• Title/Summary/Keyword: Spatial target

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Temporal Transfer of Locomotion Style

  • Kim, Yejin;Kim, Myunggyu;Neff, Michael
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.406-416
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    • 2015
  • Timing plays a key role in expressing the qualitative aspects of a character's motion; that is, conveying emotional state, personality, and character role, all potentially without changing spatial positions. Temporal editing of locomotion style is particularly difficult for a novice animator since observers are not well attuned to the sense of weight and energy displayed through motion timing; and the interface for adjusting timing is far less intuitive to use than that for adjusting pose. In this paper, we propose an editing system that effectively captures the timing variations in an example locomotion set and utilizes them for style transfer from one motion to another via both global and upper-body timing transfers. The global timing transfer focuses on matching the input motion to the body speed of the selected example motion, while the upper-body timing transfer propagates the sense of movement flow - succession - through the torso and arms. Our transfer process is based on key times detected from the example set and transferring the relative changes of angle rotation in the upper body joints from a timing source to an input target motion. We demonstrate that our approach is practical in an interactive application such that a set of short locomotion cycles can be applied to generate a longer sequence with continuously varied timings.

Assessment of Potential Flood Damage Considering Regional Flood Damage Cycle (지역별 홍수피해주기를 고려한 홍수위험잠재능 평가)

  • Kim, Soo-jin;Bae, Seung-jong;Kim, Seong-pil;Bae, Yeon-Joung
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.57 no.4
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    • pp.143-151
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    • 2015
  • Recently, flood has been increased due to climate change resulting in numerous damages for humans and properties. The main objective of this study was to suggest a methodology to estimate the flood vulnerability using Potential Flood Damage (PFD) concept. To evaluate the PFD at a spatial resolutions of city/county units, the 19 representative evaluation indexing factors were carefully selected for the three categories such as damage target ($F_{DT}$), damage potential ($F_{DP}$) and prevention ability ($F_{PA}$). The three flood vulnerability indices of $F_{DT}$, $F_{DP}$ and $F_{PA}$ were applied for the 162 cities and counties in Korea for the pattern classification of potential flood damage. It is expected that the supposed PFD can be utilized as the useful flood vulnerability index for more rational and practical protection plans against flood damage.


  • Do, Dae-Won;Song, Woo-Jin;Kwon, Jun-Chan
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2001.09a
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    • pp.547-550
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    • 2001
  • Through matched filtering synthetic aperture radar (SAR) produces high-resolution imagery from data collected by a relative small antenna. While the impulse response obtained by the matched filter approach produces the best achievable signal-to-noise ratio, large sidelobes must be reduced to obtain higher-resolution SAR images. So, many enhancement methods of SAR imagery have been proposed. As a deconvolution method, the phase-extension inverse filtering is based on the characteristics of the matched filtering used in SAR imaging. It improves spatial resolution as well as effectively suppresses the sidelobes with low computational complexity. In the phase-extension inverse filtering, the impulse response is obtained from simulation with a point target. But in a real SAR environment, for example ERS-1, the impulse response is distorted by many non-ideal factors. So, in the phase-extension inverse filtering for a real SAR processing, the magnitudes of the frequency transfer function have to be compensated to produce more desirable results. In this paper, an estimation method to obtain a more accurate impulse response from a real SAR image is studied. And a compensation scheme to produce better performance of the phase-extension inverse filtering is also introduced.

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Improvement of Vegetation Index Image Simulations by Applying Accumulated Temperature

  • Park, Jin Sue;Park, Wan Yong;Eo, Yang Dam
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.97-107
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    • 2020
  • To analyze temporal and spatial changes in vegetation, it is necessary to determine the associated continuous distribution and conduct growth observations using time series data. For this purpose, the normalized difference vegetation index, which is calculated from optical images, is employed. However, acquiring images under cloud cover and rainfall conditions is challenging; therefore, time series data may often be unavailable. To address this issue, La et al. (2015) developed a multilinear simulation method to generate missing images on the target date using the obtained images. This method was applied to a small simulation area, and it employed a simple analysis of variables with lower constraints on the simulation conditions (where the environmental characteristics at the moment of image capture are considered as the variables). In contrast, the present study employs variables that reflect the growth characteristics of vegetation in a greater simulation area, and the results are compared with those of the existing simulation method. By applying the accumulated temperature, the average coefficient of determination (R2) and RMSE (Root Mean-Squared Error) increased and decreased by 0.0850 and 0.0249, respectively. Moreover, when data were unavailable for the same season, R2 and RMSE increased and decreased by 0.2421 and 0.1289, respectively.

Meta Model-Based Desgin Optimization of Double-Deck Train Carbody (2 층열차 차체의 meta model 기반 최적설계)

  • Hwang W.J.;Jung J.J.;Lee T.H.;Kim H.J.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 2005.06a
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    • pp.387-392
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    • 2005
  • Double-deck train have studied in the next generation train in KRRI. Double-deck train have more seat capacities compared with single deck vehicles and is a efficient, reliable and comfortable alternative train. Because of heavy weight, weight minimization of double-deck train carbody is imperative to reduce cost and extend life-time of train. Weight minimization problem of the double-deck train car-body is required to decide 66 design variables of thicknesses for large aluminum extruded panel while satisfying stress constraints. Design variables are too many and one execution of structural analysis of double-deck train carbody is time-consuming. Therefore, we adopt approximation technique to save computational cost of optimization process. Metamodels such as response surface model (RSM) and kriging model are used to approximate model-based optimization is described. RSM is easy to obtain and expressed explicit function, but this is not suitable for highly nonlinear and large scaled problems. Kriging model employs an interpolation scheme and is developed in the fields of spatial statistics and geostatistics. Target of this design is to find optimum thickness of AEP to minimize weight of doulbe-deck train carbody. In this study, meta model techniques are introduced to carry out weight minimization of a double-deck train car-body.

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Earthwork Volume Calculation of Anchorage Underground Capacity Using Laser Scanner (레이저스캐너를 이용한 앵커리지 지하공동의 토공량 산정)

  • Choi, Seok-Keun;Kim, Dong-Yeun
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.21-27
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    • 2010
  • When the capacity of underground caverns' structures is measured, a general surveying is difficult to decide an accurate section of irregular shape and a photographic surveying has problems on picture acquisition due to underground dusts, noise and lighting conditions, etc. The laser scanner system is being much used for 3-dimensional modeling such as topography, planimetric features and structures, etc. without a target by measuring arriving time of a laser pulse reflected after scanning the laser pulse and calculating space coordinates of the reflection position. Accordingly, the present research carried out section and earthwork volume measurement of a tunnel by using a laser scanner in underground anchorage excavation work that a bridge construction is being executed.

Effect of reference on the distortion of 3D slant perception of semitransparent motion-induced surface during disjunctive eye movement (원근방향 추적 눈 운동 시 참조자극이 자극운동 유도 표면의 삼차원 경사지각 왜곡에 미치는 효과)

  • 이형철
    • Korean Journal of Cognitive Science
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.51-59
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    • 2003
  • Various perceptual distortions in spatial vision occur during eye movements. Most of the studies on perceptual distortion have focused on the conjunctive eye movements. Recently, Li, Kham, Kim & Yoon (2002) reported that subjects experienced perceptual distortion of 3D slant of an object defined by the spatiotemproal pattern of occlusion. The present research examined whether the subjects experienced the same perceptual distortion in the target object whose luminance is different from that of background. It also examined the effect of the reference on the perceptual distortion of 3D slant of an object.

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MRI Image Retrieval Using Wavelet with Mahalanobis Distance Measurement

  • Rajakumar, K.;Muttan, S.
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • v.8 no.5
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    • pp.1188-1193
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    • 2013
  • In content based image retrieval (CBIR) system, the images are represented based upon its feature such as color, texture, shape, and spatial relationship etc. In this paper, we propose a MRI Image Retrieval using wavelet transform with mahalanobis distance measurement. Wavelet transformation can also be easily extended to 2-D (image) or 3-D (volume) data by successively applying 1-D transformation on different dimensions. The proposed algorithm has tested using wavelet transform and performance analysis have done with HH and $H^*$ elimination methods. The retrieval image is the relevance between a query image and any database image, the relevance similarity is ranked according to the closest similar measures computed by the mahalanobis distance measurement. An adaptive similarity synthesis approach based on a linear combination of individual feature level similarities are analyzed and presented in this paper. The feature weights are calculated by considering both the precision and recall rate of the top retrieved relevant images as predicted by our enhanced technique. Hence, to produce effective results the weights are dynamically updated for robust searching process. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm is easily identifies target object and reduces the influence of background in the image and thus improves the performance of MRI image retrieval.

Numerical Study on Extended Boussinesq Equations with Wave Breaking (쇄파구조를 고려한 확장형 Boussinesq 방정식의 수치 실험)

  • 윤종태;이창훈
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.149-155
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    • 1999
  • A treatment of wave breaking is included in the extended Boussinesq equations of Nwogu. A spatially distributed source function and sponge layers are used to reduce the reflected waves in the computa¬tional domain. The model uses fourth-order Adams predictor-corrector method to advance in time, and discretizes first-order spatial derivatives to fourth-order accuracy, and thus reducing all truncation errors to a level smaller than the dispersive terms. The generated wave fields are found to be good and the corresponding wave heights are very close to their target values. For the tests of wave breaking, although agreement is considered to be reasonable, wave heights in the inner surf zone are over-predicted. This indicates the breaking parameters in the model should be adjusted.

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A Study of Pattern Generation Technique & Expressive Characteristics of Digital Ornament (디지털 오너먼트의 패턴생성기법 및 표현특성 연구)

  • Han, Hea-Shin;Kim, Moon-Duck
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.83-94
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    • 2010
  • Conventionally, ornament has developed around linear thinking based on Euclidean geometry, and been explained as simple and lucid natural Euclidean geometrical phenomena. The modular arrangement with vertical, horizontal and diagonal grids has been an organizing principle of classical ornament, but in digital era ornament is found not to be explained only with the principle of traditional arrangement due to the seemingly irregular complex forms. In that sense, this study presents the concept of digital ornament and examined the backgrounds of ornament in digital age, that are complex system and non-Euclidean geometry. Accordingly, the present study takes an approach by dividing new formal types of ornament into algorithmic form, hybrid form and dynamic form to find out a principle of pattern organization. Lately, architects who actively use computer for their architectural designs take the algorithmic strategies in nature and create various and complex patterns by simple rules. The patterns are not the repetition of the same, but the production of singularities. In addition, hybrid form by morphing shows a topologically flexible evolutionary transformation, and is used to create in-between transitional shapes from the source to target. Finally, the patterns by the interaction between the system components which are corresponded to the embedded forces emerge from dynamic simulation of the natural environment. Rather than objects itself, focus is given to the process of generating forms, and the ornamental patterns as the revelation of such implicit order provide not just the formal beauty but also spatial pathways for lights and air, maximizing the effects of lights.