• Title/Summary/Keyword: Story Weight

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Beam-Column Connection with 1200mm Deep Multi-Reduced Taper Beam for Intermediate Moment Frame (깊이 1200mm급 변단면보의 중간모멘트골조용 내진접합부 개발)

  • Jung, Si-Hwa;Alemayehe, Robel Wondimu;Park, Man-Woo;Ju, Young-Kyu
    • Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Structure & Construction
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.135-146
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    • 2019
  • Deep beam has high section modules compared with shallow beam of the same weight. However, deep beam has low rotational capacity and high possibility of brittle failure so it is not possible to apply deep beams with a long span to intermediate moment frames, which should exhibit a ductility of 0.02rad of a story drift angle of steel moment frames. Accordingly, KBC and AISC limit the beam depth for intermediate and special moment frame to 750mm and 920mm respectively. The purpose of this paper is to improve the seismic performance of intermediate moment frame with 1200mm depth beam. In order to enhance vulnerability of plastic deformation capacity of deeper beam, Multi-Reduced Taper Beam(MRTB) shape that thickness of beam flange is reinforced and at the same time some part of the beam flange width is weakened are proposed. Based on concept of multiple plastic hinge, MRTB is intended to satisfy the rotation requirement for intermediate moment frame by dividing total story drift into each hinge and to prevent the collapse of the main members by inducing local buckling and fracture at the plastic hinge location far away from connection. The seismic performance of MRTB is evaluated by cyclic load test with conventional connections type WUF-W, RBS and Haunch. Some of the proposed MRTB connection satisfies connection requirements for intermediate moment frame and shows improved the seismic performance compared to conventional connections.

Plastic Analysis and Minimum Weight Design of Plane Frame Structures (평면(平面) 뼈대 구조물(構造物) 소성해석(塑性解析) 및 최소중량(最小重量) 설계(設計))

  • Lee, Dong Whan;Yang, Chang Hyun;Whang, Won Sub
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.111-120
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    • 1986
  • Steel frame structures are widely used in construction because of their efficient strength and rigidity and considered proper cases for design and analysis using concept of plastic behavior. The purpose of plastic analysis is to determine the collapse load of a structure when the plastic moments of its members are given, and optimal plastic design is to compute the plastic moments of the members that minimize total structural weight. In this paper, the plastic analysis and optimal design are performed by using the static approach and solved by the simplex method. From the result of the analysis the solutions by this study show more efficiency in calculations. Also, the structural weight solved by the simplex method in case of two story frame is proved more economical than the one using the elastic design around 24%.

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Concentration of Particulate Nitrate Classified by Formation Mechanism in Seoul Ambient Air (생성메카니즘에 따른 부유분진 등 입자상 nitrate 농도)

  • 천만영;김희강
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.37-44
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    • 1995
  • Concentration of particulate nitrate classified by formation mechanism and particle diameter in ambient air was determined from Feb. to Oct. 1993. Sampling was carried out using a two-stage Andersen air sampler at the top of a five-story building located at Kon-Kuk University in seoul. Concentration of N $H_{4}$N $O_{3}$ in TSP was measured by pyrolysis of sample filters at 160.deg.C for 1hr. concentration of N $H_{4}$N $O_{3}$ was higher in winter time compared with that in summmer time. Also, concentration of N $H_{4}$N $O_{3}$ was higher in fine particles compared with that in coarse particle. The range of N $H_{4}$N $O_{3}$ concentration was between 2.9 and 9.9.mu.g/ $m^{3}$. Weight fraction of N $H_{4}$N $O_{3}$ in total particulate nitrate was 31.1 .sim. 59.5%, and weight fraction of N $H_{4}$N $O_{3}$ in TSP was 2.1 .sim. 11.2%. Concentration of NaN $O_{3}$, which originated from sea salt, was highest in spring time and lowest in summer time,and the concentration range was between 0.1 and 0.7.mu.g/ $m^{3}$. NaN $O_{3}$/TSP ratio was very low (0.1 .sim. 0.4%) indicating that the portion of NaN $O_{3}$in TSP was negligible. Concentration of particulate nitrate originated from soil was 2.4 .sim. 2.9.mu.g/ $m^{3}$. Weight fraction of that in total particulate nitrate was 14.0 .sim. 37.1%.

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Consideration on how to build on AndongJotap-ri five-story brick pagoda using the building methodology of a stone pagoda between the 7th~9th century (7~9세기 석탑조영방법을 통해 본 안동 조탑리 오층전탑의 조영방법 고찰)

  • Kim, Sang-Gu;Lee, Jeong-Soo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.744-754
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    • 2015
  • Buddhist temple construction at East Asia is considered one of the most important architecture activities together with the capital city and palace, where the pagoda is positioned at the center of a Buddhist temple as the most important element of Buddhist architecture enshrining Buddha's Sary. Accordingly, this study was performed to examine the procedure of how to build brick pagodas through the stone pagoda's internal structure between $7^{th}{\sim}9^{th}$ century while disassembling and repairing Andong Jotap-ri five-story brick pagoda. As a result, as the brick pagoda destruction phenomenon, there was a slip phenomenon by side forces, member's plastic temperature, and mixed material differences. Second, like a stone pagoda, brick pagoda is classified and constructed by the design and structural parts. According to the analysis, the design part is formed by the most edge brick, and the structure part places stone material at the buffer zone in the design brick from most edge brick and intra-center, i.e., at the space to support a side force while the top weight is vertically led. When building a brick pagoda, putting a wood pole at inside center plays the role as holding parts. In addition, the center axis is connected to the bottom of the steel pole hole, A steel pole hole has holes to safely settle down and decide the position. Because of them, the steel pole is self-loaded, which may be installed by wood rather than immovable steel.

Seismic Performance Evaluation and Retrofit of a 2-Story Steel Building Using a Fragility Contour Method (취약성 등고선을 이용한 비내진 2층 철골조 건축물에 대한 내진성능 평가와 보강)

  • Shin, Ji-Uk;Lee, Ki-Hak;Jeong, Seong-Hoon
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.47-60
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    • 2012
  • Based on the Korean Building Standard Law, a building less than 3-stories and $1000m^2$ in area is defined as a small-level building and, as a result, this type of building has been excluded from the requirement to comply with seismic design. In order to prevent the loss of life and property under earthquake loadings, the small-scale building should satisfy the seismic performance specified in the current code through a seismic retrofit. In this study, a seismic retrofit scheme of a Buckling-Restrained Knee Brace (BRKB) was developed for non-seismic 2-story steel buildings, including small-scale buildings, using a fragility contour method. In order to develop an effective retrofit scheme of the BRKB for the building, a total of 75 BRKB analytical models were used to achieve the desired performance levels and analyzed using the fragility contour method. The seismic performance of the retrofitted building was evaluated in terms of the weight of the developed BRKB systems. This study shows that the fragility contour method can be used for rapid evaluation and is an effective tool for structural engineers.

The Structural Safety Diagnosis of Three-Story Pagoda in Bulkuk Temple Using the Probability of Failure. (암석의 파괴 확률 분석을 통한 불국사 삼층석탑 구조 안전 진단)

  • Seo, Man-Cheol;Song, In-Seon;Choe, Hui-Su
    • Journal of the Korean Geophysical Society
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.57-69
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    • 2001
  • We have carried out a nondestructive close examination for the purpose of the structural safety diagnosis of the Three-Story Pagoda(Seokga Pagoda) in Bulkuk temple in the city of Kyungju, Kyungbuk, Korea. Ultrasonic wave velocities were measured at 456 points of the pagoda comprising 44 blocks to estimate the mechanical properties of rock blocks constituting the pagoda. The measured velocities have the range of 1217 to 4403 m/sec with the average of 3227 m/sec. The empirical relationship between the ultrasonic velocity and the uniaxial compressive strength yielded the estimation of strength of each block, ranging from 134 to 844 kg/cm^2 and averaging 463 kg/cm^2. With an assumption that the strength of each block is described as a random variables having a normal distribution, we calculated the probability of failure of rock blocks of the pagoda. Our investigation revealed that the probability of the structural failure due to the weight of higher blocks is very low. However, the probability of partial failure around contact area is substantial, which is consistent with the appearance that edges and the corners of some blocks were broken off. The platform under the body of the pagoda appeared to be structurally weak as the probability of tensile failure of the lower platform is up to 18%, and diagonal fractures are shown where the probability of failure is high.

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Analysis on Growth and Yield of Cherry Tomato Grown in a Two-Story Bed System Adapted to Strawberry Cultivation as Affected by the Planting Time during the Uncultivated Period (딸기 재배용 2단 베드 시스템에서 휴작기 이용 방울토마토 재배 시 정식 시기에 따른 생육과 생산성 분석)

  • Choi, Hyo Gil;Moon, Byoung Yong;Kang, Nam Jun;Ko, Dae Whan;Kwon, Joon Kook;Lee, Jae Han;Park, Kyoung Sub
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.228-235
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    • 2016
  • This study was conducted to determine the yield of cherry tomato (Solanum lycopersicum Mill.) grown at three planting times during the uncultivated period of strawberry. Cherry tomato was planted under condition filled with strawberry dedicated culture medium on a two-story bed with April 20, April 30, and May 10 at 2015. Fruit harvest was completed on July 31. The supply concentration of nutrient solution at the time of transplanting was started as EC $1.2dS{\cdot}m^{-1}$ and it was gradually increased to EC $2.5dS{\cdot}m^{-1}$ after blooming of the first flower cluster. Netherlands PBG solution was supplied for one minute six times per day. The heights of cherry tomato plants planted at earlier were significantly greater than those of tomato plants planted later. The heights of cherry tomato plants grown at the bottom of the bed were greater than those grown in the upper bed. The yield of cherry tomatoes planted on April 20 at the bottom of the bed was greatest with an average of 2,954 g of tomatoes per plant. There were no significant differences in the average weight and sugar content of fruit according to planting times and bed position. The yield of cherry tomato plants planted on April 20 was 18% and 34% higher than that of plants planted on April 30 and May 10. We confirmed to increase the yield of the cherry tomato when early plants planted on two-story bed. These results indicate that farmers can choose the best period of producing cherry tomato during the un-cultivated period of strawberry under two-story bed conditions.

Natural time period equations for moment resisting reinforced concrete structures comprising hollow sections

  • Prajapati, Satya Sundar;Far, Harry;Aghayarzadeh, Mehdi
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.317-325
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    • 2020
  • A precise estimation of the natural time period of buildings improves design quality, causes a significant reduction of the buildings' weight, and eventually leads to a cost-effective design. In this study, in order to optimise the reinforced concrete frames design, some symmetrical and unsymmetrical buildings composed of solid and hollow members have been simulated using finite element software SAP 2000. In numerical models, different parameters such as overturning moment, story drift, deflection, base reactions, and stiffness of the buildings were investigated and the results have been compared with strength and serviceability limit criteria proposed by Australian Standard (AS 3600 2018). Comparing the results of the numerical modelling with existing standards and performing a cost analysis proved the merits of hollow box sections compared to solid sections. Finally, based on numerical simulation results, two equations for natural time period of moment resisting reinforced concrete buildings have been presented. Both derived equations reflected higher degree of correlation and reliability with different complexities of building when compared with existing standards and relationships provided by other scholars. Therefore, these equations will assist practicing engineers to predict elastic behaivour of structures more precisely.

Effects of infill walls on RC buildings under time history loading using genetic programming and neuro-fuzzy

  • Kose, M. Metin;Kayadelen, Cafer
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.47 no.3
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    • pp.401-419
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    • 2013
  • In this study, the efficiency of adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) and genetic expression programming (GEP) in predicting the effects of infill walls on base reactions and roof drift of reinforced concrete frames were investigated. Current standards generally consider weight and fundamental period of structures in predicting base reactions and roof drift of structures by neglecting numbers of floors, bays, shear walls and infilled bays. Number of stories, number of bays in x and y directions, ratio of shear wall areas to the floor area, ratio of bays with infilled walls to total number bays and existence of open story were selected as parameters in GEP and ANFIS modeling. GEP and ANFIS have been widely used as alternative approaches to model complex systems. The effects of these parameters on base reactions and roof drift of RC frames were studied using 3D finite element method on 216 building models. Results obtained from 3D FEM models were used to in training and testing ANFIS and GEP models. In ANFIS and GEP models, number of floors, number of bays, ratio of shear walls and ratio of infilled bays were selected as input parameters, and base reactions and roof drifts were selected as output parameters. Results showed that the ANFIS and GEP models are capable of accurately predicting the base reactions and roof drifts of RC frames used in the training and testing phase of the study. The GEP model results better prediction compared to ANFIS model.

Collapse assessment and seismic performance factors in tall tube-in-tube diagrid buildings

  • Khatami, Alireza;Heshmati, Mahdi;Aghakouchak, Ali Akbar
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.197-214
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    • 2020
  • Diagrid structures have been introduced as a fairly modern lateral load-resisting system in the design of high-rise buildings. In this paper, a novel diagrid system called tube-in-tube diagrid building is introduced and assessed through pushover and incremental dynamic analyses. The main objectives of this paper are to find the optimum angle of interior and exterior diagrid tube and evaluate the efficiency of diagrid core on the probability of collapse comparing to the conventional diagrid system. Finally, the seismic performance factors of the proposed system are validated according to the FEMA P695 methodology. To achieve these, 36-story diagrid buildings with various external and internal diagonal angles are designed and then 3-D nonlinear models of these structures developed in PERFORM-3D. The results show that weight of steel material highly depends on diagonal angle of exterior tube. Adding diagrid core generally increases the over-strength factor and collapse margin ratio of tall diagrid buildings confirming high seismic safety margin for tube-in-tube diagrid buildings under severe excitations. Collapse probabilities of both structural systems under MCE records are less than 10%. Finally, response modification factor of 3.0 and over-strength factor of 2.0 and 2.5 are proposed for design of typical diagrid and tube-in-tube diagrid buildings, respectively.