• Title/Summary/Keyword: South-South Conflict

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A Comparative Analysis of Broadcasting News about Social Conflict Issues: Focused on Between Central and Local News Frame (사회갈등 이슈에 대한 방송뉴스보도 비교 연구: 중앙과 지역의 보도 프레임 비교를 중심으로)

  • Nam, Chong-Hoon
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.475-483
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    • 2011
  • This study examines how television news constructed an issue of social conflict between nationwide and local broadcasting. Especially, this study focused on new ariport of east-south region in Korea. To do this, this study conducted frame analysis on KBS, MBC, SBS main news including national and local ones, broadcasted from 1 January, 2011 to 15 April, 2011. In addition, frame analysis was divided into two aspects, formal and substance. As a result, the findings are as follow: First, in formal aspect both national and local broadcastings are dealing with episode style news frames, while subject style is just 7.5%. Second, in substance aspect, 6 categories are founded: site decision frame, competition and conflict frame, economic frame, rescission and response frame, government countermeasure and alternative frame, etc frame. In conclusion, national and local broadcasting television news have different perspective each other on defining an issues of social conflict like east-south new airport.

Comparison on Patterns of Conflicts in the South China Sea and the East China Sea through Analysis on Mechanism of Chinese Gray Zone Strategy (중국의 회색지대전략 메커니즘 분석을 통한 남중국해 및 동중국해 분쟁 양상 비교: 시계열 데이터에 근거한 경험적 연구를 중심으로)

  • Cho, Yongsu
    • Maritime Security
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.273-310
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    • 2020
  • This study aims at empirically analyzing the overall mechanism of the "Gray Zone Strategy", which has begun to be used as one of Chinese major maritime security strategies in maritime conflicts surrounding the South China Sea and East China Sea since early 2010, and comparing the resulting conflict patterns in those reg ions. To this end, I made the following two hypotheses about Chinese gray zone strategy. The hypotheses that I have argued in this study are the first, "The marine gray zone strategy used by China shows different structures of implementation in the South China Sea and the East China Sea, which are major conflict areas.", the second, "Therefore, the patterns of disputes in the South China Sea and the East China Sea also show a difference." In order to examine this, I will classify Chinese gray zone strategy mechanisms multi-dimensionally in large order, 1) conflict trends and frequency of strategy execution, 2) types and strengths of strategy, 3) actors of strategy execution, and 4) response methods of counterparts. So, I tried to collect data related to this based on quantitative modeling to test these. After that, about 10 years of data pertaining to this topic were processed, and a research model was designed with a new categorization and operational definition of gray zone strategies. Based on this, I was able to successfully test all the hypotheses by successfully comparing the comprehensive mechanisms of the gray zone strategy used by China and the conflict patterns between the South China Sea and the East China Sea. In the conclusion, the verified results were rementioned with emphasizing the need to overcome the security vulnerabilities in East Asia that could be caused by China's marine gray zone strategy. This study, which has never been attempted so far, is of great significance in that it clarified the intrinsic structure in which China's gray zone strategy was implemented using empirical case studies, and the correlation between this and maritime conflict patterns was investigated.

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A Study on the Exchange Cooperation of Circulation·Distribution between South and North Korea. (남북한 유통·물류 교류협력에 관한 연구)

  • Ryu, Tae-Hui;Lee, Sang-Youn
    • The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.29-37
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    • 2011
  • It remains that South and North Korea are the most conflict ridden region of the world and at high risk of military collision despite the appropriateness and necessity of unification between South and North Korea. Meanwhile, our government has pushed ahead with exchange between the two countries in many different fields to defuse this conflict and tension. But, these efforts have made it less meaningful as South-North relations are strained again. This can be because temporary recovery of political relation didn't proceed to system improvement and economic cooperation. This study on exchange cooperation of circulation · distribution between South and North Korea begins with expectation that this study will be based on realizing free circulation · distribution for the unification and making an economic bloc through exchange cooperation of circulation · distribution. To expand economy exchange and cooperation between the two nations, the field of circulation · distribution should be developed. On the basis of this discussion, this study suggests that cooperation relation and the mood of reconciliation created by political declaration are institutionalized in the national consensus and exchange should be expanded in the economic field as well as political field.

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How Did the Press Report the Conflict Between Korea and Japan? : Focusing on Framing and Signifying Strategies (언론은 한일 갈등을 어떻게 보도했는가 : 프레임 유형과 의미화 방식을 중심으로)

  • Park, Young Heum;Chung, Je Hyuk
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.20 no.7
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    • pp.352-367
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    • 2020
  • This study critically reviewed whether the South Korean press reported the issue of conflict between South Korea and Japan in a way consistent with their journalistic values. To this end, this study conducted frame analysis and textual analysis for the articles of three press(Chosun Ilbo, Hankyoreh and KBS) from the three major branches of conflict (Korea's Supreme Court's ruling on forced labor compensation in October 2018, the Japanese government's decision to regulate exports in July 2019 and the Korean government's decision to end GSOMIA in August 2019) to one week. There were many superficial reports of simply relaying conflicts around the occurrence and outcome of events, and there were few reports that analyzed the context in depth or suggested alternatives. And partisan reporting, which is cited as a key issue in the Korean journalism, has been strongly revealed in the midst of a conflict between Korea and Japan, a national emergency situation.

Meaning of Happiness and Unification Education in the Settlement Process of North Korean Refugees in South Korea (탈북민의 남한 정착과정에서 행복의 의미와 통일교육의 과제)

  • Kim, Jong-Doo;Jo, Kwang-Joo
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.13 no.7
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    • pp.419-430
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    • 2019
  • The study sought to find out the actual process of adapting to social life through interviews with college students and adult women living as defectors in the South, and to find out how it would be desirable to move forward in terms of education in order for all of our lives to be happy. The method of research consisted of semi-structured interviews. The interview period was four months. Based on the results of the interview, the following conclusions are given. First, it is necessary to establish a direction for strengthening cooperation rather than conflict in education, and restoring homogeneity of the same people. It is also true that real challenges are not easy at a time when the fratricidal war like the 6.25 conflict has deepened the conflict. However, at this point, 65 years later, the nation cannot stay only in the past. Second, the perception that they disapprove of economic aid to North Korean defectors also exists in part among adults. Third, negative thoughts about reunification among South Koreans also appear relatively high. This is believed to be due to the argument that the growth of social welfare and economic growth is offset by the increase in unification costs. Fourth, the content of living in real life such as culture and art, along with knowledge-oriented education in school education, should be treated with the same weight. This should create an environment in which North Korean defectors can enjoy the same happiness as South Koreans.

A Study on the Adjustment System and Role of an Expert Witness based on the Medical Dispute Settlement Act. (의료분쟁조정법상 조정제도와 감정의 역할)

  • Kim, Kee hong
    • Journal of Arbitration Studies
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.185-198
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    • 2020
  • In the event of a medical conflict in South Korea, civil lawsuits can be very complicated, time-consuming, and costly. Under the Medical Conflict Conciliation Act, the mediation system has expanded its function to coordinate disputes between individuals and medical institutions in a more efficient manner prior to litigation. Currently, conflict mediation organizations and legal systems are established in each sector, and the Healthcare Dispute Settlement Commission will also play an important role in the public sector. In this study, the characteristics of the evaluation system of the Korea Institute of Medical Conflict Arbitration are examined; and, by looking at the case of medical examinations, it is proposed to show the mediation system and the manner and role of the examinations. Medical expertise is a very important area of the qualitative standards and expertise of participants because the participants must play a role in medical consultation and appraisal in connection with medical experts.

A Study on the Readjustment Plans for Solution of Conflict in Gaeseong Complex - Centering around the Inter-Korean Commercial Arbitration System (개성공단 분쟁해결 제도 정비방안 - 남북상사중재제도를 중심으로)

  • Hwangbo, Hyun
    • Journal of Arbitration Studies
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.3-31
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    • 2019
  • In order to achieve full-scale economic cooperation between North Korea and South Korea, the Gaesong Industrial Complex should reopen first. In this case, the Inter-Korean commercial arbitration system should be clearly established to effectively resolve the disputes arising in the special economic zones of the Gaesong Industrial Complex. Even though the Inter-Korean Investment Security Agreement, the Agreement on the Resolution of Commercial Disputes between North Korea and South Korea, the Agreement on the Formation and Operation of the Inter-Korean Commercial Arbitration Committee, and the Agreement on the Formation and Operation of the Inter-Korean Commercial Arbitration Committee in the Gaesong Industrial District are in place, specific arbitration procedure is not concretely agreed upon and realized between the two Koreas. Therefore, the realization of commercial arbitration between them led by the Ministry of Unification or the government should be accomplished. In addition, it is necessary to consider the administrative trial or administrative litigation system in order to deal with administrative disputes that are not subject to commercial arbitration. Lastly, discussions on legal integration between the two Koreas should continue, focusing on the special economic zone of the Gaesong Industrial Complex, in order to prevent integration from being hindered by a different culture for a long time.


  • Go, Cheon-Cheon;Mun, Cheol-Ju
    • 중국학논총
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    • no.72
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    • pp.101-122
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    • 2021
  • Over the past 20 years, labor standards have been widely used in free trade agreements. The U.S., the European Union and China have all aggressively signed free trade agreements with their trading partners, developing different styles on labor standards. According to the study, the implementation of the KOREa-EU FREE trade agreement has been hampered by ongoing disputes over the terms of the FREE trade agreement and the ILO since the korea-EU free trade agreement was signed. Because in order to break this deadlock, relevant scholars have done a lot of research, but mainly focused on the economic and trade field. Therefore, this paper for the first time systematically studies the substantive focus of disputes over FTA and ILO clauses, and carefully analyzes the domestic law amended by South Korea, and provides suggestions and inspirations for China by drawing lessons from the revision model of South Korea's domestic law. This is from a newperspective: the essence of the korea-EU FTA and ILO disputes is the conflict between international law and domestic law, and the conflict between free trade agreements and human rights protection. It holds that the essence of disputes should be sorted out from the perspective of legal principles and human rights protection, and the free trade and human rights protection should be actively coordinated. In order to make China more actively integrate into the international economy, China should adopt a positive attitude to revise and perfect its own laws, so as to realize the purpose of common development of international trade and human rights protection.

Inter-partner Fit Mechanisms for Sustainable Joint Ventures: Evidence from Japanese Firms in Korea

  • Kim, Jang-Hyun;Yoshimoto, Koji;Bae, Il-Hyun;Yoon, Ki-Chang
    • Journal of Korea Trade
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.134-152
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    • 2021
  • Purpose - Our study aimed to examine the roles of conflict management in maintaining a sustainable good relationship between joint venture (JV) partners. Although the concepts of relational capital, mutual commitment, and cultural adaptation have been neglected in previous research on interorganizational relationships, we treated them as inter-partner fit mechanism capabilities of affecting the level of satisfaction in a relationship with a JV partner. Design/methodology - In order to test hypotheses, we sent a questionnaire to Japanese firms operating JVs in South Korea and asked whether their levels of satisfaction with their JV partners increase when conflict management techniques are used to reduce the conflicts that usually arise between partners. Findings - The results of our study suggested that it is important for firms participating in a JV to construct and reinforce an inter-partner fit mechanism that enables them to maintain a favorable partnership. In addition, we suggested that relational capital, cultural adaptation, and mutual commitment influence conflict reduction and the level of satisfaction experienced in JVs. Moreover, the results showed that conflict management has a significant effect on developing soild partnerships and performance in JV situations. Originality/value - We advanced a new paradigm about conflict management and suggested methods of research propositions that are well grounded in the latest findings in conflict management research pertaining to JVs.

Worsening Tension Between the United States and China in the South China Sea, A Sign of 'Thucydides Trap'? (미(美) Lassen 함(艦)의 남중국해(南中國海) 기동(機動)은 '투키디데스 함정'의 전조(前兆)?)

  • Yang, Jeong-Sung
    • Strategy21
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    • s.38
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    • pp.287-320
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    • 2015
  • On October 27, 2015, USS Lassen(DDG82), a 9,200 ton class Aegis destroyer of the United States Navy, began its operations within 12 nautical miles of Subi Reef, one of the seven artificial islands that China has built and claimed sovereignty over. The maneuver was joined by anti-submarine patrol airplanes such as P-8A and P-3. The White House press secretary mentioned that the President of the United States approved the operation. In response, China announced that it warned the US Navy ship about the 'illegal violation' by sending two destroyers(PLAN Lanzhou and Taizhou). This event represents a close call case where tension between the United States and China in the South China Sea might have been elevated to a conflict between the two navies. Moreover, considering that this happened only one month after Chinese president Xi's state visit to the United States, the event shows that the positions of the two countries have become starkly different to the extent that they are so hard to be reconciled. The United States' position is different from those of Vietnam and the Philippines. Countries like Vietnam and the Philippines have been directly involved in disputes with regard to sovereignty claims across the waters in the South China sea. As for the United States, being a third party in the disputes, it still cannot be a by-stander watching the whole waters in the region fall under the influence of China. Accordingly, the United States maintains that all countries bear the rights of innocent passage and military operations in the Exclusive Economic Zones(EEZ) as stipulated by the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea(UNCLOS). In contrast, China claims that, historically, the South China sea has been part of China's territorial waters, and that foreign countries are not allowed to conduct military operations within the waters. It strongly accuses that such military operations are illegal. Against this background, this paper tracks the different positions of the United States and China on the issues regarding the South China sea. It also carefully looks at the possibility that, in the process of dealing with the issues, the two countries may get into an armed conflict as the phrase 'Thucydides Trap' predicts.