• Title/Summary/Keyword: Star Observation

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The Information Worlds of Online Role-Players (온라인 롤 플레이어의 정보 세계)

  • Hollister, Jonathan M.
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.223-266
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    • 2020
  • Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games (MMORPGs) are played by millions of people around the world. Within MMORPGs, players explore, solve mysteries, craft items, battle against dungeon or raid bosses, or compete against other players, all while using a variety of information and information behaviors. Role-players in MMORPGs develop identities and engage in interactive storytelling with other role-players as their characters. An ethnographic approach combining overt participant observation and engagement, semi-structured interviews, and artifact collection was used to explore and describe the social information behaviors of role-players through the lens of the theory of information worlds. The social types evident in the role-playing community in WildStar, a science fantasy-themed MMORPG, are closely interrelated to and differentiated by social norms and information values that dictate acceptable characters, stories, character actions, and appropriate lore sources as well as how to role-play without violating the boundary between in- and out-of-character information worlds. Role-players maintained the in-character and out-of-character boundary using a set of specific information behaviors to enable engaging and immersive role-playing experiences. Implications of the findings for the theory of information worlds as well as potential applications of role-playing and MMORPGs are also discussed.

A Comparative Analysis of Keywords in Astronomical Journals and Concepts in Secondary School Astronomy Curriculum (최근 천문학 연구 키워드와 천체 분야 교육과정 내용 요소 비교 분석)

  • Shin, Hyeonjeong;Kwon, Woojin;Ga, Seok-Hyun
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.289-309
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    • 2022
  • In recent years, astronomy has been snowballing: including Higgs particle discovery, black hole imaging, extraterrestrial exploration, and deep space observation. Students are also largely interested in astronomy. The purpose of this study is to discover what needs to be improved in the current astronomy curriculum in light of recent scientists' researches and discoveries. We collected keywords from all papers published from 2011 to 2020 in four selected journals-ApJ, ApJL, A&A, and MNRAS- by R package to examine research trends. The curriculum contents were extracted by synthesizing the in-service teachers' coding results in the 2015 revised curriculum document of six subjects (Science, Integrated Science, Earth Science I, Earth Science II, Physics II, Convergence Science). The research results are as follows: first, keywords that appear steadily in astronomy are 'galaxies: formation, galaxy: active, star: formation, accretion, method: numerical.' Second, astronomy curriculum includes all areas except the 'High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena' area within the common science curriculum learned by all students. Third, it is necessary to review the placement of content elements by subject and grade and to consider introducing new concepts based on astronomy research keywords. This is an exploratory study to compare curriculum and the field of scientific research that forms the basis of the subject. We expect to provide implications for a future revision of the astronomy curriculum as a primary ground investigation.

A Deep Optical Photometric Study of the Massive Young Open Clusters in the Sagittarius-Carina Spiral Arm

  • Hur, Hyeonoh
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.44.1-44.1
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    • 2016
  • The Sagittarius-Carina spiral arm in the Galaxy contains several massive young open clusters. We present a deep optical photometric study on the massive young open clusters in the Sagittarius-Carina arm, Westerlund 2 and the young open clusters in the ${\eta}$ Carina nebula. Westerlund 2 is a less studied starburst-type cluster in the Galaxy. An abnormal reddening law for the intracluster medium of the young starburst-type cluster Westerlund 2 is determined to be $R_{V,cl}=4.14{\pm}0.08$. The distance modulus is determined from zero-age main-sequence fitting to the reddening-corrected color-magnitude diagrams of the early-type members to be $V_0-M_V=13.9{\pm}0.14mag$. The pre-main sequence (PMS) members of Westerlund 2 are selected by identifying the optical counterparts of X-ray emission sources from the Chandra X-ray observation and mid-infrared emission sources from the Spitzer/IRAC (the Infrared Array Camera) observation. The initial mass function (IMF) shows a slightly flat slope of ${\Gamma}=-1.1{\pm}0.1$ down to $5M_{\odot}$. The age of Westerlund 2 is estimated to be. 1.5 Myr from the main-sequence turn-on luminosity and the age distribution of PMS stars. The ${\eta}$ Carina nebula is the best laboratory for the investigation of the Galactic massive stars and low-mass star formation under the influence of numerous massive stars. We have performed deep wide-field CCD photometry of stars in the ${\eta}$ Carina nebula to determine the reddening law, distance, and the IMF of the clusters in the nebula. We present VRI and $H{\alpha}$ photometry of 130,571 stars from the images obtained with the 4m telescope at Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory (CTIO). RV,cl in the η Carina nebula gradually decreases from the southern part (~4.5, around Trumpler 14 and Trumpler 16) to the northern part around Trumpler 15 (~3.5). Distance to the young open clusters in the ${\eta}$ Carina nebula is partly revised based on the zero-age main-sequence fitting to the reddening-corrected color-magnitude diagrams (CMDs) and the (semi-) reddening-independent CMDs. We select the PMS members and candidates by identifying the optical counterparts of X-ray sources from the Chandra Carina Complex Survey and mid-infrared excess emission stars from the Spitzer Vela-Carina survey. From the evolutionary stage of massive stars and PMS stars, we obtain that the northern young open cluster Trumpler 15 is distinctively older than the southern young open clusters, Trumpler 14 (${\leq}2.5 Myr$) and Trumpler 16 (2.5-3.5 Myr). The slopes of the IMF of Trumpler 14, Trumpler 15, and Trumpler 16 are determined to be $-1.2{\pm}0.1$, $-1.5{\pm}0.3$, and $-1.1{\pm}0.1$, respectively. Based on the RV,cl of several young open clusters determined in this work and the previous studies of our group, We suggest that higher RV,cl values are commonly found for very young open clusters with the age of < 4 Myr. We also confirm the correlation between the slope of the IMF and the surface mass density of massive stars.

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A Study on the Conceptual Changes of Extra-solar Planet in University Students Using Text-Mining Techniques (텍스트마이닝을 활용한 대학생들의 외계행성 개념 변화 연구)

  • Han, Shin;Kim, Yong-Ki;Kim, Hyoungbum
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.305-316
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    • 2020
  • This study aimed to analyze the conception of an extra-solar planet perceived by university students. To conduct this, we developed an extra-solar planet education program and questionnaires which help to figure out changes between before and after the program, and then applied them to the targeted students. The results of the study are as follows. First, as to the conception of an extra-solar planet, participants understood it merely as a planet outside the solar system before they got training. However, they expanded it to the one revolving around a star that appears outside the solar system based on keywords after the training. Second, they gave brief responses regarding exploration strategies (e.g., observing the extra-solar planet by using the Doppler effect, dietary phenomenon, and gravitational lens) based on indirect experiences they encountered in the media. The responses indicated their lack of concept of the extra-solar planet exploration methods. However, their recognition of the extra-solar planet observation became concrete while students learned about the exploration of the extra-solar planet. Third, they were expanding the importance of the exoplanet observation simply beyond the discovery of extraterrestrial life to the creative process and research methods, including the solar system and the development of humanity. Fourth, they recognized that exoplanet education is necessary for curriculum as it will be able to bring about students' interest and curiosity as well as scientific knowledge if contents related to the extra-solar planet appear in the earth science curriculum.


  • Wada, Takehiko;Egami, Eiichi;Fujishiro, Naofumi;Goto, Tomotsugu;Imanishi, Masatoshi;Inami, Hanae;Ishihara, Daisuke;Kaneda, Hidehiro;Kohno, Kotaro;Koyama, Yusei;Matsuhara, Hideo;Matsuura, Shuji;Nagao, Tohru;Ohyama, Youichi;Onaka, Takashi;Oyabu, Shinki;Pearson, Chiris;Sakon, Itsuki;Takeuchi, Tsutomu T.;Tomita, Keisuke;Yamada, Toru;Yamagishi, Mitsuhosi
    • Publications of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.317-319
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    • 2017
  • We propose a cosmological survey to probe star formation and nuclear activity in galaxies at redshifts of z=2-4 by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) features using the SPICA mid-infrared instrument (SMI) with a spectral resolution of R=20. We will cover a wavelength range of $20-36{\mu}$ that corresponds to z=2-4 for the PAH features (11.3, 7.7, and $6.2{\mu}$). The sensitivity will be $1{\times}10^{-19}W/m^2(5{\sigma})$ in case of a reference survey that covers 4 arcmin2 field in a one-hour observation. It corresponds to $L_{IR}=2{\times}10^{11}L_{\odot}$ at z=3 and will give us more than 10000 galaxies in a 450 hour survey.

An Application of Hilbert-Huang Transform on the Non-Stationary Astronomical Time Series: The Superorbital Modulation of SMC X-1

  • Hu, Chin-Ping;Chou, Yi;Wu, Ming-Chya;Yang, Ting-Chang;Su, Yi-Hao
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.79-82
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    • 2013
  • We present the Hilbert-Huang transform (HHT) analysis on the quasi-periodic modulation of SMC X-1. SMC X-1, consisting of a neutron star and a massive companion, exhibits superorbital modulation with a period varying between ~40 d and ~65 d. We applied the HHT on the light curve observed by the All-Sky Monitor onboard Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) to obtain the instantaneous frequency of the superorbital modulation of SMC X-1. The resultant Hilbert spectrum is consistent with the dynamic power spectrum while it shows more detailed information in both the time and frequency domains. According to the instantaneous frequency, we found a correlation between the superorbital period and the modulation amplitude. Combining the spectral observation made by the Proportional Counter Array onboard RXTE and the superorbital phase derived in the HHT, we performed a superorbital phase-resolved spectral analysis of SMC X-1. An analysis of the spectral parameters versus the orbital phase for different superorbital states revealed that the diversity of $n_H$ has an orbital dependence. Furthermore, we obtained the variation in the eclipse profiles by folding the All Sky Monitor light curve with orbital period for different superorbital states. A dip feature, similar to the pre-eclipse dip of Her X-1, can be observed only in the superorbital ascending and descending states, while the width is anti-correlated with the X-ray flux.


    • Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.48 no.3
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    • pp.177-185
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    • 2015
  • We develop a new auto-guiding system for the Camera for QUasars in the EArly uNiverse (CQUEAN). CQUEAN is an optical CCD camera system attached to the 2.1-m Otto-Struve Telescope (OST) at McDonald Observatory, USA. The new auto-guiding system differs from the original one in the following: instead of the cassegrain focus of the OST, it is attached to the finder scope; it has its own filter system for observation of bright targets; and it is controlled with the CQUEAN Auto-guiding Package, a newly developed auto-guiding program. Finder scope commands a very wide field of view at the expense of poorer light gathering power than that of the OST. Based on the star count data and the limiting magnitude of the system, we estimate there are more than 5.9 observable stars with a single FOV using the new auto-guiding CCD camera. An adapter is made to attach the system to the finder scope. The new auto-guiding system successfully guided the OST to obtain science data with CQUEAN during the test run in 2014 February. The FWHM and ellipticity distributions of stellar profiles on CQUEAN, images guided with the new auto-guiding system, indicate similar guiding capabilities with the original auto-guiding system but with slightly poorer guiding performance at longer exposures, as indicated by the position angle distribution. We conclude that the new auto-guiding system has overall similar guiding performance to the original system. The new auto-guiding system will be used for the second generation CQUEAN, but it can be used for other cassegrain instruments of the OST.

Auto-guiding Performance from IGRINS Test Observations (Immersion GRating INfrared Spectrograph)

  • Lee, Hye-In;Pak, Soojong;Le, Huynh Anh N.;Kang, Wonseok;Mace, Gregory;Pavel, Michael;Jaffe, Daniel T.;Lee, Jae-Joon;Kim, Hwihyun;Jeong, Ueejeong;Chun, Moo-Young;Park, Chan;Yuk, In-Soo;Kim, Kangmin
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.92.1-92.1
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    • 2014
  • In astronomical spectroscopy, stable auto-guiding and accurate target centering capabilities are critical to increase the achievement of high observation efficiency and sensitivity. We developed an instrument control software for the Immersion GRating INfrared Spectrograph (IGRINS), a high spectral resolution near-infrared slit spectrograph with (R=40,000). IGRINS is currently installed on the McDonald 2.7 m telescope in Texas, USA. We had successful commissioning observations in March, May, and July of 2014. The role of the IGRINS slit-viewing camera (SVC) is to move the target onto the slit, and to provide feedback about the tracking offsets for the auto-guiding. For a point source, we guide the telescope with the target on the slit. While for an extended source, we use another a guide star in the field offset from the slit. Since the slit blocks the center of the point spread function, it is challenging to fit the Gaussian function to guide and center the target on slit. We developed several center finding algorithms, e.g., 2D-Gaussian Fitting, 1D-Gaussian Fitting, and Center Balancing methods. In this presentation, we show the results of auto-guiding performances with these algorithms.

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Survey for CO Outflow Activities in 68 VeLLOs

  • Kim, Gwanjeong;Lee, Chang Won;Kim, Mi-Ryang;Soam, Archana;Kazuhiro, Kiyokane;Saito, Masao
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.47.1-47.1
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    • 2016
  • We present a preliminary result of search for CO molecular outflows toward a sample of 68 candidate Very Low Luminosity Objects (VeLLOs; Lint ${\leq}0.1L_{\odot}$) to help to understand their physical properties. The sources have been identified using the data at IR to radio wavelengths by M. Kim et al. 2016 toward nearby star-forming regions in the Gould belt. These sources were observed in rotational transitions 2-1 and 3-2 of $^{12}CO$, $^{13}CO$, and $C^{18}O$ molecules with SRAO, CSO, JCMT, and ASTE telescopes. In the beginning of our survey we made a single pointing observation in $^{12}CO$ 2-1 or 3-2 lines for our sample, identifying 53 sources as potential outflow candidates from their line wing features. We made full or partial mapping observations for these candidates with the same lines, finding 33 sources with bipolar or one-sided outflow features. Out of these 33 sources, 6 VeLLOs are previously known sources to have their outflows and 27 VeLLOs are found to be new outflow sources identified from this study. We estimated outflow properties with corrections for excitation temperature, optical depth, and inclination. Their outflow forces range from $8.7{\times}10^{-10}$ to $6.0{\times}10^{-5}M_{\odot}\;km\;s^{-1}yr^{-1}$ with a median value of $3.6{\times}10^{-7}M_{\odot}\;km\;s^{-1}yr^{-1}$, indicating that most of the VeLLOs are less powerful than those for protostars. Their accretion luminosities vary from $9.7{\times}10^{-9}$ to $166L_{\odot}$ with a median value of $0.004L_{\odot}$, implying that most VeLLOs have larger ratios of the accretion luminosity to the internal luminosity but a significant number of VeLLOs have smaller ratios. This result suggests that many of the VeLLOs can be explained with episodic accretion but a significant number of VeLLOs cannot.

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  • Sung, Hwankyung;Lim, Beomdu;Bessell, Michael S.;Kim, Jinyoung S.;Hur, Hyeonoh;Chun, Moo-Young;Park, Byeong-Gon
    • Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.103-123
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    • 2013
  • Star clusters are superb astrophysical laboratories containing cospatial and coeval samples of stars with similar chemical composition. We initiate the Sejong Open cluster Survey (SOS) - a project dedicated to providing homogeneous photometry of a large number of open clusters in the SAAO Johnson-Cousins' UBV I system. To achieve our main goal, we pay much attention to the observation of standard stars in order to reproduce the SAAO standard system. Many of our targets are relatively small sparse clusters that escaped previous observations. As clusters are considered building blocks of the Galactic disk, their physical properties such as the initial mass function, the pattern of mass segregation, etc. give valuable information on the formation and evolution of the Galactic disk. The spatial distribution of young open clusters will be used to revise the local spiral arm structure of the Galaxy. In addition, the homogeneous data can also be used to test stellar evolutionary theory, especially concerning rare massive stars. In this paper we present the target selection criteria, the observational strategy for accurate photometry, and the adopted calibrations for data analysis such as color-color relations, zero-age main sequence relations, Sp - MV relations, Sp - $T_{eff}$ relations, Sp - color relations, and $T_{eff}$ - BC relations. Finally we provide some data analysis such as the determination of the reddening law, the membership selection criteria, and distance determination.