DEEP-South: Performance of Moving Object Detection Program in Different Observation Modes

  • 발행 : 2016.10.12


We have five different types of observation modes with regard to the Deep Ecliptic Patrol of the Southern Sky (DEEP-South); Opposition Census (OC) for targeted photometry, Sweet Spot Survey (S1) for discovery and orbit characterization of Atens and Atiras, Ecliptic Survey (S2) for asteroid family studies and comet census, NEOWISE follow-up (NW) for near simultaneous albedo measurements in the visible bands, and Target of Opportunity (TO) observation for follow-up either for unpredictable events or targets of special interests. Different exposures with such different modes result in a wide range of background noise level, the number of background stars and the mover's projected speed in each image. The Moving Object Detection Program (MODP) utilizes multiple mosaic images being taken for the same target fields at different epochs at the three KMTNet sites. MODP employs existing software packages such as SExtractor (Source-Extractor) and SCAMP (Software for Calibrating Astrometry and Photometry); SExtractor generates object catalogs, while SCAMP conducts precision astrometric calibration, then MODP determines if a point source is moving. This package creates animated stamp images for visual inspection with MPC reports, the latter for checking whether an object is known or unknown. We evaluate the astrometric accuracy and efficiency of MODP using the year one dataset obtained from DEEP-South operations.
