• Title/Summary/Keyword: Spatial Interpolation

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Transformation Model of Vertical Datum between Land and Ocean Height System using the Precise Spirit Leveling Results (정밀수준측량 성과를 이용한 육상 및 해상 수직기준면 변환모델링)

  • Lee, Dong-Ha;Yun, Hong-Sic;Hwang, Jin Sang;Suh, Yong-Cheol
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.32 no.4D
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    • pp.407-419
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    • 2012
  • It is difficult to obtain the accurate and homogeneous height information over the whole Korea due to the effect of different vertical datums have been divided into land and sea part. In this study, we tried to unify the different vertical datums using the precise spirit leveling between TBM (tidal bench mark) and BM (bench mark) in order to solve the problems caused by different vertical datums. For this, the vertical datum offsets at observed points which were calculate from leveling results and then transformation model of vertical datum will be modelled using calculated offsets along the coastal line. For suggesting the precise modelling method to vertical datum transformation, we analyzed results from various interpolation methods such as Spline and LSC method. As the results from analysis, the LSC method combined with 4-parameters trend model is more suitable for modelling the offsets between vertical datums. The final transformation model of vertical datum using the combination of LSC and 4-parameter model which provides the transformation accuracies of ${\pm}10.4cm{\sim}14.8cm$ level. And, the software for vertical datum transformation that was also developed using the final model in order to convert the height information included in various spatial data effectively. Therefore, the transformation model between vertical datums of land and sea part, which is developed in this study, is expected to minimize the confusion caused by mismatch of height information in the use of spatial data, and it also can be minimize economic and time losses in various application fields such as coastal development project, coastal disaster prevention, etc.

Spatial Rainfall Considering Elevation and Estimation of Rain Erosivity Factor R in Revised USLE Using 1 Minute Rainfall Data and Program Development (고도를 고려한 공간강우분포와 1분 강우자료를 이용한 RUSLE의 강우침식인자(R) 산정 및 프로그램 개발)

  • JUNG, Chung-Gil;JANG, Won-Jin;KIM, Seong-Joon
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.130-145
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    • 2016
  • Soil erosion processes are affected by weather factors, such as rainfall, temperature, wind, and humidity. Among these factors, rainfall directly influences soil erosion by breaking away soil particles. The kinetic energy of rainfall and water flow caused by rain entrains and transports soil particles downstream. Therefore, in order to estimate soil erosion, it is important to accurately determine the rainfall erosivity factor(R) in RUSLE(Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation). The objective of this study is to evaluate the average annual R using 14 years(2002~2015) of 1 minute rainfall data from 55 KMA(Korea Meteorological Administration) weather stations. The R results from 1 min rainfall were compared with previous R studies using 1 h rainfall data. The determination coefficients($R^2$) between R calculated using 1 min rainfall data and annual rainfall were 0.70-0.98. The estimation of 30 min rainfall intensity from 1 min rainfall data showed better $R^2$ results than results from 1 h rainfall data. For estimation of physical spatial rain erosivity(R), distribution of annual rainfall was estimated by IDW(Inverse Distance Weights) interpolation, taking elevation into consideration. Because of the computation burden, the R calculation process was programmed using the python GUI(Graphical User Interface) tool.

Enhancement of Spatial Resolution to Local Area for High Resolution Satellite Imagery (고해상도 위성영상을 위한 국소영역 공간해상도 향상 기법)

  • Kang, Ji-Yun;Kim, Ihn-Cheol;Kim, Jea-Hee;Park, Jong Won
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.50 no.4
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    • pp.137-143
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    • 2013
  • The high resolution satellite images are used in many fields such as weather observation, remote sensing, military facilities monitoring, cultural properties protection etc. Although satellite images are obtained in same satellite imaging system, the satellite images are degraded depending on the condition of hardware(optical device, satellite operation altitude, image sensor, etc.). Due to the fact that changing the hardware of satellite imaging system is impossible for resolution enhancement of these degraded satellite after launching a satellite, therefore the method of resolution enhancement with satellite images is necessary. In this paper the resolution is enhances by using a Super Resolution(SR) algorithm. The SR algorithm is an algorithm to enhance the resolution of an image by uniting many low resolution images, so an output image has higher resolution than using other interpolation methods. But It is difficult to obtain many images of the same area. Therefore, to solve this problem, we applied SR after by applying the affine and projection transform. As a results, we found that the images applied SR after affine and projection transform have higher resolution than the images only applied SR.

A Study on the Soil Contamination(Maps) Using the Handheld XRF and GIS in Abandoned Mining Areas (휴대용 XRF와 GIS를 이용한 폐광산 지역의 토양오염에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Hyeon-Gyu;Choi, Yo-Soon
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.195-206
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    • 2014
  • In this study, soil contamination maps related to Cu and Pb were created at the Busan abandoned mine in Korea using a handheld X-Ray Fluorescence(XRF) and Geographic Information Systems(GIS). Hydrological analysis was performed using the Digital Elevation Model(DEM) of the study area to identify the flow directions of surface runoff where pollutants can be dispersed from the soil contamination sources. 24 locations for measuring the soil contamination related to Cu and Pb were selected by considering the result of hydrological analysis. The results measured at the 24 locations using the handheld XRF showed that the highest value of Cu contamination is 8,255ppm and that of Pb is 2,146ppm. The field investigation data were entered into ArcGIS software, and then soil contamination maps regarding Cu and Pb with a 5m grid-spacing were created after performing spatial interpolations using the ordinary kriging method. As a result, we could know that high concentrations of Cu and Pb are presented at the waste and tailings dumps around the abandoned mine openings. This study also showed that the handheld XRF and GIS can be utilized to create soil contamination maps related to Cu and Pb in the field.

Spatial Estimation of the Site Index for Pinus densiplora using Kriging (크리깅을 이용한 소나무림 지위지수 공간분포 추정)

  • Kim, Kyoung-Min;Park, Key-Ho
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.102 no.4
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    • pp.467-476
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    • 2013
  • Site index information given from forest site map only exist in the sampled locations. In this study, site index for unsampled locations were estimated using kriging interpolation method which can interpolate values between point samples to generate a continuous surface. Site index of Pinus densiplora in Danyang area were calculated using Chapman-Richards model by plot unit. Then site index for unsampled locations were interpolated by theoretical variogram models and ordinary kriging. Also in order to assess parameter selection, cross-validation was performed by calculating mean error (ME), average standard error (ASE) and root mean square error (RMSE). In result, gaussian model was excluded because of the biggest relative nugget (37.40%). Then spherical model (16.80%) and exponential model (8.77%) were selected. Site index estimates of Pinus densiplora throughout the entire area in Danyang showed 4.39~19.53 based on exponential model, and 4.54~19.23 based on spherical model. By cross-validation, RMSE had almost no difference. But ME and ASE from spherical model were slightly lower than exponential model. Therefore site index prediction map from spherical model were finally selected. Average site index from site prediction map was 10.78. It can be expected that regional variance can be considered by site index prediction map in order to estimate forest biomass which has big spatial variance and eventually it is helpful to improve an accuracy of forest carbon estimation.

Development of Device Measuring Real-time Air Flow in Greenhouse (온실 공기유동 계측 시스템 개발)

  • Noh, Jae Seung;Kwon, Jinkyoung;Kim, Yu Yong
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.20-26
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    • 2018
  • This study was conducted to develop a device for measuring the air flow by space variation through monitoring program, which acquires data by each point from each environmental sensor located in the greenhouse. The distribution of environmental factors(air temperature, humidity, wind speed, etc.) in the greenhouse is arranged at 12 points according to the spatial variation and a large number of measurement points (36 points in total) on the X, Y and Z axes were selected. Considering data loss and various greenhouse conditions, a bit rate was at 125kbit/s at low speed, so that the number of sensors can be expanded to 90 within greenhouse with dimensions of 100m by 100m. Those system programmed using MATLAB and LabVIEW was conducted to measure distributions of the air flow along the greenhouse in real time. It was also visualized interpolated the spatial distribution in the greenhouse. In order to verify the accuracy of CFD modeling and to improve the accuracy, it will compare the environmental variation such as air temperature, humidity, wind speed and $CO_2$ concentration in the greenhouse.

A Study on the VLSI Design of Efficient Color Interpolation Technique Using Spatial Correlation for CCD/CMOS Image Sensor (화소 간 상관관계를 이용한 CCD/CMOS 이미지 센서용 색 보간 기법 및 VLSI 설계에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Won-Jae;Lee, Seong-Joo;Kim, Jae-Seok
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SD
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    • v.43 no.11 s.353
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    • pp.26-36
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    • 2006
  • In this paper, we propose a cost-effective color filter may (CFA) demosaicing method for digital still cameras in which a single CCD or CMOS image sensor is used. Since a CFA is adopted, we must interpolate missing color values in the red, green and blue channels at each pixel location. While most state-of-the-art algorithms invest a great deal of computational effort in the enhancement of the reconstructed image to overcome the color artifacts, we focus on eliminating the color artifacts with low computational complexity. Using spatial correlation of the adjacent pixels, the edge-directional information of the neighbor pixels is used for determining the edge direction of the current pixel. We apply our method to the state-of-the-art algorithms which use edge-directed methods to interpolate the missing color channels. The experiment results show that the proposed method enhances the demosaiced image qualify from $0.09{\sim}0.47dB$ in PSNR depending on the basis algorithm by removing most of the color artifacts. The proposed method was implemented and verified successfully using verilog HDL and FPGA. It was synthesized to gate-level circuits using 0.25um CMOS standard cell library. The total logic gate count is 12K, and five line memories are used.

Long-term Trend Analysis of Key Criteria Air Pollutants over Air Quality Control Regions in South Korea using Observation Data and Air Quality Simulation (관측자료와 대기질 모사를 이용한 주요 기준성 대기오염물질의 권역별 장기변화 분석)

  • Ju, Hyeji;Kim, Hyun Cheol;Kim, Byeong-Uk;Ghim, Young Sung;Shin, Hye Jung;Kim, Soontae
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.101-119
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    • 2018
  • In this study, we analyzed long-term measurements and air quality simulation results of four criteria air pollutants ($PM_{10}$, $O_3$, $NO_2$, and $SO_2$) for 10 years, from 2006 to 2015, with emphasis on trends of annual variabilities. With the observation data, we conducted spatial interpolation using the Kriging method to estimate spatial distribution of pollutant concentrations. We also performed air quality simulations using the CMAQ model to consider the nonlinearity of the secondary air pollutants such as $O_3$ and the influence of long-range transport. In addition, these simulations are used to deduce the effect of long-term meteorological variations on trends of air quality changes because we fixed the emissions inventory while changing meteorological inputs. The nation-wide inter-annual variability of modeled $PM_{10}$ concentrations was $-0.11{\mu}g/m^3/yr$, while that of observed concentrations was $-0.84{\mu}g/m^3/yr$. For the Seoul Metropolitan Area, the inter-annual variability of observed $PM_{10}$ concentrations was $-1.64{\mu}g/m^3/yr$ that is two times rapid improvement compared to other regions. On the other hand, the inter-annual variability of observed $O_3$ concentrations is 0.62 ppb/yr which is larger than the simulated result of 0.13 ppb/yr. Magnitudes of differences between the modeled and observed inter-annual variabilities indicated that decreasing trend of $PM_{10}$ and increasing trend of $O_3$ are more influenced by emissions and oxidation states than meteorological conditions. We also found similar patterns in $NO_2$. However, $NO_2$ trends showed greater regional and seasonal differences than other pollutants. The analytic approach used in this study can be applicable to estimate changes in factors determining air quality such as emissions, weather, and surrounding conditions over a long term. Then analysis results can be used as important data for air quality management planning and evaluation of the chronic impact of air quality.

Estimation of spatial evapotranspiration using Terra MODIS satellite image and SEBAL model in mixed forest and rice paddy area (SEBAL 모형과 Terra MODIS 영상을 이용한 혼효림, 논 지역에서의 공간증발산량 산정 연구)

  • Lee, Yong Gwan;Jung, Chung Gil;Ahn, So Ra;Kim, Seong Joon
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.49 no.3
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    • pp.227-239
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    • 2016
  • This study is to estimate Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land (SEBAL) daily spatial evapotranspiration (ET) comparing with eddy covariance flux tower ET in Seolmacheon mixed forest (SMK) and Cheongmicheon rice paddy (CFK). The SEBAL input data of Albedo, Land Surface Temperature (LST), Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) from Terra MODIS products and the meteorological data of wind speed, and solar radiation were prepared for 2 years (2012-2013). For the annual average flux tower ET of 302.8 mm in SMK and 482.0 mm in CFK, the SEBAL ETs were 183.3 mm and 371.5 mm respectively. The determination coefficients ($R^2$) of SEBAL ET versus flux tower ET for total periods were 0.54 in SMK and 0.79 in CFK respectively. The main reason of SEBAL ET underestimation for both sites was from the determination of hot pixel and cold pixel of the day and affected to the overestimation of sensible heat flux.

An Effective Error-Concealment Approach for Video Data Transmission over Internet (인터넷상의 비디오 데이타 전송에 효과적인 오류 은닉 기법)

  • 김진옥
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.8 no.6
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    • pp.736-745
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    • 2002
  • In network delivery of compressed video, packets may be lost if the channel is unreliable like Internet. Such losses tend to of cur in burst like continuous bit-stream error. In this paper, we propose an effective error-concealment approach to which an error resilient video encoding approach is applied against burst errors and which reduces a complexity of error concealment at the decoder using data hiding. To improve the performance of error concealment, a temporal and spatial error resilient video encoding approach at encoder is developed to be robust against burst errors. For spatial area of error concealment, block shuffling scheme is introduced to isolate erroneous blocks caused by packet losses. For temporal area of error concealment, we embed parity bits in content data for motion vectors between intra frames or continuous inter frames and recovery loss packet with it at decoder after transmission While error concealment is performed on error blocks of video data at decoder, it is computationally costly to interpolate error video block using neighboring information. So, in this paper, a set of feature are extracted at the encoder and embedded imperceptibly into the original media. If some part of the media data is damaged during transmission, the embedded features can be extracted and used for recovery of lost data with bi-direction interpolation. The use of data hiding leads to reduced complexity at the decoder. Experimental results suggest that our approach can achieve a reasonable quality for packet loss up to 30% over a wide range of video materials.