• Title/Summary/Keyword: Stars

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    • Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.49 no.3
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    • pp.93-107
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    • 2016
  • Augmenting the Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope (WFIRST) microlensing campaigns with intensive observations from a ground-based network of wide-field survey telescopes would have several major advantages. First, it would enable full two-dimensional (2-D) vector microlens parallax measurements for a substantial fraction of low-mass lenses as well as planetary and binary events that show caustic crossing features. For a significant fraction of the free-floating planet (FFP) events and all caustic-crossing planetary/binary events, these 2-D parallax measurements directly lead to complete solutions (mass, distance, transverse velocity) of the lens object (or lens system). For even more events, the complementary ground-based observations will yield 1-D parallax measurements. Together with the 1-D parallaxes from WFIRST alone, they can probe the entire mass range M ≳ M. For luminous lenses, such 1-D parallax measurements can be promoted to complete solutions (mass, distance, transverse velocity) by high-resolution imaging. This would provide crucial information not only about the hosts of planets and other lenses, but also enable a much more precise Galactic model. Other benefits of such a survey include improved understanding of binaries (particularly with low mass primaries), and sensitivity to distant ice-giant and gas-giant companions of WFIRST lenses that cannot be detected by WFIRST itself due to its restricted observing windows. Existing ground-based microlensing surveys can be employed if WFIRST is pointed at lower-extinction fields than is currently envisaged. This would come at some cost to the event rate. Therefore the benefits of improved characterization of lenses must be weighed against these costs.


    • Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.81-102
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    • 1994
  • We have decomposed the 11-cm radio continuum emission of the W51 complex into thermal and non-thermal components. The distribution of the thermal emission has been determined by analyzing HI, CO, and IRAS $60-{\mu}m$ data. We have found a good correlation between the 11-cm thermal continuum and the 60- 11m emissions, which is used to obtain the thermal and non-thermal 11-cm continuum maps of the W51 complex. Most of the thermal continuum is emanating from the compact H II regions and their low-density ionized envelopes in W51A and W51B. All the H II regions, except G49.1-0.4 in W51B, have associated molecular clumps. The thermal radio continuum fluxes of the compact H II regions are proportional to the CO fluxes of molecular clumps. This is consistent with the previous results that the total mass of stars in an H II region is proportional to the mass of the associated molecular clump. According to our result, there are three non-thermal continuum sources in W51: G49.4-0.4 in W51A, a weak source close to G49.2-0.3 in W51B, and the shell source W51C. The non-thermal flux of G49.5-0.4 at 11-cm is $\~28 Jy$, which is $\~25\%$ of its total 11-cm flux. The radio continuum spectrum between 0.15 and 300 GHz also suggests an excess emission over thermal free-free emission. We show that the excess emission can be described as a non-thermal emission with a spectral index ${\alpha}{\simeq}-1.0 (S_v{\propto}V^a)$ attenuated by thermal free-free absorptions at low-frequencies. The non-thermal source close to G49.2-0.3 is weak $(\~9 Jy)$. The nature of the source is not known and the reality of the non-thermal emission needs to be confirmed. The non~thermal shell source W51C has a 11-cm flux of $\~130Jy$ and a spectral index ${\alpha}{\simeq}-0.26$.

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    • Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.215-218
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    • 2005
  • An atlas of high resolution (${\lambda}/{\Delta}{\lambda}$=45,000) profiles of interstellar atomic lines of K I (7665, 7699 ${\AA}$), Na I (D 1, D2), Ca II (H, K), Ca I (4227 ${\AA}$), molecular structures of CH, CH+, CN and the major diffuse interstellar bands at 5780 and 5797 ${\AA}$ based on ${\~}$300 echelle spectra of ${\~}$200 OB stars is presented. Relationships between the reddenings, distances and equivalent widths of NaI, CaII, KI, CH, CH+, CN and diffuse bands are discussed. The equivalent width of K I (7699 ${\AA}$) as well as of CH4300 ${\AA}$ / correlate very tightly with E(B- V) in contrast to the features of neutral sodium, ionized calcium and the molecular ion CH+. The equivalent widths of the Hand K lines of Call grow with distance at a rate ${\~}$250m${\AA}$ per 1 kpc. A similar relation for NaI is much less tight. The strengths of neutral potassium lines, molecular features and diffuse interstellar bands do not correlate practically with distance. These facts suggest that ionized calcium fills the interstellar space quite homogeneously while the other carriers mentioned above, especially K I, CH and these of diffuse bands occupy more and more compact volumes, also filled with dust grains. Apparently the carriers of narrow diffuse bands are spatially correlated with simple molecules and dust grains - all abundant in the so-called 'zeta' type clouds. The same environment seems to be hostile to the carriers of broad diffuse interstellar bands (DIEs) (like 5780 or 6284) and -to a certain extent - also to CaII, NaI and CH+.


    • Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.167-179
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    • 2001
  • A molecular line survey towards the UC H II region G34.3+0.15 from 155.3 to 165.3GHz has been conducted with the TRAO 14-m radio telescope. Combined with our previous observations from 84.7 to 115.6GHz and 123.5 to 155.3GHz (Paper I), the spectral coverage of this survey in G34.3+0.15 now runs from 85 to 165 GHz. From these latest observations, a total of 18 lines from 6 species were detected. These include four new lines corresponding to ${\Delta}$J = 0, ${\Delta}$K = 1 transitions of the $CH_3OH$ E-type species, and two new lines corresponding to transitions from $SO_2$ and $HC_3N$. These 6 new lines are $CH_3OH$[1(1) - 1(0)E], $CH_3OH$[2(1) - 2(0)E], $CH_3OH$[3(1) - 3(0)E], $CH_3OH$[4(1) - 4(0)E], $SO_2$[14(1, 13) -14(0, 14)] and $HC_3N$[18 -17]. We applied a rotation diagram analysis to derive rotation temperatures and column densities from the methanol transitions detected, and combined with NRAO 12-m data from Slysh et al. 1999. Applying a two-component fit, we find a cold component with temperature 13-16K and column density $3.3-3.4 {\times} 10^{14} cm^{-2}$, and a hot component with temperature 64 - 83K and column density $9.3{\times}10^{14} - 9.7 {\times} 10^{14} cm^{-2}$. On the other hand, applying just a one-component fit yields temperatures in the 47 -62 K range and column densities from $7.5-1.1 {\times} 10^{15} cm^{-2}$.

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A Study on the Consuming Condition of Cosmetics of Female Students in Middle and High Schools (서울시내(市內) 여중고생(女中高生)의 화장품(化粧品) 소비실태(消費實態) 조사연구(調査硏究))

  • Cho, Kyu-Hwa;Chun, Bo-Kyung
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.141-155
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study is to offer basic data to adolescents' cosmetic culture by investigating and analysing the choices made by female students who have been becoming principle consumers of cosmetics these days. Firstly, social and cultural backgrounds and concepts of N generation, and then characteristics and influencing powers of female students were reviewed. And this study also included questionnaire surveys of 500 female students in middle and high schools located in Seoul. Data were processed using a SPSS$^+$ program and analyzed by using frequency, percentage and the $X^2$-test. The major findings run as follows: Female students have the effects of spreading their words quickly and abilities of making a decision what to buy. And they accept consuming behaviors itself as a part of cultural lives. Therefore, industries have acknowledged them as new principal consumers with a powerful influence in the market. They also play an important role in active consumer as emotional generation who has distinct personalities and prefer fashion trends, changes and innovations. They show conformities with their peer groups and they also want to identify themselves with characters or stars. The cosmetic behaviors of female students relating to demographic characteristics showed a significant relation to grades, majors, school groups and places of residence. Female students have a lot of interest and knowledge about cosmetics. And they use various cosmetic products. This study demonstrated the age for using make-up for the first time has been becoming younger more and more. Recently, female adolescents tend to use face powder, lip gloss, mascara and eye shadow. It is assumed that cosmetic purchases of female students can be considered as an impulsive aspects. However, before purchases, the proportion of students having any particular cosmetic brand in mind previously has been increasing. They take into consideration skin safety, the quality of product and color, when purchasing cosmetic products.

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Earth Science Teachers' Conceptual Types about Image Formation through a Telescope (망원경의 상 형성에 대한 지구과학교사들의 개념 유형)

  • Lee, Seok-Woo;Yim, In-Sung;Choe, Sung-Urn
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.30 no.7
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    • pp.855-868
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate how teachers understand the principle of image formation of stars through a telescope. This study was conducted by using explanatory paper questionnaires given to 101 earth science teachers in the areas of Gyunggi province and Seoul. The questionnaires were cross-analyzed by three experts in earth science education. Result indicated that most of the participating teachers did not have systematic concepts about the process of making an image formed by a convex lens. Particulary, they did not sufficiently understand the concepts of an image and the functions of a screen. Furthermore, only 3% of the participants possessed the scientific concepts about the image formation principle of a star through the telescope. Most of the teachers seem to have non-scientific or alternative concepts about the image formation, which was only understanded with the fragmented characteristics about light and convex lens.

A Study on Korea Country Image and Cosmetics Brand Image in Vietnam Market by the Korean Wave (한류가 베트남 시장에서 한국 이미지와 화장품 브랜드 이미지에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Je-Hong
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.73-91
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    • 2015
  • This study investigated how Korean image and cosmetics products image effect by the Korean Wave(Hanllyu) on the Vietnam Customer focus on the cosmetics. Especially, Korean Wave of this study consisted in the movie/drama, K-pop and Korean stars. Korean image and cosmetics brand image was effected by factors related to the Korean Wave which had been deducted, based on preceeding research. A study was conduct in Vietnam where the spread of the Korean Wave content customer bases has been over along time. A total of 295 samples were used for th final analysis. Data analysis consisted of descriptive statistics, Cronbach's alpha, a confirmatory factor analysis, and multi-regression. It is also found that Korean image and cosmetics brand image has affect by Korean Wave. and Cosmetics purchasing intention has affect Korean image and cosmetics brand image.

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The Effects of Cooperative Learning through STAD Model on High School Student' Learning Achievements and Scientific Attitudes in the Field of Astronomy (Student Team-Achievemenl Division(STAD) 모형의 협동학습이 고등학교 학생들의 천문영역에 대한 학업성취도와 과학적 태도에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Hong-Seo;Cho, Yong-Goo
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.23 no.8
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    • pp.640-648
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    • 2002
  • The purposes of this study is to examine the effects of cooperative teaming through student team-achievement division (STAD) model on high school students’ leaming achievements and scientific attitudes in the field of astronomy. It is another aim to compare effects of cooperative learning based on improvement scores with traditional teaching method done only by teachers in astronomy field. This study was conducted on two tenth grade classes in a boy’s high school in Incheon. Students had four classes a week in cooperative learning way for four weeks. During cooperative learning classes, formative evaluation was given to students every week oil Stars and Exploring the Solar System. The results show that these two approaches have great different effects on students’ astronomical knowledge and that students adopt more positive scientific attitude toward cooperative learning classes than traditional ones. In conclusion, the cooperative learning is more effective and positive than traditional one in learning astronomical knowledge and in students scientific attitude for science classes.


    • Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.105-110
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    • 2002
  • We present the results of VLA $NH_3$ (1,1) and (2,2) line observations of the young-stellar object (YSO) IRAS 19550+3248. The integrated intensity map of the $NH_3$ (1,1) line shows that there are two ammonia cores in this region; core A which is associated with the YSO, and core B which is diffuse and located at the northeast of core A. Core A is compact and elongated along the east-west direction (0.07 pc$\times$0.05 pc) roughly perpendicular to the molecular outflow axis. Core B is diffuse and extended (0.18 pc$\times$0.07 pc). $NH_3$ (2,2) line is detected only toward core A, which indicates that it is hotter (~ 15 K), presumably due to the heating by the YSO. The $NH_3$ (1,1) line toward core A is wide (${\Delta}v{\ge} 3 km s^{-l}$) and appears to have an anomalous intensity ratio of the inner satellite hyperfine lines. The large line width may be attributed to the embedded YSO, but the hyperfine anomaly is difficult to explain. We compare the results of $NH_3$ observations with those of previous CS observations and find that the CS emission is detected only toward core A and is much more extended than the $NH_3$ emission.

Astrometric Detectability of Parallax Effect in Gravitational Microlensing Events (중력렌즈 사건의 측성적 시차효과 검출에 대한 연구)

    • Publications of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.15-19
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    • 2000
  • The lens mass determined from the photometrically obtained Einstein time scale suffers from large uncertainty due to the lens parameter degeneracy. The uncertainty can be substantially reduced if the mass is determined from the lens proper motion obtained from astrometric measurements of the source image centroid shifts, ${\delta}{\theta}_c$, by using high precision interferometers from space-based platform such as the Space Interferometry Mission (SIM), and ground-based interferometers soon available on several 8-10m class telescopes. However, for the complete resolution of the lens parameter degeneracy it is required to determine the lens parallax by measuring the parallax-induced deviations in the centroid shifts trajectory, ${\Delta}{\delta}{\theta}_c$ aloe. In this paper, we investigate the detectabilities of ${\delta}{\theta}_c$ and ${\Delta}{\delta}{\theta}_c$ by determining the distributions of the maximum centroid shifts, $f({\delta}{\theta}_{c,max})$, and the average maximum deviations, $(<{\Delta}{\delta}_{c,max}>)$, for different types of Galactic microlensing events caused by various masses. From this investigation, we find that as long as source stars are bright enough for astrometric observations it is expected that $f({\delta}{\theta}_c)$ for most events caused by lenses with masses greater than 0.1 $M_\bigodot$ regardless of the event types can be easily detected from observations by using not only the SIM (with a detection threshold but also the ${\delta}{\theta}_{th}\;\~3{\mu}as)$ but also the ground-based interferometers $(with\;{\delta}{\theta}_{th}\;\~3{\mu}as)$. However, from ground-based observations, it will be difficult to detect ${\Delta}{\delta}{\theta}_c$ for most Galactic bulge self-lensing events, and the detection will be restricted only for small fractions of disk-bulge and halo-LMC events for which the deviations are relatively large. From observations by using the SIM, on the other hand, detecting ${\Delta}{\delta}{\theta}_c$ will be possible for majority of disk and halo events and for a substantial fraction of bulge self-lensing events. For the complete resolution of the lens parameter degeneracy, therefore, SIM observations will be essential.

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