• 제목/요약/키워드: Software Tools

검색결과 1,244건 처리시간 0.025초

The Effect of the Instructional Models for ICT on the Practical Ability in the Application of Information with Relation to the Levels of Self-Regulated Learning (자기조절 학습전략 수준에 따른 정보통신기술 활용수업 모형이 정보활용 실천력에 미치는 효과)

  • Kang Ohhan;Kim Kinam
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • 제32권4호
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    • pp.327-334
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    • 2005
  • Recently, ICT has emerged as an indispensable tool for teaching a variety of subjects in education systems. In this paper, we examine the effect of the instructional models for ICT on the practical ability in the application of information with relation to the levels of self-regulated learning strategies. Students were divided into 3 groups, according to the instructional model for ICT which were problem search learning, problem solution learning, and discussion learning. As an experimental tools, we did pretest using self-regulated learning strategies measurement questionnaire and did pretest and posttest using practical ability in the application of information measurement questionnaire. The results show that higher level of self-regulated teaming strategies group has high practical ability in the application of information than lower level group. Other interesting results are also provided.

A Development of Remote Medical Treatment System for Stroke Recovery using ZigBee-based Wireless Brain Stimulator and Internet (ZigBee 기반의 무선 뇌 자극기와 네트워크를 이용한 원격 뇌졸중 회복 시스템의 개발)

  • Kim, G.H.;Ryu, M.H.;Kim, J.J.;Kim, N.G.;Yang, Y.S.
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • 제57권3호
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    • pp.514-517
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    • 2008
  • Ubiquitous healthcare (U-healthcare) system is one of potential applications of embedded system. Conventional U-healthcare systems are used in health monitoring or chronic disease care based on measuring and transmission of various vital signs. However, future U-healthcare system can be of benefit to more people such as stroke patients which have limited activity by providing them proper medical care as well as continuous monitoring. Recently, an electric brain stimulation treatments have been found to be a better way compared to conventional ones and many are interested in using the method toward the treatment of stroke. In this study, we proposed a remote medical treatment system using ZigBee-based wireless electric brain stimulator that can help them to get a treatment without visiting their doctors. The developed remote medical treatment system connects the doctors to the brain stimulator implanted in the patients via the internet and ZigBee communication built in the brain stimulator. Also, the system receive personal information of the connected patients and cumulate the total records of electric stimulation therapy in a database. Doctors can easily access the information for better treatment planning with the help of graphical visualization tools and management software. The developed remote medical treatment system can extend their coverage to outdoors being networked with hand-held devices through ZigBee.

CGRID construction based on Etherboot technology and its utilization to sequence analysis (Etherboot 기반의 CGRID 구축과 서열분석에의 적용)

  • Kim Tae-Kyung;Cho Wan-Sup
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • 제10권6호
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    • pp.195-208
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    • 2005
  • Recently, amount of the data such as sequences is being increased rapidly due to deploying computational technique and advance of experiment tools in the biological areas. In bioinformatics, it is very significant to extract the knowledge from such huge biological data. Sequence comparisons are most frequently used to predict the function of the genes or proteins. However it takes so much time to process the persistently increasing data In this paper, we propose hardware-based grid, CGRID(Chungbuk National University GRID), to improve performance and complement existing middleware-only approach and apply it in the sequence comparison. Hardware-based approach is easy to construct, maintain, and manage the grid as not requiring the software installation individually for every node. We reduce orthologous database construction time from 33 weeks to just a week. Furthermore, CGRID guarantees that the performance increases proportionally as adding the nodes.

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Mesial Angulation of Upper Anterior Teeth Crown : Positional Relationship between Pupil and Mesial Inclination Line of Upper Canine (상악 전치 치관의 근심경사도: 견치 근심경사선과 동공의 위치적 관계)

  • Oh, Sang-Chun;Um, Sang-Ho
    • Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science
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    • 제20권2호
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    • pp.135-141
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    • 2004
  • Statement of problem: Arrangement and angulation of clinical crown is very important for esthetic restoration in the upper anterior dentition. However, there was no clinical criteria to mesial angulation of the crown for Korean. Purpose: This study was undertaken to estimate the mesial angulation of the crown of the anterior teeth and the Oh's E-triangle made of the inter-pupillary line and the mesial inclination lines of the canines. Material and Method: 270 portraits of Korean were used for this study. The mesial angulation of the upper anterior teeth and the relationship of the inter-pupillary line and the mesial inclination lines of the canines were measured with the tools of PhotoShop software on the scanned images. Results: The angulation between the clinical crowns having a same name in the upper anterior dentition were $3.6^{\circ}$ between the central incisors, $8.6^{\circ}$ between the lateral incisors, and $13.6^{\circ}$ between the canines. There was no significance according to occupation and gender( P > 0.05). The ratio of height to base line of Oh's E-triangle was 4.47. 81.6% of the subjects showed the mesial inclination line of the canine passed by mesial border area of pupil. Conclusion: These data for Korean would be useful clinically to give the esthetic arrangement and to make the contour of upper anterior teeth.

A Design Technique of Meta-Model for Reengineering from Legacy to CBD (레거시로부터 CBD로의 재공학을 위한 메타 모델 설계 기법)

  • Kim Chul-Jin;Cho Eun-Sook
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • 제8권3호
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    • pp.398-412
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    • 2005
  • There is an increasing interest in migration legacy systems to new hardware platforms and to new software development paradigms. The reason is that high maintenance costs and lack of documentation. In order to migrate or transform legacy system, various approaches such as screen scrapping, wrapping, semi-development, and re-development, tools, and methodologies are introduced until now. However, architecture or requirements level's transformation is not suggested because most of those approaches focus on code-level transformation or a few model-level transform. In this paper, we suggest a meta-model driven approach applying 3D space concept, which can be applied into architecture and requirement phase. Proposed integrated model drives seamless migration or co-evolution from code to architecture of reverse engineering and from architecture to code of forward engineering.

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Implementation of Pattern-Driven Web Test Automation Framework (패턴 중심의 웹 테스트 자동화 프레임워크의 구현)

  • Na, Jong-Chae;Jeong, Hyie-Soo;Ryoo, Seok-Moon
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • 제16권12호
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    • pp.1239-1243
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    • 2010
  • The web environment is evolving rapidly. Testing in the web based software is an essential process to improve stability and productivity. Testing of complex web contents and ill(user interface) is most important thing. Implemented test cases are efficient when they are automated and reusable. But, most of the testing automation tools are focused on technical accessibility and functions still. A collaboration of the persons concerned and reusability of implemented test case are ignored. In this paper we propose an efficient way to design automated test case in web environment, and to share and pattern automated test cases we introduce testing framework called NTAF(NHN Test Automation Framework.). The NTAF is based on open source framework. It provides integrated testing environment that web testing cane be automated and managed continuously.

Design and Implementation of Competition Application for Artists (예술인들을 위한 공모전 어플리케이션 설계 및 구현)

  • Kim, Hyo-Su;Choi, Yue-Soon;Joung, Suck-Tae
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • 제11권1호
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    • pp.107-113
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    • 2018
  • In this paper, we design and implement a contest application that enables artists to participate in contest activities, manpower, and job information using smart-phone, and to share and systematically manage the information. While the competition is very important for the artists, it is not easy for them to search the competition information due to lack of time. Therefore, it is effective to provide them with contest information suitable for their interests and to be more immersed in creative activities by sharing them. The core function is to provide a space where artists can share contests in real time through the contest bulletin board and aims to provide a variety of functions for convenient convenience, such as buying and selling of works by artists and spoon market for purchasing materials and art tools do.

Microarray Probe Design with Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm (다중목적함수 진화 알고리즘을 이용한 마이크로어레이 프로브 디자인)

  • Lee, In-Hee;Shin, Soo-Yong;Cho, Young-Min;Yang, Kyung-Ae;Zhang, Byoung-Tak
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • 제35권8호
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    • pp.501-511
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    • 2008
  • Probe design is one of the essential tasks in successful DNA microarray experiments. The requirements for probes vary as the purpose or type of microarray experiments. In general, most previous works use the simple filtering approach with the fixed threshold value for each requirement. Here, we formulate the probe design as a multiobjective optimization problem with the two objectives and solve it using ${\epsilon}$-multiobjective evolutionary algorithm. The suggested approach was applied in designing probes for 19 types of Human Papillomavirus and 52 genes in Arabidopsis Calmodulin multigene family and successfully produced more target specific probes compared to well known probe design tools such as OligoArray and OligoWiz.

A Web Surfing Assistant for Improved Web Accessibility (웹 접근성 향상을 위한 웹 서핑 도우미)

  • Lee SooCheol;Lee Sieun;Hwang Eenjun
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • 제31권9호
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    • pp.1180-1195
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    • 2004
  • Due to the exponential increase of information, search and access for the Web information or service takes much time. Web information is represented through several web pages using hyperlinks and each web page is contains several topics. However. most existing web tools don't reflect such web authoring tendencies and treat it as an independent information unit. This inconsistency yields inherent problems in web browsing and searching. In this paper, we propose a web surfing assistant called LinkBroker that provides collodion pages. They are composed of relevant information extracted from several web pages that have table and frame structure in order to improve accessibility to web information. Especially, the system extracts a set of web pages that are logically connected and groups those pages using table and frame tags. Then, essential information blocks in each page of a group are extracted to construct an integrated summary page. It Provides a comprehensive view to user and one cut way to access distributed information. Experimental results show the effectiveness and usefulness of LinkBroker system.

Using Camera Tracking and Image Composition Technique in Visual Effect Imaginary Production (시각효과 영상제작에서 카메라 추적과 영상합성 기술의 활용)

  • Kim, Myung-Ha;Yu, Jung-Jae;Hong, Hyun-Ki
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • 제11권6호
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    • pp.135-143
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    • 2011
  • Visual effect production by computer graphics techniques has become more important in these days. However, there are three problems in the domestic contents production environments. First of all, most Korean film companies have insufficient generally potential to maintain and support their R&D (Research and Development) teams. Secondly, they are much dependent on the abroad commercial software tools. Finally, many people have to participate in the image production pipeline, called the labor-intensive pipeline. In producing a demonstration work, "The Sixty -miles-an-hour man", we have evaluated the usefulness of the developed camera tracking and image composition methods and then examined various production consideration elements. In addition, in order to develop a productive technical element and write a competitive film script, mutual understanding between the developers and the production users should be achieved. Also, this paper describes a role of the technical supervisor to direct the production environment in detail.