• Title/Summary/Keyword: Speech intelligibility

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The effects of repeated speech training using speech cues on the percentage of correct consonants and speech intelligibility in children with cerebral palsy: A single-subject design research (Speech cues를 이용한 반복훈련이 뇌성마비 아동의 자음정확도 및 말명료도에 미치는 영향: 단일대상연구)

  • Seo, Saehee;Jeong, Pilyeon;Sim, Hyunsub
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.79-90
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    • 2021
  • This single-subject study examined the effects of repetitive speech training at the word and sentence levels using speech cues on the percentage of correct consonants (PCC) and speech intelligibility of children with cerebral palsy (CP). Three children aged between 5-8 years with a history of CP participated in the study. Thirty-minute intervention sessions were provided four times a week for four weeks. The intervention included repeated training of words and sentences containing target phonemes using two instructions of speech cues, "big mouse" and "strong voice". First, the children improved their average PCC and speech intelligibility, but an effect size analysis indicated that the effect was different for each child, and the effect size for speech intelligibility was higher than for PCC. Second, the intervention effect was generalized to untrained words and sentences. Third, the maintenance effects of PCC and speech intelligibility were very high. These findings suggests that repeated speech training using speech cues is an intervention technique that can help improve PCC and speech intelligibility in children with CP.

Articulation Characteristics of Preschool Children in the Bilingual Environment (학령전 이중언어 환경 아동의 조음특성)

  • Kwon, Mi-Ji;Park, Sang-Hee;Seok, Dong-Il
    • Speech Sciences
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.73-87
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    • 2007
  • The aim of this study was to examine the articulation characteristics of preschool children in the bilingual or monolingual environment. Subjects included 23 children of 4 to 6 years old in the bilingual environment, and 19 children of monolingual environment. Their speech was evaluated in terms of articulation correctness and intelligibility by the author and a speech therapist. Results showed as the following: First, there were some significant differences between bilingual and monolingual children in the percentage of consonants correctly articulated. But there was no significant difference between their language environment or ages in the percentage of vowels correctly articulated. Second, there were some significant differences between the bilingual and monolingual children in the intelligibility of word articulation. Also, there were some significant differences between the two language groups in the sentence intelligibility. There was a high positive correlation between the word and sentence intelligibility.

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The relationship among articulation rate, intelligibility and working memory in children with spastic and flaccid dysarthria (경직형과 이완형 마비말장애아동에서 조음속도와 말명료도 및 작업기억능력 간의 관계)

  • Jeong, Pil Yeon;Sim, Hyun Sub;Jeong, Sook Hwae;Yim, Dongsun
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.41-48
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to evaluate the association among articulation rate, speech intelligibility and working memory in children with dysarthria. Two subject groups of 11 spastic and 11 flaccid dysarthria, respectively, aged between 8 and 17 years of age participated in this study. All participants were administered the following tests: K-WISC III PIQ test, speech intelligibility, working memory and articulation rate. Group differences were compared by an independent t-test. Pearson correlation were computed between all measures. The results of this study are as follows: First, articulation rate and intelligibility were significantly lower for the spastic dysarthria than for the flaccid dysarthria. Second, there was a significant correlation between articulation rate and intelligibility in children with flaccid dysarthria. Lastly, there was no significant correlation between articulation rate and working memory in both groups. The results suggest that articulation rate is not necessarily accompanied by working memory capacity in children with dysarthria, and there are differences in the effect of articulation rate on intelligibility depending on the type of dysarthria.

Improvement of Speech Intelligibility in Noisy Environments (잡음 환경에서의 음성 명료도 향상 기술)

  • Yoon, Jae-Yul;Kim, Jung-Hoe;Oh, Eun-Mi;Park, Ho-Chong
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.70-76
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    • 2009
  • In speech communications in noisy environments, speech intelligibility is seriously degraded due to the masking effect of ambient noise. In this paper, a new method to improve speech intelligibility in noisy environments is proposed. Based on the perception theory that the temporal envelope plays a major role in determining intelligibility, the proposed method uses a novel operation that enhances the fluctuation of band-wise temporal envelope and also contains pitch enhancement for improving speech naturalness. In addition, a new subjective evaluation scheme employing binaural listening is proposed in order to measure more reliable performance. The subjective performance measured with the proposed scheme shows that the proposed method improves both intelligibility and naturalness in various environments, whereas a function parameter can control the performance trade-off between intelligibility and naturalness.

A comparison of techniques for measuring intelligibility of dysarthric speech : toward phonetic intelligibility testing in dysarthria. (뇌성마비 성인의 음소대조 낱말명료도와 문장명료도)

  • Kim Soo-Jin
    • Proceedings of the KSPS conference
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    • 2002.11a
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    • pp.141-144
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    • 2002
  • The relations between words intelligibility and sentences intelligibility were tested on adults with cerebral palsy(athetoid type). Intelligibility is used as an important evaluation value in the field of diagnosis and therapy of dysarthric patients. In order to develop one syllable phonetic contrast intelligibility test using specific phonetic contrasts, the correlation with sentences intelligibility was tested to find out the validity. Pearson's simple correlation coefficient was .83 that shows a high correlation. Also, comparing the range and standard deviation given by seven evaluators on each subject, it was shown that when evaluating patients of moderate intelligibility, words intelligibility was more reliable than sentences intelligibility.

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A Study on the Speech Intelligibility of Voice Disorder Patients according to the Level of Background Noise (배경소음의 정도에 따른 음성장애 환자 발화 명료도 연구)

  • Pyo, Hwa-Young
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.173-179
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    • 2011
  • The present study was performed to investigate the intelligibility of voice disorder patients by providing the various background noise levels. Four sets of 12-sentence-stimuli produced by 11 voice disorder patients were prepared, and 5 minute-news from radio broadcasting studio were used as a background noise. 30 listeners assigned intelligibility score of each sentence with visual analog scale. Each set of sentences was provided with 20dB, 10dB, 0dB noise (same intensity with stimuli), and, finally, with no noise. As results, as background noise level increased, intelligibility scores were lowered with statistical significance. Even though in the same severity, more loud background noise showed much lower scores than less loud noise. When 10dB noise was provided, intelligibility scores showed the biggest difference among the degree of severity.

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A Study on the Improving Speech Intelligibility of Sound Reinforcement System in Reverberant Rooms (잔향이 많은 공간에서 음향 시스템의 명료도 향상에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Seong-Hoon
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.30 no.8
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    • pp.468-473
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    • 2011
  • Speech may not be clearly understandable in the room that is highly reverberant, due to the loss of consonants intelligibility. Therefore, it is very important to obtain a high sound pressure level of direct sound in reverberant room. A properly designed sound reinforcement system can not provide the good speech intelligibility without the absorption treatments of walls. With using the highly directional speaker, we can transmit the sound energy into only the areas where people are sitting. This can be help to improve the speech intelligibility. In this paper, even in reverberant rooms, it will be shown that the good speech intelligibility can be obtained by only the directivity control of speaker without the room treatment. Also, it would be more improved by the properly room tuning using an equalizer.

Speech Intelligibility in Syllables and Vowel Space according to Dysarthric Severity (마비말장애 심각도에 따른 음절단위 말명료도와 모음공간)

  • Lee, Ok-Bun;Han, Ji-Yeon;Park, Sang-Hee
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.85-92
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to know the differences in perceptual judgement for speech intelligibility in monosyllables by inexperienced listeners and vowel space area according to different dysarthric severity. Three dysarthric speakers with different severity(mild, moderate and severe) screened by 3 clinicians' screening tests before the experiment were conducted. Corner vowels (i, u, ae, a) in monosyllable level (CVC, 'p_p') and carrier phrases ('종이에_써') were chosen and analyzed for vowel space. Inexperience listeners (n=20) performed the intelligibility test for spoken syllables and carrier phrases by dysarthric speakers. The results show that there is a significant differences in both F1 and F2 values among 4 corner vowels. Vowel space area in the data of mildly impaired speakers was significantly higher than two others. In the scores of speech intelligibility judged by inexperienced listeners, the scores by a moderately impaired speaker were more higher than two other speakers. The discrepancy between perceptual judgement by inexperienced listeners and vowel space area will be discussed in this area.

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Intelligibility Improvement of Low Bit-Rate Speech Coder Using Stochastic Spectral Equalizer (통계적 스펙트럼 이퀄라이저를 이용한 저 비트율 음성부호화기의 명료도 향상)

  • Lee, Jeong Hun;Yun, Deokgyu;Choi, Seung Ho
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.41 no.10
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    • pp.1183-1185
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    • 2016
  • Low bit-rate speech coder in digital speech communications synthesizes speech using vocal tract model parameters. In this case, the spectra of the synthesized speech can be much distorted since the allocated bits for the parameters are considerably limited, which results in the degradation of speech intelligibility. In this paper, we propose a speech intelligibility improvement method using stochastic spectral equalizer. This method stochastically obtains the weight vector of each speech coder using spectral ratios between original and synthesized speech, then applies this weight vector to synthesized speech. From the experiments of objective speech intelligibility tests, we found that the performance of the proposed method is better than that of the conventional method.

Comparison of Speech Rate and Long-Term Average Speech Spectrum between Korean Clear Speech and Conversational Speech

  • Yoo, Jeeun;Oh, Hongyeop;Jeong, Seungyeop;Jin, In-Ki
    • Korean Journal of Audiology
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.187-192
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    • 2019
  • Background and Objectives: Clear speech is an effective communication strategy used in difficult listening situations that draws on techniques such as accurate articulation, a slow speech rate, and the inclusion of pauses. Although too slow speech and improperly amplified spectral information can deteriorate overall speech intelligibility, certain amplitude of increments of the mid-frequency bands (1 to 3 dB) and around 50% slower speech rates of clear speech, when compared to those in conversational speech, were reported as factors that can improve speech intelligibility positively. The purpose of this study was to identify whether amplitude increments of mid-frequency areas and slower speech rates were evident in Korean clear speech as they were in English clear speech. Subjects and Methods: To compare the acoustic characteristics of the two methods of speech production, the voices of 60 participants were recorded during conversational speech and then again during clear speech using a standardized sentence material. Results: The speech rate and longterm average speech spectrum (LTASS) were analyzed and compared. Speech rates for clear speech were slower than those for conversational speech. Increased amplitudes in the mid-frequency bands were evident for the LTASS of clear speech. Conclusions:The observed differences in the acoustic characteristics between the two types of speech production suggest that Korean clear speech can be an effective communication strategy to improve speech intelligibility.