• Title/Summary/Keyword: Space Images

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  • Lim, Beom-Du;Sung, Hwan-Kyung;Karimov, R.;Ibrahimov, M.
    • Publications of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2008
  • Understanding of the basic characteristics of an astronomical instrument is a prerequisite to obtaining reliable data from the instrument. We have analyzed more than 1,000 calibration images from the Fairchild 486 CCD (hereafter the Maidanak 4k CCD system) attached to the AZT-22 1.5m telescope at Maidanak Astronomical Observatory in Uzbekistan. The Maidanak 4k CCD system supports three readout modes through 1, 2, or 4 amplifiers. In most cases observers use 4-amplifier readout mode to save time. We have tested the stability and seasonal variation of zero levels and confirm that two quadrants of the images (Amp 1 & 2) show no appreciable seasonal variation. but the other two quadrants (Amp 3 & Amp 4) show an evident seasonal variation in the bias level. The Cryo Tiger, the cooling system used at the Maidanak 4k CCD system, maintains the CCD temperature at -108'E, and effectively suppresses the dark electrons. The mean value versus the variance plot of the flat images does not show the expected relation for an ideal Poisson noise distribution and this is attributed to the large variation in quantum efficiency between different pixels. In addition, we confirm that there is no appreciable difference in gain between readout amplifiers, but there is a large variation in quantum efficiency across CCD chip especially in U. Due to the finite length of shutter opening and closing time, the effective exposure time varies across the science images. We introduce two parameters to quantify the effect of this uneven illumination and present a method to remove these effects. We also present a method to remove the interference patterns appearing in the images obtained with longer wavelength filters and investigate the spatial variation of the point spread function.

Segmentation of MR Brain Image Using Scale Space Filtering and Fuzzy Clustering (스케일 스페이스 필터링과 퍼지 클러스터링을 이용한 뇌 자기공명영상의 분할)

  • 윤옥경;김동휘;박길흠
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.3 no.4
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    • pp.339-346
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    • 2000
  • Medical image is analyzed to get an anatomical information for diagnostics. Segmentation must be preceded to recognize and determine the lesion more accurately. In this paper, we propose automatic segmentation algorithm for MR brain images using T1-weighted, T2-weighted and PD images complementarily. The proposed segmentation algorithm is first, extracts cerebrum images from 3 input images using cerebrum mask which is made from PD image. And next, find 3D clusters corresponded to cerebrum tissues using scale filtering and 3D clustering in 3D space which is consisted of T1, T2, and PD axis. Cerebrum images are segmented using FCM algorithm with its initial centroid as the 3D cluster's centroid. The proposed algorithm improved segmentation results using accurate cluster centroid as initial value of FCM algorithm and also can get better segmentation results using multi spectral analysis than single spectral analysis.

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Estimation of Small Reservoir Storage Using Sentinel-1 Image (Sentinel-1 위성영상을 활용한 소규모 저수지 저수량 추정)

  • Jang, Moon-Yup;Song, Ju-Il;Jang, Cho-Rok;Kim, Han-Tae
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.79-86
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: In this study, a model was developed to estimate the storage in Cheonan reservoir using images taken by Sentinel-1 satellite. Method: A total of three reservoirs were studied. All three reservoirs are small reservoirs whose water level is being measured. The preprocessing of Sentinel-1 images was done using SNAP distributed by the European Space Agency(ESA), and the storage was estimated by classifying water surface by the threshold classification method. The estimated reservoir area was compared with satellite and drones images taken on the same day. The correlation was derived by comparing the estimated reservoir area with the actual measurement. Results and Conclusions: The storage values estimated by satellite image analysis showed similar values to the actual measurement data. However, because of the underestimation of the reservoir area due to green algae and Epilithic diatom of summer reservoirs and the low resolution of satellite images, it is dificult to detect reservoir area by satellite images less than 10,000㎡.

Image Calibration Techniques for Removing Cupping and Ring Artifacts in X-ray Micro-CT Images (X-ray micro-CT 이미지 내 패임 및 동심원상 화상결함 제거를 위한 이미지 보정 기법)

  • Jung, Yeon-Jong;Yun, Tae-Sup;Kim, Kwang-Yeom;Choo, Jin-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.27 no.11
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    • pp.93-101
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    • 2011
  • High quality X-ray computed microtomography (micro-CT) imaging of internal microstructures and pore space in geomaterials is often hampered by some inherent noises embedded in the images. In this paper, we introduce image calibration techniques for removing the most common noises in X-ray micro-CT, cupping (brightness difference between the periphery and central regions) and ring artifacts (consecutive concentric circles emanating from the origin). The artifacts removal sequentially applies coordinate transformation, normalization, and low-pass filtering in 2D Fourier spectrum to raw CT-images. The applicability and performance of the techniques are showcased by describing extraction of 3D pore structures from micro-CT images of porous basalt using artifacts reductions, binarization, and volume stacking. Comparisions between calibrated and raw images indicate that the artifacts removal allows us to avoid the overestimation of porosity of imaged materials, and proper calibration of the artifacts plays a crucial role in using X-ray CT for geomaterials.

Viewing Angle-Improved 3D Integral Imaging Display with Eye Tracking Sensor

  • Hong, Seokmin;Shin, Donghak;Lee, Joon-Jae;Lee, Byung-Gook
    • Journal of information and communication convergence engineering
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.208-214
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    • 2014
  • In this paper, in order to solve the problems of a narrow viewing angle and the flip effect in a three-dimensional (3D) integral imaging display, we propose an improved system by using an eye tracking method based on the Kinect sensor. In the proposed method, we introduce two types of calibration processes. First process is to perform the calibration between two cameras within Kinect sensor to collect specific 3D information. Second process is to use a space calibration for the coordinate conversion between the Kinect sensor and the coordinate system of the display panel. Our calibration processes can provide the improved performance of estimation for 3D position of the observer's eyes and generate elemental images in real-time speed based on the estimated position. To show the usefulness of the proposed method, we implement an integral imaging display system using the eye tracking process based on our calibration processes and carry out the preliminary experiments by measuring the viewing angle and flipping effect for the reconstructed 3D images. The experimental results reveal that the proposed method extended the viewing angles and removed the flipping images compared with the conventional system.

Research of Matching Performance Improvement for DEM generation from Multiple Images (다중 영상으로부터 DEM 생성을 위한 정합기법의 성능향상 연구)

  • Rhee, Soo-Ahm;Kim, Tae-Jung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.101-109
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    • 2011
  • This paper describes the attempts to improve the performance of an image matching method for multiple image. Typically, matching between two images is performed by using correlation between a reference and corresponding images. The proposed multiple image matching algorithm performs matching in an object space, chooses the image closest to the true vertical image as a reference image, calculates the correlation based on the chosen reference image. The algorithm also detects occluded regions automatically and keep them from matching. We could find that it is possible to create high quality DEM by this method, regardless of the location of image. From the performance improvement experiments through the occlusion detection, we could confirm the possibility of a more accurate representation of 3D information.

Contrast Enhancement Algorithm for Backlight Images using by Linear MSR (선형 MSR을 이용한 역광 영상의 명암비 향상 알고리즘)

  • Kim, Beom-Yong;Hwang, Bo-Hyun;Choi, Myung-Ryul
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers P
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    • v.62 no.2
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    • pp.90-94
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    • 2013
  • In this paper, we propose a new algorithm to improve the contrast ratio, to preserve information of bright regions and to maintain the color of backlight image that appears with a great relative contrast. Backlight images of the natural environment have characteristics for difference of local brightness; the overall image contrast improvement is not easy. To improve the contrast of the backlight images, MSR (Multi-Scale Retinex) algorithm using the existing multi-scale Gaussian filter is applied. However, existing multi-scale Gaussian filter involves color distortion and information loss of bright regions due to excessive contrast enhancement and noise because of the brightness improvement of dark regions. Moreover, it also increases computational complexity due to the use of multi-scale Gaussian filter. In order to solve these problems, a linear MSR is performed that reduces the amount of computation from the HSV color space preventing the color distortion and information loss due to excessive contrast enhancement. It can also remove the noise of the dark regions which is occurred due to the improved contrast through edge preserving filter. Through experimental evaluation of the average color difference comparison of CIELAB color space and the visual assessment, we have confirmed excellent performance of the proposed algorithm compared to conventional MSR algorithm.

Symmetry Detection Through Hybrid Use Of Location And Direction Of Edges

  • Koo, Ja Young
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.9-15
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    • 2016
  • Symmetry is everywhere in the world around us from galaxy to microbes. From ancient times symmetry is considered to be a reflection of the harmony of universe. Symmetry is not only a significant clue for human cognitive process, but also useful information for computer vision such as image understanding system. Application areas include face detection and recognition, indexing of image database, image segmentation and detection, analysis of medical images, and so on. The technique used in this paper extracts edges, and the perpendicular bisector of any two edge points is considered to be a candidate axis of symmetry. The coefficients of candidate axis are accumulated in the coefficient space. Then the axis of symmetry is determined to be the line for which the coefficient histogram has maximum value. In this paper, an improved method is proposed that utilizes the directional information of edges, which is a byproduct of the edge detection process. Experiment on 20 test images shows that the proposed method performs 22.7 times faster than the original method. In another test on 5 images with 4% salt-and-pepper noise, the proposed method detects the symmetry successfully, while the original method fails. This result reveals that the proposed method enhances the speed and accuracy of detection process at the same time.

Analysis of the Psychological Effects of Exposure to Different Types of Waterscape Facilities for Urban Green Space Planning

  • Jo, Hyun-Ju;Wang, Jie-Ming
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.25 no.9
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    • pp.1223-1231
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    • 2016
  • To create urban landscapes that take human emotion into consideration, the present study verified the psychological effects of artificial waterscape facilities on users, as these facilities significantly impact their psychological comfort. Data was collected using the SD scales and POMS of 60 male and 60 female participants after they watched a video of four waterscape facilities. Participants deemed the video clip of a fountain waterscape to be artificial and linked it with changeable images that increased their vigor. The video clip of waterfall stimulated various impressions (e.g., vital, liked, active, etc.) and changed participant' mood states by increasing their vigor and decreasing fatigue. The video clip of the pond yielded familiar impressions, produced less free images, and decreased tension among participants. Finally, the video clip of the stream stimulated quiet and comfortable images as well as reduced negative feelings of anger, confusion, and depression among participants. Furthermore, males experienced more positive effects than females, regardless of the type of waterscape facility. The study findings indicate that the four different waterscape facilities influenced participants' mood states. Additionally, the psychological effects differed by gender. The data suggest that landscape planners need to carefully consider their choice of waterscape facility when designing green spaces to ensure that the space is psychologically comforting to users.

Content-based Image Retrieval using Color and Block Region Features (컬러와 블록영역 특징을 이용한 내용기반 화상 검색)

  • 최기호
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.27 no.6C
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    • pp.610-618
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    • 2002
  • This paper presents a new image retrieval method that is based on color space and block region information. The color space information of images can be obtained by color binary set, and the block region information can be obtained by regional segmentation and feature. The candidate images are decided by comparing with color features and its binary set of query image and image feature database for retrieval. Particularly, it is possible that the retrieval using similarity-measurements has the weights of color spatial distribution arid its objective block region features. This retrieval method using color spatial and block region features is shown with the effectiveness on the result of implementation on image database with 6,000 images.