• Title/Summary/Keyword: Species diversity indices

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  • Chang, Soon-Keun
    • 한국해양학회지
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.125-141
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    • 1983
  • Micropaleontological analyses of the bathic foraminifera of 132 subtidal surface samples of Asan Bay located in the middle of the western coast of Korea, fringing the Yellow Sea collected during late May-early June 1982, shows the results as follows; -Forainiferal numbers of total assemblages are influenced by hydrodynamic and ecologic factors as well as by the sedimentation in the study area. -Badly preserved faunas including replaced faunas seemed to be fossils, all having living counterparts in the study area and showing a somewhat similar type of wall structures with those of the total assemblages and showing no characteristic bathymetric occurrence compared to that of the biocoenose s.1. of the species, lead to infer theirprobable derivation from the environment without a remarkable environmental difference from the study area. But this inference demands further study in consideration of the physical conditions of the study area. -Living/total ratios show a strong negative correlation with the total foraminiferal numbers excluding replaced faunas. But this trend is somewhat deviated in the relatively high ratios. -Fisher-alpha diversity indices of the total assemblages excluding replaced faunas are lying between 1.7 and 3.7. Totals assemblages are mainly composed of hyaline forms with limited porcelaneous and agglutinated ones.

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The Analysis of Amphibia Biodiversity and Habitat in the Moak Provincial Park (모악산 도립공원의 양서류 다양성 및 서식환경 분석)

  • Chung, Kyu-Hoi;Shim, Jae-Han;Song, Jae-Young
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.278-281
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    • 2001
  • Ecological measurement and biological environment of the Moak Provicial Park surveyed based on the habitat; deciduous broad leaved forest (Quercus mongolica variabilis-Pinus densiflora, Capinus tschonoskii, Quercus Mongolica, Quercus acutissima-Pinus densiflora, and Quercus variabilis), coniferous forest (Pinus densiflora), plantation forest (Pinus rigida), and the other place (pond, lake, rice field, stream, and river). Totally, 1 orders, 4 families, 8 species of amphibians were found at Mt. Moak provincial park. Biodiversity indices of studied region were as follow; richness was 1.270, diversity was 1.775, and evenness was 0.853 in amphibians. 42.1% of amphibians were found in deciduous broad leaved forest, 11.3% in coniferous forest, 1.6% in plantation forest, and 45.0% in the other region.

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Bacterial Community Variations in Hot Pepper-Sown Soil Using FAME Analysis as an Indicator of Soil Quality

  • Kim, Jong-Shik;Weon, Hang-Yeon;Kwon, Soon-Wo;Ryu, Jin-Chang
    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.251-255
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    • 2003
  • The bacterial compositions of seven hot-pepper sown soil were compared in this study. From the 624 isolates, 95 species and 49 genera were identified by fatty acid methyl ester analysis (FAME). The FAME results of seven soil showed two distinct clusters for aerobic and Gram-negative bacteria in the high productivity and monoculture soil samples. While Arthrobacter ($17\%$), Kocuria ($11\%$), Pseudomonas ($8\%$), and Bacillus ($8\%$) were predominant among bacteria which were cultured on heterotrophic (YG) agar medium, Pseudomonas ($56\%$), Stenotrophomonas ($16\%$), and Burkholderia ($8\%$) were predominant on crystal violet agar medium. Shannon Weaver indices (H) indicated that colonies obtained from heterotrophic agar medium (3.1) were found to be more diverse than those obtained from the crystal violet media (1.9). The results suggest that FAME analysis may be a potential indicator for of soil quality.

Ecological Changes in Pine Gall Midge-damaged Pinus densiflora Forest at the Southern Temperate Forest Zone in Korea(III) -Analysis of Phytosociological Changes During Seven Years of the Korean Red Pine Community in Cheongwon-gun- (솔잎혹파리 피해적송림(被害赤松林)의 생태학적(生態學的) 연구(硏究)(III) -청원군(淸原郡) 소나무군집(群集)의 7년간(年間)의 식생변화분석(植生變化分析)-)

  • Lee, Kyong Jae;Oh, Koo Kyoon;Yim, Kyong Bin
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.77 no.3
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    • pp.315-321
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    • 1988
  • To investigate and analyze the change in the forest community structure between non-attacked time(in 1980) and severly damaged time(in 1987) by pine gall midge, Thecodoplosis japonensis, four plots with five subplots were sampled at Cheongwon-gun of Chungcheungbuk-do. The total number of woody species per 0.2ha changed 32 in 1980 to 53 in 1987. According to the damage increasing, the importance value of the genus Quercus as a substituting species has sprung up. Especially the importance value of Quercus serrata and Q. aliena singnificantly increased in the heavily insect infested forest. As to changes of forest community structure during 7 years, diversity of investigation structure has increased. The similarity indices between 1980 and 1987 were 52.9% and 49.7% in the understory and shrub stratum, respectively.

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Seaweed ethnobotany of eastern Sorsogon, Philippines

  • Dumilag, Richard V.;Belgica, Teresa Haide R.;Mendoza, Lynn C.;Hibay, Janet M.;Arevalo, Abel E. Jr.;Malto, Mark Ariel D.;Orgela, Elden G.;Longavela, Mabille R.;Corral, Laurence Elmer H.;Olipany, Ruby D.;Ruiz, Caesar Franz C.;Mintu, Cynthia B.;Laza, Benilda O.;Pablo, Mae H. San;Bailon, Jinky D.;Berdin, Leny D.;Calaminos, Franklin P.;Gregory, Sheryll A.;Omoto, Annie T.;Chua, Vivien L.;Liao, Lawrence M.
    • ALGAE
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.227-237
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    • 2022
  • Knowledge on the seaweeds of eastern Sorsogon in the Philippines is uneven. Not only is eastern Sorsogon among the areas of high seaweed diversity but locals there have interacted with seaweeds for ages. Despite seaweeds' assumed importance to Sorsoganon, ethnobotanical records are missing. In this study, we documented the traditional knowledge on seaweed use and determined the rate of knowledge transmission among the locals of eastern Sorsogon. Vernacular names and modes of preparation were given of the 12 identified species bearing culinary and medicinal importance. Ten species were eaten while three were used therapeutically. Based on ethnobotanical indices, Caulerpa chemnitzia ecad turbinata and Gelidiella acerosa were the most important seaweeds. The least cited was Caulerpa racemosa. Our study demonstrated that most of the seaweed resources in eastern Sorsogon remain largely untapped, as the identified ethnotaxa were only about 5% of the total seaweed species diversity reported for the area. The seaweed knowledge in eastern Sorsogon appeared to be homogenous across age groups with primary sources of knowledge biased towards female relatives (mothers and grandmothers) and to children as inheritors. Cessation of seaweed knowledge may come at a potential cost, as a significant fraction of the population did not transmit their knowledge to others. Our study furthered the interest in providing sophisticated resource management recommendations that consider the relationships of traditional and scientific knowledge of seaweed selection and use in eastern Sorsogon and beyond.

지리산지 침광혼효림과 상록침엽수림내에 분포하는 임상선태류식생의 군락생태학적 연구

  • 송종석
    • Journal of Plant Biology
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.305-317
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    • 1995
  • The bryophyte communities on the forest floor of the mixed coniferous, deciduous broad-leaf forest and the evergreen coniferous forest of cool temperate and subalpine zones in Chiri Mountains with the highest peak (Cheonwangbong 1915 m) in south-central part of the Korean Peninsula were investigated from the phytosociology viewpoint. As a result, five bryophyte communities were recognized, considering the species composition of vascular vegetation; A. Sasamorpha borealis-Abies koreana/Dicranum scoparium-Plagiothecium silvaticum community, B. Bosta minor-Abies koreana/Anomodon rugelii-Plagiomnium cuspidatum community, C. Abies koreana/Hylocomiopsis ovicarpa-Entodon rubicundus community, D. Abies koreana-Picea jezoensis/Hylocomiopsis ovicarpa-Thuidium kanedae community, E. Abies koreana-Pieea jezoensis/Hylocomium splendens-Pleurozium sehreberi community. Among these, the communities A, B, C and D were distributed in the mixed coniferous and deciduous broad-leaf forest of lower altitudes (1200 to 1700 m) and characterized by the elements of the cool temperate zone. They were confimled as synusies belonging to the Fraxino-Abietetum koreanae Song 1988. The community E was distributed in higher altitudes (1700 m to near the summit) and characterized by the species group of the holarctic elements, e.g. Hyloeomium splendens, Pleurozium sehreberi, Dieranum majus, etc. limited in subarctic; subalpine and arctic; alpine zones. The community E was confirmed as a synusie of the Abieti koreanae-Piceetum jezoensis Song 1991 belonging the Vaecinio-Pieeetea Br.-BI. 1939. Up to date many investigator have described the coniferous forest distibuted above 1200 m in Chiri mountauns as the forest vegetation of subalpine zone. However, from the results of the present study, the boundary of the mixed forest and the true subalpine coniferous forest was elucidated to be ca. 1700 m phytosociologically. Species richness was highest in the community E, and the other four communities showed a similar species richness. Among the species diversity indices, H' and D were high in the communities Band E, low in the communities A and C, and medium in the community D. The values of J' decreased with the increase in altitudes and the community E showed the lowest value. The result of Bray-Curtis ordination revealed that the diversity analysis and the division of the above two forest zones are justifiable. The taxa of the bryophyte communities were composed of 25 families, 46 genera, 73 species, 1 subspecies and 2 varieties.

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Benthic Environments and Macrobenthic Polychaete Community Structure in the winter of 2005-2006 in Gamak Bay, Korea (가막만의 2005년과 2006년 동계 저서환경 및 대형저서다모류군집구조)

  • Yoon, Sang-Pil;Kim, Youn-Jung;Jung, Rae-Hong;Moon, Chang-Ho;Hong, Sok-Jin;Lee, Won-Chan;Park, Jong-Soo
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.67-82
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    • 2008
  • This study was performed to investigate changes in benthic environment and macrobenthic polychaete communities in Gamak Bay where various environmental quality improvement projects have been implemented in recent years. Field surveys were carried out in February, 2005 and February, 2006 and twenty stations were selected to explore whether or not there were between-year differences in biotic and abiotic variables. Of 10 environmental variables measured, only three variables including dissolved oxygen (DO), total ignition loss (IL), acid volatile sulfide (AVS) showed significant between-year differences. Specifically, IL and AVS were, on average, 1.5 and 3 times lower in 2006 compared to those in 2005, respectively, which was more pronounced in the northern part of the bay. A total of 95 polychaete species was sampled from the two sampling occasions. Between-year differences in the number of species, abundance, and diversity were varied from place to place. In the northern part of the bay, fewer species were found in 2006 rather than in 2005, but diversity increased in 2006 due to the reduction in dominance of a few species. On the contrary, in the central part of the bay, the number of species, abundance and diversity prominently increased in 2006. In the southern part of the bay, all the biological indices maintained similarly during the two years. Dominant species in 2005 were such opportunistic or organic pollution indicator species as Lumbrineris longifolia, Capitella capitata, Mediomastus californiensis, Pseudopolydora paucibranchiata, etc. and most of them were mainly distributed in the northern part of the bay and in the proximity of it. In 2006, however, Euchone alicaudata, L. longifolia, Paraprionospio pinnata, Flabelligeridae sp., etc. were dominant and distributed mainly in the central part of the bay. Multivariate analyses showed that the whole polychaete community could be divided into 5 groups reflecting the geographical positions of the sampling stations and temporal variation particularly in the northern part of the bay. According to the results of BIO-ENV procedure, TOC (${\rho}=0.52$) and AVS (${\rho}=0.49$) as a single variable best explained the polychaete community structure. The best combination was made by such variables as TOC, AVS, sorting coefficient, and water temperature (${\rho}=0.60$). In conclusion, between-year differences in biotic and abiotic variables imply that recent efforts for the environmental improvement produced positive influences on the benthic environment of Gamak Bay, particularly the northern part of the bay.

Effects of Fire on Forest Vegetation in Mt. Samma (산불이 삼마산의 삼림식생에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Woen;Park, Jung-Hye;Cho, Young-Ho
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.145-153
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    • 1999
  • Authors report the changes of the community structure and secondary succession after fire in Mt. Samma (333 m). Approximately six ha of the red pine (Pinus densiflora) forest and its floor vegetation were burned and cutted down. The vegetation and soil properties were investigated in the burned and unburned sites from April to October, 1998. The dominant species based on SDR₃ in the burned site were Lespedeza cyrtobotrya (96.87), Quercus serrata (77.90), Cyperus amuricus (46.22) and Miscanthus sinensis var. purpurascens (38.33), whereas the dominant species in the unburned site were Pinus densiflora (100.00) and Q. variabilis (66.10) at the tree layer, Q. serrata (100.00) and Zanthoxylum schinifolium (29.64) at the shrub layer., and Q. serrata (76.30) and M. sinensis var. purpurascens (72.84) at the herb layer. The biological spectra based on SDR₃ were Th-D₁-R/sub 5/-e for the burned and H (M)-D₁-R/sub 5/-e type for the unburned site, respectively. The index of similarity (CCs) between the burned and unburned sites was 0.41. The degree of succession (DS) were 609 for the burned and 1168 for the unburned site, respectively. The species diversity (H) and evenness indices (e) of the burned site were lower than those of the unburned site, but the dominance indices (C) was higher in the burned site. In the analysis of soil properties, pH, the content of NO₃/sup -/-N, available phosphrous, and exchangeable cations (K/sup +/, Ca/sup 2+/, Na/sup +/, Mg/sup 2+/) in the burned site were higher than those in the unburned site, whereas the contents of organic matter, total carbon, total nitrogen and NH₄/sup +/-N were lower in the burned site. The results show that dominant species in the burned site change from Miscanthus-Lespedeza→Lespedeza→Quercus and finally to Quercus forest, and the changes of soil properties also affect the early vegetational succession after fire.

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Prior Eco-preserve Zoning through Stream Ecosystem Evaluation on Dam Basin -A Case of Yongdam-dam Watershed, Jeollabukdo Province- (댐유역 하천생태계평가를 통한 생태보전우선지역설정 -용담다목적댐 유역을 사례로-)

  • Lim, Hyun-Jeong;Lee, Myung-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.103-112
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to specify the prior eco-preserve zone by establishing the eco-landscape unit on the stream corridor and evaluating the stream ecosystem in the dam basin. The fundamental ecological data was surveyed and collected through "the ecosystem project on Yongdam multipurpose dam watershed" from 2008 to 2009. The Yongdam Dam Watershed has several streams, Jujacheon, Jeongjacheon and Guryangcheon, of which the area is $930km^2$, stretching to Jinangun, Jangsugun and Mujugun Jellabukdo. In spite of being used for drinking purpose, the dam water quality and ecosystem is threatened by in-watershed pollution produced by development, golf course grounds and sports complex, etc. The landscape unit of stream corridor was zoned across by 250m, 500m, and 750m from the vicinity line of stream, which was decided to the accuracy of mapping and surveying. Types of evaluation are the Stream Corridor Evaluation(SCE) and the Vegetated Area Evaluation(VAE). In the process of SCE, several indices were analysed, fish species diversity, species peculiarity, and stream naturality. Indices for VAE were forest stand map, vegetation protection grade, species diversity and peculiarity for wild bird and mammal life. The importance of the ecological items is categorized into three levels and overlapped for specifying the prior preserve zone. The area at which legally protecting species appeared is categorized as absolute preserve area. This study might be meaningful for proposing the evaluation process of a stream corridor ecosystem, which can synthesize a lot of individual ecological surveys. We hope further research will be actively performed about the ecotope mapping which is based on a individual wildlife territory and habitats and also their relationships.

Biodiversity and Characteristic Communities Structure of Freshwater Ecosystems in the Western Area of DMZ, Korea (민통선이북지역(DMZ) 서부평야 일대의 수생태계 생물다양성 및 군집 특성)

  • Jung, Sang-Woo;Kim, Yoon-Ho;Kim, Hyun-Mac;Kim, Su-Hwan
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.603-617
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    • 2018
  • This study surveyed the diversity and community characteristics of benthic macroinvertebrates and freshwater fish, which are the main animal classifications in a hydro ecosystem, from May to September 2017 in the western plains of the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ). The results showed a total of 125 species of benthic macroinvertebrates belonging to 66 families, 19 orders, and four phyla in the streams and wetlands. Among benthic macroinvertebrates, Coleoptera (27 spp.: 21.60%) was the largest group in terms of species richness followed by Odonata (26 spp.: 20.80%), non-Insecta (22 spp.: 17.60%), and Hemiptera (11 spp.: 8.80%) occupying in the lentic area. Of the feeding function groups (FFGs), predators (51 spp.: 56.67%) showed a relatively larger presence, indicating the dominance of hygrophilous invertebrates that usually inhabit the freshwater wetlands or ponds. Of the habitat oriented groups (HOGs), climbers (33 spp.: 24.44%) and burrowers (17 spp.: 12.59%) were the dominant groups. This observation is typical in a slow flowing habitat and can lead to the disturbance of the ecosystem due to cannibalism among predators. Cannibalism can be caused by stress induced by various population and environmental factors. For the ecosystem services benchmark (ESB) value, site 13 appeared to be the highest with 82 marks while other sites showed relatively lower rates and indices (III water quality class with ${\alpha}$-mesosaprobic). The analysis result of stability factors showed that almost all sites were evaluated to be the I characteristic group with high resilience and resistance or the III characteristic group that was sensitive to environmental disturbance and formed uneven and unstable communities. Of the freshwater fishes, 46 species (3,405 individuals) belonging to 39 families and 18 orders were identified in all the investigated sites. Among them, Cyprinidae (30 spp.: 65.2%) was the largest group, and Zacco koreanus was identified as the dominant species (728 individuals, 21.4%). The survey of freshwater fish communities found both stable communities (sites 7 and 13) with low dominant index (0.39) and high diversity index (2.29) and unstable communities (sites 2, 3, 8, and 10) in opposite tendency. This survey found five Korean endemic species, 17 species belonging to the export controlled species, two endangered species level II (Lethocerus deyrollei and Cybister chinensis), and rare species (Dytiscus marginalis czerskii) among benthic macroinvertebrates. The survey also found an invasive species, Ampullarius insularus, which was distributed throughout the whole area and thus can continuously disturb the ecosystem in the western plain area in the DMZ. Of freshwater fish, one natural monument (Hemibarbus mylodon) and three endangered species level II (Acheilognathus signifer, Gobiobotia macrocephalus, and G. brevibarba) were observed. The survey also found four introduced species (Pomacea canaliculate, Carassius cuvieri, Lepomis macrochirus, Micropterus salmoides) in the western DMZ area, indicating the need for the protection and conservation measures.