• Title/Summary/Keyword: Speed-call

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An Acoustic Echo Canceller By Using the Reduced Lattice Filter Structure (축소격자필터 구조를 사용한 음향반향제거기)

  • 유재하;조성호;윤대희;차일환
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics B
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    • v.32B no.11
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    • pp.1473-1480
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    • 1995
  • When the LMS algorithm is employed in the transversal filter structure, the computational complexity can be kept reasonably low. However, if the impulse response to be estimated is very long or signals involved are highly correlated like a speech the convergence speed becomes slow. The lattice filter is an excellent alternative to improve convergence speed since the lattice structure inherently has the orthogonal property among the backward prediction errors, but at the expense of the excessive computational load. If the input signal to be used can be sufficiently well modeled as a .RHO.-th order autoregressive(AR) process, the reflection coefficients after the .RHO.- th stage will be close to zero. Then, instead of employing the full lattice structure, the joint lattice filter structure can be implemented in conjunction with the transversal filter structure after the .RHO.-th stage. We propose, in this paper, this new lattice/transversal joint structure, and we will call it the reduced lattice filter. Using the reduced lattice filter, we are now able to achieve the performance as good as that of the lattice filter, while maintaining the complexity as low as that of the transversal filter. The proposed filter is particularly useful for an acoustic echo canceller due to the highly correlatedness nature of speeches and the long and frequently changing echo paths.

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Development of NASTRAN-based Optimization Framework for Vibration Optimum Design of Ship Structure. (선박 구조물의 진동 최적설계를 위한 NASTRAN 기반 최적화 프레임웍의 제안)

  • Kong, Y.M.;Choi, S.H.;Chae, S.I.;Song, J.D.;Kim, Y.H.;Yang, B.S.
    • Transactions of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering
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    • v.15 no.11 s.104
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    • pp.1223-1231
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    • 2005
  • Recently, the issue of ship nitration due to the large scale, high speed and lightweight of ship is emerging. For pleasantness in the cabin, shipbuilders are asked for strict vibration criteria and the degree of nitration level at a deckhouse became an important condition for taking order from customers. This study proposes a new optimization framework that is NASTRAN external call type optimization method (OptShip) and applies to an optimum design to decrease the nitration level of a deckhouse. The merits of this method are capable of using of global searching method and selecting of various objective function and design variables. The global optimization algorithms used here are random tabu search method which has fast converging speed and searches various size domains and genetic algorithm which searches multi-point solutions and has a good search capability in a complex space. By adapting OptShip to full-scale model, the validity of the suggested method was investigated.

A Study on the Micro Stepping Drive to Reduce Vibration of Step Motor (스텝모터의 진동 저감을 위한 마이크로 스텝 구동에 관한 연구)

  • Shin, Gyu-beom;Lee, Jeong-Woo.;Oh, Jun-Ho.
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.118-127
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    • 1997
  • In this study, We use microstep control to reduce vibration of step motor. Microstep control of step motor is usually thought of as an extension of conventional step motor control technology. The essence of micro stepping is that we divide the full step of a step motor into a number of substep called microstep and cause the stepmotor to move through a substep per input pulse. In ideal case, by controlling the individual phase currents of a two-phase step motor sinusoidally we can get uniform torque and step angle. But due to the nonlinear characteristics of the step motor, we need to compensate current waveform to improve the over-all smoothness of the conventional micro stepping system. We implement digital Pulse Width Modul- ation (PWM) driver to drive step motor and microphone was used for detecting vibration. Driver enables speed change automatically by increasing or decreasing micro stepping ratio which we call Automatic Switching on the Fly. To compensate the torque harmonics, neural network is applied to the system and we found compensated optimal input current waveform. Finally we can get smooth motion of step motor in a wide range of motor speed.

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Algorithm for stochastic Neighbor Embedding: Conjugate Gradient, Newton, and Trust-Region

  • Hongmo, Je;Kijoeng, Nam;Seungjin, Choi
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2004.10b
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    • pp.697-699
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    • 2004
  • Stochastic Neighbor Embedding(SNE) is a probabilistic method of mapping high-dimensional data space into a low-dimensional representation with preserving neighbor identities. Even though SNE shows several useful properties, the gradient-based naive SNE algorithm has a critical limitation that it is very slow to converge. To overcome this limitation, faster optimization methods should be considered by using trust region method we call this method fast TR SNE. Moreover, this paper presents a couple of useful optimization methods(i.e. conjugate gradient method and Newton's method) to embody fast SNE algorithm. We compared above three methods and conclude that TR-SNE is the best algorithm among them considering speed and stability. Finally, we show several visualizing experiments of TR-SNE to confirm its stability by experiments.

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A Prioritization-Based Call Admission Control Using Adaptive Bandwidth Peservation in High-Speed Multimedia Wireless Networks (고속 멀티미디어 무선망에서 적응적 대역폭 예약을 이용한 우선순위 기반의 호 수락 제어)

  • 김미희;채기준
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 1998.10a
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    • pp.240-242
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    • 1998
  • 차세대 고속 무선망에서는 신뢰성이 높고 광전송로를 근간으로 하는 유선망의 멀티미디어 응용지원의 확장으로 유무선 종합 정보 통신망의 구현을 목표로 하고 있다. 현재 기존의 유선망에서는 멀티미디어 응용 지원을 위해 QoS Provisioning에 관한 많은 연구가 되어 있으나 무선망에서의 이동성과 무선 전파의 열악한 전송으로 인해 새로운 QoS Provisioning 방법에 관한 연구가 필수적이다. 본 논문에서는 지연에 민감한 실시간 트래픽의 QoS보장을 위하여 이동 터미널의 속도에 따라 이웃 셀의 대역폭을 예약함로써 핸드오프를 대비하고, 효육적인 무선 자원의 사용을 위해 적응적으로 예약된 대역폭의 양을 조정하는 방법을 제안한다. 또한, 트래픽 종류와 호의 종류, 터미널의 속도에 따라 다른 우선 순위를 부여하여 우선순위에 기반한 호 수락 제어 방법을 제안한다. 실험을 통하여 기존에 제안된 방법과 성능 비교한다.

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Triple Helix and the Circle of Innovation

  • Phillips, Fred
    • Journal of Contemporary Eastern Asia
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.57-68
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    • 2014
  • This paper positions the triple-Helix as a meso-level notion, an epicycle in a grander circle of technological change, institutional change, and psychological change. Because of the differing speeds of these several kinds of change, speed is proposed as a high-level system metric. This implies that what we commonly call bridging agencies or facilitators - lawyers, venture capitalists, incubators, etc. - are better called buffering agencies, as they help to engage entities changing at different speeds. They use human judgment as well as information technologies to choose feasible timing for these engagements. The paper highlights implications for thinking about innovation diffusion: The grand cycle of socio-technical change means we should, rather, think in terms of innovation reinforcement, or a circle of innovation.

Development of High Thrust Linear Motor for Machine Tool II (공작기계용 고출격 리니어모터 개발 II)

  • 정재한;박재한;정시욱
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Machine Tool Engineers Conference
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    • 2004.04a
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    • pp.347-353
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    • 2004
  • Due to various advantages over the conventional linear motion device such as ball-screw, linear motors have been used in wide variety of industrial applications for years. Driven by increased demand for precision machine tools, the importance of high positioning accuracy, high stiffness and high thrust are greatly increasing. The merits of linear motor are high speed high acceleration and good positioning accuracy. In addiction, Linear motor for high qualify machine tool call for high thrust, high stiffness. In this paper, thrust ripple, detent force and thermal behavior are considered for the development of high performance linear motor whose thrust is up to 1,900N. This paper presents a comprehensive study for an iron core type linear motor characteristics that include the influence of PM position on thrust ripple by detent force and motor dynamics as well.

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The Prospect for the Backbone Network Technology for the Construction of Next Generation Network (차세대 네트워크 구축을 위한 백본망 기술의 현황 및 전망)

  • Song, Min-Gyu;Byun, Do-Young;Je, Do-Heung;Kim, Kwang-Dong;Roh, Duk-Gyoo;Oh, Se-Jin;Lee, Bo-Ahn
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2005.10b
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    • pp.557-559
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    • 2005
  • Optical networks are composed of various enabling technologies, merged in harmony to produce high-speed, reliable and affordable communications backbones. Optical communications has evolved out of the necessity for a transmission medium with increased bandwidth capacity. The evolution of fiber optic data communications has stemmed from the telecommunications industry's need to multiplex voice channels for interconnecting call distribution center.

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The Fast Lifting Wavelet Transform for Image Coding

  • Shin, Jonghong;Jee, InnHo
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2002.07b
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    • pp.1015-1018
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    • 2002
  • We show how any discrete wavelet transform or two band subband filtering with finite filters can be decomposed onto a finite sequence of simple filtering steps, which we call lifting steps but that are also known as ladder structures, We present a self-contained derivations, building the decomposition from the basic principles such as the Euclidean algorithm, with a focus on a applying it to wavelet filtering. This factorization provides an alternative for the lattice factorization, with the advantage that it can also be used in the bi-orthogonal, i.e, non-unitary case. Lifting leads to a speed-up when compared to the standard implementation. We show that this lifting scheme can be applied in image compression efficiently

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A Study on Improvement of the Stick-slip Induced an Effect Decrease of the Table Weight (테이블 중량 감소 효과에 따른 스틱슬립 개선에 관한 연구)

  • 홍성오;조규재
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Machine Tool Engineers
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.7-14
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    • 2002
  • In order to achieve high precision machine tools, the research for performance enhancement of feed drive systems is required. Development of the high speed feed drive system has been a major issue for the past few decades in machine tool indestries. Because table levitation system decrease the table weight, an effect of reaction by weight is minimized and lost motion can be removed at maximum. In case fled system is designed with drive motor, ball screw and support bearing load capacity selection, an effect of decrease of the table weight exist. So, the table weight through an effect of decrease call it into the realization of cost down. Stick-slip friction has a great influence on the contouring accuracy of CNC machine tools. In this paper table levitation system has been developed for the stick-slip in a fled drive systems.