• Title/Summary/Keyword: Spatial target

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The Influence of Unattended Distractors on the Identification of Targets (주의하지 않은 방해자극이 표적의 식별에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, ChangHo
    • Korean Journal of Cognitive Science
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.365-391
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    • 2013
  • Negative repetition effect (NRE) refers to the phenomenon that the accuracy of report is impaired when a target was flanked by the same distractor than when by alternative distractor. To probe the nature of NRE, this study introduced attention window(s) indicating the positions where a target might be presented, and non-attention window(s) where a target could not be presented. Attention windows are supposed to help participants detect targets readily. Two among three positions are indicated by attention windows in Exp. 1, and a single large attention window encompassing central two positions among four positions was used in Exp. 2, and either large or small attention window was used depending on the number of target candidates in Exp. 3. In the result of three experiments, NREs were consistently observed when both positions of a target and a distractor were indicated by previous attention windows. However, NREs (including its tendency) and its opposite, PREs were observed when a distractor was presented in the non-attention position, depending on its distance from the target and the size of attention window. It seems that this pattern of repetition effects is hard to be explained by repetition blindness hypothesis (Kanwisher, 1991), positional uncertainty hypothesis (Keren & Boer, 1985), and inhibitory attention capture hypothesis (Kwak et al., 1993). Instead it was proposed that shifting of spatial attention should be considered accordingly with the structure of stimulus display. The promising role of this task was discussed in studying the relation of attention and perception.

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A Suitability Selection for Marine Afforestation with Physical Environments (바다숲 조성해역의 물리적 환경을 고려한 최적 적지선정)

  • Oh, Tae-Geon;Kim, Dae-Kweon;Kim, Chang-Gil;Lee, Moon-Ock;Cho, Jae-Kweon
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.183-194
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    • 2010
  • A suitability analysis for marine afforestation was carried out on physical items based on slop rate, bottom sediment, light intensity, velocity, and wave at north Geomoon waters in Korea. The data from each physical item were changed to a GSDM (Gridded Spatial Distribution Map) using Kriging interpolation. A GSDM grid includes information, and each grid was given a SI (suitability index) of 3 grades(SI of first suitability was 100, SI of second suitability was 50, and non-suitability had no SI). According to the analysis results of all overlaid GSDM, first suitability had 500 SI, and suitability area was 0.25ha. Second and third suitability had 400~450 SI, and suitability area was 2.36ha, 1.80ha, respectively. Therefore, the results suggest that reefs installed for marine afforestation should be anti-slip types against steep slope, and the target species need to include algae with low compensation light intensity in second and third suitability.

The Verification of Application of Distributed Runoff Model According to Estimation Methods for the Missing Rainfall Data (결측강우보완방법에 따른 분포형 유출모형의 적용성 검증)

  • Choi, Yong-Joon;Kim, Yeon-Su;Lee, Gi-Ha;Kim, Joo-Cheol
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.19 no.12
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    • pp.1375-1384
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this research is to understand the change of runoff characteristics by estimated spatial rainfall. Therefore, this paper largely composed of two parts. First, we compared the simulated result according to estimation method, ID(Inverse Distance Method, ID2(Inverse Square Distance Method), and Kr(General Covariance Kriging Method), after letting miss rainfall data to the observed data. Second, we reviewed the runoff characteristics of the distributed runoff model according to the estimated spatial rainfall. On the basis of Yuseong water level station, we select the target basin as Gabchun watershed. We assumed 1 point or 2 point of the 6 rainfall gauge stations in watershed were missed. We applied the spatial rainfall distributed by Kr to Hy-GIS GRM, distributed runoff model. When 1 point rainfall data is missed, Kr is superior to others in point rainfall estimation and runoff estimation of Hy-GIS GRM. However, in case rainfall data of 2 points is missed, all of three methods did not give suitable result for them. In conclusion, Kr showed better applicability than other estimated methods if rainfall's data less than 2 points is missed.

Estimation of Seawater Intrusion Range in the Daechang Area Using 3D-FEMWATER Model (3D-FEMWATER 모델을 이용한 대창지역의 해수침투 범위추정)

  • Kim Kyoung-Ho;Park Jae-Sung;Lee Ho-Jin;Youn Ju-Heum
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.47 no.5
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    • pp.3-13
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    • 2005
  • The present study examined the 3 dimensional space distribution characteristics of sea water intrusion using data available from previous observations. For this study, we used 3D FEMWATER, which is a 3 dimensional finite element model. The target area was around Daechang-ri, Gimje-si, Jeollabuk-do. The area is relatively easy to formulate a conceptual model and has observation wells in operation for surveying sea water intrusion. Considering the uncertainty of numerical simulation, we analyzed sensitivity to hydraulic conductivity, which has a relatively higher effect. According to the result of the analysis, the variation of TDS concentration had an error range of $-1,336{\~}+107 mg/{\iota}$. Taking note that the survey data from observation wells were collected when the boundary between fresh water and sea water in the aquifer was in equilibrium, we set the range of time for numerical simulation and estimated the spatial distribution of TDS concentration as the range of sea water intrusion. According to the result of estimation, the spatial distribution of TDS concentration calculated when 1,440 days were simulated was taken as the range of sea water intrusion. Using the result of calculation, we can draw not only vertical views for a certain section but also horizontal views of different depth. These views will be greatly helpful in understanding the spatial distribution of the range of sea water intrusion. In addition, the result of this study can be used rationally in proposing an optimal quantity of water pumping through investigating the moving route of sea water intrusion over time in order to prevent excessive water pumping and to maintain an optimal number of water pumping wells per interval.

Life Risk Assessment of Landslide Disaster Using Spatial Prediction Model (공간 예측 모델을 이용한 산사태 재해의 인명 위험평가)

  • Jang, Dong-Ho;Chung, C.F.
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.373-383
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    • 2006
  • The spatial mapping of risk is very useful data in planning for disaster preparedness. This research presents a methodology for making the landslide life risk map in the Boeun area which had considerable landslide damage following heavy rain in August, 1998. We have developed a three-stage procedure in spatial data analysis not only to estimate the probability of the occurrence of the natural hazardous events but also to evaluate the uncertainty of the estimators of that probability. The three-stage procedure consists of: (i)construction of a hazard prediction map of "future" hazardous events; (ii) validation of prediction results and estimation of the probability of occurrence for each predicted hazard level; and (iii) generation of risk maps with the introduction of human life factors representing assumed or established vulnerability levels by combining the prediction map in the first stage and the estimated probabilities in the second stage with human life data. The significance of the landslide susceptibility map was evaluated by computing a prediction rate curve. It is used that the Bayesian prediction model and the case study results (the landslide susceptibility map and prediction rate curve) can be prepared for prevention of future landslide life risk map. Data from the Bayesian model-based landslide susceptibility map and prediction ratio curves were used together with human rife data to draft future landslide life risk maps. Results reveal that individual pixels had low risks, but the total risk death toll was estimated at 3.14 people. In particular, the dangerous areas involving an estimated 1/100 people were shown to have the highest risk among all research-target areas. Three people were killed in this area when landslides occurred in 1998. Thus, this risk map can deliver factual damage situation prediction to policy decision-makers, and subsequently can be used as useful data in preventing disasters. In particular, drafting of maps on landslide risk in various steps will enable one to forecast the occurrence of disasters.

A Study on the Integrated Design Method of Architecture-Art-Nature found in Foundation Beyeler Museum (바이엘러 미술관에 나타난 건축-미술-자연의 통합 디자인 방법에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jong-Jin
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.81-88
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    • 2013
  • Foundation Beyeler museum located near Basel, Switzerland is one of the most-visited art museum of the world. Although the entire volume of the museum is not huge, its art collection as well as the well-known museum building designed by Renzo Piano deserve to attract many visitors. The initial design was started in 1991 when the city of Basel decided to fund and support the project. Through a couple of design stages, the museum was finally opened to public in 1997. There have been various research papers dealt with general design issues of Beyeler museum such as composition of exhibition spaces, and natural lighting. However, this paper aims to study the design methods and relationship between art, architecture and nature. Although the museum building is located on the site quietly, there are various specific design solutions to create unique spatial experience of art and nature at each parts. This study focuses on 4 parts of the museum that are located on the main circulation. How art, architecture and nature are integrated together is the main target of the analysis. The analysis is based on visual-perceptual experience and spatial configuration. In chapter 2, general background of the project was studied. In chapter 3, characteristics of the site's natural environment and Piano's design concept's were examined. In chapter 4, each parts were analyzed in detail with diagrams. In chapter 5 & 6, the spatial characteristics were compared together and the fundamental role of the museum architecture was concluded.

A Study on the Overseas Expansion Strategy of u-City based on BIM/GIS (BIM/GIS 기반 u-City 해외진출 전략 연구)

  • Na, Joon Yeop;Lee, Woo Sik;Hong, Chang Hee;Hwang, Jung Rae
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.119-127
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    • 2012
  • u-City is next generation city which can innovate functions of city. It can realize increase of convenience, improvement of life quality and safety guarantee by convergence of information technologies and ubiquitous service with urban space. Market of u-City is in range of rapid growth and u-City can make enormous synergy effects by accompanying construction technologies with spatial information, sensor technologies, communications network and related equipments. In this study, we analyzed the domestic/abroad status, researches and element technologies involved in u-City. And, we suggested overseas expansion strategy of u-City such as selection and analysis of target nations, packaging method of u-City service models and application of BIM/GIS connection technologies in terms of u-City construction and operation.

Neighbor Discovery Scheme based on Spatial Correlation of Wireless Channel (무선채널의 공간적 연관성을 이용한 주변단말 탐색방안)

  • Lee, Woongsup
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.19 no.10
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    • pp.2256-2262
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    • 2015
  • Recently, device-to-device (D2D) communication has been considered as key technology for future cellular system, because it can solve the problem of excessive data traffic increment and can also provide new communication services. Herein, we propose new neighbor discovery for D2D communication and examine its performance. Our proposed scheme is proximity beacon based discovery in which wireless resource for pilot transmission is assigned based on the spatial correlation of wireless channel and sensing period is adjusted according to target accuracy such that power consumption can be reduced. The performance of our propose scheme is analyzed mathematically and verified through computer simulations.

A Proposed Simple Method for Multisite Point Rainfall Generation (일강우자료의 다지점 모의 발생을 위한 간단한 방법 제안)

  • Yu, Cheol-Sang;Lee, Dong-Ryul
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.99-110
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    • 2000
  • In this study we proposed a simple method for generating multi-site daily rainfall based on the 1-order Markov chain and considering the spatial correlation. The occurrence of rainfall is simulated by a simple 1st-order Markov chain and its intensity to be chosen randomly from the observed data. The spatial correlation between sites could be conserved as the rainfall intensity at each site is to be chosen consistently with the target site in time through generation. It is found that the generated daily rainfall data reproduce genera] characteristics of the observed data such as average, standard deviation, average number of wet and dry days, but the clustering level in time is somewhat loosened. Thus, the lag-I correlation coefficient of the generated data gave smaller value than the observed, also the average lengths of wet run and dry run and the wet-to-wet and dry-to-dry probabilities were a bit less than the observed. This drawback seems to be overcome somewhat by choosing a proper site representing overall basin characteristics or by use of more detailed states of rainfall occurrence.

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A Neural Network Model for Visual Selection: Top-down mechanism of Feature Gate model (시각적 선택에 대한 신경 망 모형FeatureGate 모형의 하향식 기제)

  • 김민식
    • Korean Journal of Cognitive Science
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 1999
  • Based on known physiological and psychophysical results, a neural network model for visual selection, called FeaureGate is proposed. The model consists of a hierarchy of spatial maps. and the flow of information from each level of the hierarchy to the next is controlled by attentional gates. The gates are jointly controlled by a bottom-up system favoring locations with unique features. and a top-down mechanism favoring locations with features designated as target features. The present study focuses on the top-down mechanism of the FeatureGate model that produces results similar to Moran and Desimone's (1985), which many current models have failed to explain, The FeatureGate model allows a consistent interpretation of many different experimental results in visual attention. including parallel feature searches and serial conjunction searches. attentional gradients triggered by cuing, feature-driven spatial selection, split a attention, inhibition of distractor locations, and flanking inhibition. This framework can be extended to produce a model of shape recognition using upper-level units that respond to configurations of features.

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