• Title/Summary/Keyword: Standard Conditions

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Study on the Establishment of Project Duty of Water and Facility Capacity in Upland Irrigation - On the Estimation of Duty of Water for the Upland Crops by the Measurement of Evapotranspiration - (밭 관개의 계획용수량 및 시설용량의 정립에 관한 연구 -증발산량 실측에 의한 밭용수량의 추정에 관하여-)

  • 김시원;김선주
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.23-44
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    • 1988
  • The evaportranspiration of upland crops was measured by four types of lysimeter and water consumption characteristics together with the optimum irrigation point by the crops was defind. Among the evapotranspiration estimation formulas, the constant of wind function in the modified Penman equation was corrected to agree with the meteorological conditions of Korea. The evapotranspiration of the crops in the project standard year was estimated according to the cropping system of the project area in Chungju, and from the estimated evapotras - spiration, net duty of water per one time and irrigation in tervals were investigated. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. The evapotranspiration of the same crop measured at the same plot was slightly different by the lysimetric methods, and among the four types of lysimeter, the accuracy of the floating lysimeter was the highest. 2. The yields among the watering treatments showed the significance of 5% in the expe- riment with red cabbage and Chinese cabbage, and significance of 1% in the crisphead lettuce, and the optimum irrigation point for the tested crops was defined ad pF 2.0 by the least squre difference test. 3. The evapotranspiration of the crops in the mid-season stage showed maximum among the growing stages, and the average daily evapotranspiration by the crops over the growing seasons of cabbage, crisphead lettuce, Chinese cabbage, summer cucumber, tornato, salary and autumn cucumber was 4.18mm, 4.77mm, 3.9qrnm, 5.68mnn, joonim, 4.26mm and 3.3qrnn, respectively. 4. From the investigated soil moisture extration pattern(SMEP) of the crisphead lettuce, cucumber and tomato, the proportion of the first layer in the initial stage showed over so%, and the SMEP of the lowest fourth layer during the late-season stage in the experiment cabbage and Chinese cabbage was 15.8% and 16.9, respectively, with showed that the root elongated th the lowest soil layer. 5. The total available moisture(TAM) of clay loam was 21.2-23.3mm and that of sandy loam was 16.1 - 19.0mm under the optimum irrigation point of pF. 2.0, and the total readily available moisture( TRAM) of the crops cultivated in the clay loam soil was larger than that cultivated in the sandy loam soil, and the TRAM during the mid-and late-season were larger than that of the inital and crop development stage. 6. The estimated evapotranspration by the corrected Pennam equation, whkh corrected the constant of the wind function in the modified Penman equation, was nearly agreed with the actually measured evaporanspiration of grass. 7. Among the several evaportranspiration estimation methods, the evapotranspiration es- timated by the corrected Pennam equation was closed to the actual evapotranspiration of reference crop (grass) evapotranspiration, therefore it is suggested to use the corrected Penman equation to determine the duty of water of corps. 8. The average crop coefficient (Kc) of cabbage by the corrected Penman equation was 0.94 and that of crisphead lettuce, summer cucumber, tomato, salary, Chinese cabbage and autumn cucumber was 1.07, 1.22, 1.02, 1.01, 1.35, 1.09, respectively 9. The estimated total evapotranspiration of cabbage in the project area( Chungju) by the corrected Penman equation was 223.9mm and that of crisphead lettuce, Chinese cabbage, summer cucumber, tomato, salary and auturun cucumber was 215.7mm, 205.9mm, 359.Omrn, 300.9mm, 332.lmm and 202.7mm, respectively. 10. The net duty of water per one time of the crops cultivated in the sandy loam soil, and the net duty of water per one time in the mid-season & late-season showed larger than that of the initial stage. 11. The shortest irrigation interval of cabbage in the project area was 4.2 days, and that of crisphead lettuce, Chinese cabbage, cucumber, tomato and salary was 1.2days, 2.3days, 1.8days, 2.2days and 2.7days, respectively.

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  • Verfondern, Karl;Nabielek, Heinz;Kendall, James M.
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.39 no.5
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    • pp.603-616
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    • 2007
  • Roy Huddle, having invented the coated particle in Harwell 1957, stated in the early 1970s that we know now everything about particles and coatings and should be going over to deal with other problems. This was on the occasion of the Dragon fuel performance information meeting London 1973: How wrong a genius be! It took until 1978 that really good particles were made in Germany, then during the Japanese HTTR production in the 1990s and finally the Chinese 2000-2001 campaign for HTR-10. Here, we present a review of history and present status. Today, good fuel is measured by different standards from the seventies: where $9*10^{-4}$ initial free heavy metal fraction was typical for early AVR carbide fuel and $3*10^{-4}$ initial free heavy metal fraction was acceptable for oxide fuel in THTR, we insist on values more than an order of magnitude below this value today. Half a percent of particle failure at the end-of-irradiation, another ancient standard, is not even acceptable today, even for the most severe accidents. While legislation and licensing has not changed, one of the reasons we insist on these improvements is the preference for passive systems rather than active controls of earlier times. After renewed HTGR interest, we are reporting about the start of new or reactivated coated particle work in several parts of the world, considering the aspects of designs/ traditional and new materials, manufacturing technologies/ quality control quality assurance, irradiation and accident performance, modeling and performance predictions, and fuel cycle aspects and spent fuel treatment. In very general terms, the coated particle should be strong, reliable, retentive, and affordable. These properties have to be quantified and will be eventually optimized for a specific application system. Results obtained so far indicate that the same particle can be used for steam cycle applications with $700-750^{\circ}C$ helium coolant gas exit, for gas turbine applications at $850-900^{\circ}C$ and for process heat/hydrogen generation applications with $950^{\circ}C$ outlet temperatures. There is a clear set of standards for modem high quality fuel in terms of low levels of heavy metal contamination, manufacture-induced particle defects during fuel body and fuel element making, irradiation/accident induced particle failures and limits on fission product release from intact particles. While gas-cooled reactor design is still open-ended with blocks for the prismatic and spherical fuel elements for the pebble-bed design, there is near worldwide agreement on high quality fuel: a $500{\mu}m$ diameter $UO_2$ kernel of 10% enrichment is surrounded by a $100{\mu}m$ thick sacrificial buffer layer to be followed by a dense inner pyrocarbon layer, a high quality silicon carbide layer of $35{\mu}m$ thickness and theoretical density and another outer pyrocarbon layer. Good performance has been demonstrated both under operational and under accident conditions, i.e. to 10% FIMA and maximum $1600^{\circ}C$ afterwards. And it is the wide-ranging demonstration experience that makes this particle superior. Recommendations are made for further work: 1. Generation of data for presently manufactured materials, e.g. SiC strength and strength distribution, PyC creep and shrinkage and many more material data sets. 2. Renewed start of irradiation and accident testing of modem coated particle fuel. 3. Analysis of existing and newly created data with a view to demonstrate satisfactory performance at burnups beyond 10% FIMA and complete fission product retention even in accidents that go beyond $1600^{\circ}C$ for a short period of time. This work should proceed at both national and international level.

Application of a New Conjugation Method to Fish Pathogenic Bacteria Containing R Plasmid for the Analysis of Drug-Resistant Status in Aquaculture (새로운 conjugation 방법을 응용한 R plasmid 함유 어병세균의 분리와 양식장 내성균의 현황 분석)

  • Yoo Min Ho;Jeong Joon Beom;Kim Eun Heui;Lee Hyoung Ho;Jeong Hun Do
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.115-121
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    • 2002
  • To develop a new method of conjugation and to determine the distribution of R plasimds, we isolated multi-drug resistant strains from fish pathogenic bacteria in the farms of south and east seacoasts of Korea. Out of the 134 isolates examined, 10 showed resistance to chloramphenicol, tetracycline, streptomycin, ampicillin, colistin, nalidixic acid, oxolinic acid and kanamycin. One out of 10 multi-drug resistance bacteria, Vibfio damsela JE1 (V. damsela JE1), contained transferable R plasmid of chlorarnphenicol- tetracycline resistance genes and other nucleic acids encoding ampicillin and kanamycin resistance. The presence of the R plasmid was confirmed by conjugation using the chromocult medium (CC) as a selective and differential medium for transconiugants with identification based on the growth or colors of the colonies. The frequency of R plasmid transfer with filter mating method was come out much higher than that of broth mating method and appeared to be dependent upon the mating time and temperature. The optimum conditions for filter mating method were found to be 30$^{\circ}C$ and 24hrs as mating temperature and period, respectively, Moreover, donor cells with R plasmid, both isolate and standard bacteria, were shown to have an ability to transfer the plasmid against Escherichia coli K-12 HB101 (E. coli HB101) and Edwardsiella tarda (E. tarda) RE14 at fairly high frequencies, finally, we isolated 3 isolates of Sphingomonas sp., carrying R plasmid from 12 multi-drug resistant bacteria in normal microflora of the flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) group used for the isolation of V emsela JE1 four months before. The same size and gene transfer chayateristics of R plasimds with those of V damsela JE1 confirmed that normal microflora have the reservoir activity for R plasmid in natural aquatic environment.

Negative Support Reactions of the Single Span Twin-Steel Box Girder Curved Bridges with Skew Angles (단경간 2련 강박스 거더 곡선교의 사각에 따른 부반력 특성)

  • Park, Chang Min;Lee, Hyung Joon
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.34-43
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    • 2012
  • The behaviors of the curved bridges which has been constructed in the RAMP or Interchange are very complicate and different than orthogonal bridges according to the variations of radius of curvature, skew angle and spacing of shoes. Occasionally, the camber of girder and negative reactions can be occurred due to bending and torsional moment. In this study, the effects on the negative reaction in the curved bridge were investigated on the basis of design variables such as radius of curvature, skew angle, and spacing of shoes. For this study, the twin-steel box girder curved bridge with single span which is applicable for the RAMP bridges with span length(L) of 50.0m and width of 9.0m was chosen and the structural analysis to calculate the reactions was conducted using 3-dimensional equivalent grillage system. The value of negative reaction in curved bridges depends on the plan structures of bridges, the formations of structural systems, and the boundary conditions of bearing, so, radius of curvature, skew angle, and spacing of shoes among of design variables were chosen as the parameter and the load combination according to the design standard were considered. According to the results of numerical analysis, the negative reaction in curved bridge increased with an decrease of radius of curvature, skew angle, and spacing of shoes, respectively. Also, in case of skew angle of $60^{\circ}$ the negative reaction has been always occurred without regard to ${\theta}/B$, and in case of skew angle of $75^{\circ}$ the negative reaction hasn't been occurred in ${\theta}/B$ below 0.27 with the radius of curvature of 180m and in ${\theta}/B$ below 0.32 with the radius of curvature of 250m, and in case of skew angle of $90^{\circ}$ the negative reaction hasn't been occurred in the radius of curvature over 180m and in ${\theta}/B$ below 0.38 with the radius of curvature of 130m, The results from this study indicated that occurrence of negative reaction was related to design variables such as radius of curvature, skew angle, and spacing of shoes, and the problems with the stability including negative reaction will be expected to be solved as taken into consideration of the proper combinations of design variables in design of curved bridge.

Changes of Major Components and Microorganisms during the Fermentation of Korean Ordinary Kochujang (한국재래식(韓國在來式)고추장숙성중(熟成中)의 주요성분(主要成分) 및 미생물(微生物)의 변화(變化))

  • Ahn, Cheol-Woo;Sung, Nack-Kie
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.35-39
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    • 1987
  • The present study was attempted to obtain the basic data concerning a reasonable preparing method and the optimum fermentation conditions of Kochujang (Red pepper paste). To establish the standard qualify of Kochujang, changes of the chemical composition and the numbers of bacteria and feasts in Kochujang during fermentation were observed. Moisture, salts and crude ash contents of Kochujang were not changed significantly during fermentation. Titrable acidity and amino nitrogen gradually increased with the time-passed, whereas crude fat gradually decreased with the time-elapsed. And reducing sugar and total nitrogen increased until 40 days, but slightly decreased after this period. The numbers of bacteria and yeasts in the ingrients for the preparation of Kochujang were $3.9{\times}10^7/g$, $1.5{\times}10^3/g$ in red pepper powder, $7.6{\times}10^4/g$, $2.8{\times}10^2/g$ in salts. respectively, but those of sugar and malt were not more than 100/g. Microbial counts in Kochujang during fermentation increased until 40 days, but those are gradually decreased after that.

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Middle School Home Economics Teachers' Performance Conditions of Self Supervision Related to the Home Economics (중학교 가정과 교사의 교과 관련 자기장학에 대한 수행 실태)

  • Nam, Yun-Jin;Chae, Jung-Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.61-75
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    • 2007
  • The method used in this descriptive study is the survey. The purpose of the study is to investigate performances of middle school home economics(HE) teachers regarding the HE subject. Respondents in this study were 177 HE teachers. Questionnaires from HE teachers were collected through e-mails. With the operation of the SPSS/Win (ver10.1) program, the analyses such as mean, standard deviation, frequencies, percents, t-test and ANOVA are done to see the relations between the related variables. The results of this study were as follows. First, the middle school HE teachers performed well above the standards in terms of planning, execution, and evaluation about self supervision related to HE. Second, the HE teachers collected materials for instruction by using literary (books) survey, Internet and mass media. They mainly focused on improving ways of "teaching and learning" and deepening the studies related to contents of textbooks. Third, the HE teachers used various ways to improve self supervision in the following order: mass media, literary (books) survey, participation in societies for researches, meetings, various training and field trip More than half of the middle school HE teachers proceeded to graduate schools, joined meetings for researches and had experiences of taking classes in private institutes. They also made a field trip once or twice a year and depended much on TV programs and education broadcasting programs as ways of improving their performances related to self supervision. While they were actively sharing information with their peer group, they made little effort at analyzing and evaluating their classes and utilizing expert group for their classes. The main problems as to self supervision were that only the half of the HE teachers responded that they were performing self supervision related to their classes well above the standards and the area where they heavily focused on has been "teaching and learning" and "the studies related to contents of textbooks". Therefore, to motivate incentives of the HE teachers for self supervision, meetings for researches should be activated and various training programs should be developed. In addition, government should give administrative and institutional support through a publication of books introducing detailed ways of self supervision and an establishment of centers and institutions for supporting self supervision.

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A Study on the IADL Affecting Subjective Health Index of the Aged in Some Area (일부지역(一部地域) 노인(老人)들의 주체적(主體的) 건강수준(健康水準)에 영향을 미치는 IADL에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Keun-Jo;Park, Heung-Ki;Koon, Hyeok-Su;Bae, Soo-Chan
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.29-50
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    • 2001
  • This research have been made to define how the IADL (Instrumental Activity of Daily Living) performance and the subjective health index of the Aged are affected by their residential circumstance, gender and age, and how deeply these two factors are related and interact. For the period of June 1 to July 31, 2000, we had conducted a questionnaire and direct interview with 693 persons over age sixty-five (65) in Daejon and in other adjacent area, grouping into three different residential types The Aged living at home, The Aged living at welfare facilities and The Aged living alone, and studied on how the IADL performance and the subjective health index of the Aged are influenced and interact as per their characteristics, daily activity and mentality. We had analyzed all the data obtained through this research by the method of : - analysis of frequency as per specific factors by SPSS 1O.0/PC+, - $x^2$ test, - t-test, - ANOVA, - multiple regression analysis by factors. The research concludes followings : a. It appears that the three (3) factors such as gender, age and residential circumstance of the Aged deeply affect the IADL performance and subjective health index of the Aged. (p<0.01) b. With regard to IADL performance of the Aged by the gender, it was analyzed that the female-Aged gains 23.8 point on average, which shows the performance of the female-Aged is less independent. (p<0.01). In addition, it was also found that the IADL performance is becoming less and less independent following their age increasing. In analyzing IADL performance by the residential type, it appears that the Aged living at welfare facilities gains the lowest 21.5 points and is least independent. It was also found that the Aged living at welfare facilities need some assistances from others for their performing IADL. (20-24 point) (p<0.001) c. With regard to the subjective health index of the all-Aged participated in this research, the analysis indicates 8.8 point and this is considered as a point of general standard (7-10 point). In analyzing this index by the gender, the female-Aged gains only 8.6 point which explains a lot of female-Aged consider they are not really healthy. (p<0.001) In analyzing this index by the residential type, the Aged living at welfare facilities and the Aged living alone gain the comparatively lower point, - respectively 8.4 point for the Aged living at welfare facilities and 8.8 point for the Aged living alone. The Aged living at these two residential types express they are obviously in a bad situation of health. (p<0.001) d. With regard to the factors affecting the IADL performance and the subjective health index of the Aged, it was analyzed that the IADL performance can largely be affected by the factors such as depression, frequency of going-out and age rising, and that the subject health index can also deeply be affected by depression, pain and by how much they are satisfied with their current living conditions. e. It was analyzed that the interacting between the IADL performance and the subjective health index is not that strong but even weak. As a result, we were able to conclude that the IADL performance is less independent in case of the female-Aged, the Aged living at welfare facilities, and following the age rising. As for the subjective health state the Aged themselves are aware of, we concluded that the female-Aged, the Aged living at welfare facilities and the Aged living alone, are more critical about their health. From this research, we were able to realize that, when the OMT (Orthopedic Manual Therapy) needed, the physical therapists are really required to have a correct and cautious understanding of the situation in which the aged persons are, and take care of them with more concerns and more improved treatment.

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Improving Corsican pine somatic embryo maturation: comparison of somatic and zygotic embryo morphology and germination

  • Wtpsk, Senarath;Shaw, D.S.;Lee, Kui-Jae;Lee, Wang-Hyu
    • Proceedings of the Plant Resources Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2003.04a
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    • pp.61-62
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    • 2003
  • Clonal propagation of high-value forest trees through somatic embryogenesis (SE) has the potential to rapidly capture the benefits of breeding or genetic engineering programs and to improve raw material uniformity and quality. A major barrier to the commercialization of this technology is the low quality of the resulting embryos. Several factors limit commercialization of SE for Corsican pine, including low initiation rates, low culture survival, culture decline causing low or no embryo production, and inability of somatic embryos to fully mature, resulting in low germination and reduced vigour of somatic seedlings. The objective was to develop a Corsican pine maturation medium that would produce cotyledonary embryos capable of germination. Treatments were arranged in a completely randomized design. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance, and significant differences between treatments determined by multiple range test at P=0.05. Corsican pine (Pinus nigra var. maritima) cultures were initiated on modified !P6 medium. Modifications of the same media were used for culture multiplication and maintenance. Embryogenic cultures were maintained on the same medium semi solidified with 2.5 g/l Gelrite. A maturation medium, capable of promoting the development of Corsican pine somatic embryos that can germinate, is a combination of iP6 modified salts, 2% maltose, 13% polyethylene glycol (PEG), 5 mg!l abscisic acid (ABA), and 2.5 g/l Gelrite. After initiation and once enough tissue developed they were grown in liquid medium. Embryogenic cell suspensions were established by adding 0.951.05 g of 10- to 14-day-old semisolid-grown embryogenic tissue to 9 ml of liquid maintenance media in a 250ml Erlenmeyer flask. Cultures were then incubated in the dark at 2022$^{\circ}$C and rotated at 120 rpm. After 2.53 months on maturation medium, somatic embryos were selected that exhibited normal embryo shape. Ten embryos were placed horizontally on 20 ml of either germination medium ($\frac{2}{1}$strength Murashige and Skoog (1962) salts with 2.5 g/l activated charcoal) or same medium with copper sulphate adjusted to 0.25 mg/1 to compensate for copper adsorption by activated carbon. 2% and 4% maltose was substituted by 7.5% and 13% PEG respectively to improve the yield of the embryos. Substitution of' maltose with PEG was clearly beneficial to embryo development. When 2% of the maltose was replaced with 7.5% PEG, many embryos developed to large bullet-shaped embryos. At latter stages of development most embryos callused and stopped development. A few short, barrel-shaped cotyledonary embryos formed that were covered by callus on the sides and base. When 4% of the maltose was removed and substituted with 13% PEG, the embryos developed further, emerging from the callus and increasing yield slightly. Microscopic examination of the cultures showed differing morphologies, varying from mostly single cells or clumps to well-formed somatic embryos that resembled early zygotic embryos only liquid cultures with organized early-stag. A procedure for converting and acclimating germinants to growth in soil and greenhouse conditions is also tested. Seedling conversion and growth were highly related to the quality of the germinant at the time of planting. Germinants with larger shoots, longer, straighter hypocotyls and longer roots performed best. When mature zygotic embryos germinate the root emerges, before or coincident with the shoot. In contrast, somatic embryos germinate in reverse sequence, with the cotyledons greening first, then shoot emergence and then, much later, if at all, the appearance of the root. Somatic seedlings, produced from the maturation medium, showed 100% survival when planted in a field setting. Somatic seedlings showed normal yearly growth relative to standard seedlings from natural seed.

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A Study on the Traditional Geographic System Recognition and Environmental Value Estimate of Hannamkeumbuk-Keumbuk Mountains for the Establishment of a Management Plan (관리계획 수립을 위한 한남금북.금북정맥의 전통적 지리체계인식과 환경가치 추정 연구)

  • Kang, Kee-Rae;Kim, Dong-Pil
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.23-33
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    • 2012
  • In this study, how much users of Hannamkeumbuk Keumbuk Mountains are aware of Baekdaegan and its attached mountain chains, a traditional geographic system, according to Sangyungpyo and basic data like the degree of awareness and use-behaviors, etc. have been studied. In addition, the environmental value of Hannamkeumbuk Keumbuk Mountains separating the central and the southern part of Korea among attached mountain ranges, secondary mountain chains, which act as an ecosystem buffer in the Baekdudaegan Range, has been estimated at the current amount of currency. In the questions of the perception of the traditional classification standard of mountain chains and Baekdudaegan, more than 70% of respondents answered that they had heard of or known them but 66.8% werenot aware of Hannamkeumbuk Keumbuk Mountains. While the awareness for Baekdudaegan is high, the perception of its attached mountain chains was very poor. DBDC responder system and CVM, which is used widely for the value estimate method of environment goods, were used. As the result, an additional benefit got when a person visits Hannamkeumbuk Keumbuk mountains was estimated as 5,813 won. It could find out that this amount was very low compared with 51,984 won, average visit cost. It judged that the reason was that damage of environmental conditions, the monotony of the trails and progress of indiscriminate environmental destruction, etc. The results of this study will offer a new perspective on public relations activities and resource conservation of Baekdudaegan and its attached mountain chains and estimate perceptions and efficient services for visitors to HannamKeumbuk Keumbuk Mountains. This study will act as data for basic planning and management to increase the mountains' value and to preserve them. Further studies are needed to make a frame of work division and management with various organizations so that the management of Hannamkeumbuk-Keumbuk Mountains may be properly established and their value may been hanced.

An Experimental Study on Evaluation of Axially Compressive Buckling Strength of Corroded Temporary Steel (부식 손상된 가시설 강재의 축압축 좌굴강도 추정에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Kim, In Tae;Lee, Myoung Jin;Shin, Chang Hee
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.135-146
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    • 2011
  • Steel structures have been generally painted to prevent corrosion damage. However, the painted film is deteriorated with increase in service life, and then corrosion damage resulting in cross sectional area occurs on steel surface. As a result, the buckling strength of steel structures can be decreased due to the corrosion damages. The evaluation method of the axial buckling strength of columns about a variety of section shapes and supporting conditions have been presented, but evaluation method of buckling strength about irregular nonprismatic columns is not established. In this study, the axial buckling strength of corroded steels was evaluated based on the buckling test results of corroded steel specimens that were cut off at a temporary steel structure. The corroded specimens were picked up total 10 specimens according to various slenderness ratio from the web of a temporary structure's main beam. The length of specimens is 200, 300, 400, 500 and 600mm respectively. The rust productions were removed by the chemical treatment. Then, the surface geometry was measured at intervals of $1{\times}1mm$ by using the optical 3D digitizing system, and the residual thickness of the specimens was calculated. The axial buckling test was performed on 10 corroded specimens and 12 non-corroded specimens under the fixed-fixed support condition. From the test results, the effect of corrosion damages on axial buckling load was investigated. Regardless of corrosion damage degree, the axial buckling strength of corroded specimens and non-corroded specimens was evaluated identically by using minimum average residual thickness or average residual thickness to minus its standard deviation. Reasonable measuring intervals of residual thickness was proposed by using the results to apply for practical works.