• Title/Summary/Keyword: Structural Performance Evaluation

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Seismic Performance Evaluation of Acceleration-sensitive Medical and Mechanical Equipments in General Hospitals (가속도에 민감한 종합병원 의료 및 기계설비의 내진성능 평가)

  • Kim, Taewan;Kim, Seung Re;Chu, Yurim;Bhandari, Diwas
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.235-244
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    • 2018
  • The main function of the general hospital building is to provide medical facilities and service. However, damage to the non-structural elements such as architectural, medical, mechanical and other components will interrupt those functions after the earthquake. Especially, it is considered that, damage to the non-structural elements is a serious event because it is directly associated with the lives of patients. Therefore, this study evaluated whether the certain non-structural elements of general hospital building has the seismic performance to provide hospital medical services after the earthquake. The evaluation is conducted by selecting the non-structural elements used in general hospital which are sensitive to acceleration, such as cooling towers, air handler, MRI and CT. As a result, the non-structural elements located on the upper floor without suitable support method did not meet the performance objective. Therefore, adequate anchorage against the seismic event is required for such non-structural elements that are acceleration-sensitives.

Development of Early Evaluation System for Concrete Quality, Construction and Maintenance (콘크리트 품질ㆍ시공ㆍ유지관리의 조기판정시스템 개발)

  • 손용우;이증빈;최미라;박봉수
    • Proceedings of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute Conference
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    • 2004.10a
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    • pp.517-526
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    • 2004
  • In the resent years, the early evaluation of concrete quality, construction and maintenance has been considered as all is of major concern due to the increase of loading and the degradation of structures related with time. This paper presents evaluation of structural safety performance using measured data of construction, on the basis of a field measurements for the prevention of unreliable concrete works. Measurements analyzed in this paper are early quality condition and performance assessment, serviceability performance by cracks and deflection, rating performance by loading, durability performance by chloride attack and carbonation. Thus, a quantitative assessment model of resistance capacity was developed here to meet the requirement for deteriorated concrete structures. The model focuses on damage mechanical of concrete structures deteriorated by initial damage factors for concrete quality and environment factors such as chloride and carbonation attacks. These results could provide useful information for concrete structures interested in design, construction and maintenance.

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Structural Performance Evaluation of Stone Pagoda of Mireuk Temple Site in accordance with Construction Type (미륵사지 석탑의 축조형식에 따른 구조성능 평가)

  • Kim, Ho-Soo;Park, Chan-Hong;Lee, Ha-Na
    • Journal of Korean Association for Spatial Structures
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.41-50
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    • 2014
  • The stone pagoda of Mireuk temple site is currently restoring through the repairing process. This stone pagoda has the various construction types in the inner and outer space. Therefore, the stress concentration and structural behavior need to be considered through the analysis of various construction patterns. To this end, this study presents the structural modelling and analysis considering the discrete element analysis technique to solve the discontinuum behavior between the stone elements. Also, this study performs the structural performance evaluation through the various design variables for the safety of stone pagoda. Through the analysis results, we can find out the small stress concentration in the several members. But, because the stresses and displacements are relatively small, we can secure the safety of the whole structure.

Seismic Evaluation of an Apartment House With a Coupling Effect of Structural and Non-Structural Walls (공동 주택의 구조벽과 비내력벽의 일체화 효과에 따른 내진 성능 분석)

  • Kim, Eun-Seo;Choi, Byung-Hoon;Lee, Jung-Han;Lee, Kihak
    • Journal of Korean Association for Spatial Structures
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.85-92
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    • 2019
  • This study was carried out to examine the effect of the presence of non-structural walls in apartment buildings subjected to an earthquake. It was believed that the presence of non-structural walls, which has not been considered in the structural design process, was usually built together with structural walls and this led to significant damages to the apartment buildings in Pohang earthquake, 2017. In this study, a 22-story apartment building was selected and modeled to simulate the seismic behavior due to earthquakes. The story drift, performance point, and compressive strain in the walls were the main parameters to evaluate the seismic performance with the presence of non-structural walls.

Earthquake Behavior Characteristics and Seismic Performance Evaluation of Phayathonzu Temple in Myanmar (미얀마 파야똔주 사원의 지진거동 특성 및 내진성능 평가)

  • Kim, Ho-Soo
    • Journal of Korean Association for Spatial Structures
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.43-52
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    • 2024
  • Phayathonzu temple in Myanmar was made of masonry bricks, and so it was vulnerable to lateral load such as earthquake. Especially, it has many difficulties in structural modeling and dynamic analysis because the discontinuous characteristics of masonry structure should be considered. So, it is necessary to provide the seismic performance evaluation technology through the inelastic dynamic modeling and analysis under earthquake loads for the safety security of masonry brick temple. Therefore, this study analyzes the seismic behavior characteristics and evaluates the seismic performance for the 479 structure with many cracks and deformations. Through the evaluation results, we found out the structural weak parts on earthquake loads.

A Study on the Performance Evaluation System of Conventional(ASSM) Road Tunnels (재래식(ASSM) 도로터널의 성능평가 체계 연구)

  • Park, Kwang-Rim;Chung, Jee-Seung
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.27-36
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    • 2018
  • Although the current evaluation system has been revised four times since it was revised in 1996, it is insufficient to utilize it as a basis for predicting the performance degradation from the long-term viewpoint and prioritization decision for the budget input due to the evaluation system limited to securing the structural safety. Therefore, this study proposes a new evaluation system suitable for the performance evaluation of conventional (ASSM) tunnels among the various types of existing road tunnels using Delphi technique and AHP technique. Since the existing evaluation systems and evaluation items in domestic and overseas are limited in scope of evaluation criteria, the survey was conducted in conjunction with closed questionnaires on existing items and open questionnaires for eliciting new items. The validity of the questionnaire results were verified and the performance evaluation factors suitable for conventional (ASSM) tunnels were derived. After calculating weighted value of the derived evaluation item using AHP technique, a new evaluation system is proposed to meet the characteristics of the ASSM tunnel, so that they can be used as reference materials for revising and supplementing detailed guidelines of performance evaluation in the future.

Structural performance monitoring of an urban footbridge

  • Xi, P.S.;Ye, X.W.;Jin, T.;Chen, B.
    • Structural Monitoring and Maintenance
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.129-150
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    • 2018
  • This paper presents the structural performance monitoring of an urban footbridge located in Hangzhou, China. The structural health monitoring (SHM) system is designed and implemented for the footbridge to monitor the structural responses of the footbridge and to ensure the structural safety during the period of operation. The monitoring data of stress and displacement measured by the fiber Bragg grating (FBG)-based sensors installed at the critical locations are used to analyze and assess the operation performance of the footbridge. A linear regression method is applied to separate the temperature effect from the stress monitoring data measured by the FBG-based strain sensors. In addition, the static vertical displacement of the footbridge measured by the FBG-based hydrostatic level gauges are presented and compared with the dynamic displacement remotely measured by a machine vision-based measurement system. Based on the examination of the monitored stress and displacement data, the structural safety evaluation is executed in combination with the defined condition index.

An Extended Model Evaluation Method using Multiple Assessment Indices (MAIs) under Uncertainty in Rainfall-Runoff Modeling (강우-유출 모델링의 불확실성 고려한 다중 평가지수에 의한 확장형 모형평가 방법)

  • Lee, Gi-Ha;Jung, Kwan-Sue;Tachikawa, Yasuto
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2010.05a
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    • pp.591-595
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    • 2010
  • Conventional methods of model evaluation usually rely only on model performance based on a comparison of simulated variables to corresponding observations. However, this type of model evaluation has been criticized because of its insufficient consideration of the various uncertainty sources involved in modeling processes. This study aims to propose an extended model evaluation method using multiple assesment indices (MAIs) that consider not only the model performance but also the model structure and parameter uncertainties in rainfall-runoff modeling. A simple reservoir model (SFM) and distributed kinematic wave models (KWMSS1 and KWMSS2 using topography from 250m, 500m, and 1km digital elevation models) were developed and assessed by three MAIs for model performance, model structural stability, and parameter identifiability. All the models provided acceptable performance in terms of a global response, but the simpler SFM and KWMSS1 could not accurately represent the local behaviors of hydrographs. In addition, SFM and KWMSS1 were structurally unstable; their performance was sensitive to the applied objective functions. On the other hand, the most sophisticated model, KWMSS2, performed well, satisfying both global and local behaviors. KMSS2 also showed good structural stability, reproducing hydrographs regardless of the applied objective functions; however, superior parameter identifiability was not guaranteed. Numerous parameter sets could lead to indistinguishable hydrographs. This result supports that while making a model complex increases its performance accuracy and reduces its structural uncertainty, the model is likely to suffer from parameter uncertainty. The proposed model evaluation process can provide an effective guideline for identifying a reliable hydrologic model.

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Seismic performance evaluation of a RC special moment frame

  • Kim, Taewan;Kim, Jinkoo
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.671-682
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    • 2007
  • The probability and the reliability-based seismic performance evaluation procedure proposed in the FEMA-355F was applied to a reinforced concrete moment frame building in this study. For the FEMA procedure, which was originally developed for steel moment frame structures, to be applied to other structural systems, the capacity should be re-defined and the factors reflecting the uncertainties related to capacity and demand need to be determined. To perform the evaluation procedure a prototype building was designed per IBC 2003, and inelastic dynamic analyses were conducted applying site-specific ground motions to determine the parameters for performance evaluation. According to the analysis results, distribution of the determined capacities turned out to be relatively smaller than that of the demands, which showed that the defined capacity was reasonable. It was also shown that the prototype building satisfied the target performance since the determined confidence levels exceeded the objectives for both local and global collapses.

Development of Computational Tools for Seismic Design of Architectural Components in Negative Pressure Isolation Wards (음압격리병동의 건축 비구조요소 내진설계를 위한 전산도구 개발)

  • Chu, Yu Rim;Kim, Tae Jin
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.127-136
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    • 2022
  • Recently, an unprecedented emerging infectious disease has rapidly spread, causing a global shortage of wards. Although various temporary beds have appeared, the supply of wards specializing in infectious diseases is required. Negative pressure isolation wards should maintain their function even after an earthquake. However, the current seismic design standards do not guarantee the negative pressure isolation wards' operational (OP) performance level. For this reason, some are not included in the design target even though they are non-structural elements that require seismic design. Also, the details of non-structural elements are usually determined during the construction phase. It is often necessary to complete the stability review and reinforcement design for non-structural elements within a short period. Against this background, enhanced performance objectives were set to guarantee the OP non-structural performance level, and a computerized tool was developed to quickly perform the seismic design of non-structural elements in the negative pressure isolation wards. This study created a spreadsheet-based computer tool that reflects the components, installation spacing, and design procedures of non-structural elements. Seismic performance review and design of the example non-structural elements were conducted using the computerized tool. The strength of some components was not sufficient, and it was reinforced. As a result, the time and effort required for strength evaluation, displacement evaluation, and reinforcement design were reduced through computerized tools.