• Title/Summary/Keyword: Spatial target

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A stratified random sampling design for paddy fields: Optimized stratification and sample allocation for effective spatial modeling and mapping of the impact of climate changes on agricultural system in Korea (농지 공간격자 자료의 층화랜덤샘플링: 농업시스템 기후변화 영향 공간모델링을 위한 국내 농지 최적 층화 및 샘플 수 최적화 연구)

  • Minyoung Lee;Yongeun Kim;Jinsol Hong;Kijong Cho
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.526-535
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    • 2021
  • Spatial sampling design plays an important role in GIS-based modeling studies because it increases modeling efficiency while reducing the cost of sampling. In the field of agricultural systems, research demand for high-resolution spatial databased modeling to predict and evaluate climate change impacts is growing rapidly. Accordingly, the need and importance of spatial sampling design are increasing. The purpose of this study was to design spatial sampling of paddy fields (11,386 grids with 1 km spatial resolution) in Korea for use in agricultural spatial modeling. A stratified random sampling design was developed and applied in 2030s, 2050s, and 2080s under two RCP scenarios of 4.5 and 8.5. Twenty-five weather and four soil characteristics were used as stratification variables. Stratification and sample allocation were optimized to ensure minimum sample size under given precision constraints for 16 target variables such as crop yield, greenhouse gas emission, and pest distribution. Precision and accuracy of the sampling were evaluated through sampling simulations based on coefficient of variation (CV) and relative bias, respectively. As a result, the paddy field could be optimized in the range of 5 to 21 strata and 46 to 69 samples. Evaluation results showed that target variables were within precision constraints (CV<0.05 except for crop yield) with low bias values (below 3%). These results can contribute to reducing sampling cost and computation time while having high predictive power. It is expected to be widely used as a representative sample grid in various agriculture spatial modeling studies.

Aircraft Deformation Measurement using Industrial Photogrammetry

  • Lee, Jae-Kee;Park, Un-Yong;Kang, Tae-Suk
    • 한국지형공간정보학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2005.08a
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    • pp.51-59
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    • 2005
  • With industrial development, industrial products became more refined and upscale, resulting in increased necessity for manufacturers to come up with a method to check whether products have been produced to meet the needs of the customer. For thisreason, attention was drawn to industrial photogrammetry to obtain data rapidly without contacting the target object. In this study, the experiment has been conducted with the O-2A aircraft to determine the applicability of industrial photogrammetry.

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H.264/SVC Spatial Scalability Coding based Terrestrial Multi-channel Hybrid HD Broadcasting Service Framework and Performance Analysis on H.264/SVC (H.264/SVC 공간 계위 부호화 기반 지상파 다채널 하이브리드 고화질 방송 서비스 프레임워크 및 H.264/SVC 부호화 성능 평가)

  • Kim, Dae-Eun;Lee, Bum-Shik;Kim, Mun-Churl;Kim, Byung-Sun;Hahm, Sang-Jin;Lee, Keun-Sik
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.640-658
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    • 2012
  • One of the existing terrestrial multi-channel DTV service frameworks, called KoreaView, provides four programs, composed of MPEG-2 based one HD video and H.264/AVC based three SD videos within one single 6MHz frequency bandwidth. However the additional 3 SD videos can not provide enough quality due to its reduced spatial resolution and low target bitrates. In this paper, we propose a framework, which is called a terrestrial multi-channel high quality hybrid DTV service, to overcome such a weakness of KoreaView services. In the proposed framework, the three additional SD videos are encoded based on an H.264/SVC Spatial Base layer, which is compliant with H.264/AVC, and are delivered via broadcasting networks. On the other hand, and the corresponding three additional HD videos are encoded based on an H.264/SVC Spatial Enhancement layer, which are transmitted over broadband networks such as Internet, thus allowing the three additional videos for users with better quality of experience. In order to verify the effectiveness of the proposed framework, various experimental results are provided for real video contents being used for DTV services. First, the experimental results show that, when the SD sequences are encoded by the H.264/SVC Spatial Base layer at a target bitrate of 1.5Mbps, the resulting PSNR values are ranged from 34.5dB to 42.9dB, which is a sufficient level of service quality. Also it is noted that 690kbps-8,200kbps are needed for the HD test sequences when they are encoded in the H.264/SVC Spatial Enhancement layer at similar PSNR values for the same HD sequences encoded by MPEG-2 at a target bitrate of 12 Mbps.

Changes in Spatial Resolution at Position of the Detector in Digital Mammography System (디지털 엑스선유방촬영장치에서 검출기 위치에 따른 공간분해능의 변화)

  • Kim, Hye-Min;Chon, Kwon Su
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.215-222
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    • 2016
  • X-ray mammography is the most effective method for the diagnosis of calcified lesions of various breast diseases. To reduce patient dose and to obtain optimal image required for diagnosis, the performance of the mammography system should be maintained continuously. Because the target (anode) angle of the X-ray tube is measured from the central X-ray, the effective angle can be slightly different in view of the position on the detector, which can result in degrading spatial resolution of the imaging within the field of view. In this study, we measured the MTF to examine spatial resolution for positions on the detector in the digital mammography system. For a tungsten wire of $50{\mu}m$ diameter, the highest spatial frequency was obtained. It meant that a wire diameter for measuring MTF through LSF should be small compared to the pixel size of the detector used in the mammography system. The spatial resolution showed slightly different performance according to positions on the detector. The center position gave the best spatial resolution and positions away from the center showed the degraded performance although the difference of the spatial resolution was small. The effective focal spot size of the full width at half maximum also showed similar result. It concluded that the slightly increase of the effective focal spot size gave the degradation of the spatial resolution for positions on the detector.

Operation Technique of Spatial Data Change Recognition Data per File (파일 단위 공간데이터 변경 인식 데이터 운영 기법)

  • LEE, Bong-Jun
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.184-193
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    • 2021
  • The system for managing spatial data updates the existing information by extracting only the information that is different from the existing information for the newly obtained spatial information file to update the stored information. In order to extract only objects that have changed from existing information, it is necessary to compare whether there is any difference from existing information for all objects included in the newly obtained spatial information file. This study was conducted to improve this total inspection method in a situation where the amount of spatial information that is frequently updated increases and data update is required at the national level. In this study, before inspecting individual objects in a new acquisition space information file, a method of determining whether individual space objects have been changed only by the information in the file was considered. Spatial data files have structured data characteristics different from general image or text document files, so it is possible to determine whether to change the file unit in a simpler way compared to the existing method of creating and managing file hash. By reducing the number of target files that require full inspection, it is expected to improve the use of resources in the system by saving the overall data quality inspection time and saving data extraction time.

Spatial Factors' Analysis of Affecting on Automated Driving Safety Using Spatial Information Analysis Based on Level 4 ODD Elements (Level 4 자율주행서비스 ODD 구성요소 기반 공간정보분석을 통한 자율주행의 안전성에 영향을 미치는 공간적 요인 분석)

  • Tagyoung Kim;Jooyoung Maeng;Kyeong-Pyo Kang;SangHoon Bae
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.182-199
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    • 2023
  • Since 2021, government departments have been promoting Automated Driving Technology Development and Innovation Project as national research and development(R&D) project. The automated vehicles and service technologies developed as part of these projects are planned to be subsequently provided to the public at the selected Living Lab City. Therefore, it is important to determine a spatial area and operation section that enables safe and stable automated driving, depending on the purpose and characteristics of the target service. In this study, the static Operational Design Domain(ODD) elements for Level 4 automated driving services were reclassified by reviewing previously published papers and related literature surveys and investigating field data. Spatial analysis techniques were used to consider the reclassified ODD elements for level 4 in the real area of level 3 automated driving services because it is important to reflect the spatial factors affecting safety related to real automated driving technologies and services. Consequently, a total of six driving mode changes(disengagement) were derived through spatial information analysis techniques, and the factors affecting the safety of automated driving were crosswalk, traffic light, intersection, bicycle road, pocket lane, caution sign, and median strip. This spatial factor analysis method is expected to be useful for determining special areas for the automated driving service.

GIS-based Data-driven Geological Data Integration using Fuzzy Logic: Theory and Application (퍼지 이론을 이용한 GIS기반 자료유도형 지질자료 통합의 이론과 응용)

  • ;;Chang-Jo F. Chung
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.243-255
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    • 2003
  • The mathematical models for GIS-based spatial data integration have been developed for geological applications such as mineral potential mapping or landslide susceptibility analysis. Among various models, the effectiveness of fuzzy logic based integration of multiple sets of geological data is investigated and discussed. Unlike a traditional target-driven fuzzy integration approach, we propose a data-driven approach that is derived from statistical relationships between the integration target and related spatial geological data. The proposed approach consists of four analytical steps; data representation, fuzzy combination, defuzzification and validation. For data representation, the fuzzy membership functions based on the likelihood ratio functions are proposed. To integrate them, the fuzzy inference network is designed that can combine a variety of different fuzzy operators. Defuzzification is carried out to effectively visualize the relative possibility levels from the integrated results. Finally, a validation approach based on the spatial partitioning of integration targets is proposed to quantitatively compare various fuzzy integration maps and obtain a meaningful interpretation with respect to future events. The effectiveness and some suggestions of the schemes proposed here are illustrated by describing a case study for landslide susceptibility analysis. The case study demonstrates that the proposed schemes can effectively identify areas that are susceptible to landslides and ${\gamma}$ operator shows the better prediction power than the results using max and min operators from the validation procedure.

A Development of a Seismic Vulnerability Model and Spatial Analysis for Buildings (건물에 대한 지진취약도 모델링 및 공간 분석)

  • Kim, Sang-Bin;Kim, Seong-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.11 no.10
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    • pp.9-18
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to suggest a method of predicting seismic vulnerability and safety conditions of each building in a targeted area. The scope of this study includes 'developing a simulation model for precaution activities,' 'testing the validity of the developed model', From the facility point of view, target of this study is a local building system. According to the literature review, the number of earthquake prediction modeling and cases with GIS applied is extremely few and the results are not proficient. This study is conducted as a way to improve the previous researches. Statistic analyses are conducted using 348 domestic and international data. Finally, as a result of the series of statistical analyses, an adequate model is developed using optimization scale method. The ratio of correct expectation is estimated as 87%. In order to apply the developed model to predict the vulnerability of the several chosen local building systems, spatial analysis technique is applied. Gangnam-gu and Jongro-gu are selected as the target areas to represent the characteristics of the old and the new downtown in Seoul. As a result of the analysis, it is discovered that buildings in Gangnam-gu are relatively more dangerous comparing to those of Jongro-gu and Eunpyeong-gu.

Selection and Application of Multipurpose Farmland Sites Using the Farm Manager Registration Records and Spatial Data (농업경영체 등록정보와 공간정보를 활용한 농지범용화 사업 대상지 선정 방안 개발 및 적용)

  • Na, Ra;Joo, Donghyuk;Kim, Hayoung;Yoo, Seung-Hwan;Kwak, Yeong-cheol;Kim, Jeonghoon;Yi, Hyangmi;Cho, Eun Jung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.17-26
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    • 2022
  • It is necessary to prepare a stable production base in advance for a change in the global grain market, and it is required to prepare comprehensive countermeasures such as securing technical skills and cultivation technology. Therefore, Korea, which relies on imports of major grains other than rice, could be exposed to a food crisis at any time unless the self-sufficiency rate of grains is improved. In order to respond to this new food crisis, it is necessary to find ways to efficiently utilize rice fields to increase the domestic grain self-sufficiency rate. From this point of view, interest and demand for the generalization of farmland that can be used as paddy fields and returned to paddy fields are increasing, and related research is also being continuously performed. In order to select a multipurpose farmland project site, this study extracted farmland containing 10% or more purchased and stockpiled farmland through spatial analysis (buffer, dissolve, intersect, etc.), and finally presented areas subject to multipurpose farmland projects. The target site for the multipurpose farmland project was finally selected by integrating data onto a point-by-point basis so that the current status of farmland purchased and stockpiled, Farm Manager Registration Records, and the Korean Soil Information System data (drainage classes, surface soil texture, field-suitability classification, etc.) can be used in combination. There are 175 areas where the multipurpose farmland is possible. Incheon 2, Gyeongbuk 40, Gangwon 2, Chungbuk 7, Chungnam 48, Jeonbuk 34, Jeonnam 19, Gyeongbuk 15, Gyeongnam 8. Chungcheongnam-do has the most target site for the multipurpose farmland project, and Gangwon-do is the least. It is expected to contribute to new commercialization and business expansion by deriving business areas by identifying the scale of the farmland multipurpose farmland project using Farm Manger Registration Records and spatial data.

Accuracy in target localization in stereotactic radiosurgery using diagnostic machines (정위적 방사선수술시 진단장비를 이용한 종양위치결정의 정확도 평가)

  • 최동락
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.3-7
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    • 1996
  • The accuracy in target localization of CT, MR, and digital angiography were investigated for stereotactic radiosurgery. The images using CT and MR were obtained out of geometrical phantom which was designed to produce exact coordinates of several points within a 0.lmm error range. The slice interval was 3mm and FOV was 35cm for CT and 28cm for MR. These images were transferred to treatment planning computer using TCP/IP in forms of GE format. Measured 3-D coordinates of these images from planning computer were compared to known values by geometrical phantom. Anterior-posterior and lateral films were taken by digital angiography for measurement of spatial accuracy. Target localization errors were 1.2${\pm}$0.5mm with CT images, 1.7${\pm}$0.4mm with MR-coronal images, and 2.1${\pm}$0.7mm with MR-sagittal images. But, in case of MR-axial images, the target localization error was 4.7${\pm}$0.9mm. Finally, the target localization error of digital angiography was 0.9${\pm}$0.4mm. The accuracy of diagnostic machines such as CT, MR, and angiography depended on their resolutions and distortions. The target localization error mainly depended on the resolution due to slice interval with CT and the image distortion as well as the resolution with MR However, in case of digital angiography, the target localization error was closely related to the distortion of fiducial markers. The results of our study should be considered when PTV (Planning Target Volume) was determined.

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