• Title/Summary/Keyword: Spatial Area-ratio

검색결과 424건 처리시간 1.028초

Evaluation for applicability of river depth measurement method depending on vegetation effect using drone-based spatial-temporal hyperspectral image (드론기반 시공간 초분광영상을 활용한 식생유무에 따른 하천 수심산정 기법 적용성 검토)

  • Gwon, Yeonghwa;Kim, Dongsu;You, Hojun
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • 제56권4호
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    • pp.235-243
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    • 2023
  • Due to the revision of the River Act and the enactment of the Act on the Investigation, Planning, and Management of Water Resources, a regular bed change survey has become mandatory and a system is being prepared such that local governments can manage water resources in a planned manner. Since the topography of a bed cannot be measured directly, it is indirectly measured via contact-type depth measurements such as level survey or using an echo sounder, which features a low spatial resolution and does not allow continuous surveying owing to constraints in data acquisition. Therefore, a depth measurement method using remote sensing-LiDAR or hyperspectral imaging-has recently been developed, which allows a wider area survey than the contact-type method as it acquires hyperspectral images from a lightweight hyperspectral sensor mounted on a frequently operating drone and by applying the optimal bandwidth ratio search algorithm to estimate the depth. In the existing hyperspectral remote sensing technique, specific physical quantities are analyzed after matching the hyperspectral image acquired by the drone's path to the image of a surface unit. Previous studies focus primarily on the application of this technology to measure the bathymetry of sandy rivers, whereas bed materials are rarely evaluated. In this study, the existing hyperspectral image-based water depth estimation technique is applied to rivers with vegetation, whereas spatio-temporal hyperspectral imaging and cross-sectional hyperspectral imaging are performed for two cases in the same area before and after vegetation is removed. The result shows that the water depth estimation in the absence of vegetation is more accurate, and in the presence of vegetation, the water depth is estimated by recognizing the height of vegetation as the bottom. In addition, highly accurate water depth estimation is achieved not only in conventional cross-sectional hyperspectral imaging, but also in spatio-temporal hyperspectral imaging. As such, the possibility of monitoring bed fluctuations (water depth fluctuation) using spatio-temporal hyperspectral imaging is confirmed.

Temporal Variations of Sea Water Environment and Nutrients in the East Coast of Korea in 2013~2017: Sokcho, Jukbyeon and Gampo Coastal Areas (2013~2017년 동해 연안의 해양환경과 영양염의 시간적 변동 : 속초, 죽변, 감포 연안)

  • Kwon, Kee-Young;Shim, Jeong Hee;Shim, Jeong-Min
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • 제25권4호
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    • pp.457-467
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    • 2019
  • To investigate the long-term variation characteristics of nutrients in the east coast of Korea, water temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, and nutrients were measured at three stations of Sokcho, Jukbyeon and Gampo coasts for five years from 2013 to 2017. For five years, the water temperature of the East Sea coast was in the range of $1.2{\sim}28.8^{\circ}C$, the salinity was in the range of 30.63~34.79 and the dissolved oxygen (DO) was in the range of 3.53~7.64 mL/L. Distribution and variation of the water environment factors in the study area were determined by the vertical stratification of water column and distribution of water temperature. The high DO concentration in Sokcho coast From 2015 to August 2016 is presumed to be the result of the southward inflow of North Korean Cold Water (NKCW). Concentrations of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN, $NH_4-N+NO_2-N+NO_3-N$) ranged $0.11{\sim}24.19{\mu}M$, phosphate concentration ranged $0.01{\sim}1.75{\mu}M$, and silicate ranged $0.17{\sim}32.80{\mu}M$. The N:P ratio was in the range of 0.7~54.3 (mean 15.2) and the N:P slope was in the range of 11.67~13.75. The N:P ratios in this study were lower than the Redfield ratio (16), indicating that nitrate did act as a limiting factor in phytoplankton growth. The correlation ($R^2$) of total N:P ratio was as high as 0.95, indicating that the effect of the surrounding land or non-point sources was not significant. In conclusion, the spatial and temporal variation of nutrients in the east coast of Korea was determined by the vertical mixing of water mass with thermocline and mainly affected by physical factors such as influx of external water masses and coastal upwelling, and the influences from inflows from the land were minimal.

Characterization of Dissolved Organic Matter in Stream and Industrial Waste Waters of Lake Sihwa Watershed by Fluorescence 3D-EEMs Analysis (형광 3D-EEMs를 이용한 시화호유역 하천 및 공단폐수의 유기물 특성 분석)

  • Lee, Mi-Kyung;Choi, Kwang-Soon;Kim, Sea-Won;Kim, Dong-Sup
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • 제31권9호
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    • pp.803-810
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    • 2009
  • This study is conducted to examine spatial variations of Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM) in stream and waste waters of the different watershed areas (agricultural, residential, and industrial complex area) by using fluorescence 3D-EEMs (3 Dimensional Excitation Emission Matrix Spectroscopy). Furthermore, the research investigates the changes of DOM characterization by synchronous and 3D-EEMs during a rainfall event. The characterizations of DOM obtained by 3D-EEMs show two noticeable peaks at humic and protein-like regions. Humic-like substances (HLS) are found in rural and urban areas, and humic and protein-like substances (PLS) are shown in industrial area. According to the fluorescence peak $T_1:C_1$ ratios, it is observed that high amount of HLS was discharged from Banweol Industrial Complex (3TG). Additionally, linear relationships (Regression rate, $r^2$=0.65, $r^2$=0.66) have been shown between PLS (peak $T_1,\;B_1$) and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), which indicates the impact of sewage. For the rainfall event (30 mm), no remarkable difference of DOM was found at rural area except increment of fluorescence intensity comparing dry period. In contrast, HLS at urban area is highly discharged within 30 minutes from the beginning of rainfall. Also, there are high influences of HLS and PLS within 20 minutes at industrial complex (4TG). Fluorescence 3D-EEMs has not only verifies a watershed of DOM origination but also monitors diffuse and point source impacts.

Vegetation Succession and Vegetation Management of the Pinus densiflora S. et Z. Forest in the Beopjusa Area, Songnisan National $Park^{1a}$ (속리산국립공원 법주사지구 소나무림 식생천이와 식생관리 연구)

  • Lee, Kyong-Jae;Ki, Kyong-Seok;Choi, Jin-Woo
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • 제23권2호
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    • pp.208-219
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    • 2009
  • This study is to establish a management method for conservation through comparison and analysis on vegetation structures of Pinus densiflora forest around Beopjusa area for past 17-year. The spatial range of the study was $3.6km^2$ from maintenance office to Beopjusa area. The analysis results of the actual vegetation showed that the ratio of vegetation were composed of 64.7% of Pinus densiflora forest, 3.2% of mixed forest of P. densiflora and deciduous broadleaf trees and 5.9% of deciduous broadleaf tree community out of overall area, 360ha. The type of P. densiflora forest were categorized into four communities; community having high potential of succession, community having low potential of it, the community being in the process of succession and community being in the process of natural selection. The succession tendency was in order of the community having low potential of succession(P. densiflora forest), having high potential of it(P. densiflora forest which is deciduous broadleaf trees are dominating in sub-canopy layer), being in the process of succession(P. densiflora-Prunus sargentii and P. densiflora-Quercus serrata community) and being in the process of natural selection(Q. serrata-P. densiflora and Q. aliena-P. densiflora community). In terms of vegetation management, P. densiflora forest having high potential of succession was needed to remove deciduous broadleaf trees in the sub-canopy layer and the community being in the process of succession was required to be pruning the branch in the canopy layer. Lastly, the community being in the process of natural selection was suggested to let it be in succession, since it is hard to be in the status of P. densiflora Forest.

Composting Method and Physicochemical Characteristics of By-products from Home Garden Plants and Small Herbivore Feces (옥수수 부산물과 토끼 분변의 이화학적 성분특성 및 퇴비 제조조건)

  • Kim, Dae-Gyun;Kim, Jin-Young;Lee, Won-Suk;Kim, Hye-Hyeong;Seo, Myung-Whoon;Park, In-Tae;Hyun, Junge;Yoo, Gayoung
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • 제27권6호
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    • pp.695-703
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    • 2018
  • This study was conducted to suggest a sustainable farming practice forresource recycling in vegetable gardens of North Korea. In North Korea, farmers are allowed to own private vegetable gardens less than $100m^2$. However, usage of fertilizers in private vegetable gardens is very limited due to economic sanctions by UN security council. If North and South Korea initiated the cooperative action in the near future, agricultural sector would be the highest priority cooperation area. Considering the current North Korean situation in agriculture, we would like to suggest a method for producing organic fertilizer manure. For raw materials for producing manure, we selected corn byproduct, which is the most abundant material, and rabbits' feces, which are easily obtained from individual private farms in North Korea. As we cannot get corn byproducts and rabbits' feces from North Korea, we prepared samples of corn byproducts and rabbits; feces from many places in South Korea. After statistical analysis of variance, there was no significant difference in the T-N contents of corn byproducts from Gyeonggi, Gangwon, Chungnam, Chungbuk, Jeollabuk and Gyeongsangnam-dos, which indicates that the fertilizing quality of corn byproducts does not vary significantly in the spatial scale of South. Korea. In this sense, if we use corn samples from Gyeonggi province, they would not be very different from those of North Korean regions. Physicochemical properties of rabbits' feces were different between those eating feed grains and those eating plants only. Hence, we used rabbits' feces of the rabbits from Yeonchun area, which were fed by plants only. Using three different mixing ratios of corn byproducts and rabbits' feces, composting was conducted for 60 days. The mixing ratio of 1:1 produced the manure with % T-N of 1.98% and OM/N ratio of 31.7 after 30 days of composting, which is comparable to the quality of commercial manure.

UAV Photogrammetry Accuracy Analysis at Marine Using Arbitrary Reference Points (임의의 기준점을 이용한 해상에서의 UAV 사진측량 정확도 분석)

  • Oh, Jae Hyun;Kim, Byung Woo;Hwang, Dae Young;Hong, Soon Heon
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • 제24권4호
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    • pp.39-45
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    • 2016
  • In this study, with arbitrary reference points on the water, photogrammetry accuracy analysis was conducted using unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV). A small reservoir is a research area, and twenty buoys were used as arbitrary reference points. Errors of location coordinate were identified with control of amounts of used reference points. cases are categorized by index scores per photos. Accuracy of X is 0.141m~0.166m and accuracy of Y is 0.136m~0.241m. Considering that allowable error for the maritime boundary survey is ${\pm}2m$, it is possible to get the accuracy data available for the photogrammetry of UAV using an reference point. In addition, the coefficient of correlation between the number of reference points per unit and number of buoys used as reference point and the ratio of the reference point per square measure, and percentage of buoys used as reference point and the coefficient of x and y were performed. Each element, x, and y showed a strong correlation and the coefficient of number of buoys used as reference point was irrelevant. The results of this correlation analysis can be analyzed that the number of reference points used in each picture is greater than the actual number of reference points used in location accuracy.

MODIS DSI for Evaluation of the Local Drought Events in Korea (우리나라의 지역 가뭄 평가를 위한 MODIS DSI 활용)

  • Park, Hye Sun;Um, Myoung-Jin;Kim, Jeong Bin;Kim, Yeonjoo
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • 제35권6호
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    • pp.1209-1218
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    • 2015
  • As the drought disasters are increased in the world, the need of study using satellite image data is on the rise. This study is conducted to analyze the drought in the region using satellite image, and to analyze the correlation with the standard precipitation index (SPI) and the actual drought cases. We selected Dongducheon and Taebaek region for domestic major drought (2001, 2008-2009). The correlation with the SPI and the observed water level data was analyzed using the $0.05^{\circ}$ spatial resolution and 8days MODIS DSI (Drought Severity Index). In Dongducheon, 6-months DSI has a correlation of 0.71 with the SPI (30). In Taebaek, the correlation between 6-months DSI and SPI (90) was a 0.40 and showed an average hit ratio of 65.7% in comparing with the observed water level of study area. In summary, this study showed a limited correlation between DSI based on satellite images and meteorological drought index SPI and confirmed the possibility of using DSI for the domestic study.

Understanding on MR Perfusion Imaging Using First Pass Technique in Moyamoya Diseases (Moyamoya 질환에서 1차 통과기법을 이용한 자기공명관류영상의 이해)

  • Ryu, Young-Hwan;Goo, Eun-Hoe;Jung, Jae-Eun;Dong, Kyung-Rae;Choi, Sung-Hyun;Lee, Jae-Seung
    • Korean Journal of Digital Imaging in Medicine
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    • 제12권1호
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    • pp.27-31
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to investigated the usefulness of MR perfusion image comparing with SPECT image. A total of pediatric 30 patients(average age : 7.8) with Moyamoya disease were performed MR Perfusion with 32 channel body coil at 3T from March 01, 2010 to June 10, 2010. The MRI sequences and parameters were as followed : gradient Echo-planar imaging(EPI), TR/TE : 2000ms/50ms, FA : $90^{\circ}$, FOV : $240{\times}240$, Matrix : $128{\times}128$, Thickness : 5mm, Gap : 1.5mm. Images were obtained contrast agent administrated at a rate of 1mL/sec after scan start 10s with a total of slice 1000 images(50 phase/1 slice). It was measured with visual color image and digitize data using MRDx software(IDL version 6.2) and also, it was compared of measurement with values of normal and abnormal ratio to analyze hemodynamic change, and a comparison between perfusion MR with technique using Warm Color at SPECT examination. On MR perfusion examination, the color images from abnormal region to the red collar with rCBV(relative cerebral blood volume) and rCBF(relative cerebral blood flow) caused by increase cerebral blood flow with brain vascular occlusion in surrounding collateral circulation advancement, the blood speed relatively was depicted slowly with blue in MTT(Mean Transit Time) and TTP(Time to Peak) images. The region which was visible abnormally from MR perfusion examination visually were detected as comparison with the same SPECT examination region, would be able to confirm the identical results in MMD(Moyamoya disease)judgments. Hymo-dynamic change in MR perfusion examination produced by increase and delay cerebral blood flow. This change with digitize data and being color imaging makes enable to distinguish between normal and abnormal area. Relatively, MR perfusion examination compared with SPECT examination could bring an excellent image with spatial resolution without radiation expose.

  • PDF

Percentile Approach of Drought Severity Classification in Evaporative Stress Index for South Korea (Evaporative Stress Index (ESI)의 국내 가뭄 심도 분류 기준 제시)

  • Lee, Hee-Jin;Nam, Won-Ho;Yoon, Dong-Hyun;Hong, Eun-Mi;Kim, Taegon;Park, Jong-Hwan;Kim, Dae-Eui
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • 제62권2호
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    • pp.63-73
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    • 2020
  • Drought is considered as a devastating hazard that causes serious agricultural, ecological and socio-economic impacts worldwide. Fundamentally, the drought can be defined as temporarily different levels of inadequate precipitation, soil moisture, and water supply relative to the long-term average conditions. From no unified definition of droughts, droughts have been divided into different severity level, i.e., moderate drought, severe drought, extreme drought and exceptional drought. The drought severity classification defined the ranges for each indicator for each dryness level. Because the ranges of the various indicators often don't coincide, the final drought category tends to be based on what the majority of the indicators show and on local observations. Evaporative Stress Index (ESI), a satellite-based drought index using the ratio of potential and actual evaporation, is being used as a index of the droughts occurring rapidly in a short period of time from studies showing a more sensitive and fast response to drought compared to Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI), and Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI). However, ESI is difficult to provide an objective drought assessment because it does not have clear drought severity classification criteria. In this study, U.S. Drought Monitor (USDM), the standard for drought determination used in the United States, was applied to ESI, and the Percentile method was used to classify drought categories by severity. Regarding the actual 2017 drought event in South Korea, we compare the spatial distribution of drought area and understand the USDM-based ESI by comparing the results of Standardized Groundwater level Index (SGI) and drought impact information. These results demonstrated that the USDM-based ESI could be an effective tool to provide objective drought conditions to inform management decisions for drought policy.

Performance of Northern Exposure Index in Reducing Estimation Error for Daily Maximum Temperature over a Rugged Terrain (북향개방지수가 복잡지형의 일 최고기온 추정오차 저감에 미치는 영향)

  • Chung, U-Ran;Lee, Kwang-Hoe;Yun, Jin-I.
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • 제9권3호
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    • pp.195-202
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    • 2007
  • The normalized difference in incident solar energy between a target surface and a level surface (overheating index, OHI) is useful in eliminating estimation error of site-specific maximum temperature in complex terrain. Due to the complexity in its calculation, however, an empirical proxy variable called northern exposure index (NEI) which combines slope and aspect has been used to estimate OHI based on empirical relationships between the two. An experiment with real-world landscape and temperature data was carried out to evaluate performance of the NEI - derived OHI (N-OHI) in reduction of spatial interpolation error for daily maximum temperature compared with that by the original OHI. We collected daily maximum temperature data from 7 sites in a mountainous watershed with a $149 km^2$ area and a 795m elevation range ($651{\sim}1,445m$) in Pyongchang, Kangwon province. Northern exposure index was calculated for the entire 166,050 grid cells constituting the watershed based on a 30-m digital elevation model. Daily OHI was calculated for the same watershed ana regressed to the variation of NEI. The regression equations were used to estimate N-OHI for 15th of each month. Deviations in daily maximum temperature at 7 sites from those measured at the nearby synoptic station were calculated from June 2006 to February 2007 and regressed to the N-OHI. The same procedure was repeated with the original OHI values. The ratio sum of square errors contributable by the N-OHI were 0.46 (winter), 0.24 (fall), and 0.01 (summer), while those by the original OHI were 0.52, 0.37 and 0.15, respectively.