• Title/Summary/Keyword: Spatial extent

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Analysis of Forest Fire Damage Areas Using Spectral Reflectance of the Vegetation (식생의 분광 반사특성을 이용한 산불 피해지 분석)

  • Choi, Seung-Pil;Kim, Dong-Hee;Ryutaro, Tateishi
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.14 no.2 s.36
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    • pp.89-94
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    • 2006
  • Forest damage is a worldwide issue and specially, a forest fire involves damage to itself and causes secondary damage such as a flood etc. However, actually, clear analysis on forest fire damage can be hardly conducted due to difficulty in approaching a forest fire and quite a long period of time for analysis. To overcome such difficulty, recently, forest fire damage has been actively investigated with satellite image data, but it is also difficult to obtain satellite image data fitted to the time a forest fire occurred. In addition, it is burdensome to verify accuracy of the obtained image. Therefore, this study was attempted to look into the damaged districts from forest fires by reference to spectroradiometric characteristics of the obtained vegetation with a spectroradiometer as preliminary work to use satellite image data. To begin with, the researcher analyzed the field survey data each measured 3 months and 6 months after occurrence of a forest fire by judging the extent of the damage through visual observation and using a spectroradiometer in order to investigate any potential errors arising out of one-time visual observation. Besides, in this study, groups showing possibilities that trees might be restored to life and wither to death could be classified on the sampling points where forest fire damage is minor.

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National Disaster Management, Investigation, and Analysis Using RS/GIS Data Fusion (RS/GIS 자료융합을 통한 국가 재난관리 및 조사·분석)

  • Seongsam Kim;Jaewook Suk;Dalgeun Lee;Junwoo Lee
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.39 no.5_2
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    • pp.743-754
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    • 2023
  • The global occurrence of myriad natural disasters and incidents, catalyzed by climate change and extreme meteorological conditions, has engendered substantial human and material losses. International organizations such as the International Charter have established an enduring collaborative framework for real-time coordination to provide high-resolution satellite imagery and geospatial information. These resources are instrumental in the management of large-scale disaster scenarios and the expeditious execution of recovery operations. At the national level, the operational deployment of advanced National Earth Observation Satellites, controlled by National Geographic Information Institute, has not only catalyzed the advancement of geospatial data but has also contributed to the provisioning of damage analysis data for significant domestic and international disaster events. This special edition of the National Disaster Management Research Institute delineates the contemporary landscape of major disaster incidents in the year 2023 and elucidates the strategic blueprint of the government's national disaster safety system reform. Additionally, it encapsulates the most recent research accomplishments in the domains of artificial satellite systems, information and communication technology, and spatial information utilization, which are paramount in the institution's disaster situation management and analysis efforts. Furthermore, the publication encompasses the most recent research findings relevant to data collection, processing, and analysis pertaining to disaster cause and damage extent. These findings are especially pertinent to the institute's on-site investigation initiatives and are informed by cutting-edge technologies, including drone-based mapping and LiDAR observation, as evidenced by a case study involving the 2023 landslide damage resulting from concentrated heavy rainfall.

Effect of Treatment with Docosahexaenoic Acid into N-3 Fatty Acid Deficient and Adequate Diets on Rat Brain and Liver Fatty Acid Composition (필수 지방산 조성이 다른 식이의 docosahexaenoic acid 투여가 흰쥐 뇌 및 간의 지방산 조성에 미치는 영향)

  • Lim, Sun-Young
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.19 no.10
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    • pp.1417-1423
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    • 2009
  • Previous studies have suggested that docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) supplementation into n-3 fatty acid deficient diet improved spatial learning performance, but there was no significant difference in brain related function when DHA was added into a n-3 fatty acid adequate diet. Here, we investigated the effect of adding DHA into an n-3 fatty acid deficient or adequate diet on brain and liver fatty acid composition. On the second day after conception, Sprague Dawley strain dams were divided into four groups as follows; n-3 fatty acid deficient (Def), n-3 fatty acid deficient plus DHA (Def+DHA, 10.2% DHA), n-3 fatty acid adequate (Adq, 3.4% linolenic acid), and n-3 fatty acid adequate plus DHA (Adq+DHA, 3.31% linolenic acid plus 9.65% DHA). After weaning, male pups were fed on the same diets of their respective dams until adulthood. In brain fatty acid composition, the Def group showed a lower brain DHA (64% decrease), which was largely compensated for by an increase in docosapentaenoic acid (22:5n-6). Brain DHA in the Def+DHA group was increased to almost the same extent as in the Adq and Adq+DHA groups and there were no significant differences among them. Liver fatty acid composition showed a similar pattern to that of the brain, but liver DHA in the Def+DHA showed the highest percentage among the diet groups. In conclusion, n-3 fatty acid deficiency from gestation to adulthood leads to decreased brain DHA, which has been shown to be highly associated with poor spatial leaning performance. Thus, adequate brain DHA levels are required for optimal nervous function.

Comparison of Forest Carbon Stocks Estimation Methods Using Forest Type Map and Landsat TM Satellite Imagery (임상도와 Landsat TM 위성영상을 이용한 산림탄소저장량 추정 방법 비교 연구)

  • Kim, Kyoung-Min;Lee, Jung-Bin;Jung, Jaehoon
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.449-459
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    • 2015
  • The conventional National Forest Inventory(NFI)-based forest carbon stock estimation method is suitable for national-scale estimation, but is not for regional-scale estimation due to the lack of NFI plots. In this study, for the purpose of regional-scale carbon stock estimation, we created grid-based forest carbon stock maps using spatial ancillary data and two types of up-scaling methods. Chungnam province was chosen to represent the study area and for which the $5^{th}$ NFI (2006~2009) data was collected. The first method (method 1) selects forest type map as ancillary data and uses regression model for forest carbon stock estimation, whereas the second method (method 2) uses satellite imagery and k-Nearest Neighbor(k-NN) algorithm. Additionally, in order to consider uncertainty effects, the final AGB carbon stock maps were generated by performing 200 iterative processes with Monte Carlo simulation. As a result, compared to the NFI-based estimation(21,136,911 tonC), the total carbon stock was over-estimated by method 1(22,948,151 tonC), but was under-estimated by method 2(19,750,315 tonC). In the paired T-test with 186 independent data, the average carbon stock estimation by the NFI-based method was statistically different from method2(p<0.01), but was not different from method1(p>0.01). In particular, by means of Monte Carlo simulation, it was found that the smoothing effect of k-NN algorithm and mis-registration error between NFI plots and satellite image can lead to large uncertainty in carbon stock estimation. Although method 1 was found suitable for carbon stock estimation of forest stands that feature heterogeneous trees in Korea, satellite-based method is still in demand to provide periodic estimates of un-investigated, large forest area. In these respects, future work will focus on spatial and temporal extent of study area and robust carbon stock estimation with various satellite images and estimation methods.

Using Synoptic Data to Predict Air Temperature within Rice Canopies across Geographic Areas (종관자료를 이용한 벼 재배지대별 군락 내 기온 예측)

  • 윤영관;윤진일
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.3 no.4
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    • pp.199-205
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    • 2001
  • This study was conducted to figure out temperature profiles of a partially developed paddy rice canopy, which are necessary to run plant disease forecasting models. Air temperature over and within the developing rice canopy was monitored from one month after transplanting (June 29) to just before heading (August 24) in 1999 and 2001. During the study period, the temporal march of the within-canopy profile was analyzed and an empirical formula was developed for simulating the profile. A partially developed rice canopy temperature seemed to be controlled mainly by the ambient temperature above the canopy and the water temperature beneath the canopy, and to some extent by the solar altitude, resulting in alternating isothermal and inversion structures. On sunny days, air temperature at the height of maximum leafages was increased at the same rate as the ambient temperature above the canopy after sunrise. Below the height, the temperature increase was delayed until the solar noon. Air temperature near the water surface varied much less than those of the outer- and the upper-canopy, which kept increasing by the time of daily maximum temperature observed at the nearby synoptic station. After sunset, cooling rate is much less at the lower canopy, resulting in an isothermal profile at around the midnight. A fairly consistent drop in temperature at rice paddies compared with the nearby synoptic weather stations across geographic areas and time of day was found. According to this result, a cooling by 0.6 to 1.2$^{\circ}C$ is expected over paddy rice fields compared with the officially reported temperature during the summer months. An empirical equation for simulating the temperature profile was formulated from the field observations. Given the temperature estimates at 150 cm above the canopy and the maximum deviation at the lowest layer, air temperature at any height within the canopy can be predicted by this equation. As an application, temperature surfaces at several heights within rice fields were produced over the southwestern plains in Korea at a 1 km by 1km grid spacing, where rice paddies were identified by a satellite image analysis. The outer canopy temperature was prepared by a lapse rate corrected spatial interpolation of the synoptic temperature observations combined with the hourly cooling rate over the rice paddies.

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The Method for Real-time Complex Event Detection of Unstructured Big data (비정형 빅데이터의 실시간 복합 이벤트 탐지를 위한 기법)

  • Lee, Jun Heui;Baek, Sung Ha;Lee, Soon Jo;Bae, Hae Young
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.99-109
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    • 2012
  • Recently, due to the growth of social media and spread of smart-phone, the amount of data has considerably increased by full use of SNS (Social Network Service). According to it, the Big Data concept is come up and many researchers are seeking solutions to make the best use of big data. To maximize the creative value of the big data held by many companies, it is required to combine them with existing data. The physical and theoretical storage structures of data sources are so different that a system which can integrate and manage them is needed. In order to process big data, MapReduce is developed as a system which has advantages over processing data fast by distributed processing. However, it is difficult to construct and store a system for all key words. Due to the process of storage and search, it is to some extent difficult to do real-time processing. And it makes extra expenses to process complex event without structure of processing different data. In order to solve this problem, the existing Complex Event Processing System is supposed to be used. When it comes to complex event processing system, it gets data from different sources and combines them with each other to make it possible to do complex event processing that is useful for real-time processing specially in stream data. Nevertheless, unstructured data based on text of SNS and internet articles is managed as text type and there is a need to compare strings every time the query processing should be done. And it results in poor performance. Therefore, we try to make it possible to manage unstructured data and do query process fast in complex event processing system. And we extend the data complex function for giving theoretical schema of string. It is completed by changing the string key word into integer type with filtering which uses keyword set. In addition, by using the Complex Event Processing System and processing stream data at real-time of in-memory, we try to reduce the time of reading the query processing after it is stored in the disk.

Studies on the Investigation into Original Form of Natural Monument No.404 Orijangnim in Jacheon-ri, Yeongcheon (천연기념물 제404호 영천 자천리 오리장림의 원형 규명)

  • Lim, Won-Hyeon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.83-94
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to offer basic data about prototype conservation of the Orijangnim, natural monument No. 404. For this study, March to August 2010, was a literature surveys and field research, and based on this, the Delphi survey of local residents and experts meeting were diagnosed with forest back ground, spatial extent, in the form of forests, flora and vegetation of the surrounding area, so examined closely the original form. Range of the Orijangnim was presumed from Jacheon middle school entrance($N36^{\circ}05^{\prime}59.9^{{\prime}{\prime}}/E128^{\circ}54^{\prime}32.9^{{\prime}{\prime}}$) to Odong of Hwabukmyeon village entrance($N36^{\circ}05^{\prime}31.0^{{\prime}{\prime}}/E128^{\circ}54^{\prime}32.5^{{\prime}{\prime}}$). The Orijangnim in the original form of the existing forest surrounding the village along gohyeon river going back a long S-shaped about 2km is considered. The investigated vascular plants consist of total 198 taxa : 2 forms, 20 varieties, 179 species, 152 Genera, 72 Families. Most of the 60 kinds of large land plants lots of whole plants accounted for 33.3%. A main vegetation of the Orijangnim have been distributed 473 objects of 21 species, and evergreen conifers is 19% to 92 objects, on the other hand, deciduous broadleaf tree is 79% to 373 objects, so the Orijangnim can be maxed forest that deciduous broadleaf tree is dominant. When consider the composition purpose of forest, environment of location, tree size, surrounding flora and vegetation, because an original vegetation of Orijangnim is suggested Zelkova serrata, Salix glandulosa, Celtis sinensis Pers., Quercus variabilis, Quercus acutissima , Sophora japonica L., Cornus walteri Wanger. we must restore around such species of tree. Cedrus deodara (Roxb.) Loudon, Chaenomeles sinensis, Prunus yedoensis Matsum., Ginkgo biloba , Pinus thunbergii Parl., Populus tomentiglandulosa T. Lee is considered to have been planted in the last.

Relationship Analysis between Lineaments and Epicenters using Hotspot Analysis: The Case of Geochang Region, South Korea (핫스팟 분석을 통한 거창지역의 선구조선과 진앙의 상관관계 분석)

  • Jo, Hyun-Woo;Chi, Kwang-Hoon;Cha, Sungeun;Kim, Eunji;Lee, Woo-Kyun
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.33 no.5_1
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    • pp.469-480
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    • 2017
  • This study aims to understand the relationship between lineaments and epicenters in Geochang region, Gyungsangnam-do, South Korea. An instrumental observation of earthquakes has been started by Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) since 1978 and there were 6 earthquakes with magnitude ranging 2 to 2.5 in Geochang region from 1978 to 2016. Lineaments were extracted from LANDSAT 8 satellite image and shaded relief map displayed in 3-dimension using Digital Elevation Model (DEM). Then, lineament density was statistically examined by hotspot analysis. Hexagonal grids were generated to perform the analysis because hexagonal pattern expresses lineaments with less discontinuity than square girds, and the size of the grid was selected to minimize a variance of lineament density. Since hotspot analysis measures the extent of clustering with Z score, Z scores computed with lineaments' frequency ($L_f$), length ($L_d$), and intersection ($L_t$) were used to find lineament clusters in the density map. Furthermore, the Z scores were extracted from the epicenters and examined to see the relevance of each density elements to epicenters. As a result, 15 among 18 densities,recorded as 3 elements in 6 epicenters, were higher than 1.65 which is 95% of the standard normal distribution. This indicates that epicenters coincide with high density area. Especially, $L_f$ and $L_t$ had a significant relationship with epicenter, being located in upper 95% of the standard normal distribution, except for one epicenter in $L_t$. This study can be used to identify potential seismic zones by improving the accuracy of expressing lineaments' spatial distribution and analyzing relationship between lineament density and epicenter. However, additional studies in wider study area with more epicenters are recommended to promote the results.

An Quantitative Analysis of Severity Classification and Burn Severity for the Large Forest Fire Areas using Normalized Burn Ratio of Landsat Imagery (Landsat 영상으로부터 정규탄화지수 추출과 산불피해지역 및 피해강도의 정량적 분석)

  • Won, Myoung-Soo;Koo, Kyo-Sang;Lee, Myung-Bo
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.80-92
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    • 2007
  • Forest fire is the dominant large-scale disturbance mechanism in the Korean temperate forest, and it strongly influences forest structure and function. Moreover burn severity incorporates both short- and long-term post-fire effects on the local and regional environment. Burn severity is defined by the degree to which an ecosystem has changed owing to the fire. Vegetation rehabilitation may specifically vary according to burn severity after fire. To understand burn severity and process of vegetation rehabilitation at the damaged area after large-fire is required a lot of man powers and budgets. However the analysis of burn severity in the forest area using satellite imagery can acquire rapidly information and more objective results remotely in the large-fire area. Space and airbone sensors have been used to map area burned, assess characteristics of active fires, and characterize post-fire ecological effects. For classifying fire damaged area and analyzing burn severity of Samcheok fire area occurred in 2000, Cheongyang fire in 2002, and Yangyang fire in 2005 we utilized Normalized Burn Ratio(NBR) technique. The NBR is temporally differenced between pre- and post-fire datasets to determine the extent and degree of change detected from burning. In this paper we use pre- and post-fire imagery from the Landsat TM and ETM+ imagery to compute the NBR and evaluate large-scale patterns of burn severity at 30m spatial resolution. 65% in the Samcheok fire area, 91% in the Cheongyang fire area and 65% in the Yangyang fire area were corresponded to burn severity class above 'High'. Therefore the use of a remotely sensed Differenced Normalized Burn Ratio(${\Delta}NBR$) by RS and GIS allows for the burn severity to be quantified spatially by mapping damaged domain and burn severity across large-fire area.

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A Reappraisal of Rural Public Service Location: the Case of Postal Facilities (農村地域의 郵政施設 立地問題)

  • Huh, Woo-Kung
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 1996
  • This study examines the spatial characteristics of postal office patronage in rural areas. in the light of future possible relocation and closures of the postal facilities. Most of private services have flown out small rural central places due to the decrease of supporting population, and there consequently remain only a few public services including government-run post offices at the Myon seats, the lowest level among rural central places in Korea. The small local population and its further decline undermine the rationale for maintaining such public services in depleted rural areas. For the worse of it, the government recently plans to transform the postal system to a quasi-private, corporational structure. One can fear that the profit-seeking nature of the new postal corporation will inevitably force to close many of such small rural facilities. The study first analysed nation-wide censuses of postal offices for the years of 1986 and 1992. The postal services examined are per capita number of postal stamps and revenue stamps sold, and letters, parcels, telegrams and monetary transactions handled at the post offices. It is found that, while the usage of postal services has increased substantially throughout the nation during the period of 1986-1992, the increment has largely been occurred by urban post offices rather than by those in Gun seats (i.e., rural counties); and that the gap of the service levels between urban and rural post offices is ever widening. The study further examined the service differentials among the post offices within rural counties to find that those post offices adjacent to the county (Gun) seats and larger urban centers rendered less amount of services than remote rural post offices, indicating that rural residents tend to partonize larger centers more and more than local Myon seats. At the second stage of the study, questionnaire surveys were conducted in Muju, Kimpo, and Hongsung-Gun's. These three counties are meant to represent respectively the remote, suburban, and intermediary counties in Korea. The analyses of survey data reveal that the postal hinterlands of the county seats extend to much of nearby Myons, the subdivisions of a Gun. It is also found that the extent of postal hinterlands of the three counties and the magnitude of patronage and quite different from each other depending upon the topography, population density, and the propinquity of the counties to metropolitan centers. The findings suggest to reappraise the current flat allocation scheme of public facilites to each of rural subdivisions throughout the nation. A detailed analysis on the travel behavior of the survey respondents yields that age is the most salient variable to distinguish activity spaces of rural residents. The activity spaces of older respondents tend to be more limited within their Myon, whereas those of younger respondents extend across the Myon boundary, toward the central towns and even distant larger cities. The very existence of several activity spaces in rural areas calls for an attention in the future locational decisions of public facilities. The locational criteria, employed by the Ministry of Communication of Korean government to establish a post office, are the size of hinterland population and the distance from adjacent postal facilities. The present study findings suggest two additional criteria: the order in rural central place hierarchy and the propinquity to the upper-level centers of the central hierarchy. These old and new criteria are complementary each other in that the former criteria are employed to determine new office locations, whereas the latter are appropriate to determine facility relocation and closures.

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