• 제목/요약/키워드: Solenoid Core

검색결과 80건 처리시간 0.033초

3자유도 모터 제어를 위한 철심 솔레노이드 특성의 실험적 해석에 관한 연구 (A Study of the Iron-Core Solenoid Analysis for 3 D.O.F. Motor Control with Experimental Method)

  • 백윤수;박준혁
    • 대한기계학회논문집A
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    • 제25권9호
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    • pp.1334-1340
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    • 2001
  • In this paper, the experimental modeling of the force between permanent magnet and iron-core solenoid is suggested for more accurate control of 3 D.O.F. motor using the electromagnetic force. In the case of iron-core solenoid, the general equation of solenoid cant be used simply because of its nonlinearity. Therefore, the magnetic flux density is estimated through the concept of equivalent permanent magnet. The force distribution between permanent magnet and iron-core solenoid is more dependent on the magnetization of iron core caused by the permanent magnet than any other parameters. Therefore, the equation of the force estimation between these magnetic systems can be modeled by the experimental function of the magnetization of iron core. Especially, if the distance between iron-core solenoid and permanent magnet is far enough, the force equation through experiment can be expressed from only the current of coil and the distance between iron-core solenoid and permanent magnet. It means that Coulombs law can be used for magnetic systems and it is validated through the experiment. Therefore, force calibration is performed by the concept of Coulombs law.

고전압 차단기용 솔레노이드의 특성해석 (Characteristics Analysis of the Solenoid for High-Voltage Circuit Breaker)

  • 윤소남;류재섭;함영복;노종호
    • 한국정밀공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국정밀공학회 2003년도 춘계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.382-385
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, the solenoid for high-voltage circuit breaker which is composed of bobbin, solenoid coil, stationary core and plunger was studied. The solenoid is made of a soft magnetic iron bar with a large number of coil windings. when an electric current passes through this, this stationary core becomes the strong magnet used for hydraulic and pneumatic valve of a solenoid operated valve. For the performance evaluation of the solenoid for high-voltage circuit breaker, electromagnetic characteristics and dynamic characteristics were analyzed. And, the parameters which is related to performance improvement were investigated.

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MEMS에 의한 On-chip 고종횡비 Air Core Solenoid 인덕터의 제작 (Fabrication of Micromachined On-chip High Ratio Air Core Solenoid Inductor)

  • ;김경환
    • 한국전기전자재료학회논문지
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    • 제19권8호
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    • pp.780-784
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    • 2006
  • We present high aspect ratio air-core solenoid inductors with $100{\mu}m\;and\;200{\mu}m$ tall via structures on Pyrex wafer. The effect of various parameters such as different number of turns, via heights, pitch distance between turns on inductor's radio frequency (RF) characteristics have been studied. The highest Q factor we obtained from various solenoid inductors is 72.8 at 9.7 GHz, which was produced by a 3-turn inductor.

디젤엔진 분사기용 솔레노이드의 형상에 따른 솔레노이드의 특성 (Characteristics of Solenoid on the Shape for Electric Control Injector in Diesel Engine)

  • 조규학;라진홍;안수길
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • 제27권3호
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    • pp.405-411
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    • 2003
  • An electric control fuel injector of a diesel engine injection systems is very important apparatus for fuel economy and emission control. It's performance was influenced by hydraulic contro1 of valve and solenoid especially the solenoid was important factor for operation and control of injector. In this paper. we made solenoids of 4 type. which changed the shape of armature and core. and measured magnetic force according to input current, and analyzed characteristics of solenoid on the shape through the test results.

유한요소법을 이용한 공심 원통현자석의 인덕탄스 계산에 관한 연구 (Iductance Computations of Air-Core Solenoid Magnets by FEM)

  • Kown, Young-Ahn
    • 대한전기학회논문지
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    • 제39권3호
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    • pp.247-253
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    • 1990
  • The inductances of air-core solenoid magnets with circular cross sections depend on the geometric structure and winding number. For the calculation of the inductance of these magnets, Grover's table is normally used. This study presents a method to calculate the inductance using finite element method. The result of the computation agrees well with those found in the literature. Inductances of solenoid magnets with nonuniform winding distribution of complicated shapes can also be computed using this method.

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안전성 증대를 위해 솔레노이드를 적용한 신관 안전장전장치 설계 (Design of Safety and Arming Device of the Fuze using Solenoid for Improving Safety)

  • 안지연;정명숙;김기륙
    • 전자공학회논문지
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    • 제51권10호
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    • pp.197-203
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    • 2014
  • 신관 안전장전장치는 비행체의 수송, 저장, 취급 중의 안전을 절대적으로 보장하도록 설계되어야 한다. 본 논문에서는 비행체에 적용되는 신관 안전장전장치의 안전성을 증대시키기 위한 솔레노이드 조립체와 솔레노이드 조립체를 구동하기 위한 솔레노이드 구동회로를 포함한 신관 안전장전장치 설계에 대해 기술한다. 솔레노이드 조립체는 신관 안전장전장치에 적용한 추가적인 안전장치로서, 코일 조립체, 복원스프링, 코어 등으로 구성된다. 솔레노이드 조립체의 코어는 평상시에는 1차 안전장치를 구속하고 있어 1차 안전장치가 작동하는 것을 저지해줌으로써 비행체의 취급이나 수송 시 안전을 확보해주게 되며, 발사를 위한 비행체 배터리 전원이 인가 및 활성화되어 신관 안전장전장치에 공급되면, 솔레노이드 구동회로가 코어를 작동시켜 신관 안전장전장치의 1차 및 2차 안전장치를 해제시키는 역할을 한다. 또한, 솔레노이드 구동회로는 비행체 발사 이후, 신관 안전장전장치의 기계적 장전이 완료되어 장전스위치가 turn-on되면 솔레노이드 조립체에 인가되는 전원을 자동 차단시켜 비행 중의 전원 소모량을 줄일 수 있도록 하였다.

솔레노이드 액추에이터의 비선형 동적응답에 대한 구조최적설계 (Structural Optimization for Nonlinear Dynamic Response of Solenoid Actuator)

  • 백석흠;김현수;장득열;이승범;권영석;노의동;이창훈
    • 한국자동차공학회논문집
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    • 제21권1호
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    • pp.113-120
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    • 2013
  • This paper proposes a design optimization approach for core of solenoid actuators by combining optimization techniques with the finite element method (FEM). A solenoid is an important element part which hydraulically controls a transmission system, etc. The demanded feature of the solenoid is that it performs an electromagnetic force output being constant regardless of the stroke and being proportional to coil current. The plunger compresses a spring with a minimum force of 12 N over an 1.7 mm travel. The orthogonal array, analysis of variance (ANOVA) techniques and response surface optimization, are employed to determine the main effects and their optimal design variables. The methodology is demonstrated as a optimization tool for the core design of a solenoid actuator.

가변압축기용 제어 밸브의 전자력 향상 설계 (Design for Improving Magnetic Force of Control Valve in Variable Compressor)

  • 이용주;이건호
    • 유공압시스템학회논문집
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    • 제7권4호
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    • pp.44-49
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    • 2010
  • This paper represents solenoid design of control valve for incline angle control in variable compressor. Some theoretical and numerical analysis were performed to analyse solenoid and compared with experimental results. Maxwell program was used for numerical analysis. Through redesigns of housing body, plunger, core, and disk in control valve, the needed force was gotten. Reduction of core groove and housing body air-gap had a large influence on magnetic force. But increasing of disk thickness had little effect on magnetic force. Control valve efficiency could be improved through solenoid redesign.

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