성하려고 하였다. 1. 식품가공업(食品加工業)을 5종(種)으로 분류(分類)하였으며 수산가공기술자(水産加工技術者)가 갖추어야할 직무(職務)는 14개종(個種)으로 구분(區分)하였다. 2. 수산식품(水産食品) 가공기술자(加工技術者)의 능력(能力)을 배양하고 산업사회(産業社會)와 졸업생(卒業生) 및 재학생(在學生)의 요구(要求)를 충족시킬 수 있는 교과목(敎科目)은 51개(個) 과목(科目)으로 보았다. 3. 51개 과목(科目)은 각각 교양(敎養) 13개 과목(科目)에 24학점(學點), 전공필수(專攻必須) 12과목(科目)에 34학점(學點), 전공선택(專攻選擇)은 24과목(科目)에 56학점(學點), 인접선택은 2과목(科目)에 5학점(學點)으로 하여 총 119학점(學點)에 142시간(時間)을 개설(開設)토록 하였다. 4. 이상(以上)의 교육과정(敎育課程)을 실현(實現)하기 위하여는 산학협동체제(産學協同體制)가 확립(確立)되어 산업체(産業體)의 시설을 학생(學生)이 학교(學校)의 시설을 산업체(産業體)가 활용(活用)할 수 있어야 하며 이를 뒷받침 할 수 있는 법적 근거가 마련되어야 한다. 5. 충분한 기술교양(技術敎養)을 위해서는 교육 년한이 1년 이상 연장되어야 하며 기사(技師) 자격(資格) 시험에 있어서 인식도(認識度)를 묻는 차원(次元)에서 행위능력(行爲能力)을 묻는 차원(次元)으로 바꾸어야 한다. 6. 전문대학(專門大學) 교육내실화(敎育內實化)를 위하여 교재(敎材)의 개발(開發), 실험(實驗) 및 실습방법(實習方法)의 개선(改善), 교육평가(敎育評價)의 개선(改善)등이 지속적으로 이루어져야 한다.

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생명현상 관찰에서 나타나는 인과적 의문 생성의 ERF 특성 : MEG 연구 (ERF Components Patterns of Causal Question Generation during Observation of Biological Phenomena : A MEG Study)

  • 권석원;권용주
    • 과학교육연구지
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    • 제33권2호
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    • pp.336-345
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    • 2009
  • 이 연구의 목적은 생명현상 관찰에서 나타나는 인과적 의문 생성 ERF components를 개발하는 것이다. 이를 위해 우선 인지심리적 방법으로 생명현상 기반의 인과적 의문생성 유발 사진 과제를 개발하였다. 이를 활용해 전기생리적 방법인 MEG(Magnetoencephalography) 두뇌 영상 기기를 이용하여 시계열적 두뇌 처리과정에 기초한 인과적 의문의 ERF(Event Related Fields) 패턴을 확인할 수 있었다. 생명현상 기반의 인과적 의문생성 유발 사진은 과학교육 전문가와 과학교육연구진으로 구성된 인원의 R&D 방식으로 개발되었다. 과제는 생물군 유형에 따라 동물(A, animal), 미생물(M, microbe), 식물(P, plant)과제로 분류 형태를 나누고, 생물 개체 수준의 유형에 따라 개체간 상호작용(i, interaction), 단일 개체(a, all), 개체 일부(p, part)로 구분하여 총 100장에 대한 인과적 의문 유발 사진을 완성하였다. 이후 서울대학병원 MEG 센터팀과의 세미나 과정을 통해 MEG 과제용 패러다임을 개발하고, 과학교육 전공 여자 대학원생 5명(M=26.4, SD=2.30)을 대상으로 인과적 의문생성간 MEG data를 수집하였다. 이를 통해 인과적 의문 유형별 고유 특성을 확인하기 위해 MEG ERF components 분석을 실시하였다. 인과적 의문 생성시 나타나는 ERF components 분석 결과 M1(100~130ms), M2(220~280ms), M3(320~390ms), M4(460~520ms) 총 4개 components 패턴이 발견되었다. M1과 M2의 경우 인과적 의문 사진 과제 제시에 따라 피험자가 관찰하는 동안 보고 되는 것으로 dipole fitting 과정을 통해 두뇌 활성 영역을 확인해 본 것처럼 시각령이 위치하는 후두엽에 걸쳐 확인되었다. M3 components의 경우 인과적 의문에 대한 불확실감을 해소하기 위해 장기기억 저장소로부터 경험 상황을 가지고 오는 귀추의 과정을 반영한다고 볼 수 있다. 이는 이전 경험상황을 분석하는 단계에 해당하며 학생들이 가설을 생성할 때 가장 큰 어려움을 경험하여 교사의 적절한 도움이 요구되는 부분이다. M4 components는 장기 기억 속의 경험 상황에서 인과적 의문에 대한 설명자를 표상하는 단계에 해당하는 것으로 인과적 의문 생성 후 가설을 만드는 전 단계에 해당 한다고 할 수 있다. 본 연구는 확인된 인과적 의문 생성시 나타나는 MEG ERF components와 latency 시간을 통해 인과적 의문 생성에 어려움을 호소하는 학생들에 대한 개별적 교수 처치와 더불어 고등인지 영역의 ERF 연구의 기초를 마련하였다는데 의의가 있다고 하겠다.

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도시.농촌 지역 초등학생의 가족환경, 건강행위 및 건강상태에 관한 비교 (Comparision of Family Environment, Health Behavior and Health State of Elementary Students in Urban and Rural Areas)

  • 배연숙;박경민
    • 지역사회간호학회지
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    • 제9권2호
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    • pp.502-517
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    • 1998
  • This research intends to survey family environment, health behavior and health status of the students in urban-rural elementary schools and analyze those factors comparatively, and use the result as basic material for school health teacher to teach health education in connection with family and regional areas. It also intends to improve a pupil's self-abilitiy in health care. The subjects involve 2,774 students of urban elementary schools and 583 student in rural ones, who were selected by means of a multi -stage probability sampling. Using the questionnaire and school documents, we collected data on family environment, health behavior and health status for 19 days. Feb. 2nd 1998 through Feb. 20th 1998. The R -form of Family Environment Scale (Moos, 1974) was used in the analysis of family environment(Cronbach's Alpha =0.80). Questionnaires of Health Behavior in School-aged children used by the WHO in Europe(Aaro et al., 1986) and the ones developed by the Health Promotion Committee of the Western Pacific(WHO, 1995)(adapted by long Young-suk and Moon Young-hee(1996)) were used in the analysis of health behavior, as well documents on absences due to sickness, school health room-visits, levels of physical strength, height, weight and degree of obesity were used to determine health status. In next step, We used them with an $X^2$-test, t-test, Odds Ratio, and a 95% Confidence Interval. 1. In two dimensions of three, family-relationship (t=3.41, p=0.001) and system -maintenances(t= 2.41, p=0.0l6) the mean score of urban children were significantly higher than those of rural ones. In the personal development dimension however, there was little significant difference. Assorting family environment into 10 sub-fields and analyzing them, we recognized that urban children were superior to rural children in the sub-fields of expressiveness (t =3.47, p=0.001), conflict (t=0.48, p=0.001), active-recreational orientation (t = 1.97, p=0.049) and organization (t=4.33, p=0.000). 2. Referring to the Odds Ratios of urban-rural children's health behaviors, urban children set up more desirable behavior than rural children wear ing safety belts (Odds Ratio =0.32, p=0.000), washing hands after meals(Odds Ratio = 0.43, p= 0.000), washing hands after excreting (Odds Ratio = 0.39, p=O.OOO), washing hands after coming - home ( Odds Ratio = 0.75, p = 0.003), brushing teeth before sleeping(Odds Ratio =0.45, p=0.000), brushing teeth more than once a day (Odds Ratio =0.73, p=0.0l2), drinking boiled water (Odds Ratio = 0.49, p=0.000), collecting garbage at home(Odds Ratio=0.31, p=0.000) and in the school(Odds Ratio =0. 67, p=0.000). All these led to significant differences. As to taking milk(Odds Ratio = 1.50, p=0.000), taking care of eyesight(Odds Ratio=1.41, p=0.001) and getting physical exercise in(Odds Ratio = 1.33, p=0.0l9) and outside the school(Odds Ratio = 1.32, p=0.005), rural children had more desirable behavior which also revealed a significant difference. There was little significant difference in smoking, but the smoking rate of rural children(5.5%) was larger than that of urban children(3.9%). 3. Health status was analyzed in terms of absences, school health room-visits, levels of physical strength, and the degree of obesity, height and weight. Considering Odds Ratios of the health status of urban-rural children, the health status of rural children was significantly better than that of the urban ones in the level of physical strength(t=1.51, p=0.000) and the degree of obesity(t=1.84, p=0.000). The mean height of urban children ($150.4{\pm}7.5cm$) is taller than that of their counterparts($149.5{\pm}7.9$), which revealed a significant difference (t =2.47, p=0.0l4). The mean weight of urban children($42.9{\pm}8.6kg$) is larger than that of their counterparts($41.8{\pm}9.0kg$), which was also a significant difference(t=2.81, p=0.005). Considering the results above, we can recognize that there are significant differences in family environment, health behavior, and health status in urban-rural children. These results also suggestion ideas for health education. What we would suggest for the health program of elementary schools is that school health teachers should play an active role in promoting the need and importance of health education, develop the appropriate programs which correspond to the regional characteristics, and incorporate them into schools to improve children's ability to manage their own health management.

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역량 중심의 과학 영재 교육을 위한 과학자의 핵심 역량 모델 개발 및 타당화 (The Development on Core Competency Model of Scientist and Its Verification for Competency-Based Science Gifted Education)

  • 박재진;윤지현;강성주
    • 영재교육연구
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    • 제24권4호
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    • pp.509-541
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    • 2014
  • 21세기 지식 기반 사회가 추구하는 가치나 비전에 따른 과학 영재 교육의 새로운 방향으로서 핵심 역량 중심의 교육을 고려해 볼 필요가 있다. 따라서 이 연구에서는 향후 핵심 역량 중심의 과학 영재 교육을 위한 선결 요건으로서 과학자의 핵심 역량 모델을 개발하고, 타당성을 검토하였다. 이를 위하여 논문, 도서, 신문 기사, 행동사건면접에 대한 분석을 바탕으로 설문 문항을 개발한 후 설문 조사를 실시하였다. 그리고 설문 조사 결과를 바탕으로, 탐색적 요인분석을 실시하였다. 그 결과, 5개의 역량군, 15개의 하위 역량으로 구성된 잠재적인 핵심 역량 모델을 구성할 수 있었고, 확인적 요인분석을 통해 탐색된 핵심 역량 모델의 신뢰도와 수렴타당도, 판별타당도 등을 확보할 수 있었다. 과학자의 핵심 역량 모델에서 '인지' 역량군은 '창의적 사고', '종합적 사고', '탐색적 사고', '분석적 사고', '개념적 사고'의 5개 하위 역량으로 구성되었다. '성취지향' 역량군은 '주도성', '준비 및 문제해결력', '전략적 영향력'의 3개 하위 역량으로 구성되었고, '과학적 태도' 역량군은 '유연한 사고와 태도', '연구 열정', '과학에 대한 견해'의 3개 하위 역량으로 구성되었다. '개인 효과성' 역량군은 '풍부한 경험과 체험', '글로벌 자세'의 2개 하위 역량으로 구성되었으며, 마지막으로, '네트워킹' 역량군은 '대인이해', '의사소통'의 2개 하위 역량으로 구성되었다. 이 연구 결과는 과학자의 핵심 역량 모델을 과학 영재 교육에 소개하고, 핵심 역량 중심의 과학 영재 교육을 위한 프로그램 개발이나 전략 마련 등을 위한 기초 자료를 제공해 줄 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.

중학교 체질검사 실태에 관한 연구 (A study on physical examination of middle school students)

  • 박성희
    • 한국학교보건학회지
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    • 제14권1호
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    • pp.131-143
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    • 2001
  • The primary aim of this dissertation is to contribute to the improvement of methods in physical examination by providing quality information for the current school system and advice for improving status. Present status, controversial points and possible remedies in physical examination were analyzed on a frequency and percentage basis. An $x^2$-test was used to verify the statistics between the results from the examination and each variable. In case of multiple categories of variables, an $x^2$ cs was adopted. Chronological data as well as both total and sampling physical examination data verified the statistics using an $x^2$-test. This thesis is based both on the data from middle school health care specialists in Gyunggi Province and on the analysis of physical examinations reported from local schools to the municipal education agency from 1997 to 1999. The results of the study are as follows: First, according to the survey, only 29.0% of the total schools had their school doctors examine all the students while most of the educational institutions failed to implement the whole process of physical examination on the list. It also turned out that the more students the schools have, the lower the rate of implementation of physical examination by school doctors(p=0.014). Second, the average time a school doctor spends for checkup turned out to be approximately 1.7 minutes per student This means that the quality of the physical examination is not guaranteed in the process. Third, 47.7% of those surveryed say that a dental examination was performed, each taking 21.24 seconds on average. In addition, it shows that some 31.5% wanted to have a task force team for dental checkups at the local health center. Given the fact that dental caries among students is progressively on the rise, the dental health centers that are now set up in some elementary schools should be expanded to cover the whole educational institution in order to raise awareness of the importance of dental care. Fourth, 48.5% of those surveyed say that a comprehensive physical examination should be adopted to promote the health of high schoolers. Since it takes a lot of public funds to implement a comprehensive method, it is essential to make sure that in-depth studies should be based on the frequency and methods of physical examination. Fifth, regarding such diseases among 3rd year middle school students in 1999, statistics shows that there was a slight difference in the prevalence rate of color blindness, and allergic diseases for male students ; and color blindness, hearing disturbance and allergic disease for female students. For those items, however, it is too little to say that there is a significant difference and accordingly it is assumed to be a problem of the measuring process. Sixth, the result of analysis on the sample physical examination and the total physical examination of the year 1999 shows as follows: For male students in the 3rd year of middle school, a slight difference appeared to those students in 11 items including eye problems and eye disease, otitis media, tonsillar hypertrophy, spinal shape, respiratory urinary allergic disease and other abnormal diseases(p<0.05). Particularly, the prevalence rate between students with and without disease was shown to be two times more in the following: eye problems, otitis media, tonsill hypertrophy, allergic diseases, etc. For female students in the 3rd year, prevalence rate showed little difference in 14 items(p<0.05). For items including eye problem, otitis media, tonsill hypertrophy, allergic disease, etc. it was shown that the rate was two times more between students with and without diseases. Physical examinations under the current school system are not producing any fundamental results for the health of the students. Methods and results are not trustworthy. Accordingly, a drastic overhaul of the current practices is needed in frequency, methods and items on the list in order to promote the health of the students. Cost-benefit studies as well as political considerations to ensure the development of efficient methods for physical examination are urgently needed at this moment.

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