• Title/Summary/Keyword: Space Images

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Medical Diagnosis Algorithm Based on Tongue Image on Mobile Device

  • Zhou, Zibo;Peng, Dongliang;Gao, Fumeng;Leng, Lu
    • Journal of Multimedia Information System
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.99-106
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    • 2019
  • In traditional Chinese medical (TCM) science, tongue images can be observed for medical diagnosis; however, the tongue diagnosis of TCM is influenced by the subjective factors of doctors, and the diagnosis results vary from person to person. Quantitative TCM tongue diagnosis can improve the accuracy of diagnosis and increase the application value. In this paper, digital image processing and pattern recognition technologies are employed on mobile device to classify tongue images collected in different health states. First, through grayscale integral projection processing, the trough is found to localize the tongue body. Then the tongue body image is transferred from RGB color space to HSV color space, and the average H and S values are considered as the color features. Finally, the diagnosis results are obtained according to the relationship between the color characteristics and physical symptoms.


    • Journal of applied mathematics & informatics
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.15-29
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    • 2024
  • Many academics employ various structures to expand topological space, including the idea of topology, as a result of the importance of topological space in analysis and some applications. One of the most notable of the generalizations was the definition of perfect functions in bitopological spaces, which was presented by Ali.A.Atoom and H.Z.Hdeib. We propose the notion of α- pairwise perfect functions in bitopological spaces and define different types of this concept in this study. Pairwise -T - α- perfect functions, pairwise -α-irr-perfect functions, and pairwise -T - α- irr-perfect functions, are all characterized in addition to pairwise -α-perfect functions. We go through their primary characteristics and show how they interact. Finally, under these functions, we introduce the images and inverse images of certain bitopological features. About these concepts, some product theorems have been discovered.

Karhunen - Loeve Transform -Classified Vector Quantization for Efficient Image Coding (Karhunen-loeve 변환과 분류 벡터 양자화에 의한 효율적인 영상 부호화)

  • 김태용;최흥문
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics B
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    • v.33B no.11
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    • pp.44-52
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    • 1996
  • This paper proposes a KLT-CVQ scheme using PCNN to improbe the quality of the reconstructed images at a given bit rate. By using the PCNN and classified vector quantization, we exploit the high energy compaction and compelte decorrelation capbilities of the KLT, and the pdf (probability density function) shape and space-filling advantages of the vQ to improve the performance of the proposed hybrid coding technique. In order to preserve the preceptual fetures such as the edge components in the reconstructed images, we classified the input image blocks according to the texture energy measures of the local statistics and vector-coded them adaptively, and thereby reduces the possible edge degradation in the reconstructed images. The results of the computer simulations show that the performance of the proposed KLT-CVQ is higher than that of the KLT-CSQ or the DCT-CVQ in the quality of the reconstructed images at a given bit rate.

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A Study on the Enhancement of Remote Sensing Image Using IHS Color Space (IHS 칼라공간에 의한 위성 영상 향상에 관한 연구)

  • 조석제
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Navigation
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.119-128
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    • 1997
  • Nowadays, many satellites regularly produce digital multispectral images of the earth's surface. Multispectral images may be displayed as color pictures by selecting three components for assignment to the primary colors. It is desired to enhance these images to generate a display picture that are representativde of their features. in this paper, a false color image processing algorithm is proposed for the purpose of enchancement of the multispectral images based on the human perception. The mean of each primary component is transformed to equalo. Intensity and saturation are enhanced by modified piecewise linear contrast strectching and saturation enhancement method. The proposed method has been successfully applied the LANDSAT TM image and shows good enhancement.

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Boundary Stitching Algorithm for Fusion of Vein Pattern (정맥패턴 융합을 위한 Boundary Stitching Algorithm)

  • Lim, Young-Kyu;Jang, Kyung-Sik
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2005.05a
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    • pp.521-524
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    • 2005
  • This paper proposes a fusion algorithm which merges multiple vein pattern images into a single image, larger than those images. As a preprocessing step of template matching, during the verification of biometric data such as fingerprint image, vein pattern image of hand, etc., the fusion technique is used to make reference image larger than the candidate images in order to enhance the matching performance. In this paper, a new algorithm, called BSA (Boundary Stitching Algorithm) is proposed, in which the boundary rectilinear parts extracted from the candidate images are stitched to the reference image in order to enlarge its matching space. By applying BSA to practical vein pattern verification system, its verification rate was increased by about 10%.

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Estimation of transformation parameters using shape matching (형상 정합을 통한 변환 파라미터 추출)

  • 박용희;전병호;김태균
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.22 no.7
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    • pp.1523-1533
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    • 1997
  • Image registration is concerned with the establishment of correspondence between images of the same scene with translational, rotational, and scaling differences. The estimated transformation parameters between images are very important information in the field of many applications. In this paper, we propose a shape matching scheme for finding correspondence points for images with various differences, Tranditional solutions to this area are unreliable for the rotational and schaling changes between images, and the feature extraction of partially occluded scene. To solve those problems, dominant points on digital curves are detected by scale-space filtering, and initial matching is performed by similarity measure of cumulative curvatures for dominant points. For initial matching segments pairs, optimal matching points are calculated using dynamic programming.Finally, transformation parameters are estimated.

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Computed Tomographic Images of Vertebral Disc Herniation in Dogs (개에서 컴퓨터 단층 촬영 검사를 통한 추간판 탈출증 진단례)

  • 이기창;송경진;권정국;최민철
    • Journal of Veterinary Clinics
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.519-522
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    • 2003
  • An appearance of herniated intervertebral disc into thoracolumbar vertebral canal was evaluated in two patients using computed tomography (CT). Before CT scanning, plain radiography and myelography were performed in both cases. CT images were compared to those of myelography. Dogs were positioned in sternal recumbency under inhalation anesthesia and transverse slices with 2 mm thickness were obtained around thoracolumbar region. The transverse CT images were examined using both vertebral and spiral window mode. The most common findings on CT images were loss of vertebral canal epidural fat, bulging of vertebral canal disc margins, displacement of spinal cord and flatted vertebral canal. Whereas, narrowed intervertebral disc space and simple extradural pattern were the main findings on plain and contrast radiographs. CT imges showed the extent of the herniated disc lesion, type II intervertebral disc hernation, and the displacement of spinal cord in detail in both occations. It is considered that degree and precise localization of the intervertebral disc herniation and subtle lesion of spinal cord could be identified accurately using computed tomography.

The Estimation of the Transform Parameters Using the Pattern Matching with 2D Images (2차원 영상에서 패턴매칭을 이용한 3차원 물체의 변환정보 추정)

  • 조택동;이호영;양상민
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.21 no.7
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    • pp.83-91
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    • 2004
  • The determination of camera position and orientation from known correspondences of 3D reference points and their images is known as pose estimation in computer vision or space resection in photogrammetry. This paper discusses estimation of transform parameters using the pattern matching method with 2D images only. In general, the 3D reference points or lines are needed to find out the 3D transform parameters, but this method is applied without the 3D reference points or lines. It uses only two images to find out the transform parameters between two image. The algorithm is simulated using Visual C++ on Windows 98.

Analog Satellite Receiver Oriented Aerial Image Enhancement Method using Deep Auto Encoders (Deep Auto Encoder 를 이용한 아날로그 위성 수신기 지향 항공 영상 향상 방법)

  • De Silva, K. Dilusha Malintha;Lee, Hyo Jong
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2022.11a
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    • pp.52-54
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    • 2022
  • Aerial images are being one of the important aspects of satellite imagery, delivers effective information on landcovers. Their special characteristics includes the viewpoint from space which clarifies data related to land examining processes. Aerial images taken by satellites employed radio waves to wirelessly transmit images to ground stations. Due to transmission errors, images get distorted and unable to perform in landcover examining. This paper proposes an aerial image enhancement method using deep autoencoders. A properly trained autoencoder can enhance an aerial image to a considerable level of improvement. Results showed that the achieved enhancement is better than that was obtained from traditional image denoising methods.

A Implementation of Iris recognition system using scale-space filtering (Scale-space filtering을 이용한 홍채인식 보안시스템 구현)

  • Joo, Sang-Hyun;Kang, Tae-Gil;Yang, Woo-Suk
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.175-181
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, we introduce the implementation of the security system using iris recognition. This system acquires images with infrared camera and extracts the 2D code from a infrared image which uses scale-space filtering and concavity. We examine the system by (i) extract 2D code and (ii) compare the code that stored on the server (iii) mearsure FAR and FRR using pattern matching. Experiment results show that the proposed method is very suitable.

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