• Title/Summary/Keyword: Strengthening treatment

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A study on dental professionals' recognition on a system of long-term care insurance for the elderly (노인장기요양보험제도에 관한 치과종사자의 인식도 연구)

  • Ahn, Kwon-Suk;Ji, Min-Gyeong;Min, Hee-Hong
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.169-180
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    • 2009
  • This study grasped recognition on a system of long-term care insurance for the elderly targeting dental professionals who are working at dental hospitals and clinics where are located in Daejeon Metropolitan City. It developed and utilized materials available for educating the care staff in a system of long-term care insurance for the elderly and the dental professionals who participate in the oral hygiene service. It carried out the effective duty performance for the elderly in a situation of long-term care protection. Thus, the purpose of this study was to contribute to the early settlement in a system of long-term care insurance for the elderly. The following conclusions were obtained as a result of having carried out self-administered questionnaire research targeting 238 people from August 1 to August 30 in 2008. 1. In the general characteristics of the research subject, the present working place was indicated to be 22.7% for dental hospital, 71.8% for dental clinic, and 5.5% for others. As for the main duty field, the medical treatment & cooperative duty was indicated to be the highest with 61.8%, and was statistically significant(p=0.000). 2. The necessity for a system of long-term care insurance for the elderly was indicated to be 77.7% for 'necessary' and 1.7% for 'unnecessary,' and was statistically significant(p=0.016). 3. In the item of dividing the service of long-term care insurance for the elderly, the dental hygienists showed higher recognition than non-dental hygienists, and indicated significant difference(p=0.010). 4. As for recognition on a system of long-term care insurance for the elderly in dental professionals who responded as saying of 'knowing name and contents' about a system of long-term care insurance for the elderly, the recognition level was high in recognition of subjects' age(p=0.000), division in services(p=0.012), contents in at-home care service(p=0.000), execution in oral-hygiene service(p=0.004), procedure of using the long-term care insurance for the elderly(p=0.016), item of judging grade of long-term care insurance for the elderly(p=0.013), medical charge by service according to judging grade of long-term care insurance for the elderly(p=0.015), burden of cost for a system of long-term care insurance for the elderly(p=0.011), qualification of care staff(p=0.002), and contents of oral-hygiene service(p=0.027), and showed significant difference. 5. The service of long-term care insurance for the elderly and the oral-hygiene service indicated the statistically significant correlation. Accordingly, all of dental professionals need to make a desperate effort to improve dental professionals' knowledge on a system of long-term care insurance for the elderly enough to be required a system of long-term care insurance for the elderly. The more systematic and standardized professional education and materials are thought to be needed to be developed aiming at the success in oral-hygiene service within a system of long-term care insurance for the elderly, by strengthening professionalism in dentists and dental hygienists.

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The Effects of Changes In Body Composition Through High Intensity Circuit Training On Spine Curvature And Low Back Pain Among Middle-Aged Men With Abdominal Obesity (고강도서키트트레이닝에 의한 신체조성의 변화가 복부비만 중년남성의 척추만곡도와 요부통증에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Chae-Won;Kim, Jung-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.346-356
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    • 2018
  • Overweight and abdominal obesity caused by sedentary lifestyle may induce deconditioned and atrophied extensor musculature of the lumbar spine and be a potential risk factor for low back pain (LBP). Therefore, this study was conducted to evaluate the validity of high intensity circuit training (HICT) on weight loss and subsequent alleviation of spine curvature (SC) and visual analog scale (VAS) among middle aged men with abdominal obesity. The training program (1 exercise session for 30 minutes, three times a week for 12 weeks) consisted of 12 different functional exercises based on core strengthening multiple joint circuit training. Portions of the obesity index related to body composition were positively changed, which improved the angles of thoracic kyposis and lumbar lordosis, which appeared to effectively reduce lower back pain. Taken together, HICT specifically designed for LBP effectively decreased obesity related body composition and was superior to other treatments for decreasing aggravation of the spine curvature and LBP caused by abdominal obesity; however, weight loss should be the primary treatment target for LBP patients.

Historian Samuel Eliot Morison and Writing History of United States Naval Operations in World War II (해양사가 새뮤얼 엘리엇 모리슨(Samuel Eliot Morison)의 해전사 서술과 그 현대적 의미 - 『제2차 세계대전기 미국 해군 작전사』를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Hyun-Seung
    • Strategy21
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    • s.42
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    • pp.53-82
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    • 2017
  • Samuel Eliot Morison (1887-1976) was one of the pre-eminent historians of his generation. He was not only a famous historian at that time, but also was promoted to the rank of Admiral in U.S. Navy Reserve. Fifteen volume History of United States Naval Operations in World War II was published between 1947 and 1962, was not only a comprehensive report on the Navy's projection of power over two oceans, but a classic of historical literature that stands as the definitive treatment of it subject. Although he was fifty-five when war come to America in December 1941. Samuel Eliot Morison was determined to play a role. A professor at Harvard at the time, he joined volunteering for duty in the Navy. An experienced sailor, Professor Morison had earlier sailed that same routes taken by Christopher Columbus while researching his biography, Admiral of the Ocean Sea, which appeared in January 1942 th much acclaim and later got a Pulitzer Prize. Thus Morison plunged into the war, crossing the Atlantic aboard a destroyer. He assumed himself as "Parkman on the sea", tried to follow Parkman's historiographic method, not only participatory history but also literary style. And during writing History of United States Naval Operations in World War II, He emphasized two principles, publicity and objectivity. In terms of publicity, he always worried about who read history and why. In his pamphlet, "History as a Literary Art", he asserted it is useless if readers do not read a history which historians wrote. So he thought historians have forgotten that there is an art of writing of history. Therefore, he built his narratives around brightly rendered visuals and used the present tense to describe actions he witnessed firsthand, he wrote of the U.S. combat in very vividly. But strongly driven by publicity, he sometimes lost his balance in writing the naval history. For instance, the naval history became the focus of criticism for its prejudiced comments about the commanders. Also some reviewers asserted he did not secure the objectivity on writing the naval history. Although he sometimes deliberately torpedoed the objectivity of his work for strengthening publicity, by writing an extensive U.S. naval history, he introduced maritime history and naval history to the public widely. Until in early twentieth century, U.S. historians usually had been focusing their effort to the traditional areas, for example politic, economy, and etc. His intensive effort on the operations of U.S. Navy in World War II aroused a public interest in maritime and naval history. In conclusion, through using literary style and realistic narratives, historian Morison wrote a naval history for all the people which could appealed to the public.

The Experience of Parents Whose Child is Dying with Cancer (암 환아 부모의 경험에 대한 질적 연구)

  • ;;Ida Martinson
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.491-505
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    • 1992
  • The purpose of this research was to understand the structure of the lived experience of parents of a child terminally ill with cancer The research question was “What is the structure of the experience of parents of a child terminally ill with cancer\ulcorner” The sample consisted of 17 parents of children admitted to the cancer units of two university hospitals in Seoul. The unstructured interviews were carried out from October 10, 1991 through January 10, 1992. They were audio-recorded and analysed using Van Kaam's method. Parents ascribed the cause of the cancer to the mother's emotional imbalance during pregnancy, the mother's stress, failure to observe religious rites, food, the parent's sin, misfortune and pollution. The theme clusters were tension, fear and depression experienced during pregnancy, stress that children suffer from abusive parents, failure to observe religious activites, bad luck, and sins committed during a previous life. When the child suffered a recurrence of cancer, the parents experienced negative emotions, nervousness, sorrow. depression and death. The theme clusters were feelings of despair, helplessness, regret, guilt, insecurity, emptyness and apathy. The long struggle with cancer resulted in the loss of economic security, loss of psychological and physical well being, and social withdrawal. The theme clusters were the economic burden of medical cost, giving up treatment, debt, limited medical insurance coverage and blood transfusion. The loss of psychological well being included stress, lack of support systems, inability to carry out responsibilities, lack of trust of the medical ten family breakdown, inappropriate expression of emotion and not disclosing the diagnosis to the child. Physically the parents suffered fatigue, insomnia, loss of appetite, loss of weight, dizzness, headache, psychosomatic symptoms, and increased consumption of liquor and cigarettes. Social withdrawal was manifested by taking time off from work to look after the child, decrease of outside social activities and feelings of isolation. Influences on family life were spousal conflicts, negative response of siblings, separation of the family members and economic hardship. The theme clusters were blaming a spouse for the cause of the illness and disagreements, maladjustment, lonliness, hostility and depression of siblings. The high price of medical care over the long period was a major factor influencing the life of the family. Positive experiences during the child's long illness were the strengthening of support systems and religious beliefs and financial help from social organizations. The support of one's spouse primarily helped to overcome the stress of the long illness. In addition, support was received from parents of other children with cancer and from nurses and religious leaders. The nurse, by providing empathetic support, should be a person with whom parents can express their feelings and share their experiences.

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The Experiences of Trial Alternative Therapies for Cancer Patients (암환자의 대체요법 시행경험)

  • Go, Dock-Soon;Chung, Yeon-Kang
    • Journal of Home Health Care Nursing
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.109-120
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    • 2001
  • This study has been done in order to help the people understand the cancer patients and provide the basic materials for the care of cancer patients by deeply understanding the living experience of the practice of alternative therapy for cancer patients. Data were collected with several in depth interviews and observations. Collected datas were analyzed by using phenomenological method of study by Giorgi (1970). The trial experience of alternative therapy for cancer patients has been classified into the one of having concerns, following, being infatuated, and coming out by pushing, and the experience of having concerns appeared as the meaning of the limit of modern medicine, despair, loneliness. hope, emotional support. dissolution of the feeling of uneasiness. the feeling of burden of the medical expense, self-treating, the subject of treatment. and indifference while the experience of following appeared as the meaning of blind following, temptation, going outside to look for something, wandering. following unconditionally, advise of the professionals, mistaken belief. self-abandonment, powerlessness. disconnection of dialogue with the medical staff. elevation of immunity, strengthening the physical power, absence of the source of examined information, clinging, self-responsibility. the experience of being infatuated appeared as the meaning of thorough trial. affirmative experience. devotion. diverse efforts, faithful trial. affirmative self-suggestion. change of the style of life. the feeling of burden of expense, being envious, bitter feeling toward the family, considering family, family discords, and difficulty of enforcement. The experience of coming out by pushing appeared as the meaning of waiting. self-reflection. maintaining the distance. cutting attachment, throwing the greed away, coming out by pushing. being thoughtful. accepting disease. individual difference of physical quality, and ambivalence. But they return to the experience of being concerned all over again in case of recurrence or metastasis of the disease even though they come out of such stage, and they always have ambivalence even in the condition with no recurrence and metastasis. In conclusion, the trial of alternative therapy for cancer patients could be explained as the adaptive behavior to the disease which is difficult to be cured. the cancer. The cancer patients are exposed to the side effects and harm without the examined information resources. Therefore the nurse should well aware of the alternative therapy and be able to do the appropriative management through the open communication with the patients who are under the trial of alternative therapy.

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Projection of Burden of Cancer Mortality for India, 2011-2026

  • Dsouza, Neevan D.R.;Murthy, N.S.;Aras, R.Y.
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.14 no.7
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    • pp.4387-4392
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    • 2013
  • Projection of load of cancer mortality helps in quantifying the burden of cancer and is essential for planning cancer control activities. As per our knowledge, there have not been many attempts to project the cancer mortality burden at the country level in India mainly due to lack of data on cancer mortality at the national and state level. This is an attempt to understand the magnitude of cancer mortality problem for the various calendar years from 2011 to 2026 at 5-yearly intervals. Age, sex and site-wise specific cancer mortality data along with populations covered by the registries were obtained from the report of National Cancer Registry Programme published by Indian Council of Medical Research for the period 2001-2004. Pooled age sex specific cancer mortality rates were obtained by taking weighted average of these six registries with respective registry populations as weights. The pooled mortality rates were assumed to represent the country's mortality rates. Populations of the country according to age and sex exposed to the risk of cancer mortality in different calendar years were obtained from the report of Registrar General of India providing population projections for the country for the years from 2011 to 2026. Population forecasts were combined with the pooled mortality rates to estimate the projected number of cancer mortality cases by age, sex and site of cancer at various 5-yearly periods Viz. 2011, 2016, 2021 and 2026. The projections were carried out for the various cancer-leading sites as well as for 'all sites' of cancer. The results revealed that an estimated 0.44 million died due to cancer during the year 2011, while 0.51 million and 0.60 million persons are likely to die from cancer in 2016 and 2021. In the year 2011 male mortality was estimated to be 0.23 million and female mortality to be 0.20 million. The estimated cancer mortality would increase to 0.70 million by the year 2026 as a result of change in size and composition of population. In males increase will be to 0.38 millions and in females to 0.32 millions. Among women, cancer of the breast, cervical and ovary account for 34 percent of all cancer deaths. The leading sites of cancer mortality in males are lung, oesophagus, prostrate and stomach. The above results show a need for commitment for tackling cancer by reducing risk factors and strengthening the existing screening and treatment facilities.

Projection of Cancer Incident Cases for India - Till 2026

  • Dsouza, Neevan D.R.;Murthy, N.S.;Aras, R.Y.
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.14 no.7
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    • pp.4379-4386
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    • 2013
  • Projection of cancer incidence is essential for planning cancer control actions, health care and allocation of resources. Here we project the cancer burden at the National and State level to understand the magnitude of cancer problem for the various calendar years from 2011 to 2026 at 5-yearly intervals. The age, sex and site-wise cancer incidence data along with populations covered by the registries were obtained from the report of National Cancer Registry Programme published by Indian Council of Medical Research for the period 2001-2004. Pooled age sex specific cancer incidence rates were obtained by taking weighted averages of these seventeen registries with respective registry populations as weights. The pooled incidence rates were assumed to represent the country's incidence rates. Populations of the country according to age and sex exposed to the risk of development of cancer in different calendar years were obtained from the report of Registrar General of India providing population projections for the country for the years from 2001 to 2026. Population forecasts were combined with the pooled incidence rates to estimate the projected number of cancer cases by age, sex and site of cancer at various 5-yearly periods Viz. 2011, 2016, 2021 and 2026. The projections were carried out for the various leading sites as well as for 'all sites' of cancer. In India, in 2011, nearly 1,193,000 new cancer cases were estimated; a higher load among females (603,500) than males (589,800) was noted. It is estimated that the total number of new cases in males will increased from 0.589 million in 2011 to 0.934 million by the year 2026. In females the new cases of cancer increased from 0.603 to 0.935 million. Three top most occurring cancers namely those of tobacco related cancers in both sexes, breast and cervical cancers in women account for over 50 to 60 percent of all cancers. When adjustments for increasing tobacco habits and increasing trends in many cancers are made, the estimates may further increase. The leading sites of cancers in males are lung, oesophagus, larynx, mouth, tongue and in females breast and cervix uteri. The main factors contributing to high burden of cancer over the years are increase in the population size as well as increase in proportion of elderly population, urbanization, and globalization. The cancer incidence results show an urgent need for strengthening and augmenting the existing diagnostic/treatment facilities, which are inadequate even to tackle the present load.

Analysis of changes National Health Insurance Policy and Claim Data of PET (양전자단층촬영 건강보험 적용 정책 및 이용량 변화에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, Young-Kwon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.801-810
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    • 2020
  • In this study, the health insurance application of PET and the change in the pay standard were examined, and the amount of health insurance use over the past 10 years was analyzed. Positron tomography was applied as health insurance in 2006, and after 18F-FDG was first applied as health insurance, positron tomography tests using various radioactive isotopes have been applied as health insurance. As of 2019, the number of positron emission tomography tests was 198,651 cases, and the treatment amount was about 88.3 billion won, and the number of tests according to general characteristics was higher in men than in women, and by age, the number of tests was the highest in 60s. The number of outpatient examinations was higher than that of inpatient examinations, and the number of examinations in tertiary hospitals(68.2%) was significantly higher than that of general hospitals and hospitals. As for the test site, torso test was the most common at 86.6%, and radioisotope was the most at 93.6% using 18F-FDG. The change in the use of PET for 10 years increased steadily from 2010 to 2014, but the amount of use decreased sharply afterwards as the recognition of asymptomatic long-term follow-up tests was deleted due to the government's change in health insurance application standards in 2014. As changes in health insurance standards have a great influence on changes in health insurance usage, continuous monitoring will be required in the future.

A Study of Actual Condition on Operation and Management of Environmental Infrastructure in the Geum River System (금강수계 내 환경기초시설 운영실태에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jae-Woon;Park, Dong-Gi;Kwon, Young-Ho
    • Journal of environmental and Sanitary engineering
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2009
  • The various environmental problems that we face on today are basically about environmental quality. Since early 1960s affluent material was produced because of remarkable economic growth by many cooperations. However, for the lack of environmental policy, environmental pollutions has been serious. The central government should transfer the producing and consuming structure to environmental affinity through the regulations for developing Korea as a model of environmental nation which takes an active part in global environmental programme and in which the environment and economy are well harmonized. Moreover, the central government should take the lead in prevention of environmental pollution through the direct policies such as strengthening the discharge limit or setting up environmental basic institutions by securing budget for conserving environment. This thesis emphasize on the public institution among many environmental basic institutions for environmental anti-pollution project. It will find the problems with running those institutions, and will suggest the preview of improvement. Also, it is necessary to investigate of variation trend for inflow and pollutant loading to environmental infrastructure as increased of the diffusion rate as established and maintenance of sewer system. The purpose of this study is to investigate for inflow and pollutant loading to environmental infrastructure, and also to provide the method of efficiently maintenance and management. The results obtained were summarized as follows; 1. Survey of actual condition on operation and management of environmental infrastructure was evaluated the propriety of treatment process and problem of plant management. 2. Analysis of pollutant loading contribution for river system of environmental infrastructure with data analysis of water quality measuring network. 3. To investigate on case study for efficiently maintenance and management of environmental infrastructure. The result on this study was provide the method of efficiently maintenance and management with survey for establish and repair of sewer system and survey of actual condition on operation and management of environmental infrastructure in the water area of discharge to Geum River System. Application as guideline for establish and management of environmental infrastructure, and management of Geum River System. Also, application for preliminary data for fulfill-assess of total effluent regulation of water pollution.

Effects of spinal stabilization training on Chronic Low Back Pain in Private Guard and Security (척추안정화 운동이 민간 경호.경비원들의 허리통증에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Seong-Ho;Lee, Wan-Hee
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.20
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    • pp.71-93
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of using spinal stabilization exercise for the improvement of atrophy of the multifidus and psoas major, of pain and disability with chronic low back pain in private guard and security. For 42 patients diagnosed with CLBP, and divided into spinal stabilization exercise group(SSEG) and general spinal strengthening exercise group(GSSEG). Each exercise was conducted for 10 weeks. Pain and disability were measured before and after exercise using the Visual analogue scale(VAS) and the Oswestry disability index(ODI). Cross section area(CSA) of both the left and right multifidus and the psoas major at the upper end plate of L4 were measured before and after exercise using computed tomography(CT). After 10 weeks of exercise, the both group's pain and lumbar disability were significantly decreased(p<0.01). Also there was significant difference in both group(p<0.05). In addition, the CSA of the left and right multifidus and posas major were significantly increased as compared to the pre-exercise in both group(p<0.01). But SSEG's cross sectional areas of multifidus was more significantly increase than GSSEG(p<0.05). In summary, Spinal stabilization exercise is more effective in improving atrophy in private guard and security patients, in reducing patients' pain and disability. It is an effective treatment to aid rehabilitation in these cases.

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