• Title/Summary/Keyword: Source Positioning

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Experimental Studies for Noise Source Positioning Using TDOA Algorithm (TDOA 기법을 이용한 소음원 위치파악에 관한 인구)

  • Rhee, Wook;Choi, Jong-Soo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 2006.05a
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    • pp.138-142
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    • 2006
  • Time Difference of Arrival (TDOA) algorithm was applied to sound source positioning. Using measured microphones signal, difference of distance from source to sensors were estimated by TDOA and speed of sound, and taken by navigational measurements. And iteration procedures were induced to find the actual source location. For the case of stationary and moving sound source, validation test were performed in the anechoic room. In the stationary case, the error of positioning is less then 1.3% in length scale, and it could be seen proper filtering processes were required in the application of moving sound source.

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A Review on the Usage of RTKLIB for Precise Navigation of Unmanned Vehicles

  • Lim, Cheolsoon;Lee, Yongjun;Cho, Am;Park, Byungwoon
    • Journal of Positioning, Navigation, and Timing
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.243-251
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    • 2021
  • Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) is a phase-based differential GNSS technique and uses additional observations from permanent reference stations to mitigate or eliminate effects like atmospheric delays or satellite clocks and orbit errors. In particular, as the position accuracy required in the fields of autonomous vehicles and drones is gradually increasing, the demand for RTK-based precise navigation that can provide cm-level position is increasing. Recently, with the rapid growth of the open-source software market, the use of open-source software for building navigation system of unmanned vehicles, which is difficult to mount an expensive GNSS receivers, is gradually increasing. RTKLIB is an open-source software package that can perform RTK positioning and is widely used for research and education purposes. However, since the performance and stability of RTK algorithm of RTKLIB is inevitably inferior to that of commercial GNSS receivers, users need to verify whether RTKLIB can satisfy the navigation performance requirements of unmanned vehicles. Therefore, in this paper, the performance evaluation of the RTK positioning algorithm of RTKLIB was performed using GNSS observation data acquired in a dynamic environment. Therefore, in this paper, the RTK positioning performance of RTKLIB was evaluated using GNSS observation data acquired in a dynamic environment. Our results show that the current RTK algorithm of RTKLIB is not suitable for precise navigation of unmanned vehicles.

Software-based Performance Analysis of a Pseudolite Time Synchronization Method Depending on the Clock Source

  • Lee, Ju Hyun;Hwang, Soyoung;Yu, Dong-Hui;Park, Chansik;Lee, Sang Jeong
    • Journal of Positioning, Navigation, and Timing
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    • v.3 no.4
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    • pp.163-170
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    • 2014
  • A pseudolite is used as a GPS backup system, and is also used for the purpose of indoor navigation and correction information transmission. It is installed on the ground, and transmits signals that are similar to those of a GPS satellite. In addition, in recent years, studies on the improvement of positioning accuracy using the pseudorange measurement of a pseudolite have been performed. As for the effect of the time synchronization error between a pseudolite and a GPS satellite, a time synchronization error of 1 us generally induces a pseudorange error of 300 m; and to achieve meter-level positioning, ns-level time synchronization between a pseudolite and a GPS satellite is required. Therefore, for the operation of a pseudolite, a time synchronization algorithm between a GPS satellite and a pseudolite is essential. In this study, for the time synchronization of a pseudolite, "a pseudolite time synchronization method using the time source of UTC (KRIS)" and "a time synchronization method using a GPS timing receiver" were introduced; and the time synchronization performance depending on the pseudolite time source and reference time source was evaluated by designing a software-based pseudolite time synchronization performance evaluation simulation platform.

Indoor Position Technology in Geo-Magnetic Field (지구 자기장 기반의 Fingerprint 실내 위치추정 방법 연구)

  • Hur, Soojung;Song, Junyeol;Park, Yongwan
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.38C no.1
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    • pp.131-140
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    • 2013
  • Due to the limitations of the existing indoor positioning system depending on the radio wave, at present, it is required to introduce a new method in order to improve the accuracy in indoor environment. Recently, bio-inspired technology has become the future core technology. Thus, this study examined the accurate positioning method applying the abilities that animals with homing instinct measure their position by searching geomagnetic field with the use of their biomagnets. In order to confirm the applicability of geomagnetic field, a new source for indoor positioning, this study separated the constituent materials and building structure and designed the structures that can carry the actual magnetic field sensor and the data collection module. Subsequently, this study investigated the applicability of geomagnetic field as a positioning source by establishing the positioning system of Fingerprint method. In performance evaluation of the positioning system, the geomagnetic strength-based positioning system was similar to or approximately 20 percent higher than the wireless LAN-based positioning system in the buildings with the existing wireless LAN. Thus, in the environment without infrastructure for indoor positioning, the geomagnetic, an independent earth resource, can make it possible to realize the indoor positioning.

Estimation of Ionospheric Delays in Dual Frequency Positioning - Future Possibility of Using Pseudo Range Measurements -

  • Isshiki, Hiroshi
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • v.2
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    • pp.185-190
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    • 2006
  • The correct estimation of the ionospheric delays is very important for the precise kinematic positioning especially in case of the long baseline. In case of triple frequency system, the ionospheric delays can be estimated from the measurements, but, in case of dual frequency system, the situation is not so simple. The precision of those supplied by the external information source such as IONEX is not sufficient. The high frequency component is neglected, and the precision of the low frequency component is not sufficient for the long baseline positioning. On the other hand, the high frequency component can be estimated from the phase range measurements. If the low frequency components are estimated by using the external information source or pseudo range measurements, a more reasonable estimation of the ionospheric delays may be possible. It has already been discussed by the author that the estimation of the low frequency components by using the external information source is not sufficient but fairly effective. The estimation using the pseudo range measurements is discussed in the present paper. The accuracy is not sufficient at present because of the errors in the pseudo range measurements. It is clarified that the bias errors in the pseudo range measurements are responsible for the poor accuracy of the ionospheric delays. However, if the accuracy of the pseudo range measurements is improved in future, the method would become very promising.

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Development of Monitor Positioning Algorithm considering Power System Topology and Distributed Generation (분산전원과 토폴로지를 고려한 배전계통에서의 전기품질 모니터 위치 선정 기법)

  • Moon, Dae-Seong;Kim, Yun-Seong;Won, Dong-Jun
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.57 no.10
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    • pp.1744-1751
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    • 2008
  • This paper presents a monitor positioning algorithm to identify the power quality event source in the distribution system with distributed generations. This algorithm determines the appropriate number of monitors and their locations considering power system topology together with distributed generation. This paper summarizes the guidelines of monitor positioning into five principles and defines the weighting factors according to the principles. To evaluate the adequacy of monitor positioning results, ambiguity indices considering monitor location and system topology are proposed. The optimal number and locations of monitors are determined from optimization routine using the weighting factors and the monitor positioning results are evaluated in terms of ambiguity indices. The algorithm is applied to IEEE 13 bus test feeder and suggests the optimal number and locations of power quality monitors. The proposed approach can realize the expert's knowledge on monitor positioning into a sophisticated automatic computing algorithm.

Development of MATLAB GUI Based Software for Monitoring Ionospheric Disturbances

  • Kim, Bu-Gyeom;Kang, Seonho;Han, Deokhwa;Song, Junesol;So, Hyoungmin;Kim, Kap Jin;Kee, Changdon
    • Journal of Positioning, Navigation, and Timing
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.69-77
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    • 2019
  • This study introduces MATLAB Graphical User Interface (GUI)-based software to monitor ionospheric disturbances. This software detects ionospheric disturbances using Global Positioning System (GPS) and Global Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS) measurements, and estimates a location of the disturbance source through the detected disturbance. In addition, this software includes a sky plot making function and frequency analysis function through wavelet transform. To evaluate the performance of the developed software, data of 2011 Tohoku earthquake in Japan were analyzed by using the software. The analysis results verified that the ionospheric disturbances were detected through GPS and GLONASS measurements, and the location of the disturbance source was estimated through the detected disturbance.

Optimum Design of the Microphone Sensor Array for 3D TDOA Positioning System (3차원 TDOA 위치인식 시스템의 마이크 센서 배열 최적 설계)

  • Oh, Jongtaek
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.31-36
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    • 2014
  • A study on the indoor positioning system has been active recently for the location based service indoors. In the 3 dimensional positioning system based on the acoustic signal and TDOA technology, the error characteristics of the estimated source position would be changed depending on the number of microphones and the pattern of the microphone array. In this paper, the estimated position error according to the measured distance error between the microphones and the signal source is analyzed, and the optimum microphone array is decided considering the estimated position error patterns and the total amount of the estimated position error.

Direct Position Determination of Coherently Distributed Sources based on Compressed Sensing with a Moving Nested Array

  • Yankui, Zhang;Haiyun, Xu;Bin, Ba;Rong, Zong;Daming, Wang;Xiangzhi, Li
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.2454-2468
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    • 2019
  • The existing direct position determinations(DPD) for coherently distributed(CD) sources are mostly applicable for uniform linear array(ULA), which result in a low degree of freedom(DOF), and it is difficult for them to realize the effective positioning in underdetermined condition. In this paper, a novel DPD algorithm for coherently distributed sources based on compressed sensing with a moving nested array is present. In this algorithm, the nested array is introduced to DPD firstly, and a positioning model of signal moving station based on nested array is constructed. Owing to the features of coherently distributed sources, the cost function of compressed sensing is established based on vectorization. For the sake of convenience, unconstrained transformation and convex transformation of cost functions are carried out. Finally, the position coordinates of the distribution source signals are obtained according to the theory of optimization. At the same time, the complexity is analyzed, and the simulation results show that, in comparison with two-step positioning algorithms and subspace-based algorithms, the proposed algorithm effectively solves the positioning problem in underdetermined condition with the same physical element number.

Applications of Rotating Noise Source Positioning Using TDOA Algorithm (회전하는 소음원의 위치추적에 대한 TDOA기법의 적용)

  • Lee, Jong-Hyun;Lee, Ja-Hyung;Rhee, Wook;Choi, Jong-Soo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 2009.04a
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    • pp.483-489
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    • 2009
  • The Time Difference of Arrival (TDOA) algorithm is being used widely for identifying the location of a source emanating either electrical or acoustic signal. It's application areas will not be limited to identifying the source at a fixed location, for example the origin of an earthquake, but will also include the trajectory monitoring for a moving source equipped with a GPS sensor. Most of the TDOA algorithm uses time correlation technique to find the time delay between received signals, and therefore difficult to be used for identifying the location of multiple sources. In this paper a TDOA algorithm based on cross-spectrum is developed to find the trajectory of two sound sources with different frequencies. Although its application is limited to for the sources on a disk plane, but it can be applied for identifying the locations of more than two sources simultaneously.

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