• 제목/요약/키워드: Spinal cord min]v

검색결과 18건 처리시간 0.069초

GaAsAl 레이저가 물리적 통증반응과 관련된 척수내 신경세포의 활성에 미치는 영향 (Effects of GaAsAl laser on the spinal neuronal activity induced by noxious mechanical stimulation)

  • 송영화;이영구;임종수
    • 대한물리치료과학회지
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    • 제7권2호
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    • pp.545-558
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    • 2000
  • The present study was designed to investigate the effect of low power GaAsAl laser on Fos expression in the spinal cord induced by noxious mechanical stimulation. Noxious mechanical stimulation was applied to the right hind paw following 30min of low power laser treatment using different intensity and treatment point and the resulting Fos expression in the spinal cord dorsal horn was compared to that obtained in rats exposed only to the noxious mechanical stimulation. The results were summarized as follows: 1. In intact control rats, only a few Fos like immunoreactive(Fos-IR) neurons were evident in the lumbar spinal cord dorsal horn. Similarly, following prolonged inhalation anesthesia, Fos-IR neurons were absent in the dorsal horn of the lumbar spinal cord. In animals treated with noxious mechanical stimulation, neurons with nuclei exhibiting Fos immunostaining were distributied mainly in the medial half of ipsilateral laminae I-V at lumbar segments L3-5. These findings directly indicated that prolonged anesthesia used in this study did not affect the Fos expression in the spinal cord dorsal horn of intact animals and noxious mechanical stimulation treated animals. 2. In acupoint treated animals, 10mW of laser stimulation, not 3mW intensity, significantly reduced the number of Fos immunoreactive neurons in the spinal dorsal horn induced by noxious mechanical stimulation(P<.01). However, the supressive effect of low power laser stimulatin was not observed in 3m Wand 10m W of laser stimulation into non-acupoint. These data indicate that 10mW of low power laser stimulation into acupoint is capable of inhibiting the expression of Fos in the dorsal horn induced by noxious mechanical stimulation. In conclusion, these findings raise the possibility that low power laser stimulation into acupoint may be a promising alternative medicine therapy for the mechanical stimulation induced pain in the clinical field.

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말초신경자극이 동통반응에 미치는 영향 (Effect of Electrical Stimulation of Peripheral Nerve on Pain Reaction)

  • 백광세;정진모;남택상;강두희
    • The Korean Journal of Physiology
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    • 제15권2호
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    • pp.73-81
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    • 1981
  • Experiments were conducted in ischemic decerebrate cats to study the effects of electroacupuncture and electrical stimulation of peripheral nerve on pain reaction. Flexion reflex was used as an index of pain. The reflex was elicited by stimulating the sural nerve(20 V, 0.5 msec duration) and recorded as a compound action potential from the nerve innervated to the semitendinosus muscle. Electroacupuncture was performed, using a 23-gauge hyperdermic needle, on the tsusanli point in the lateral upper tibia of the ipsilateral hindlimb. The common peroneal nerve was selected as a peripheral nerve which may be associated with electroacupuncture action, as it runs through the tissue portion under the tsusanli point. Both for electroacupuncture and the stimulation of common peroneal nerve a stimulus of 20 V-intensity, 2 msec-duration and 2 Hz-frequency was applied for 60 min. The results are summerized as follows: 1) The electroacupuncture markedly depressed the flexion reflex; this effect was eliminated by systemic application of naloxone $(0.02{\sim}0.12\;mg/kg)$, a specific narcotic antagonist. 2) Similarly, the electrical stimulation of the common peroneal nerve significantly depressed the flexion reflex, the effect being reversed by naloxone. 3) When most of the afferent nerves excluding sural nerve in the ipsilateral hindlimb were cut, the effect of electroacupuncture on the flexion reflex was not observed. Whereas direct stimulation of the common peroneal nerve at the proximal end from the cut resulted in a significant reduction of the flexion reflex, again the effect was reversible by naloxone application. 4) Transection of the spinal cord at the thoracic 12 did not eliminate the effect of peripheral nerve stimulation on the flexion reflex and its reversal by naloxone, although the effect was significantly less than that in the animal with spinal cord intact. These results suggest that: 1) the analgesic effect of an electroacupuncture is directly mediated by the nervous system and involves morphine-like substances in CNS, 2) the site of analgesic action of electroacupuncture resides mainly in the brainstem and in part in the spinal cord.

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Single-Channel Recording of TASK-3-like $K^+$ Channel and Up-Regulation of TASK-3 mRNA Expression after Spinal Cord Injury in Rat Dorsal Root Ganglion Neurons

  • Jang, In-Seok;La, Jun-Ho;Kim, Gyu-Tae;Lee, Jeong-Soon;Kim, Eun-Jin;Lee, Eun-Shin;Kim, Su-Jeong;Seo, Jeong-Min;Ahn, Sang-Ho;Park, Jae-Yong;Hong, Seong-Geun;Kang, Da-Won;Han, Jae-Hee
    • The Korean Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology
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    • 제12권5호
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    • pp.245-251
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    • 2008
  • Single-channel recordings of TASK-1 and TASK-3, members of two-pore domain $K^+$ channel family, have not yet been reported in dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons, even though their mRNA and activity in whole-cell currents have been detected in these neurons. Here, we report single-channel kinetics of the TASK-3-like $K^+$ channel in DRG neurons and up-regulation of TASK-3 mRNA expression in tissues isolated from animals with spinal cord injury (SCI). In DRG neurons, the single-channel conductance of TASK-3-like $K^+$ channel was $33.0{\pm}0.1$ pS at - 60 mV, and TASK-3 activity fell by $65{\pm}5%$ when the extracellular pH was changed from 7.3 to 6.3, indicating that the DRG $K^+$ channel is similar to cloned TASK-3 channel. TASK-3 mRNA and protein levels in brain, spinal cord, and DRG were significantly higher in injured animals than in sham-operated ones. These results indicate that TASK-3 channels are expressed and functional in DRG neurons and the expression level is up-regulated following SCI, and suggest that TASK-3 channel could act as a potential background $K^+$ channel under SCI-induced acidic condition.

Evaluation of the hybrid-dynamic conformal arc therapy technique for radiotherapy of lung cancer

  • Kim, Sung Joon;Lee, Jeong Won;Kang, Min Kyu;Kim, Jae-Chul;Lee, Jeong Eun;Park, Shin-Hyung;Kim, Mi Young;Lee, Seoung-Jun;Moon, Soo-Ho;Ko, Byoung-Soo
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • 제36권3호
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    • pp.241-247
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: A hybrid-dynamic conformal arc therapy (HDCAT) technique consisting of a single half-rotated dynamic conformal arc beam and static field-in-field beams in two directions was designed and evaluated in terms of dosimetric benefits for radiotherapy of lung cancer. Materials and Methods: This planning study was performed in 20 lung cancer cases treated with the VERO system (BrainLAB AG, Feldkirchen, Germany). Dosimetric parameters of HDCAT plans were compared with those of three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy (3D-CRT) plans in terms of target volume coverage, dose conformity, and sparing of organs at risk. Results: HDCAT showed better dose conformity compared with 3D-CRT (conformity index: 0.74 ± 0.06 vs. 0.62 ± 0.06, p < 0.001). HDCAT significantly reduced the lung volume receiving more than 20 Gy (V20: 21.4% ± 8.2% vs. 24.5% ± 8.8%, p < 0.001; V30: 14.2% ± 6.1% vs. 15.1% ± 6.4%, p = 0.02; V40: 8.8% ± 3.9% vs. 10.3% ± 4.5%, p < 0.001; and V50: 5.7% ± 2.7% vs. 7.1% ± 3.2%, p < 0.001), V40 and V50 of the heart (V40: 5.2 ± 3.9 Gy vs. 7.6 ± 5.5 Gy, p < 0.001; V50: 1.8 ± 1.6 Gy vs. 3.1 ± 2.8 Gy, p = 0.001), and the maximum spinal cord dose (34.8 ± 9.4 Gy vs. 42.5 ± 7.8 Gy, p < 0.001) compared with 3D-CRT. Conclusions: HDCAT could achieve highly conformal target coverage and reduce the doses to critical organs such as the lung, heart, and spinal cord compared to 3D-CRT for the treatment of lung cancer patients.

흰쥐에서 배측 봉선핵의 전기자극이 췌장의 외분비기능에 미치는 영향 (Exocrine Pancreatic Secretion in Response to Electrical Stimulation of Dorsal Raphe Nucleus in Rats)

  • 서상원;박형진
    • The Korean Journal of Physiology
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    • 제24권2호
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    • pp.403-411
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    • 1990
  • The present investigation was performed to see a possible influence of the dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN) on pancreatic exocrine secretion in anesthetized rats since the DRN had been known to exert a regulatory mechanism on sympathetic activity which was known to be very important for pancreatic exocrine secretion, particularly in rats. Twenty-nine Sprague-Dawley rats fasted for 24 hours were anesthetized by i.p. injection of 1 g/kg of urethane. The pancreatic duct was cannulated to collect pancreatic juice while bile juice was diverted into the jejunum. The duodenopyloric junction was tightly ligated. After surgery for collection of pancreatic exocrine secretion and recording of carotid blood pressure, a coaxial electrode was stereotaxically inserted in the DRN with a guide of a brain atlas. And then, electrical stimulus of biphasic square wave with 2 v, 2 msec, 40 Hz was applied on the electrode for 10 minutes. Pancreatic volume flow and protein output secreted in 10 min were measured. Either bilateral cervical vagotomy or spinal cord transection at the level of $C4{\sim}C5$ was performed 20 min prior to stimulation of the DRN. 1) Electrical stimulation of the DRN resulted in significant (p<0.05) increase in pancreatic volume flow and protein output. These stimulatory effects were not affected by cervical vagotomy but completely abolished by cervical cord transection. 2) Electrical stimulation of the DRN also resulted in significant (p<0.05) rise of blood pressure of the carotid artery. The hypertensive effect was not affected by cervical vagotomy but completely abolished by cervical cord transection. The results strongly suggest that the DRN, a part of the central serotonergic system, could exert a stimulatory influence on pancreatic exocrine secretion by increasing the sympathetic activity in anesthetized rats.

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폐암 방사선 치료 시 Hybrid-Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy의 유용성 평가 (The Evaluation of Hybrid-Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy for Lung Cancer Radiation Therapy)

  • 이건호;강효석;최병준;박상준;정다이;이두상;안민우;전명수
    • 대한방사선치료학회지
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    • 제29권2호
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    • pp.19-26
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    • 2017
  • 목 적: 폐에서 VMAT치료는 연속적으로 회전을 하면서 방사선을 조사하므로 정상적인 폐에 저 선량을 증가시킨다. 이로 인해 방사선 부작용 중 방사선 폐렴의 발생률이 증가 할 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 방사선 폐렴의 발생 확률 증가 원인이 되는 폐의 저 선량 영역의 방사선을 줄일 수 있는 H-VMAT 방법을 적용하여 치료를 받은 환자를 대상으로 치료계획별 폐의 저 선량 영역과 주변 정상장기들에 전달되는 방사선량을 비교 분석하여 H-VMAT의 유용성을 평가하고자 하였다. 대상 및 방법: 폐암방사선 치료 환자 중 H-VMAT 방법을 적용한 환자 25명을 대상으로 하였으며, 치료 계획용 용적의 처방선량은 총 선량 44 Gy를 22회 분할 조사로 적용하였다. 각 환자마다 Conventional RT, VMAT, H-VMAT 방법으로 계획을 진행하였다. Conventional RT는 치료계획용적의 크기, 위치, 모양 및 주변장기들의 위치를 고려하여 4~5개 조사야로 치료계획을 진행하였고, VMAT 치료계획의 경우는 $360^{\circ}$를 2번 회전하는 방법과 $180^{\circ}$를 2~3회 회전하는 방법으로 계획하였다. H-VMAT은 폐의 선량 및 주변 장기의 허용선량을 고려하여 VMAT 치료계획에서 2개의 고정조사야를 추가 하여 계획하였다. 결 과: 폐선량은 비소세포성폐암에서 치료계획용적을 제외한 폐의 $V_5$, $V_{10}$은 H-VMAT이 $55.40{\pm}13.39%$, $32.05{\pm}11.37%$로 가장 낮았고, 소세포성폐암에서도 $V_5$, $V_{10}$의 값은 $64.32{\pm}16.15%$, $35.50{\pm}9.91%$로 가장 낮았다. 비소세포성폐암에서 VMAT의 척수 선량은 $21.15{\pm}4.02Gy$로 다른 치료방법과 비교하여 최대 7.94 Gy 차이만큼 낮은 선량이 전달되었고, 소세포성폐암에서는 $19.72{\pm}1.82Gy$로 가장 낮은 선량을 보였다. 심장의 $V_{20}$은 H-VMAT와 VMAT의 비교 결과 VMAT이 최대 16.2 % 더 낮은 값을 보이기도 하였다. 식도에 전달되는 평균선량 역시 소세포성폐암과 비소세포성폐암에서 $17.44{\pm}2.04Gy$, $17.84{\pm}9.20Gy$로 VMAT이 가장 낮았다. 결 론: 주변 정상 장기 선량의 값을 비교해 보았을 때, VMAT에서는 심장, 식도, 척수 등에서 나머지 치료계획보다 더 적은 선량이 전달되는 것을 알 수 있었다. 하지만 척수를 제외한 나머지 장기에서는 H-VMAT과 큰 차이를 보이지 않았다. H-VMAT은 일부 정상 장기의 선량이 증가하였지만 허용선량을 초과하지 않았다. 그리고 폐의 $V_5$, $V_{10}$에서 낮은 값을 보였다. Conventional RT, VMAT, H-VMAT을 비교하였을 때 심장, 식도, 척수 등에 전달되는 선량이 부작용을 발생시킬 수 있는 선량보다 적다면 폐의 저 선량 영역의 장점을 보이는 H-VMAT 방법을 적용함으로써 방사선폐렴의 발생률을 낮출 수 있을 것이라고 사료된다.

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An Improved FES System for Control of Paralyzed Upper Extremity

  • 류영재
    • 대한의용생체공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한의용생체공학회 1993년도 춘계학술대회
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    • pp.120-122
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    • 1993
  • This paper describes an improved FES system to restore paralyzed extremities in spinal cord injury patients. For composing stimulus pattern which is suitable for each muscle, electrical stimulus pattern creating system is also developed by using IBM-PC. In the improved portable FES system using V40 microprocessor, muscle fatigue can be decreased by selecting the stimulus frequency which is proper to the response characteristics of each muscle. Driving softwares for the portable FES system and the stimulus pattern creating system are programmed with assembler and C language. A multichnnel portable FES system is designed to minimize the sire and weight using a D/A converter and 32 channel multiplexer.

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비소세포폐암 III, IV기 환자에 있어서 Shell-Type Pseudo Target을 이용한 세기 조절 방사선치료계획기법의 유용성 평가 (Assessment of the Usefulness of an IMRT Plan Using a Shell-Type Pseudo Target with Patients in Stage III or IV of NSCLC)

  • 이상봉;박기주;박두찬;김만우;김준곤;노성환
    • 대한방사선치료학회지
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    • 제24권2호
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    • pp.95-106
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    • 2012
  • 목 적: 비소세포폐암(Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer, NSCLC) III, IV기 환자의 방사선 치료 시 Shell-Type Pseudo Target의 유무에 따른 IMRT 치료계획의 유용성을 알아보고자 한다. 대상 및 방법: NSCLC III, IV기 환자 22명을 대상으로 Shell-Type Pseudo Target이 있을 때와(SPT) Shell-Type Pseudo Target이 없을 때(WSPT) 각각의 세기변조방사선치료(Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy, IMRT)계획을 세운 후, 선량-체적 히스토그람(Dose-Volume Histogram, DVH) 분석을 통해 종양 표적 내의 균일성 지수(Homogeneity Index, HI), 종양 표적에 대한 선량조형 지수(Conformity Index, CI), 척수 최대선량(Spinal Cord Maximum Dose), 식도에 대한 $V_{50%}$, 평균 폐 선량(Mean Lung Dose, MLD), 폐에 대한 $V_{40%}$ $V_{30%}$ $V_{20%}$ $V_{10%}$ $V_{5%}$ 등의 선량학적인 비교를 통해서 평가하였다. 결 과: WSPT와 SPT에 따른 각각의 CI 값은 평균 $1.22{\pm}0.04$, $1.16{\pm}0.032$ (.000*), HI 값은 평균 $1.06{\pm}0.015$, $1.07{\pm}0.014$ (.000*)로 나타났으며, CI 값은 SPT의 경우에서 각각의 차이 값에 대한 평균은 $-5.16{\pm}2.54%$의 감소를 보였으며, HI 값은 SPT의 경우에서 평균 $0.81{\pm}0.47%$ 증가된 것으로 나타났다. 식도에 대한 $V_{50%}$에서는 각각 $14.54{\pm}12.01%$ (WSPT), $12.14{\pm}11.09%$ (.000*, SPT)로 SPT에서 차이 값에 대한 평균이 $-26.37{\pm}25.05%$ 감소되었고, 척수 최대선량에서도 평균 선량이 각각 $3,898.44{\pm}1,075.0$ cGy (WSPT), $3,810.8{\pm}1,134.9$ cGy (.004*, SPT)로 SPT의 경우 평균 $-3.36{\pm}5.81%$ 감소되었다. 폐에 대한 $V_{X%}$에서는 $V_{5%}$, $V_{10%}$의 경우 차이 값에 대한 평균이 $-1.62{\pm}2.29%$ (.006*), $-1.98{\pm}5.02%$ (.005*)로 SPT의 경우에서 감소됨을 보여 주었고, 마찬가지로 $V_{20%}$, $V_{30%}$, $V_{40%}$에서도 각각 $-3.51{\pm}3.07%$ (.000*), $-4.84{\pm}6.01%$ (.000*), $-6.16{\pm}8.46%$ (.001*)로 SPT 경우에서 통계학적으로 유의함을 보이면서 감소한 것으로 나타났다. MLD의 평가에서도 SPT의 경우에서 평균 $-2.83{\pm}2.41%$ (.000*)의 감소를 보여주었으며, 이는 평균 169 cGy (Max: 547 cGy, Min: 6.4 cGy)의 처방선량을 SPT 사용 시 올릴 수 있는 결과를 보여주었다. 결 론: NSCLC III, IV기 환자의 방사선 치료 시 SPT를 이용한 IMRT 치료계획이 정상 폐에 들어가는 방사선량을 줄임으로 인해 방사선치료로 유발되는 폐렴의 위험을 감소시킬 수 있을 거라 생각되고, 또한 얼마간의 처방선량 증가로 인한 방사선치료 국소제어실패율을 감소시키는 동시에 치료효과를 증대 시킬 수 있을 것이라 사료된다.

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척수손상으로 인한 하반신마비 환자의 최대운동부하시 생리학적 반응 (Physiological Responses to Maximal Exercise Loading in Spinal Cord Injured Paraplegia)

  • 유병규;정낙수
    • 한국전문물리치료학회지
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    • 제6권2호
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    • pp.56-66
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this study focused how to show physiological responses comparing exercise group and non exercise group for progressive maximal wheelchair ergometer exercise loading in complete paraplegia. It also examined the various factors which would be influenced physiological responses. Sixteen subjects have been investigated in this study, and the subjects are divided into two groups as follows: 1) exercise group (7 subjects) 2) non exercise group (9 subjects). Each test was terminated by physical exhaustion and/or an inability to maintain a flywheel velocity. The results were as follows: 1) No difference was noted in pulmonary function test between two groups. 2) $\dot{v}$ Emax value during maximal exercise was significantly different between the groups (p<0.05). The mean $\dot{v}$ Emax of exercise group was $69.67{\ell}/min$, non exercise group was $41.47{\ell}/min$. 3) $\dot{v}$ $O_2max$(${\ell}/min$) value during maximal exercise was significantly different between the groups (p<0.05). The mean $\dot{v}$ $O_2max$(${\ell}/min$) of exercise group was $1.72{\ell}/min$, non exercise group was $1.15{\ell}/min$. 4) $\dot{v}$ $O_2$ max(ml/kg/min) value during maximal exercise was significantly different between the groups (p<0.05). The mean $\dot{v}$ $O_2max$($ml/kg{\cdot}min$) of exercise group was $25.99ml/kg{\cdot}min$, non exercise group was $18.61{\ell}/min$. 5) Maximal heart rate(HRmax) value during maximal exercise was significantly different between the groups (p<0.05). The mean HRmax of exercise group was 180.43 beats/min, non exercise group was 175.00 beats/min. 6) $\dot{v}\;E/\dot{v}\;O_2$ value during maximal exercise was not significantly different between the groups (p>0.05). The mean $\dot{v}\;E/\dot{v}\;O_2$ of exercise group was $36.36{\ell}/{\ell}\;O_2$, non exercise group was $45.46{\ell}/{\ell}\;O_2$. Considering the results which explore the exercise group with paraplegia has shown the maximal aerobic power compared with non exercise group, regular and consistent physical training is highly assumed as a main factor to improve cardiopulmonary fitness.

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