• Title/Summary/Keyword: Squamous cell of the lung

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Annual Report of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery in Korea[ I ] - 1991 - (흉부외과 진료통계( I ))

  • Sun, K.;Kwak, Y.T.;Kim, H.M.
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.25 no.12
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    • pp.1383-1390
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    • 1992
  • This is the result of the annual statistic analysis of thoracic and cardiovascular surgical cases in 1991, Korea. 14,715 cases of surgery[thoracic 8,995/cardiovascular 5,720] were done by 53 institutes replied. The order of frequency of cell type in primary lung cancer was squamous [62.3%] / adeno [23.9%] / small [6.4%] / adenosquamous [3.0%], and in mediastinal tumor, neurogenic[27.l%] / thymoma [27.1%] / teratoma[26.4%] / congenital cystic[12.0%]. Surgery for tuberculosis was decreased to 15.8% of overall infectious disease from the recent 6 year`s average 35.7%. In general thoracic surgery, the single most frequent operation was closed thoracostomy[4,047 cases] for pleural pathology. The ratio of congenital to acquired heart disease was 2:1, and acyanotic to cyanotic was 3:1. The order of frequency of congenital acyanotic heart disease was VSD [45.6%] / ASD [25.6%] / PDA [20.4%] / PS [2.9%], and that of cyanotic heart disease was TOF [42.6%] / PA [12.9%] / TGA [9.9%] / DORV [8.8%]. In 1,364 cases of valvular surgery, single mitral pathology was the most frequent candidate[729 cases, 53.4%]. In 243 cases of coronary surgery, bypassing graft materials were great saphenous vein[41.6%], internal mammary [39.5%], and artificial vessel[18.9%]. There were no specific differences in aortic surgery, assisted device implantation, and antiarrhythmic surgery as compared to previous study. This nation-wide inquiry will be continued and reported annually by KTCS Society.

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Four Cases of Kartagener's Syndrome (Kartagener 증후군 4예)

  • Lee, Yong-Chul;Song, Hang-Yong;Lim, Suk-Tae;Kim, Hyung-Chung;Lee, Heung-Bum;Lee, Young-Seung;Rhee, Yang-Keun;Chung, Jae-Man
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.41 no.6
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    • pp.663-669
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    • 1994
  • Kartagener's sydrome is an autosomaly inherited recessive condition characterized by situs inversus, bronchiectasis, and chronic sinusitis. And recently it was recognized as a subclass of dyskinetic cilia syndrome which caused by a defect in mucociliary transport owing to immotile or dyskinetic beating of cilia. Electron microsopy of cilia from sperm tails, nasal and bronchial epithelium of patients reveals the partial or complete absence of dynein arms. Our four patients were diagnosed as a Kartagener's syndrome by classic triad. We carried out electron microscopy of cilia of the nasal mucosa. And many other tests were done. One patient had squamous cell carcinoma of the lung, and another one patient revealed features of adult respiratory distress syndrome at admission. All patients improved with conservative therapy such as physiotherapy, bronchodilater, antibiotics except one patient who mechanical ventilation was required. A brief review of literature was made.

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Induction of Squamous Cell Carcinomas and Adenocarcinomas in Mouse Lung by Intratracheal Instillation of Benzo(a)pyrene and Urethan (Benzo(a)pyrene 및 Urethan의 마우스 기관내(氣管內) 주입(注入)에 의한 편평상피암(扁平上皮癌)과 선암(腺癌)의 발생(發生))

  • Kim, Sung-ho;Lee, Cha-soo
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.307-319
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    • 1986
  • 성숙한 A/J, $C_{57}BL/6N$, DBA/2 및 NIH-GP계(系) 마우스에 benzo(a) pyrene과 charcoal powder를, $C_{57}/6N$ 및 NIH-GP계(系) 마우스에 Urethan을 기관내(氣管內) 주입(注入)하여 폐장(肺臟)의 종양발생(腫瘍發生)과 조직변화(組織變化)를 관찰(觀察)한 바 다음과 같은 결과(結果)를 얻었다. Benzo(a)pyrene을 주입(注入)한 군(群)에서는 편평상피암(扁平上皮癌) 및 선암(腺癌), 그리고 편평상피암(扁平上皮癌)과 선암(腺癌)의 혼합 발생예(例)를 볼 수 있었다. 이와 같은 병변(病變)은 A/J 및 $C_{57}BL/6N$계(系) 마우스에서 발생률(發生率)이 높았으며 A/J계(系) 마우스에서 편평상피암(扁平上皮癌)의 발생(發生) 및 분화(分化)가 현저하였다. 한편 DBA/2 및 NIH-GP계(系) 마우스에서는 종양(腫瘍) 발생률(發生率)이 극히 낮았다. Benzo(a)pyrene의 주입시(注入時) 동일 계통의 마우스에서도 대량을 주입(注入)할 때 선암(腺癌)보다 편평상피암(扁平上皮癌)의 발생(發生)이 많았으며 A/J계(系) 마우스에서는 편평상피암(扁平上皮癌) 단독(單獨) 발생예(發生例)가 다수 관찰(觀察)되었고 $C_{57}BL/6N$계(系) 마우스에서는 선암(腺癌) 및 선암(腺癌)과 편평상피암(扁平上皮癌)의 혼합 형태(形態)가 주(主)로 관찰(觀察)되었다. 그리고 기관지상피(氣管支上皮)의 편평상피화생(扁平上皮化生) 및 편평상피암(扁平上皮癌)의 발생시(發生時) alcian blue-PAS 양성반응세포가 관여함을 알 수 있었고 선종양조직(腺腫樣組織) 발생예(發生例)에서도 편평상피화생(扁平上皮化生) 및 편평상피암(扁平上皮癌)으로 분화(分化)되는 경우도 관찰(觀察)되었다. Urethan 주입군(注入群)은 극히 낮은 종양발생률(腫瘍發生率)을 나타내어 발암물질(發癌物質)의 종류(種類), 용량(用量) 및 마우스의 계통(系統)에 따라 종양(腫瘍)의 발생률(發生率) 및 형태(形態)의 차이가 인정되었다.

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The Clinical and Histopathologic Features according to Loss of LKB1 Protein Expression on Primary Lung Cancer (원발성 폐암에서 LKB1 단백질 발현 소실에 따른 임상 양상 및 조직병리학적 특성)

  • Hwang, Ki Eun;Jo, Hyang-Jeong;Lee, Kang Kyoo;Sim, Hyeok;Song, Jung Sup;Shin, Jeong Hyun;Shin, Seong Nam;Park, Seong-Hoon;Hong, Kyeong-Man;Park, Jung-Hyun;Jeong, Jong-Hoon;Kim, Hui Jung;Kim, Hak-Ryul;Yang, Sei-Hoon;Jeong, Eun-Taik
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.64 no.5
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    • pp.362-368
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    • 2008
  • Background: LKB1(STK11) is a serine/threonine kinase that functions as a tumor growth suppressor. The functions of LKB1 in lung cancer are not completely understood. This study evaluated the relationship between LKB1 protein expression and the clinicopathological features in lung cancer tissues. Methods: The expression of LKB1 was studied in paraffin-embedded tumor blocks, which were obtained from 77 patients who had undergone surgery at Wonkwang University Hospital. The expression of the LKB1 protein was considered positive if the staining intensity in the tumor tissue adjacent to the normal airway epithelium was >30%. Results: The LKB1 expression was positive in 31 (40%) of samples. Loss of LKB1 expression was significantly associated with being male, smoking history, and squamous cell carcinoma. In the peripheral sites, the loss of LKB1 expression was strongly associated with a smoking history. A loss of LKB1 expression was more frequently associated with progression according to TNM staging, particularly more than T2, N progression. Conclusion: There was a significant relationship between the loss of the LKB1 protein and gender, smoking history, and histological type in primary lung cancer. Although LKB1 expression was not found to be a significant prognostic factor, further studies with a larger cohort of patient's lung cancer tissue samples will be needed to confirm this.

Esophagectomy for Esophageal Cancer in Elderly Patients Over 70 Years of Age (70세 이상의 식도암 환자에시 식도절제술 및 재건술)

  • Song Suk-Won;Lee Hyun-Sung;Kim Moon Soo;Lee Jong Mog;Zo Zae Ill
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.38 no.6 s.251
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    • pp.428-433
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    • 2005
  • Advanced age in Esophagectomy increases the risk of postoperative morbidity and mortality. However, the recent development of operative technique and perioperative care might have decreased the postoperative morbidity and mortality after esophagectomy. Material and Method: From March 2001 to July 2004, 174 patients underwent esophageal resection for esophageal cancer in the Center for Lung Cancer, National Cancer Center. The patients were divided into two groups : group 1 consisted of 27 patients aged 70 years or more, and group 2 consisted of 147 patients under 70 years of age. The two groups were compared according to preoperative risk factors, postoperative morbidity, operative mortality and survival. Result: The mean age was 63_4. There were 159 men. On histopathological examination, $93.1\%$ had squamous cell carcinoma. On the locations, $78.7\%$ were in mid and lower esophagus. Curative resections for esophageal cancer were possible in $162(93.1\%)$ patients. Mean hospital stay was 19.4 days with out difference between the groups. The overall postoperative morbidity were occurred in 61 patients $(35.1\%)$. The most frequent morbidity was pulmonary complication in $30(17.2\%)$. Preoperative incidence of hypertension, cardiac and pulmonary dysfunction were more common in Group I. However, there was no difference in overall postoperative morbidity, operative mortality and survival rate between the two groups. Conclusion: Esophagectomy for esophageal cancer could be carried out safely in patients over 70 years of age with satisfactory short-term results. Advanced age is no longer a risk factor for esophagectomy.

Utility of FDG-PET in Solitary Pulmonary Nodules and the Relationship Between Standardized Uptake Values of PET and Serum Glucose (폐 결절에서 FDG-PET의 유용성과 표준섭취계수와 혈당농도의 상관관계)

  • Kim, Kyu Sik;Lim, Sung Chul;Ko, Young Chun;Park, Kyung Ha;Ju, Jin Young;Jo, Kae Jung;Kim, Soo Ok;Oh, In Jae;Kim, Yu Il;Kim, Young Chul;Kim, Sung Min;Song, Ho Chun;Bom, Hee Seung;Park, Kyung Ok
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.55 no.6
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    • pp.589-596
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    • 2003
  • Background : The solitary pulmonary nodule(SPN) presents a diagnostic dilemma to the physician and the patients in the our nation with high incidence of tuberculoma. We could not exclude whether the SPN was benign or malignant by the change of the size at chest radiograph and findings of chest CT. Recently, positron emission tomography(PET) have been tried as the differential diagnostic method of SPN. We evaluated the efficacy of PET for differentiating malignant from benign SPN and the relationship between standardized uptake values(SUV) of PET and serum glucose. Method : Between January 2001 and July 2002, sixty-one patients with pulmonary nodule were examined by the chest CT and PET. The SPN has been finally diagnosed by the transthorasic needle aspiration and biopsy, bronchoscopic biopsy, and open lung biopsy. Results : Forty eight patients had a malignant nodule(23 squamous cell lung carcinoma, 16 adenocarcinoma, 9 small cell lung cancer) and thirteen patients had a benign nodule(3 tuberculoma, 9 inflammatory granuloma, 1 cryptococcosis). The mean size of malignant and benign nodule was 40.6 mm and 20.0 mm, respectively. All malignant nodules showed a marked increase in 18 fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) uptake. Mean SUV of malignant was $9.52{\pm}5.20$ and benign nodule was $1.61{\pm}3.60$. There were false positive cases with an increase in 18-FDG uptake (2 tuberculoma, 1 inflammatory granuloma). The SUV of malignant nodule in diabetes patients has no difference in non diabetes patients($9.10{\pm}4.51$ vs $9.65{\pm}5.46$). The sensitivity and specificity of the PET scan for SPN were 100%, 77%, respectively. The positive and negative predictive values were 94% and 100%. Conclusion : PET scanning showed highly accurate result in differentiating the malignant and benign SPN. There were no significant differences between the SUV and serum glucose in the patients with lung cancer.

Expression of Estrogen and Progesterone Receptors in Non-small-cell Lung Cancer Tissue Using Tissue Microarray Method (조직 미세배열법을 이용한 비소세포 폐암 조직에서 에스트로겐과 프로게스테론 수용체 발현)

  • Han, Hye-Seung;Kim, Min-Ji;Cho, Jae-Hwa;Yoon, Yong-Han;Kwak, Seung-Min;Lee, Hong-Lyeol;Kim, Kwang-Ho;Ryu, Jeong-Seon
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.58 no.1
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    • pp.54-58
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    • 2005
  • Background : To evaluate the role of estrogen and progesterone in the carcinogenesis of NSCLC, IHC studies for the expression of the receptors of estrogen and progesterone have been performed with inconsistent results. Recently the TMA method has been developed and has become recognized as a useful and rapid method for extensively analysing molecular markers at the gene and protein level. We have investigated their expressions in the tissue from NSCLC using the microarray method. Methods : The TMA construction was made with 70 formalinfixed, paraffin-embedded tissues of NSCLC. After heat-induced epitope retrieval, IHC staining on primary tissues of NSCLC was performed with the monoclonal antibodies, ER1D5 and PR1A6. Results : Our sample of 70 consisted of 74% men and 26% women. Of the patients, 49% were current smokers, 27% were non-smokers and 24% were former smokers. By histologic classification, 34 patients had squamous cell carcinoma, 24 had adenocarcinoma, 9 had adenosquamous cell carcinoma, and 3 had other carcinomas. No cancer cells were immunostained with these monoclonal antibodies in any primary tissues of NSCLC. Conclusions : No expression of neither of the two receptors was found in any of the lung cancer tissues. This suggests that adequate genetic variants for IHC staining need to be developed for NSCLC.

Surgical Management of Malignant Mesenchymoma of the Lung in an Adult -A Case Report- (악성간엽종의 외과적 치료 -1례보고-)

  • Yang, Soo-Ho;Chon, Yang-Bin;Chon, Soon-Ho;Kim, Hyuk;Chung, Won-Sang;Choi, Yo-Won;Chon, Suk-Chul;Chon, Suk-Hoon;Park, Moon-Hyang;Jee, Heng-Ok
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.186-189
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    • 1998
  • Malignant mesenchymoma is a very rare tumor presented during the embryonic and infant period and malignant mesenchymoma in the adult is extremely rare. Tumor is composed of two or more unrelated mesenchymal derivatives apart from fibrous tissue. These tumors are thought to be originated from embryonic mesenchyme capable of differentiating into any type of connective tissue. A 61 years old man with complaints of cough and copious sputum of onset of two months was admitted after initial examinations, showing a very huge mass over the right upper lobe. Right pneumonectomy with partial rib resection of 3rd, 4th, and 5th ribs was performed due to the initial diagnostic impression of squamous cell carcinoma by the fine needle aspiration biopsy. The operative field presented a mass locating across the interlobal fissure with severe adhesions to the chest wall. Postoperatively, the patient received 5,000 rads of radiotherapy and presently, 6 months later, has shown no signs of recurrence.

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Clinical Analysis of Tissue Biopsy Under Fiberoptic Bronchoscopy (기관지내시경하에 시행한 조직생검에 대한 고찰)

  • 고건성;유장열;박석근;조태권;노관택;김홍기
    • Proceedings of the KOR-BRONCHOESO Conference
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    • 1978.06a
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    • pp.5.1-5
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    • 1978
  • Since Ikeda in traduced flexible fiberoptic bronchoscope in 1968, use of bronchoscopy was expanded rapidly. Wide use of flexible bronchoscopy enabled us to get tissue diagnosis with more ease and safety. Authors analyzed 71 cases of tissue biopsy of 233 bronchoscopies from June '76 to. Jan. '78 and concluded as following : 1. 233 bronchoscopies af 20 Month duration, cases which needed tissue biopsy were 71 cases (30.5%). 2. Chief complaints af above cases are coughing, dyspnea, sputum, chest pain, hemoptysis in frequency. 3. Biopsy sites were as following in frequency: Rt.upper lobe, Lt. main bronchus, Lt. upper lobe, Rt. main bronchus, Lt. lower lobe. 4. The final diagnosis of biopsied cases were cancer 80%, tuberculosis 15%, and malignant mesothelioma, anthracosis, aspergillosis, were one case each. 5. Among 57 case of lung cancer, biopsy confirmed cases were 36 cases (63%). 6. Pathologic finding of 36 case of Biopsy confirmed lung cancer was as following: Squamous cell ca : 64% Anaplastic ca : 25% Adeno ca : 2.8% Unclassified: 2.8% 7. Bronchographies were done in 36cases (51%), one quarter of cases before biopsy, and three quarters of cases after biopsy. 8. Cytology was requested in 76% of cases with following results; PAP class V 15%, class IV 7.5%, class III 1.8%.

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Immunohistochemical Analysis for the Expression of DR5 TRAIL Receptor and p53 in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer (비소세포폐암에서 DR5 TRAIL 수용체와 p53에 관한 면역조직화학적 분석)

  • Lee, Kye-Young;Lee, Jung-Hyun;Kim, Sun-Jong;Yoo, Kwang-Ha
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.64 no.4
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    • pp.278-284
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    • 2008
  • Background: TRAIL is a promising anticancer agent which induces selective tumor cell death due to a unique receptor system that includes death receptors and decoy receptors. DR5 TRAIL receptor is an originally identified p53-regulated death receptor gene that was induced, by doxorubicine, only in cells with a wild-type p53 status. We investigated that focused on the correlation between the DR5 and p53 expressions in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Methods: Immunohistochemical analysis, with using avidin-biotinylated horseradish peroxidase complex, was carried out in 89 surgically resected NSCLC formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue sections. As primary antibodies, we used anti-DR5 polyclonal antibody and anti-p53 monoclonal antibody. A negative control was processed with each slide. The positive tumor cells were quantified twice and these values were expressed as percentage of the total number of tumor cells, and the intensity of immunostaining was expressed. The analysis of the DR5 expression was done separately in tumor area and in a nearby region of normal tissue. Results: The DR5 expression was high in the bronchial epithelium (89% of cases) but this was almost absent in type I & II pneumocytes, lymphocytes and smooth muscle cells. High DR5 expression rate in tumor was seen in 28% (15/53) of squamous cell carcinomas, in 47% (15/32) of adenocarcinomas and, in 50% (2/4) of large cell carcinomas. The DR5 expression did not show any statistical significance relationship with the T stage, N stage, or survival. However, the DR5 expression showed significant inverse correlation with the p53 expression. (p< 0.01). Conclusion: We demonstrated that the DR5 expression in NSCLC via immunohistochemical analysis is relatively tumor-specific except for that in the normal bronchial epithelium and it is significantly dependent on the p53 status. This might be in vivo evidence for the significance of the DR5 gene as a p53 downstream gene.