• 제목/요약/키워드: Strain gradient

검색결과 394건 처리시간 0.022초

Vibration analysis of porous nanocomposite viscoelastic plate reinforced by FG-SWCNTs based on a nonlocal strain gradient theory

  • Khazaei, Pegah;Mohammadimehr, Mehdi
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • 제26권1호
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    • pp.31-52
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    • 2020
  • This paper investigates the size dependent effect on the vibration analysis of a porous nanocomposite viscoelastic plate reinforced by functionally graded-single walled carbon nanotubes (FG-SWCNTs) by considering nonlocal strain gradient theory. Therefore, using energy method and Hamilton's principle, the equations of motion are derived. In this article, the effects of nonlocal parameter, aspect ratio, strain gradient parameter, volume fraction of carbon nanotubes (CNTs), damping coefficient, porosity coefficient, and temperature change on the natural frequency are perused. The innovation of this paper is to compare the effectiveness of each mentioned parameters individually on the free vibrations of this plate and to represent the appropriate value for each parameter to achieve an ideal nanocomposite plate that minimizes vibration. The results are verified with those referenced in the paper. The results illustrate that the effect of damping coefficient on the increase of natural frequency is significantly higher than the other parameters effect, and the effects of the strain gradient parameter and nonlocal parameter on the natural frequency increase are less than damping coefficient effect, respectively. Furthermore, the results indicate that the natural frequency decreases with a rise in the nonlocal parameter, aspect ratio and temperature change. Also, the natural frequency increases with a rise in the strain gradient parameter and CNTs volume fraction. This study can be used for optimizing the industrial and medical designs, such as automotive industry, aerospace engineering and water purification system, by considering ideal properties for the nanocomposite plate.

An efficient numerical model for free vibration of temperature-dependent porous FG nano-scale beams using a nonlocal strain gradient theory

  • Tarek Merzouki;Mohammed SidAhmed Houari
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • 제90권1호
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 2024
  • The present study conducts a thorough analysis of thermal vibrations in functionally graded porous nanocomposite beams within a thermal setting. Investigating the temperature-dependent material properties of these beams, which continuously vary across their thickness in accordance with a power-law function, a finite element approach is developed. This approach utilizes a nonlocal strain gradient theory and accounts for a linear temperature rise. The analysis employs four different patterns of porosity distribution to characterize the functionally graded porous materials. A novel two-variable shear deformation beam nonlocal strain gradient theory, based on trigonometric functions, is introduced to examine the combined effects of nonlocal stress and strain gradient on these beams. The derived governing equations are solved through a 3-nodes beam element. A comprehensive parametric study delves into the influence of structural parameters, such as thicknessratio, beam length, nonlocal scale parameter, and strain gradient parameter. Furthermore, the study explores the impact of thermal effects, porosity distribution forms, and material distribution profiles on the free vibration of temperature-dependent FG nanobeams. The results reveal the substantial influence of these effects on the vibration behavior of functionally graded nanobeams under thermal conditions. This research presents a finite element approach to examine the thermo-mechanical behavior of nonlocal temperature-dependent FG nanobeams, filling the gap where analytical results are unavailable.

On elastic and plastic length scales in strain gradient plasticity

  • Liu, Jinxing;Wang, Wen;Zhao, Ziyu;Soh, Ai Kah
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • 제61권2호
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    • pp.275-282
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    • 2017
  • The Fleck-Hutchinson theory on strain gradient plasticity (SGP), proposed in Adv. Appl Mech 33 (1997) 295, has recently been reformulated by adopting the strategy of decomposing the second order strain presented by Lam et al. in J Mech Pays Solids 51 (2003) 1477. The newly built SGP satisfies the non negativity of plastic dissipation, which is still an outstanding issue in other SGP theories. Furthermore, it explicitly shows how elastic strain gradients and corresponding elastic characteristic length scales come into play in general elastic-plastic loading histories. In this study, the relation between elastic length scales and plastic length scales is investigated by taking wire torsion as an example. It is concluded that the size effects arising when two sets of length scales are of the same order are essentially elastic instead of plastic.

Elastic wave phenomenon of nanobeams including thickness stretching effect

  • Eyvazian, Arameh;Zhang, Chunwei;Musharavati, Farayi;Khan, Afrasyab;Mohamed, Abdeliazim Mustafa
    • Advances in nano research
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    • 제10권3호
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    • pp.271-280
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    • 2021
  • The present work deals with an investigation on longitudinal wave propagation in nanobeams made of graphene sheets, for the first time. The nanobeam is modelled via a higher-order shear deformation theory accounts for both higher-order and thickness stretching terms. The general nonlocal strain gradient theory including nonlocality and strain gradient characteristics of size-dependency in order is used to examine the small-scale effects. This model has three-small scale coefficients in which two of them are for nonlocality and one of them applied for gradient effects. Hamilton supposition is applied to obtain the governing motion equation which is solved using a harmonic solution procedure. It is indicated that the longitudinal wave characteristics of the nanobeams are significantly influenced by the nonlocal parameters and strain gradient parameter. It is shown that higher nonlocal parameter is more efficient than lower nonlocal parameter to change longitudinal phase velocities, while the strain gradient parameter is the determining factor for their efficiency on the results.

Vibration analysis of FG nanoplates with nanovoids on viscoelastic substrate under hygro-thermo-mechanical loading using nonlocal strain gradient theory

  • Barati, Mohammad Reza
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • 제64권6권
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    • pp.683-693
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    • 2017
  • According to a generalized nonlocal strain gradient theory (NSGT), dynamic modeling and free vibrational analysis of nanoporous inhomogeneous nanoplates is presented. The present model incorporates two scale coefficients to examine vibration behavior of nanoplates much accurately. Porosity-dependent material properties of the nanoplate are defined via a modified power-law function. The nanoplate is resting on a viscoelastic substrate and is subjected to hygro-thermal environment and in-plane linearly varying mechanical loads. The governing equations and related classical and non-classical boundary conditions are derived based on Hamilton's principle. These equations are solved for hinged nanoplates via Galerkin's method. Obtained results show the importance of hygro-thermal loading, viscoelastic medium, in-plane bending load, gradient index, nonlocal parameter, strain gradient parameter and porosities on vibrational characteristics of size-dependent FG nanoplates.

Buckling analysis of new quasi-3D FG nanobeams based on nonlocal strain gradient elasticity theory and variable length scale parameter

  • Houari, Mohammed Sid Ahmed;Bessaim, Aicha;Bernard, Fabrice;Tounsi, Abdelouahed;Mahmoud, S.R.
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • 제28권1호
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    • pp.13-24
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    • 2018
  • A size-dependent novel hyperbolic shear deformation theory of simply supported functionally graded beams is presented in the frame work of the non-local strain gradient theory, in which the stress accounts for only the nonlocal strain gradients stress field. The thickness stretching effect (${\varepsilon}_z{\neq}0$) is also considered here. Elastic coefficients and length scale parameter are assumed to vary in the thickness direction of functionally graded beams according to power-law form. The governing equations are derived using the Hamilton principle. The closed-form solutions for exact critical buckling loads of nonlocal strain gradient functionally graded beams are obtained using Navier's method. The derived results are compared with those of strain gradient theory.

복합재 압력용기의 돔형상 설계에 따른 구조 해석 (A Study on the Structural Analysis with Geometry Design for Dome of a Composite Pressure Vessel)

  • 김민식;배주찬;김동건
    • 한국추진공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국추진공학회 2017년도 제48회 춘계학술대회논문집
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    • pp.825-831
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    • 2017
  • 본 연구에서는 외부하중을 고려하여 Fulton과 Vasiliev가 제안한 돔형상 식을 적용하여 복합재 압력용기의 돔형상을 설계하고 해석하였다. 돔형상 설계변수로는 0.1 ~ 0.5 의 오프닝 반경비와 40kN ~ 200kN의 추력을 적용하고, 해석에는 상용 유한요소해석 프로그램인 ABAQUS를 사용하였다. 복합재 압력용기 내면과 외면의 섬유방향 변형률을 계산한 결과, Fulton 돔의 경우 ${\rho}_0$가 커질수록 변형률 기울기가 작아지고, Vasiliev 돔은 뚜렷한 경향성이 나타나지 않는다. 또한 ${\rho}_0{\leq}0.1$일 경우 모든 추력에서 Fulton 돔이 변형률 기울기가 더 큰 것을 확인 할 수 있었다. 0.1<${\rho}_0$<0.35인 경우 주어진 추력 범위에서 변형률 기울기가 역전되는 형상을 보이며, $0.35{\leq}{\rho}_0$에서는 모든 구역에서 Vasiliev 돔이 변형률 기울기가 더 크게 나타나 압력용기의 설계에 적용하는 것이 효과적이라고 판단된다. 또한 복합재 압력용기의 변형률 기울기로 인해 발생하는 수지균열을 고려한 돔형상 설계가 필수적이다.

  • PDF

변형률 구배 소성 저차 유한요소에 의한 크기 의존 구조 문제의 모델링 및 해석 (Modeling and Analysis of Size-Dependent Structural Problems by Using Low-Order Finite Elements with Strain Gradient Plasticity)

  • 박문식;서영성;송승
    • 대한기계학회논문집A
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    • 제35권9호
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    • pp.1041-1050
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    • 2011
  • 미크론 단위의 크기를 갖는 구조물의 소성변형에서 나타나는 길이 효과를 고려하여 유한요소 해석을 하기 위하여 변형률 구배 소성이론을 이용하는 탄소성 유한요소 모델링 및 해석법을 제안하였다. 기존의 연구에서 주로 고차, 고자유도 및 혼합요소, 초 요소 등을 필요로 하였던 것에 비하여 본 논문에서는 이들을 배제하는 변위법 저차 평면 요소 및 삼차원 요소를 도입하였다. 이는 비선형 증분 해석의 프레임워크에서 계산된 소성 변형률의 절점 평균값으로 보간하여 적분점에서의 변형률 구배를 구하고 테일러 전위 모델에 의한 변형률 경화 구성방정식을 적용하므로서 가능하였다. 제안된 방법론은 선형 삼각 및 사각요소, 선형 사면체, 육면체 요소에 대해 적용되었으며 마이크로 굽힘, 마이크로 비틀림, 마이크로 기공과 같은 대표적인 길이 스케일 문제를 통하여 수치적으로 검증하였다. 본 논문에서 제안한 방법은 계산이 매우 쉬우면서도 실험값들과 비교해 볼 때, 변형률 구배 소성이론 즉, 길이 효과를 잘 나타내어 주었다.

Maximum concrete stress developed in unconfined flexural RC members

  • Ho, J.C.M.;Pam, H.J.;Peng, J.;Wong, Y.L.
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • 제8권2호
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    • pp.207-227
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    • 2011
  • In flexural strength design of unconfined reinforced concrete (RC) members, the concrete compressive stress-strain curve is scaled down from the uni-axial stress-strain curve such that the maximum concrete stress adopted in design is less than the uni-axial strength to account for the strain gradient effect. It has been found that the use of this smaller maximum concrete stress will underestimate the flexural strength of unconfined RC members although the safety factors for materials are taken as unity. Herein, in order to investigate the effect of strain gradient on the maximum concrete stress that can be developed in unconfined flexural RC members, several pairs of plain concrete (PC) and RC inverted T-shaped specimens were fabricated and tested under concentric and eccentric loads. From the test results, the maximum concrete stress developed in the eccentric specimens under strain gradient is determined by the modified concrete stress-strain curve obtained from the counterpart concentric specimens based on axial load and moment equilibriums. Based on that, a pair of equivalent rectangular concrete stress block parameters for the purpose of flexural strength design of unconfined RC members is determined.

Application the mechanism-based strain gradient plasticity theory to model the hot deformation behavior of functionally graded steels

  • Salavati, Hadi;Alizadeh, Yoness;Berto, Filippo
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • 제51권4호
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    • pp.627-641
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    • 2014
  • Functionally graded steels (FGSs) are a family of functionally graded materials (FGMs) consisting of ferrite (${\alpha}$), austenite (${\gamma}$), bainite (${\beta}$) and martensite (M) phases placed on each other in different configurations and produced via electroslag remelting (ESR). In this research, the flow stress of dual layer austenitic-martensitic functionally graded steels under hot deformation loading has been modeled considering the constitutive equations which describe the continuous effect of temperature and strain rate on the flow stress. The mechanism-based strain gradient plasticity theory is used here to determine the position of each layer considering the relationship between the hardness of the layer and the composite dislocation density profile. Then, the released energy of each layer under a specified loading condition (temperature and strain rate) is related to the dislocation density utilizing the mechanism-based strain gradient plasticity theory. The flow stress of the considered FGS is obtained by using the appropriate coefficients in the constitutive equations of each layer. Finally, the theoretical model is compared with the experimental results measured in the temperature range $1000-1200^{\circ}C$ and strain rate 0.01-1 s-1 and a sound agreement is found.