• Title/Summary/Keyword: Strategic Environmental Management

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A Risk Evaluation Model of Power Distribution Line Using Bayesian Rule -Overhead Distribution System- (베이즈 규칙을 활용한 배전선로 위험도 평가모델 -가공배전분야-)

  • Joung, Jong-Man;Park, Yong-Woo
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.62 no.6
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    • pp.870-875
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    • 2013
  • After introducing diagnosis equipment power failure prevention activities for distribution system have become more active. To do facility diagnosis and maintenance work more efficiently we need to evaluate reliability for the system and should determine the priority line with appropriate criteria. Thus, to calculate risk factor for the power distribution line that are composed of many component facilities its historical failure events for the last 5 years are collected and analysed. The failure statics show that more than 60% of various failures are related to environment factors randomly and about 20% of the failures are refer to the aging. As a strategic evaluation system reflecting these environmental influence is needed, a system on the basis of the probabilistic approach related statical variables in terms of failure rate and failure probability of electrical components is proposed. The figures for the evaluation are derived from the field failure DB. With adopting Bayesian rule we can calculate easily about conditional probability query. The proposed evaluation system is demonstrated with model system and the calculated indices representing the properties of the model line are discussed.

Global Busan City Brand Image Development Strategy - SWOT/AHP analysis -

  • LEE, Changhwan;RA, Heeryang;OH, Youngsam;LEE, Chunsu
    • East Asian Journal of Business Economics (EAJBE)
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.115-124
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    • 2021
  • Purpose - An empirical analysis of various opinions of experts to build Busan's global city image. Based on this, we provide strategy establishment metrics using opportunities, strengths, and threats to build Busan's global city image. Research design, data and methodology - SWOT-AHP analysis are used in terms of methodology, and this study is based on experts' reviews and answers. In addition, AHP analysis is performed based on SWOT analysis to derive the result values for important priority factors. Result - As a result of the prioritization of SWOT-AHP results, a matrix of strategic development directions for Busan city brand building can be presented. As a result of the composite weighting, the factors related to opportunity were ranked as important. In addition, matrices on SO strategy, ST strategy, WO strategy, and WT strategy were derived. Conclusion - This study is an interdisciplinary study from the economic aspect, international management and international marketing aspect, administrative aspect, and architectural engineering aspect. Through this, the image of a global city of Busan that can overcome COVID-19 and cope with the 4th industry in the future will be built, and Busan will be able to build a global international city image by commercially attracting the 2030 World Expo.

Factors for Better Adoption of Information Security on Custom-Made Software at SMEs: A Systematic Review and Framework

  • Fatimah Alghamdi;Moutasm Tamimi;Nermin Hamza
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.65-78
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    • 2023
  • Investigations on information security factors re- main elusive at small and medium enterprises (SMEs), es- specially for custom-made software solutions. This article aims to investigate, classify, adopt factors from recent literature addressing information security resources. SMEs al- ready have information security in place, but they are not easy to adopt through the negotiation processes between the in-house software development companies and custom-made software clients at SMEs. This article proposes a strategic framework for implementing the process of adoption of the information security factors at SMEs after conducting a systematic snapshot approach for investigating and classifying the resources. The systematic snapshot was conducted using a search strategy with inclusion and exclusion criteria to retain 128 final reviewed papers from a large number of papers within the period of 2001-2022. These papers were analyzed based on a classification schema including management, organizational, development, and environmental categories in software development lifecycle (SDLC) phases in order to define new security factors. The reviewed articles addressed research gaps, trends, and common covered evidence-based decisions based on the findings of the systematic mapping. Hence, this paper boosts the broader cooperation between in-house software development companies and their clients to elicit, customize, and adopt the factors based on clients' demands.

Empirical Analysis of the Relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives and Consumer Responses (기업의 사회적 책임 활동과 소비자 반응 구조에 관한 실증 연구)

  • Hoon Huh
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.47 no.3
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    • pp.217-227
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    • 2024
  • This study investigated the effects of social responsibility activities on consumer attitudes, product evaluation, corporate support, and corporate trust through structural equations and path analysis. Corporate social responsibility activities were divided into five areas: consumer and environmental protection, social contribution, cultural business, and economic responsibility, and the relative impact on consumer attitudes was considered. The results and strategic implications of this study are as follows. The same results as in previous studies confirmed that the performance of corporate social responsibility activities induces positive attitudes and behaviors of consumers. It proved that the performance of corporate social responsibility activities leads consumers to form a positive attitude, which can eventually be transferred to products and corporate images by a halo effect, leading to product evaluation, corporate support and trust. In addition, the composition dimension and measurement items of corporate social responsibility activities were re-verified, and from a consumer point of view, it was confirmed that social responsibility activities include not only economic activities, but also activities that contribute positively, such as social contribution, support for local and cultural projects, and actions that do not harm society as a whole, such as protecting consumer rights and protecting the environment.

Diagnosis of Conflict Problem between the Marine Environmental Conservation and Development, and Policy Implication for Marine Spatial Planning (해양환경보전과 이용·개발의 상충 분석과 해양공간계획에 대한 시사점)

  • Lee, Dae In;Tac, Dae Ho;Kim, Gui Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.227-235
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    • 2016
  • This paper emphasized the necessity of the marine spatial planning (MSP) through the analysis of the major developmental projects which could make a contradiction based on the adequacy of the site selection and environmental impacts. The conflicting affairs between space utilization and management plan happen in the following ways: marine renewable energy development, sand mining, reclamation, construction of golf course in coastal area, thermal effluent and waste heat, erosion causing port development. The conflict of stakeholder continues caused by the accumulated environmental impact. For the reasons mentioned above, we found two things. First, it is necessary to comprehend the fact of developmental planning and MSP. Second, it is still unsatisfactory to connect the relevance of laws related to the spatial planning. For the reinforcement of marine environmental policy management, it is necessary to consolidate the property of site selection and assessment of developmental scale. Especially, while the strategic environmental assessment is in progress based on site selection and property of scale, consistent diagnosis is needed in the following concerns: the fact of the marine spatial planning, the relevance between national developmental plan and regional developmental plan, fisheries regulation, marine protected animals. For the environmentally sound and sustainable development (ESSD), MSP should have to be prepared based in a way of top-down including coastal and EEZ plan, relevance of ocean-use zoning and sector planning, 3-D spatial information. And also integrated information system have to be prepared through high-tech marine spatial information. In conclusion, consistent and relevant strategy for MSP should have to include the whole information related to the maritime affairs such as harbor, fishing port, fishing ground, coastal management, marine ecosystem generally.

Evaluation of Compaction Impact According to Compaction Roller Operating Conditions through CMV Analysis (CMV 분석을 통한 다짐롤러 운용 조건에 따른 다짐 영향 평가)

  • Kim, Jinyoung;Baek, Sungha;Kim, Namgyu;Choi, Changho;Kim, Jisun;Cho, Jinwoo
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.23 no.8
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    • pp.11-16
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    • 2022
  • The compaction process using vibrating rollers in road construction is essential to increase soil stiffness in earthworks. Currently, there is no clear standard for the operation method of the compaction roller during compaction. Although simple quality inspection techniques have been developed, plate load test (PLT) and field density test (FDT) are the most frequently used test methods to evaluate the degree of compaction during road construction as the most frequently used quality inspection methods. However, both inspection methods are inefficient because they cannot perform quality inspection in all sections due to time and cost reasons. In this study, we analyzed how the operating conditions of vibrating rollers affect the compaction quality. An intelligent quality management system, which is a currently developed and commercialized technology, was used to obtain quality inspection results in all sections. As a result of the test, it was analyzed that the speed and vibration direction of the compaction roller had an effect on the compaction degree, and it was found that the compaction direction had no effect on the compaction degree.

Environmental analysis and strategy to jointly host the 2027 Chungcheong Summer World University Games (2027 충청 하계세계대학경기대회 공동유치를 위한 환경분석 및 전략)

  • Lee, Jong-Hyun;Kim, Hwa-Ryong;Jeon, Sang-Wan
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.333-346
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    • 2022
  • This study proposes a strategy to attract visitors by analyzing the justification for hosting the 2027 Summer World University Games in Chungcheong, Korea, as well as by assessing the internal and external factors to promote regional development. Using Environmental Analysis as the diagnostic approach, we focus on strength/opportunity (SO), strength/threat (ST), weakness/opportunity (WO), and weakness/threat (WT) analyses. SO analysis show that a matching strategy of mid- to long-term cooperation among the four cities and provinces in Chungcheong and development of local sports by promoting its linkages to science, and industry offer best strategic use-value. ST analysis shows that optimal infrastructure development and establishment of competition management strategies in preparation for non-face-to-face engagement make balanced regional development possible. WO analysis shows the need for rearrangement and renovation of outdated sports facilities, development of programs linked to convergence sports tourism products, efficient and strategic attraction activities, and promoting sustainable development of bed town cities. WT analysis suggests that the imbalance in regional development due to expansion of sports facilities, insufficient cultural contents in tourism, and tourism demand fluctuation are potential problems. Follow-up studies can focus on deeper analysis of the possibility and attractiveness of hosting the Summer World University Games in Chungcheong, Korea using qualitative methods such as focus group interviews and in-depth interviews with stakeholders and local residents.

Game Theory Application in Wetland Conservation Across Various Hypothetical City Sizes (다양한 이론적 도시규모에서의 습지 보전을 위한 게임 이론 적용)

  • Ran-Young Im;Ji Yoon Kim;Yuno Do
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.10-20
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    • 2024
  • The conservation and restoration of wetlands are essential tasks for the sustainable development of human society and the environment, providing vital benefits such as biodiversity maintenance, natural disaster mitigation, and climate change alleviation. This study aims to analyze the strategic interactions and interests among various stakeholders using game theory and to provide significant grounds for policy decisions related to wetland restoration and development. In this study, hypothetical scenarios were set up for three types of cities: large, medium, and small. Stakeholders such as governments, development companies, environmental groups, and local residents were identified. Strategic options for each stakeholder were developed, and a payoff matrix was established through discussions among wetland ecology experts. Subsequently, non-cooperative game theory was applied to analyze Nash equilibria and Pareto efficiency. In large cities, strategies of 'Wetland Conservation' and 'Eco-Friendly Development' were found beneficial for all stakeholders. In medium cities, various strategies were identified, while in small cities, 'Eco-Friendly Development' emerged as the optimal solution for all parties involved. The Pareto efficiency analysis revealed how the optimal solutions for wetland management could vary across different city types. The study highlighted the importance of wetland conservation, eco-friendly development, and wetland restoration projects for each city type. Accordingly, policymakers should establish regulations and incentives that harmonize environmental protection and urban development and consider programs that promote community participation. Understanding the roles and strategies of stakeholders and the advantages and disadvantages of each strategy is crucial for making more effective policy decisions.

A study on the effect of ESG management and SCM partnership of Korean start-up companies on corporate image and performance (한국 창업 기업의 ESG 경영과 SCM 파트너십이 기업이미지와 기업성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Seung-Ha Kwon
    • Korea Trade Review
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    • v.48 no.1
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    • pp.331-355
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    • 2023
  • As competition between companies intensifies in the global management environment, ESG management is emerging as a tool for companies to have competitive advantages, and it is becoming increasingly important for companies to form strategic partnerships using SCM. Through the investigation of the previous research, the main factors such as ESG management, SCM partnership, corporate image, performance and so on were analyzed. As a result, the stronger ESG management factors such as the environment and society are, the higher the corporate image. Second, ESG management, such as the environment and society, has a significant impact on corporate performance. Third, ESG management activities such as environment and society have enhanced SCM partnerships. Fourth, it was confirmed that the stronger the SCM partnership, the better the corporate image. Fifth, the improvement of the corporate image of non-financial performance will have a more significant impact on corporate performance. In terms of academic and practical implications, it leads to important factors to be considered in the introduction of ESG management by companies, and empirically explores the relationship between each factor. The ESG management of Korean start-ups needs to be promoted according to environmental and social factors, and the ESG management needs to be implemented from a long-term perspective.

Major environmental factors and traits of invasive alien plants determining their spatial distribution

  • Oh, Minwoo;Heo, Yoonjeong;Lee, Eun Ju;Lee, Hyohyemi
    • Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.277-286
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    • 2021
  • Background: As trade increases, the influx of various alien species and their spread to new regions are prevalent and no longer a special problem. Anthropogenic activities and climate changes have made the distribution of alien species out of their native range common. As a result, alien species can be easily found anywhere, and they have nothing but only a few differences in intensity. The prevalent distribution of alien species adversely affects the ecosystem, and a strategic management plan must be established to control them effectively. To this end, hot spots and cold spots were analyzed according to the degree of distribution of invasive alien plants, and major environmental factors related to hot spots were found. We analyzed the 10,287 distribution points of 126 species of alien plants collected through the national survey of alien species by the hierarchical model of species communities (HMSC) framework. Results: The explanatory and fourfold cross-validation predictive power of the model were 0.91 and 0.75 as AUC values, respectively. The hot spots of invasive plants were found in the Seoul metropolitan area, Daegu metropolitan city, Chungcheongbuk-do Province, southwest shore, and Jeju island. Generally, the hot spots were found where the higher maximum temperature of summer, precipitation of winter, and road density are observed, but temperature seasonality, annual temperature range, precipitation of the summer, and distance to river and sea were negatively related to the hot spots. According to the model, the functional traits accounted for 55% of the variance explained by the environmental factors. The species with higher specific leaf areas were more found where temperature seasonality was low. Taller species preferred the bigger annual temperature range. The heavier seed mass was only preferred when the max temperature of summer exceeded 29 ℃. Conclusions: In this study, hot spots were places where 2.1 times more alien plants were distributed on average than non-hot spots (33.5 vs 15.7 species). The hot spots of invasive plants were expected to appear in less stressful climate conditions, such as low fluctuation of temperature and precipitation. Also, the disturbance by anthropogenic factors or water flow had positive influences on the hot spots. These results were consistent with the previous reports about the ruderal or competitive strategies of invasive plants instead of the stress-tolerant strategy. The functional traits are closely related to the ecological strategies of plants by shaping the response of species to various environmental filters, and our result confirmed this. Therefore, in order to effectively control alien plants, it is judged that the occurrence of disturbed sites in which alien plants can grow in large quantities is minimized, and the river management of waterfronts is required.