• Title/Summary/Keyword: Speech intelligibility

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Interior surface treatment guidelines for classrooms according to the acoustical performance criteria (학교 교실의 음환경 기준에 따른 실내마감 방안)

  • Ryu, Da-Jung;Park, Chan-Jae;Haan, Chan-Hoon
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.92-101
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    • 2016
  • There are many results in which acoustical conditions of a classroom play an important role for studying effects and academic achievement of students. However, there are very few guidelines or design proposals which could make appropriate acoustic environment when classrooms are built or renovated. The present study suggests various design proposals satisfying acoustic standards of classrooms based on theoretical calculation and acoustic field experiments. At first, minimum area of sound absorption was calculated which is required to satisfy the acoustic standard for domestic middle and high schools. Also, room acoustic measurements were carried out in order to investigate the acoustic performance of an existing classroom by changing interior finishing materials on ceiling and rear walls. As a result, it was revealed that reverberation time standard below 0.8 s can be acquired even if there is no sound absorption on ceiling which is a general practice executed in Korea. Specially, it was found that if partial area of ceiling would be treated as reflective with the ratio of sound absorption and reflection as 2:1, almost similar acoustic parameters of $C_{50}$, $D_{50}$, RASTI (Rapid Speech Transmission Index) and higher sound levels could be acquired in comparison with the case of entire sound absorption on ceiling.

The Characteristics of Diadochokinesis in 1st and 2nd Grades of Elementary School Students (아동의 조음교대운동 특성: 광주광역시 초등학교 1, 2학년을 대상으로)

  • Choi, A Rim;Yoo, Jae Yeon
    • 재활복지
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.231-246
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    • 2018
  • Diadochokinesis (DDK) aims to identify the evaluating the oral mitor ability and the moter coordination ability. There are few DDK normative data on elementary school students in Korea, The purpose of this study was to investigate the characteristics of the speed and regularity of DDK in first- and second-grade students in elementary school. The subjects were a total of 194 students in first- (45 males, 50 females) and second-grade (47 males, 52 females) in elementary schools in Gwangju Metropolitan City. As evaluation tasks, AMR task 'p?', 't?', and 'k?' and SMR task 'p?t?k?' were performed. The speed and regularity of DDK was measured using Motor speech profile (Model 5141, KayPENTAX) and Praat (v6.0.3.6). The results of this study, First, there was a statistically significant difference by grade in AMR speed for 'p?', 't?', and 'k?' and the AMR speed was faster in second grade group. And, there was no statistically significant. Second, AMR regularity showed a statistically significant difference in 'p?', 't?', and 'k?' according to sex and was found to be more regular in female student group. There was no significant difference in regularity by grade. Third, the SMR speed showed statistically significant difference in 'p?t?k?' by grade and was faster in second grade group. And there was no statistically significant difference by sex. The results of this study showed that the DDK performance ability in first- and second-grade students in elementary school was slightly different according to grade and sex. In future research, it is necessary to investigate the correlation between the articulation accuracy and linguistic intelligibility, and to find out the usefulness of DDK in articulation evaluation.

The effect of palatal height on the Korean vowels (구개의 높이가 한국어 모음 발음에 미치는 효과에 관한 연구)

  • Chung, Bo-Yoon;Lim, Young-Jun;Kim, Myung-Joo;Nam, Shin-Eun;Lee, Seung-Pyo;Kwon, Ho-Beom
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.48 no.1
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    • pp.69-74
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of palatal height on Korean vowels and speech intelligibility in Korean adults and to produce baseline data for future prosthodontic treatment. Material and methods: Forty one healthy Korean men and women who had no problem in pronunciation, hearing, and communication and had no history of airway disease participated in this study. Subjects were classified into H, M, and L groups after clinical determination of palatal height with study casts. Seven Korean vowels were used as sample vowels and subjects'clear speech sounds were recorded using Multispeech software program on computer. The F1 and the F2 of 3 groups were produced and they were compared. In addition, the vowel working spaces of 3 groups by /a/, /i/, and /u/ corner vowels were obtained and their areas were compared. Kruskal-Wallis test and Mann-Whiteny U test were used as statistical methods and P < .05 was considered statistically significant. Results: There were no significant differences in formant frequencies among 3 groups except for the F2 formant frequency between H and L group (P = .003). In the analysis of vowel working space areas of 3 groups, the vowel working spaces of 3 groups were similar in shape and no significant differences of their areas were found. Conclusion: The palatal height did not affect vowel frequencies in most of the vowels and speech intelligibility. The dynamics of tongue activity seems to compensate the morphological difference.

The Effect of Sound Reinforcement Systems on the Acoustics of a Large-Span Spaces (대공간에서 전기음향 시스템에 따른 음향특성 변화)

  • Jeong, Dae-up;Joo, Hyun-kyung;Choi, Young-Ji
    • Journal of Korean Association for Spatial Structures
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.67-75
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    • 2011
  • The present work investigate the effect of sound reinforcement systems on the acoustics of a large dome stadium using a computer simulation. The acoustics of a dome stadium was predicted analyzed by varying room absorption, as well as the configuration of speakers including their directivity, installed height, and numbers. It was found that both D50 and RASTI were improved by increasing room absorption. Larger EDTs were observed according to the increase of room absorption at mid and high frequencies. On the other hand, RT did not show any significant correlation with the changes in room absorption, which might be the effect of a forced linear fitting for non -linear energy decay process. With respect to the speaker configuration, the speech intelligibility of a sound reforcement system installed at higher placed more relied upon their directivity rather than room absorption, Also, lower placing of speakers was found to be effective in decreasing RTs regardless of room absorption.

Sound Absorption Characteristics and Application Effect of PTFE Membrane Material (테프론 막 재료의 흡음특성 및 적용효과 연구)

  • Jeong, Jeong-Ho;Shon, Jang-Ryul;Kim, Jung-Joong
    • Transactions of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering
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    • v.17 no.4 s.121
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    • pp.342-349
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    • 2007
  • Following the 2002 World-Cup held in Korea, studies have been actively conducted on plans to utilize all-weather stadiums of fine figures, where large-scale spaces are available for various utilizations. In Japan, dome-type stadiums have been built and are utilizing across the whole nation not only for sports events but also variety of other large-scale events. PTFE(poly tetra fluoro ethylene) is one of the membrane material mainly used for the outer ceiling surface of membrane structures. However, there has not been enough research on the acoustical properties of PTFE membrane material which has been widely used in the multi-purpose stadiums. In this study, air permeability values and sound absorption coefficient of PTFE membrane materials were measured and evaluated in the gymnasium. From the results of measurements of sound absorption coefficient and air permeability of inner membrane materials, it was found that the sound absorption coefficient was good in the air permeability range of $5{\sim}15\;cc/cm^2/s$. Also the relation ship between air permeability and sound absorption coefficient was very high and the sound absorption coefficient was the highest in the range of $6{\sim}9\;cc/cm^2/s$. Secondly, an analysis on the measurements sound absorption characteristics of inner membrane material reveals that the overall sound absorption coefficient was stabilized(higher than 0.5 throughout the whole frequency bands) when the air space behind the membrane material was deeper than 600 mm. When PTFE sound absorptive membrane material was installed in the ceiling of gymnasium, it was confirmed that sound absorptive membrane material can reduce reverberation and increase speech intelligibility in the gymnasium.

Development of a Bone Conduction Telephone for Conductive Hearing Impaired Persons and its Performance Test (전음성 청각장애인용 골도 전화기 개발 및 성능 평가)

  • Kang, Kyeong-Ok;Kang, Seong-Hoon
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.113-122
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    • 1995
  • This paper describes characteristics of a bone conduction telephone which was developed for conductive hearing impaired persons to call without additional devices and results of its performance test. Not only the hearing impaired but also normal hearing persons can use this telephone because we developed a bone conduction vibrator with which they can perceive speech signal using functions of air conductive hearing as well as bone conductive hearing. It also has tone control function compensating hearing losses for the hearing impaired originating from their hearing characteristics, and using this function together with received volume control it has received volume range of 20dB in loudness rating, which is similar effect as what a telephone set with built-in received amplifier has. From results of articulation and intelligibility tests for 19 hearing impaired persons, we can see that if their bone-conduction hearing loss is 61dB or less, they can understand words or sentences and response well with this telephone.

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Development of Smart Phone Application with User Fitting for Hearing Impaired in Various Environment (환경별 사용자 피팅이 가능한 스마트폰 보청기 어플리케이션 개발)

  • Lee, K.;Kang, S.-I.;Park, G.S.;Lee, S.M.
    • Journal of rehabilitation welfare engineering & assistive technology
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.121-128
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    • 2015
  • In this paper, we introduce our smart phone application for hearing impaired people. Unlike previous hearing aids application, our application has both functions of self hearing tests and sound amplification. We provide user with two types of self hearing test, those are standard hearing test and detail hearing test. Each test has different advantages like short test time and accurate test result, however both tests provide reliable result. Our hearing test allows that user can measure their hearing loss level according to the frequency. Sound amplification function provide proper fitting formula by using NAL-NL1, and it guarantees high speech intelligibility. Our application can also memorize user's fitting data at specific test condition. Therefore those who using our hearing aids application can easily reset their hearing aids / earphone properties periodically. Our application is advanced at the aspect of self fitting function that no other previous application did. So we are expecting these comfortable processes about fitting lead the number of hearing aids user to be increased.

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A Unit Selection Methods using Flexible Break in a Japanese TTS (일본어 합성기에서 유동 Break를 이용한 합성단위 선택 방법)

  • Song, Young-Hwan;Na, Deok-Su;Kim, Jong-Kuk;Bae, Myung-Jin;Lee, Jong-Seok
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.26 no.8
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    • pp.403-408
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    • 2007
  • In a large corpus-based speech synthesizer, a break, which is a parameter influencing the naturalness and intelligibility, is used as an important feature during a unit selection process. Japanese is a language having intonations, which ate indicated by the relative differences in pitch heights and the APs(Accentual Phrases) are placed according to the changes of the accents while a break occurs on a boundary of the APs. Although a break can be predicted by using J-ToBI(Japanese-Tones and Break Indices), which is a rule-based or statistical approach, it is very difficult to predict a break exactly due to the flexibility. Therefore, in this paper, a method is to conduct a unit search by dividing breaks into two types, such as a fixed break and a flexible break, in order to use the advantages of a large-scale corpus, which includes various types of prosodies. As a result of an experiment, the proposed unit selection method contributed itself to enhance the naturalness of synthesized speeches.

Analysis of the Acoustic Performance of Classrooms in Korea (국내 학교 교실의 실내음향성능 실태조사)

  • Park, Chan-Jae;Ryu, Da-Jung;Kyoung, Ju-Young;Haan, Chan-Hoon
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.33 no.5
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    • pp.316-325
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    • 2014
  • The basic unit of school is a classroom and the aural environment of the classrooms is essential factor for education purposes. Therefore, many efforts have been undertaken for enhancing the acoustical performance of the classrooms in many countries. As a result, acoustic criteria including reverberation time and background noise level have been established in US and UK for school classrooms depending on the usage and size of the rooms. However, in Korea, there has been little researches concerning the room acoustical investigations of the classrooms. The present study investigates the current situation of the aural environment of the 15 classrooms in Korea including elementary, middle and high schools. The acoustic criteria measured include RT, $D_{50}$, STI, SNR and background noise level. As the results, it was found that the background noise levels of the schools adjacent to roads exceed the US and UK standard of 35 dB(A). Also, most schools have so low SNR that they may be interfered by noise, which may affect speech transmission. It was also revealed that some schools have longer RT than the US standard of 0.6 s, but they all have high speech intelligibility.

Acoustic Characteristics of Sound Field in Partially Opened Rooms -Emphasis on Vertical Coupling of Diffuse and Free Field- (실내공간의 부분적 개방에 따른 음향특성변화 II -확산음장과 자유음장의 수직적 결합을 중심으로-)

  • Jeong, Dae-Up;Choi, Young-Ji
    • Journal of Korean Association for Spatial Structures
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    • v.7 no.5
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    • pp.75-82
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    • 2007
  • The present work measured and analyzed changes in the acoustics of a sound field which has a retractable ceiling. An 1/20 scale model of an openable space was built and measurement was carried out by varying the opened area of a ceiling. The most widely used room acoustic and design parameters, RT, EDT, and D50 were investigated. The results suggest that the use of RT as an acoustic design parameter may not be proper in an openable space and further it is likely to mislead the initial acoustic design of such spaces. It is mainly due to the characteristics of RT in which non-exponential decay processes are linearly fitted. Early decay times were found to be decreased in proportion to increaing the ratio of opened area. D50, an index of speech intelligibility, was effectively shows the influence of openings on the acoustics. It is also found that EDT and D50 at the seats, not directly exposed to the opened part of a ceiling, were almost linearly decreased in proportion to the ratio of opened area, while little influence was found for the opening ratio larger than 40% at the directly exposed seats to the opened part of a ceiling.

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