• Title/Summary/Keyword: Software maintenance system

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A Study on the Effects of ICT Infrastructure Cost on Information System Life Cycle (정보시스템 수명주기에 인프라가 미치는 영향관계에 대한 연구)

  • Moon, Heoungkeun;Kim, Jeongho;Lee, Seogjun;Park, Sungsik
    • Journal of Information Technology and Architecture
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.323-334
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    • 2013
  • There are many studies on the project planning, project management and quality management. The cost of the new project takes only 20% of system's lifetime resource and the costs of the maintenance and infrastructure take more than 80%, so the study on the maintenance is much more important than the study on the new project. There has been many studies on the economic life cycle of the system using it's maintenance cost, but no studies on it's infrastructure cost. This paper provides how we can adapt infrastructure cost, which takes more than 40% of system's life cycle cost, to the economic life cycle of the system and its effects on the system's economic life cycle.

Safety Assessment and Behavior Control System using Monitoring of Segmental PSC Box Girder Bridges during Construction (세그멘탈 PSC박스거더교량의 시공간 계측모니터링을 통한 확률적 구조안정성 평가 및 제어 시스템)

  • Shin, Jae-Chul;Cho, Hyo-Nam;Park, Kyung-Hoon;Bae, Yong-Il
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.191-201
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    • 2001
  • In spite of the increasing construction of segmental PSC box girder bridges, the techniques associated with real-time monitoring, construction control and safety assessment during construction have been less developed compared with the construction techniques. Thus, the development of an integrated system including real-time measurement and monitoring, control and safety assessment system during construction is necessary fur more safe and precise construction of the bridges. This study presents a prototype integrated monitoring system for preventing abnormal behavior and accidents under construction stages, that consist of behavior control system for precise construction, reliability-based safety assessment system, and structural analysis. Also, a prototype software system is developed on the basis of the proposed model. It is successfully applied to the Sea-Hae Grand Bridge built by FCM. The integrated system model and software system can be utilized for the safe and precise construction of segmental PSC bridges during construction.

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Web Standardization: An Overview

  • Minsoo Park
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.134-139
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    • 2024
  • The Web has unique characteristics that distinguish it from products or software, so it is necessary to expand the concept of usability to include not only cognitive convenience but also emotional aspects and culture. Unlike software created with a clear intention by a single author or group, the Web is created by various authors with various purposes, so it requires various interactions between users and the system. Compared to existing software with few changes for system maintenance and updates, the Web is a dynamic system that continuously grows and changes. Unlike the relatively homogeneous and limited user group of software, the Web is used by users with various backgrounds and levels, making it difficult to provide unified training or control for the system. Since usability on the Web depends on how accurately and quickly users can access the information they want and how much aesthetic satisfaction and enjoyment they can provide, usability evaluations should be conducted in a different way from traditional software. Due to the diverse and constantly changing characteristics of the web from the basic environment to the end user, it is not desirable to apply software development principles and processes to the development of websites. Unlike the software environment, the Web does not have a defined user base, and unlike software, the tasks performed by users do not have a starting, middle, and ending stage, and they behave differently depending on their preferences. In this paper, we aim to provide an overview of web standardization in dynamic web environments.

Software Complexity and Management for Real-Time Systems

  • Agarwal Ankur;Pandya A.S.;Lbo Young-Ubg
    • Journal of information and communication convergence engineering
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.23-27
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    • 2006
  • The discipline of software performance is very broad; it influences all aspects of the software development lifecycle, including architecture, design, deployment, integration, management, evolution and servicing. Thus, the complexity of software is an important aspect of development and maintenance activities. Much research has been dedicated to defining different software measures that capture what software complexity is. In most cases, the description of complexity is given to humans in forms of numbers. These quantitative measures reflect human-seen complexity with different levels of success. Software complexity growth has been recognized to be beyond human control. In this paper, we have focused our discussion on the increasing software complexity and the issue with the problems being faced in managing this complexity. This increasing complexity in turn affects the software productivity, which is declining with increase in its complexity.

Implementation of an Integrated Monitoring System for Constructional Structures Based on SaaS in Traditional Towns with Local Heritage (SaaS(Software as a Service) 기반 지방유적도시 구조물 유지관리계측 통합모니터링시스템 구현)

  • Min, Byung-Won;Oh, Yong-Sun
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2015.05a
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    • pp.15-16
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    • 2015
  • Measuring sensor, equipment, ICT facilities and their software have relatively short life time comparing to constructional structure so that we should exchange or fix them continuously in the process of maintenance and management. In this paper, we propose a novel design of integrated maintenance, management, and measuring monitoring system applying the concept of mobile cloud. For the sake of disaster prevention for constructional structures such as bridge, tunnel, and other traditional buildings in the village of local heritage, we analyze status of these structures in the long term or short term period as well as disaster situations. Collecting data based on mobile cloud and analyzing future expectations based on probabilistic and statistical techniques, we implement our integrated monitoring system for constructional structures to solve these existing problems. Final results of this design and implementation are basically applied to the monitoring system for more than 10,000 structures spread over national land in Korea. In addition, we can specifically apply the monitoring system presented here to a bridge of timber structure in Asan Oeam Village and a traditional house in Andong Hahoe Village to watch them from possible disasters. Total procedure of system design and implementation as well as development of the platform LinkSaaS and application services of monitoring functions implemented on the platform. We prove a good performance of our system by fulfilling TTA authentication test, web accommodation test, and operation test using real measuring data.

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A Study on Optimal Release Time for Software Systems based on Generalized Gamma Distribution (일반화 감마분포에 근거한 소프트웨어 최적방출시기에 관한 비교 연구)

  • Kim, Jae-Wook;Kim, Hee-Cheul
    • Journal of Korea Society of Digital Industry and Information Management
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.55-67
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    • 2010
  • Decision problem called an optimal release policies, after testing a software system in development phase and transfer it to the user, is studied. The applied model of release time exploited infinite non-homogeneous Poisson process. This infinite non-homogeneous Poisson process is a model which reflects the possibility of introducing new faults when correcting or modifying the software. The failure life-cycle distribution used generalized gamma type distribution which has the efficient various property because of various shape and scale parameter. Thus, software release policies which minimize a total average software cost of development and maintenance under the constraint of satisfying a software reliability requirement becomes an optimal release policies. In a numerical example, after trend test applied and estimated the parameters using maximum likelihood estimation of inter-failure time data, estimated software optimal release time.

Computer-Aided Monitoring and Assessment System for Maintenance of Grand Bridges (대형교량의 유지관리를 위한 전산화 모니터링 및 분석평가시스템)

  • Cho, Hyo Nam;Lim, Jong Kwon;Min, Dae Hong;Park, Kyung Hoon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.10 no.3 s.36
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    • pp.369-381
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    • 1998
  • This paper is intended to show some new approaches and concepts for the development of system model and prototype software for computer-aided Monitoring and Assessment(M&A) of grand bridges. The system model that incorporates optimal strategies for M&A of grand bridges is suggested. Reliability models are developed and a reliability-based capacity rating method is established for the evaluation of the bridge safety and reliability based on the real responses measured from a series of field load tests. Based on the proposed models, an integrated prototype software is then developed for computer-aided M&A of grand bridges under the environment of the graphic user interface, which is successfully applied to the M&A of an existing cable-stayed bridge. It may be stated that the system model and prototype software developed in this paper can be utilized and implemented in the development of the computer-aided M&A system for cable-stayed and suspension bridges.

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A Comparison Study for Optimal Implementation of the EDI Systems of Port Logistics (항만물류 EDI 시스템의 최적 구현을 위한 비교 분석)

  • 김현수;박남규;한계섭;최형림;조재형
    • The Journal of Information Systems
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.103-128
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    • 2001
  • At present, the EDI systems are indispensable software in port logistics industry. Currently, a monopolistic VAN/EDI service provider operates the EDI services. The current EDI client software has the 2-tier fat client/server architecture. However, the current EDI software is lack of Web interface and causes lots of cost for maintenance. Therefore, a variety of implementation architecture has been being tried by using script, XML and distributed object-oriented technology. Web/EDI and XML/EDI are the new EDI systems, However, the EDI systems have some limitations such as speed. This study intends to compare the variety implementation architecture for the EDI systems in the users' perspective and explore the strong and weak points of each architecture. We compared the EDI systems based on our experience of more than 2-years of implementation project for the EDI systems of port logistics. We categorized the EDI systems as client application EDI, Web EDI using script, XML/EDI, and 3-tier distributed object-oriented EDI system. We compared them with criteria such as speed, program maintenance, easiness of implementation and usage, security, and load balancing and fail-over. Finally we discuss the direction of optimal EDI system architecture for the future.

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The development standard research for railway safety software (철도 안전 소프트웨어를 위한 개발 기준 연구)

  • Lee, Young-Jun;Kim, Jang-Yoel;Cha, Kyung-Ho;Cheon, Se-Woo;Lee, Jang-Soo;Kwon, Ki-Choon;Jung, Ui-Jin
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2007.05a
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    • pp.968-973
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    • 2007
  • The systems such as the railway control system, satellite control system and nuclear power plant control system are the safety critical systems because the failure of them could lead to risk significant events. These softwares of digital systems must follow the life cycle process from the beginning of software development to guarantee their safety and reliability. The NRC(Nuclear Regulatory Commission) Reg Guide of nuclear fields, the RTCA/DO-178B standard which is used to acquire the certification for software in industrial aero field in European Union and United State, the DEF STAN 00-55 standard for the safety of electronic weapon in England, the IEC 601-1-4 for medical equipment and the IEC 62279 for railway system recommended the development life cycle. This paper introduces the development process and compares each other. Also it indicates applicable development criteria for the software of systems related to railway fields and describes the detailed procedure of development criteria. We describe the procedure to make the software development criteria in nuclear filed. For the software development related to railways, the process from plan phase to maintenance phase must be satisfied. The safety and reliability is guaranteed through these standards.

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