• Title/Summary/Keyword: Soil Improvement

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Spatial and Temporal Variation of Macroinvertebrates according to Physical Factors in Gongji Stream Area (공지천 수계에서 물리적인 요인에 따른 저서성 대형무척추동물 군집의 시.공간적인 변동)

  • Lee, Jaeyong;Lee, Kwang-Yeol;Han, Sang-Jin;Lee, Seok-Jong;Jung, Yukyong;Cheon, Jaelyoung;Choi, Jaeseok;Kim, Joon Chul
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.24-32
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    • 2014
  • Our study is purposed to understand effect on spatio-temporal variability of macroinvertebrate community 11 sampling times at 4 sites between two streams (Shinchon stream and Gongji stream in Chuncheun City) from May 2011 to October 2013. In this study, the possible physical factors on spatio-temporal variability of macroinvertebrate community were discussed. After stream improvement project, the effects of anthropogenic disturbance in study sites appeared as increased water temperature more than $30^{\circ}C$ and the difference of water temperature between Shinchon stream and Gongji stream was by maximum $9^{\circ}C$ on 2012. The monsoon rainfall decreased number of species, individuals and biodiversity index of macroinvertebrate community, particularly, in Shincheon stream compare to Gongji stream. Dominant species of macroinvertebrate taxa was caddisfly in Shincheon stream and Diptera in Gongji stream but on August 2013, it was dominated by Diptera, Chironomidae spp. in all study sites. The spatio-temporal variability of macroinvertebrate community in the streams may be useful as bio-indicator influencing anthropogenic factors such as soil erosion (landslide or cultivation) or monsoon rainfall.

A Study on the Improvement of a Fleet Management System for Construction Equipment (건설장비 플릿관리 시스템 개선에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Sung-Keun;Lim, So-Young
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.37 no.6
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    • pp.1063-1076
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    • 2017
  • To improve the productivity of the earthwork, a fleet management system for construction equipment was suggested in previous studies. But there were some gaps between theory and practice. To overcome this problem, some opinions are gathered form experts and field engineers and four improvements have been proposed and reflected in the system. First, the previous system consists of one hardware module, so it is hard to install it at a control office and construction equipment at the same time. The server module for the office and the mobile module for construction equipment are separately developed. Second, the transportation algorithm that is used in the previous system can generate shortest paths for the earthwork distribution, but embankment areas are not gathered. This situation leads to a decrease in compaction productivity. A modified algorithm for earthwork distribution is suggested. Third, the automated coordinate transformation is performed to show the position of construction equipment on the 3D terrain in real-time. Fourth, construction equipment groups should be formed in the initial stage of earthwork and the number of equipment of each groups should be changed by operation status and site environment. But this functions did not work properly in the previous system. This problem is corrected in the proposed system. The improvements can make the proposed system much more realistic one and can leads to an increase in the productivity of earthwork operations.

Effects and Future Prospect of the Cooperative Culture of Low-land Rice in Korea (우리나라 수도지반재배의 효과와 전망)

  • Min-Shin Cho
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.85-92
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    • 1969
  • The goal for the improvement of rice culture in our country is to increase the rice yield per unit area, and that thoroughly, to equalize the rice yield per unit are highly by adaptation of high technique, while on the side of the efficiency, to increase the productivity of the labour through the cooperative work. And then, the theory for execution of the cooperative rice culture which is the productive system embodying the goal above and the expected effects as well as the future prospect for the development of the cooperative rice culture must be studied and defined. The results studied up to now are summarized as follows: 1. The cooperative rice culture is one of the most effective ways to execute highly efficient farm management and to supply the technical details on the cultivation for equalized high yield per unit area in the rice cultivating districts. 2. For the most effective accomplishment of the cooperative rice culture, the water control, and soil and variety of rice must be investigated in advance an then the basic technical details for the rice culture must be defined. 3. The rice cultivation calender is drawn up with the main technical details of rice culture by the mutual agreement of all farmers belong to the cooperative farm. All technical details for the rice cultivation in the cooperative farm are standardized by the rice cultivation calendar and the main technical operations should be worked together and the other operations executed individually. 4. The technique for rice cultivation, which was difficult to be introduced in the individual farm management, could be introduced easily to the cooperative rice culture, and the rice yield of the cooperative farm was increased 23.3% compared to that of common farm in 1968. 5. At present, the type of the cooperative rice culture is a primary type of the agreement for farm management, rarely including the associated operation type and the contracted operation type for a part of operation, However, for stabilized high yield through the mechanization of the cultivation system, the cooperative farm must be developed for a course promoting the associated operation type including the technique trust type and the contracted operation type according to the condition of location.

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Some Peculiarities of Structure and Growth of Larch Stands in Western Mongolia

  • Tsogtbaatar, J.;Battulga, P.
    • The Korean Journal of Quaternary Research
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    • v.18 no.2 s.23
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    • pp.107-107
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    • 2004
  • In this paper we have introduced some results of study on stand growth pattern and stand structure of larch forest which are located in selected forest sites of Khangai and Gobi-Altai mountain ranges of Mongolia. Our investigations showed that growth intensity and stand structure in western Mongolia are very specific from the other forest vegetation zones of Mongolia. Studies on the stand structure and growth trend indicate that tree types of stand structure and different types of growth of Larix sibrica are very common in Western Mongolia. These peculiarities of stand structure and growth of larch stands in Western Monolia could be used for inventory work and an improvement of the forest management in Western Mongolian region. The larch tree is the dominant tree species in Western Mogolia. Forest cover of the region is about 15%, which is two times higher than the country's average. In this region forest area is divided into 4 forest sub-regions: the Central Khangai, Western Khangai, North Eastern Khangai and South Easterun Khangai sub-regions including taiga, pseudo taiga, sub taiga, sub-alpine and forest steppe belts. Silviculture practices and forest research management request to study forest growth trends in local and general conditions, which means to indicate a change of taxonomic characteristics of stand from time to time including diameter, height, basal area, growth stock etc. The forest management practice mostly uses tables of forest growth and yield based on the results of long term research on forest growth. Forest yield tables and other relevant forest standards of Russia are used for the forest inventory and forest management. They are not able to determine forest structure and growth peculiatities of Mongolian forests. Studies on forest resource assessment in Mongolia indicate that after logging operations and forest fires the natural regeneration of desired species such as pine and larch often does not succeed. This situation forces to take a different approach of forest management and silviculture practice depending on the stand structure and growth rate of the forest stands. According to our investigation in last years, forest growth pattern of larch forest depends mostly on stand structure, stand age and growth condition including forest soil, climate and location in different slopes. Due to improve environmental function of forest ecosystem in the region, it is needed to conduct very comprehensive study of high mountain forest ecosystem in selected sub-regions.

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Analysis of Behavior on GCP Composite Ground Considering Loading and Foundation Conditions (하중 및 기초조건에 따른 GCP 복합지반의 거동분석)

  • Kim, Gyeong-Eop;Park, Kyung-Ho;Kim, Dae-Hyeon
    • Journal of the Korean Geosynthetics Society
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.127-137
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    • 2018
  • Gravel Compaction Pile (hereinafter referred to as GCP) is a ground improvement technique by packing crushed stones on fragile clay ground, pressing it, and forming stakes on the foundation. Although many researchers have analyzed stress behavior of GCP composite ground on domestic GCP technique using laboratory experiment and field experiment, analyses of stress behavior according to the difference of stiffness of mat foundation loaded on the upper foundation of GCP composite ground have not been done actively. Therefore, this study aimed to identify the stress concentration ratio in accordance with the difference of basis stiffness by interpreting figures. To perform this, replacement ratio was changed and modelled using ABAQUS, software for finite element analysis and analyzed the stress concentration ratio, amounts of settlement, and maximum amounts of horizontal displacement of composite ground in accordance with the difference of stiffness. An analysis showed that the stress concentration ratio of rigid foundation was highly assessed than unloading of flexible foundation in case of unloading, while amounts of settlement under flexible unloading condition were slightly higher than under rigid condition. This indicates that the characteristic of stress behavior on the different stiffness of upper foundation needs to be clarified. In addition, the maximum horizontal displacement was generated in a constant level regardless of the difference of stiffness.

A Field Verification Study on the Effect of Filter Layers on Groundwater Level Drop Characteristics, Permeability, Optimum Yield and Well Efficiency in the Unconfined Aquifer Well for Riverbank Filtration Intake (강변여과수 취수를 위한 충적우물에서 필터층이 수위강하특성, 투수성, 적정양수량 및 우물효율에 미치는 영향에 대한 현장실증 연구)

  • Song, Jae-Yong;Lee, Sang-Moo;Kang, Byeong-Cheon;Lee, Geun-Chun;Jeong, Gyo-Cheol
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.509-529
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    • 2019
  • This study performs to evaluate the role of filter material at alluvial well for intake of riverbank filtration and the applicability and improvement effect of dual filter well. To achieve this objective, dual filter intake well and single filter intake well were installed with different filter conditions at riverbank free surface aquifer in soil layer then we evaluated filter material condition, permeability, optimum yield and well efficiency according to yield in drawdown test. As a results, we assumed forming dual filter layer minimizes sudden speed changes at boundary between aquifer and filter layer by cushioning of groundwater flow. This suppresses warm current then intake groundwater efficiently, therefore it seems decreasing peripheral groundwater level changes in spite of higher intake water amount than single filter intake well. Furthermore, we confirmed by test, installing dual filter improves permeability, optimum yield and well efficiency. The result will be used by combining with former study to set up standard of design/construction of dual filter intake well at alluvial aquifer layer. Furthermore, we expect this result will be used to prove application effect of dual filter intake well compared to single filter one and radial collector well which are mainly applied on riverbank filtration.

A Study on the Development of Techniques for Urban Forest Restoration and Management - Focus on the Restoration of Origin Vegetation and Improvement of Biodiversity - (도시림 복원 및 관리 기술의 개발에 관한 연구 - 원식생 복원과 생물다양성 증진을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Kwi-Gon;Cho, Dong-GiI;Kim, Nam-Choon;Min, Byung-Mee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.27-37
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    • 2000
  • This study aims at restoring urban forest destructed and eliminated by industrialization, urbanization, and city development and presenting a direction to manage remaining urban forest ecologically. To this end, an experiment zone where Populus tomentiglandulosa T. Lee were selective cutted and a control zone where Populus tomentiglandulosa T. Lee were kept intact were created in Chongdam Park located in Kangnam-ku, Seoul. Then, the structural changes of herbaceous plant species, the growth of targeted woody plants, and the increase of the number of insect and bird species were examined. The conclusions reached in this study are as follows. First, for the sake of ecological restoration and management of urban forest, it is good to selective cutting. Although timing, frequency, and methods may vary depending on the features and types of urban forest, the study revealed that selective cutting contributes to the restoration speed of origin vegetation and the enhancement of biodiversity including plants and insects. Second, as for the correlations of selective cutting and the appearance of plant species, the growth of origin vegetation, and insect distribution, the study showed that the impact of meteorological environment such as brightness is much greater than that of soil environment. Third, in order to manage urban forest, tramping pressure needs to be controlled efficiently. The efficient control of tramping pressure would contribute in the appearance of herbaceous plants. It would also be beneficial in promoting biodiversity of birds by removing the impact of people using routes. Fourth, in order to enhance the overall biodiversity of urban forest, diverse environment needs to be provided. In particular, it is necessary to supply water that is insufficient in urban forest. Providing habitats such as forest wetland performs an important function to amphibians and birds that require water as well as the appearance of aquatic plants and insects. Therefore, ways to introduce water efficiently should be initiated.

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A study of Improvement on the Road Drainage Poor Site (도로배수 취약구간의 개선방안에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, Man-Seok;Kim, Heung-Rae;Lee, Kyung-Ha;Kang, Min-Soo;Song, Min-Tae
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.125-131
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    • 2011
  • This research aims to investigate the cause of the occurrence of a weak road drainage section scientifically and specifically through a site survey for a poorly drained section occurring due to rainfalls during road operation. This paper deeply reviewed the existing research results and current situation data on the poorly drained sections accumulated in Korea Expressway Corporation in order to investigate the cause of the occurrence of a weak road drainage section, and deeply verified and analyzed the weak sections for the road surface drainage facilities and the other road drainage facilities by visiting the expressway controlled by the 6 local headquarters and 33 branches of Korea Expressway Corporation. As a result of site surveys for the weak road drainage sections, i) in a road surface section, occurrence of ponding in the road shoulder pavement due to slope changes, bad collection of water in the collecting well at a median strip, shortage of road shoulder dike height, and inferior construction, etc. was analyzed to be the main cause of the occurrence of poorly drained sections, and ii) in a road neighborhood section, the occurrence of pavement height difference in a main road and shoulder section due to inferior ditches on a slope and the bad drain age at the inlet and outlet of a culvert due to soil deposits, debris, etc. were analyzed to be the main cause of the occurrence of weak sections. Proposed as a plan to improve the poorly drainage section of road were i)calculation of capacity through material changes at the ditch, enhancement of vertical sections and hydraulic analysis in terms of construction and other aspects, ii)derivation of a combined slope considering a slope and a vertical linearity and maintenance of proper distance between drainage structures in a vertical concave section in terms of geometrical structure, and iii)calculation of the drainage facility installation interval using a minutely rainfall intensity formula and a non-uniform flow analysis technique in terms of hydraulics and hydrologics and prompt removal of rainfalls from the road surface according to a linear drainage method.

Study on Improvement of Calibration/Validation of SWAT for Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Land Uses and Rainfall Patterns (강수패턴과 토지이용의 시공간적 분석을 위한 SWAT모형의 검보정 개선방안 연구)

  • Lee, Ji-Won;Kum, Donghyuk;Kim, Bomchul;Kim, Young Sug;Jeong, Gyo-Cheol;Kim, Ki-Sung;Choi, Joong-Dae;Lim, Kyoung Jae
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.365-376
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate effects of spatio-temporal changes in land uses and rainfall magnitude using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). Prior of application of the model to real-world problem, the model should be calibrated and validated properly. In most modeling approaches, the validation process is done assuming no significant changes occurring at the study watershed between calibration and validation periods, which is not proper assumption for agricultural watersheds. If simulated results obtained with calibrated parameters match observed data with higher accuracy for validation period, this does not always mean the simulated result represents rainfall-runoff, pollutant generation and transport mechanism for validation period because temporal and spatial variables and rainfall magnitude are often not the same. In this study SWAT was applied to Mandae study watershed in Korea to evaluate effects of spatio-temporal changes in landuses using 2009 and 2010 crop data for each field at the watershed. The Nash-Sutcliffe model efficiency (NSE) values for calibration and validation with either 2009 or 2010 was evaluated and the NSE value for calibration with 2009 and calibration with 2010 were compared. It was found that if there is substantial change in land use and rainfall, model calibration period should be determined to reflect those changes. Through these approaches, inherent limitation of the SWAT, which does not consider changes in land uses over the simulation period, was investigated. Also, Effects of changes in rainfall magnitude during calibration process were analyzed.

Remote Sensing Applications for Malaria Research : Emerging Agenda of Medical Geography (원격탐사 자료를 이용한 말라리아 연구 : 보건지리학적 과제와 전망)

  • Park, Sunyurp
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.473-493
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    • 2012
  • Malaria infection is sensitively influenced by regional meteorological conditions along with global climate change. Remote sensing techniques have become an important tool for extraction of climatic and environmental factors, including rainfall, temperature, surface water, soil moisture, and land use, which are directly linked to the habitat qualities of malaria mosquitoes. Improvement of sensor fidelity with higher spatial and spectral resolution, new multinational sensor development, and decreased data cost have nurtured diverse remote sensing applications in malaria research. In 1984, eradication of endemic malaria was declared in Korea, but reemergence of malaria was reported in mid-1990s. Considering constant changes in malaria cases since 2000, the epidemiological management of the disease needs careful monitoring. Geographically, northmost counties neighboring North Korea have been ranked high in the number of malaria cases. High infection rates in these areas drew special attention and led to a hypothesis that malaria dispersion in these border counties might be caused by north-origin, malaria-bearing adult mosquitoes. Habitat conditions of malaria mosquitoes are important parameters for prediction of the vector abundance. However, it should be realized that malaria infection and transmission is a complex mechanism, where non-environmental factors, including human behavior, demographic structure, landscape structure, and spatial relationships between human residence and the vector habitats, are also significant considerations in the framework of medical geography.

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