• Title/Summary/Keyword: Space Images

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Collaborative Local Active Appearance Models for Illuminated Face Images (조명얼굴 영상을 위한 협력적 지역 능동표현 모델)

  • Yang, Jun-Young;Ko, Jae-Pil;Byun, Hye-Ran
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.36 no.10
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    • pp.816-824
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    • 2009
  • In the face space, face images due to illumination and pose variations have a nonlinear distribution. Active Appearance Models (AAM) based on the linear model have limits to the nonlinear distribution of face images. In this paper, we assume that a few clusters of face images are given; we build local AAMs according to the clusters of face images, and then select a proper AAM model during the fitting phase. To solve the problem of updating fitting parameters among the models due to the model changing, we propose to build in advance relationships among the clusters in the parameter space from the training images. In addition, we suggest a gradual model changing to reduce improper model selections due to serious fitting failures. In our experiment, we apply the proposed model to Yale Face Database B and compare it with the previous method. The proposed method demonstrated successful fitting results with strongly illuminated face images of deep shadows.

Communication Characteristics of Fashion Shows Using Digital Images (디지털 영상을 활용한 패션쇼의 커뮤니케이션 특성)

  • Hong, Hye Rim;Kim, Young In
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.64 no.6
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2014
  • In the fashion industry, the thing that shows the latest trends and makes issues is the fashion show. The function of fashion shows is changing from a promotional mean to a method of communication with customers. Recently, some fashion shows have used digital images and omitted traditional parts of a fashion show such as models, stages, garments, music and audiences. In this study, 30 fashion shows that used digital images were selected from the 2000-2010 collections of Paris, Milan, London and New York, and its communication characteristics were analyzed and discussed. The three categories of the communication characteristics are as follows: First, the shows used digital images as stage sceneries or effects to create desired stage effects. The digital images were used as extra tools to reinforce the concept of the fashion show. Second, the fashion shows used real-time videos to extend its presentation into the virtual space. The interactive videos were designed to encourage audiences to actively participate in the show. Third, the digital images were the focus of the show for the internet-only digital fashion shows. Since the Internet is not constrained by time or space, multi-faceted, communication between audiences and fashion designers or among audiences is possible. In addition, the number of audience it can reach is higher than traditional fashion shows. Digital images will be used more often in the fashion shows. In the future, fashion shows will try to become more interactive with audiences through the use of new digital image technology.

Detection of Harmful Images Based on Color and Geometrical Features (색상과 기하학적인 특징 기반의 유해 영상 탐지)

  • Jang, Seok-Woo;Park, Young-Jae;Huh, Moon-Haeng
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.14 no.11
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    • pp.5834-5840
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    • 2013
  • Along with the development of high-speed, wired and wireless Internet technology, various harmful images in a form of photos and video clips have become prevalent these days. In this paper, we suggest a method of automatically detecting adult images by extracting woman's nipple areas which represent obscenity of the image. The suggested algorithm first segments skin color areas in the $YC_bC_r$ color space from input images and extracts nipple's candidate areas from the segmented skin areas through the suggested nipple map. We then select real nipple areas by using geometrical information and determines input images as harmful images if they contain nipples. Experimental results show that the suggested nipple map-based method effectively detects adult images.

DEEP-South: Performance of Moving Object Detection Program in Different Observation Modes

  • Oh, Young-Seok;Bae, Yeong-Ho;Kim, Myung-Jin;Roh, Dong-Goo;Jin, Ho;Moon, Hong-Kyu;Park, Jintae;Lee, Hee-Jae;Yim, Hong-Suh;Choi, Young-Jun
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.48.3-49
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    • 2016
  • We have five different types of observation modes with regard to the Deep Ecliptic Patrol of the Southern Sky (DEEP-South); Opposition Census (OC) for targeted photometry, Sweet Spot Survey (S1) for discovery and orbit characterization of Atens and Atiras, Ecliptic Survey (S2) for asteroid family studies and comet census, NEOWISE follow-up (NW) for near simultaneous albedo measurements in the visible bands, and Target of Opportunity (TO) observation for follow-up either for unpredictable events or targets of special interests. Different exposures with such different modes result in a wide range of background noise level, the number of background stars and the mover's projected speed in each image. The Moving Object Detection Program (MODP) utilizes multiple mosaic images being taken for the same target fields at different epochs at the three KMTNet sites. MODP employs existing software packages such as SExtractor (Source-Extractor) and SCAMP (Software for Calibrating Astrometry and Photometry); SExtractor generates object catalogs, while SCAMP conducts precision astrometric calibration, then MODP determines if a point source is moving. This package creates animated stamp images for visual inspection with MPC reports, the latter for checking whether an object is known or unknown. We evaluate the astrometric accuracy and efficiency of MODP using the year one dataset obtained from DEEP-South operations.

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DEEP-South : Moving Object Detection Experiments

  • Oh, Young-Seok;Bae, Yeong-Ho;Kim, Myung-Jin;Roh, Dong-Goo;Jin, Ho;Moon, Hong-Kyu;Park, Jintae;Lee, Hee-Jae;Yim, Hong-Suh;Choi, Young-Jun
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.75.4-76
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    • 2016
  • DEEP-South (Deep Ecliptic patrol of the Southern sky) is one of the secondary science projects of KMTNet (Korea Microlensing Telescope Network). The objective of this project is twofold, the physical characterization and the discovery of small Solar System bodies, focused on NEOs (Near Earth objects). In order to achieve the goals, we are implementing a software package to detect and report moving objects in the $18k{\times}18k$ mosaic CCD images of KMTNet. In this paper, we present preliminary results of the moving object detection experiments using the prototype MODP (Moving Object Detection Program). We utilize multiple images that are being taken at three KMTNet sites, towards the same target fields (TFs) obtained at different epochs. This prototype package employs existing softwares such as SExtractor (Source-Extracto) and SCAMP (Software for Calibrating Astrometry and Photometry); SExtractor generates catalogs, while SCAMP conducts precision astrometric calibration, then MODP determines if a point source is moving. We evaluated the astrometric accuracy and efficiency of the current version of MODP. The plan for upgrading MODP will also be mentioned.

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A Study on the Method of Extracting Ridge Shadows in Images by Using a Deformable Model (Deformable Model을 이용한 원형자동추출방법에 관한 연구)

  • 송재욱
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Navigation
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.37-44
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    • 1998
  • This paper presents a procedure for automated extraction of ridge shadows in noisy gray images. This procedure mainly consists of 1) a deformable model which is designed basing upon the knowledge about the shape of shadows and is expected to be useful in extracting ridge shadows especially located in low signal to noise ratio background, and 2) the scale space scheme which is also useful even if there is less information about the size and the positions of ridge shadows in advance. This procedure is applied to artificial images and its performance is evaluated experimentally.

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    • Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.89-95
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    • 1995
  • We examined a total of 166 images of $3.5{\mu}m\;H_3^+$ emission in the auroral regions of Jupiter observed with the Protocam on IRTF in 1991 and 1992, and found that 30 images contain a clearly isolated small emission patch in the vicinity of the northern auroral regions. Two different time sequences of the images show the small patches at the dusk limb in the range of System III longitudes from $270^{\circ}\;through\;0^{\circ}\;to\;90^{circ}$. The small patches in one sequence of the images, which were taken at 10 phase between $240^{\circ}\;and\;260^{\circ}$, may be related to the 10 flux tube, similarly suggested by Connerney et al. (1993). However, the small patches in the other sequence are separated from Io as much as $80^{\circ}$ in longitude. The positions of the small patches in both sequences are deviated equatorward from the 10 footprint oval by $5^{\circ}-8^{\circ}$ latitude in the longitudinal range of $270^{\circ}-360^{\circ}$. A significant modification is required in current Jovian magnetic field models near the Jupiter's surface if the small patches are produced at the foot of the 10 flux tube.

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  • 이흥규;김성환;김경숙;최순달
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.198-209
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    • 1996
  • In this paper, we present an image compression algorithm that is capable of significantly reducing the vast mount of information contained in multispectral images. The developed algorithm exploits the spectral and spatial correlations found in multispectral images. The scheme encodes the difference between images after contrast/brightness equalization to remove the spectral redundancy, and utilizes a two-dimensional wavelet trans-form to remove the spatial redundancy. The transformed images are than encoded by hilbert-curve scanning and run-length-encoding, followed by huffman coding. We also present the performance of the proposed algorithm with KITSAT-1 image as well as the LANDSAT MultiSpectral Scanner data. The loss of information is evaluated by peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) and classification capability.

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A Perceptually-Adaptive High-Capacity Color Image Watermarking System

  • Ghouti, Lahouari
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.570-595
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    • 2017
  • Robust and perceptually-adaptive image watermarking algorithms have mainly targeted gray-scale images either at the modeling or embedding levels despite the widespread availability of color images. Only few of the existing algorithms are specifically designed for color images where color correlation and perception are constructively exploited. In this paper, a new perceptual and high-capacity color image watermarking solution is proposed based on the extension of Tsui et al. algorithm. The $CIEL^*a^*b^*$ space and the spatio-chromatic Fourier transform (SCFT) are combined along with a perceptual model to hide watermarks in color images where the embedding process reconciles between the conflicting requirements of digital watermarking. The perceptual model, based on an emerging color image model, exploits the non-uniform just-noticeable color difference (NUJNCD) thresholds of the $CIEL^*a^*b^*$ space. Also, spread-spectrum techniques and semi-random low-density parity check codes (SR-LDPC) are used to boost the watermark robustness and capacity. Unlike, existing color-based models, the data hiding capacity of our scheme relies on a game-theoretic model where upper bounds for watermark embedding are derived. Finally, the proposed watermarking solution outperforms existing color-based watermarking schemes in terms of robustness to standard image/color attacks, hiding capacity and imperceptibility.

Moreton Wave and EUV Wave Associated with the 2010 February 7 and 2010 August 18 Flares

  • Asai, Ayumi;Isobe, Hiroaki;Takasao, Shinsuke;Shibata, Kazunari
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.83.1-83.1
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    • 2011
  • Solar flares are very spectacular, and are associated with various phenomena. Coronal shocks or disturbances are one of such flare-related phenomena. Although Moreton waves and X-ray waves are well explained with MHD first mode shocks propagating in the corona, there still remains a big problem on the nature of the waves, since they are very rare phenomena. On the other hand, EIT waves (or EUV waves) have been paid attention to as another phenomenon of coronal disturbances. However, the physical features (velocity, opening angle, and so on) are much different from those for Moreton waves and X-ray waves. We report detailed features of the coronal disturbances associated with the 2010 February 7 and the 2010 August 18 flares. For the former flare we analyzed the H-alpha images obtained by SMART at Hida Observatory, Kyoto University, Japan and by a flare telescope at National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, the X-rays images taken by Hinode/XRT, and the EUV images obtained by the both satellites of STEREO, and found the Moreton wave, X-ray wave, and EIT wave, simultaneously. In the latter flare, on the other hand, we observed a very fast EUV wave in EUV images taken by SDO/AIA. The propagating speed is comparable to the MHD first mode wave, while there is no obvious evidence of shocks for this flare. From these results, we discuss the nature of coronal disturbances.

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