• Title/Summary/Keyword: Spatial Information Industry

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Constructing Forest Information Management System using GIS and Aerial Orthophoto (GIS와 항공정사사진을 이용한 산림정보 관리시스템 구축)

  • Kim, Joon-Bum;Jo, Myung-Hee;Kwon, Tae-Ho;Kim, In-Ho;Jo, Yun-Won;Shin, Dong-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.57-68
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    • 2004
  • Recently in order to more effectively and scientifically process forest official tasks, which have been focused on documents and inventories, they should be applied with the up-to-date spatial information technologies. Especially, the forest resource information management based on GIS(geographic information system) and aerial orthophoto is expected not only to play an important role as DSS(decision support system) for domestic forest conservation policy and forestry development industry but also to service forest resource information toward people such as the owners of a mountain rapidly. In this study, the important forest information such as digital topography map, digital forest type map, digital forest cadastral map, digital aerial photographs and attribute data were first reprocessed and constructed in DBMS(data base management system). In addition, forest officials could analyze and retrieve forest information by using detail sub-application systems such as forest cadastral retrieval, forest land development information management, reserved forest information management and forest resource information retrieval. For this, the user interface is developed by using Visual Basic 6.0 and MapObjects 2.1 of ESRI based on CBD(component based development) technology. The result of developing this system will not only perform constructing economical forest and better environment but also be the foundation of domestic spatial technology for forest resource management.

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Application of White Light Interferometery Method for the Measurement of Surface Micro-structure of Paper Products and Prints (백색광 주사간섭법을 이용한 표면미세형상 측정과 그 적용)

  • Sung Yong Joo;Ryu Jeong Yong;Song Bong Keun
    • Journal of Korea Technical Association of The Pulp and Paper Industry
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    • v.36 no.4 s.107
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    • pp.33-40
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    • 2004
  • A white light interferometery (WLI) method for investigating surface microstructure was introduced. Brief description of the principle of this method was provided. The surface structure of various samples, for example, a liner board paper, a pigment coated paper, a intaglio printed paper and a polymer laminated paper were tested and characterized with the WLI method. The data showed the WLI method provided very detailed information about surface topography, which were little affected by the surface condition such as color, opacity, roughness, etc. The data stitching mode of the WLI method could provide high spatial resolution over a large field-of-view, which made it possible to obtain the statistically valid results. Fast and high repeatability also made this method a promising way for investigating the surface micro-structure of paper products and prints.

A Study on the Stream and Reservoir Segmentation in Paldang Dam Basin in Kompsat-3A Image (Kompsat-3A 영상에서 팔당댐 유역의 하천과 저류지의 분할에 관한 연구)

  • You, Ho-Jin;Choi, Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.23 no.2_2
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    • pp.173-180
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    • 2020
  • In Korea, due to the rapid increase in population due to industrialization, rivers were developed and managed with a focus on the completion and dimension of rivers. Due to the rapid increase in river use, there are so many river facilities indiscriminately that the administrative and management tasks are complicated and diversified in computerizing facilities and hydrologic data. Many methods have been proposed to solve this problem, but many problems exist. Among them, water has the same spectral characteristics, so it is difficult to subdivide into rivers, reservoirs, and dams. Therefore, this study subdivided the water system using supervised classification and GIS in order to efficiently manage the water resources by classifying the water system with the same spectral characteristics. In order to analyze the accuracy of the results, the accuracy of the objects classified using land cover map provided by environmental spatial information service was evaluated, and the result was an average of 91.75%, with 97.50% of rivers, 87.76% of reservoirs, and 90.00% of others.

Economies of Scale in the Sewerage Treatment Sectors of Cheonla Province Area (전라남북도 하수처리시설 운영에 대한 규모의 경제성 분석)

  • Kim, Kyunghag;Yoo, Seung-Hoon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Water and Wastewater
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.11-20
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    • 2013
  • This Study includes the information of integrated discussion and economies of scale on local governments' sewerage treatment plant through translog function based on the reality reports of sewerage treatment plant operation published by Ministry of Environment and sewerage statistics data from 2005 to 2010. Based on analysis results from the data of 35 local governments in Jeollanamdo and Jeollabukdo, which are selected as pilot project areas of sewerage facility integration by Ministry of Environment and have low percent of sewered population, it shows the existence of economies of scale. The economies of scale on sewerage treatment show the loss of approximately 22,211 thousand ton/day in sewage treatment, it is 1.7 times compared to the average treatment amount of 35 local governments as of 2010. It means the economies of scale can be achieved by lowering operation cost along with large scale integration in installation, operation and maintenance due to the features of sewerage industry as one of network industry.

A Study on the Best Applicationsof Infra-Red(IR) Sensors Mounted on the Unmanned Aerial Vehicles(UAV) in Agricultural Crops Field (무인기 탑재 열화상(IR) 센서의 농작물 대상 최적 활용 방안 연구)

  • Ho-Woong Shon;Tae-Hoon Kim;Hee-Woo Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.26 no.6_2
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    • pp.1073-1082
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    • 2023
  • Thermal sensors, also called thermal infrared wavelength sensors, measure temperature based on the intensity of infrared signals that reach the sensor. The infrared signals recognized by the sensor include infrared wavelength(0.7~3.0㎛) and radiant infrared wavelength(3.0~100㎛). Infrared(IR) wavelengths are divided into five bands: near infrared(NIR), shortwave infrared(SWIR), midwave infrared(MWIR), longwave infrared(LWIR), and far infrared(FIR). Most thermal sensors use the LWIR to capture images. Thermal sensors measure the temperature of the target in a non-contact manner, and the data can be affected by the sensor's viewing angle between the target and the sensor, the amount of atmospheric water vapor (humidity), air temperature, and ground conditions. In this study, the characteristics of three thermal imaging sensor models that are widely used for observation using unmanned aerial vehicles were evaluated, and the optimal application field was determined.

Application of Decision Tree Algorithm for Automating Public Survey Performance Review (공공측량 성과심사 자동화를 위한 결정트리 알고리즘의 적용)

  • Mi-Jin Hyeon;Cheol Jin;Myung-Jin Park;Hyun Choi
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.27 no.2_2
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    • pp.333-341
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    • 2024
  • The current public survey performance review extracts samples according to the set screening ratio, and examines the extracted samples to determine the suitability or inadequacy of the survey performance. The examiner directly judges the survey performance submitted by the performer, and extracts it in consideration of various field conditions and topography for each subject. However, it is necessary to secure fairness in the examination as it is extracted with different extraction methods for each subject and the judgment of the examiner. Accordingly, in order to automate sampling for public survey performance review, the detailed sampling criteria of the reviewer were investigated to prepare a volume calculation table, and the automation of sampling using Python was studied. In addition, by reviewing items that can and cannot be automated, the application of the automated decision tree algorithm of sampling was reviewed.

Development and Performance Validation of Underwater Propulsion Systems: A Case Study of Waterjet Diver Propulsion Device (수중 추진 시스템의 개발 및 성능 검증: 워터젯 다이버 추진체의 사례 연구)

  • Sang-Hee Lee;Do-Han Kim;Sung-Bo Kim
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.1303-1317
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    • 2024
  • The development of high-performance underwater propulsion devices has gained importance with the expansion of recreational and industrial diving applications. This study aims to develop and validate a waterjet-type diver propulsion system capable of achieving a top speed of 3.8 knots and an operational time of over 120 minutes. Utilizing advanced modeling and simulation techniques, the design focuses on minimizing hydrodynamic resistance and optimizing buoyancy. Structural and fluid dynamic analyses were conducted to ensure the device's stability and performance under 20 atm pressure at a depth of 200 meters. The propulsion system employs a sensorless BLDC motor and a 36V lithium-ion battery pack to enhance efficiency and reliability. Field tests confirmed an average speed of 3.88 knots and a continuous operation time of 150 minutes, exceeding the initial targets. This research demonstrates significant advancements in diver propulsion technology, providing valuable insights for future underwater equipment development. The outcomes are poised to enhance the safety, efficiency, and usability of diver propulsion devices, with broader applications in marine research, environmental monitoring, and resource exploration.

A Study on the regional cluster of munition industry by Social Network Analysis (사회연결망분석을 통한 군수품 산업의 지역별 클러스터 관계에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Dongsoo;Kim, JeongHwan;Lee, Donghun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.10
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    • pp.386-393
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    • 2018
  • The Korean military supplies industry tends to become limited in terms of its development to specific areas in line with strategic promotion policies of the local private direct industrial site. However, the relation between base and small cluster is getting lower of the local industrial site. In this study, information related to authorized test reports for munitions was collected through the military quality information system and subjected to social network analysis(SNA). SNA was performed through the relationships among defense quality assurance agencies, test institutions, contracts and cooperative firms through UCINET's Two-Mode Network. In the field of weapon systems, the median technology industry, and the test analysis dependent are high in Seoul, so the analysis revealed that strengthening the infrastructure for test analysis is needed. Also, it was deemed necessary for government-driven political support. Besides, the field support system was efficiently utilizing a relatively local test analysis. It was analyzed that they are overcoming the regional boundaries of small clusters by strategically changing their contract and cooperative firms' status. The research found some spatial inconsistencies between base and small clusters in the military supplies industry, and it was judged that a political suggestion was needed.

Locational Characteristics of Venture Industry in the Chungbuk Region (충북지역 벤처산업의 입지적 특성)

  • 김학훈
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.49-68
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    • 2002
  • Recently, the venture industry in Korea has grown so rapidly because of the economic restructuring and the governmental inducement policies. This study first attempts to investigate the governmental policies for venture business development. Secondly, this study probes into the characteristics and the locational conditions of the venture business in the Chungbuk region. Lastly, this study tries to formulate the policies to develop the venture industry in the Chungbuk region. This study finds that the governmental inducement policies for venture business are various and extensive. From the cross-sectional and spatial-distributional analyses of venture business statistics for the Chungbuk region, it is found that the most venture businesses in the Chungbuk region are concentrated in the manufacturing sector rather than the information technology sector and they are geographically concentrated around the Joongbu expressway. Since the vicinity of the Joongbu expressway provides fast access to the capital region and cheap land, many manufacturing firms have moved from the capital region to that area in the Chungbuk region.

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Analysis of Changes in Land Use of Hills Using Time Series Data (시계열 자료를 활용한 야산의 토지이용 변화 분석)

  • Park, Jong-Chul;Kim, Man-Kyu
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.102-118
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    • 2010
  • Since hills are transitional area between plains and mountains, they are always under pressure to be developed. In the past, hills were recognized as areas that can be developed easily, but in the present they should be considered and preserved as forest resources. So far, little research has been done regarding cultivation status and transitional procedure. This study attempts to quantify changes in land use using time series data. To do so, this study has created a land use map for 1915, 1972, 2002 and 2006, and conducted a spatial analysis based on GIS. The research areas(the total size of the hills are 3,034 ha) are located in Chungcheongnam-do of South Korea. The size of the forest area of the hills in the research zone has decreased by 50% during the period of 1915 to 2006. The size of the reduced forest area after 2002 is similar to size of the reduced area that had taken place for the last 30 years before 2002. The reduction in forest area in the research area has led to increases in paddy field, upland field, artificial structures, and bare land. From 1915 to the late 1980s, hill development had been related to the primary industry and after the late 1980s, it has associated with the development of the secondary industry including industrial complex.