• Title/Summary/Keyword: Software Reengineering

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A Form Clustering Algorithm for Web-based Application Reengineering (웹 응용 재구성을 위한 폼 클러스터링 알고리즘)

  • 최상수;박학수;이강수
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.77-98
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    • 2003
  • A web-based information system, that is a dominant type of information systems, suffers from the "web crisis" in development and maintenance of the system. To cope with the problem, a technology of software clustering to web-based application, which is one of web engineering, is strongly needed. In this paper, we propose a Form Clustering Algorithm along with an application example, which are used for internal-system reengineering to web-based information system. A Form Clustering Algorithm focuses on Page-model which is the feature of the web among the various web-based information system's structural model. Specially, we applying distance matrix to navigation model of graph form for easily analyzing, and web log analysis for identifying core function object that have a highly loading. Also, we create web software structure that can be used to maximize reusability and assign hardware effectively through 2-phase clustering step. Form Clustering Algorithm might be used at web-based information system development and maintenance for reusable web component development and hardware assignment, respectively.

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A Scalable and Modular Approach to Understanding of Real-time Software: An Architecture-based Software Understanding(ARSU) and the Software Re/reverse-engineering Environment(SRE) (실시간 소프트웨어의 조절적${\cdot}$단위적 이해 방법 : ARSU(Architecture-based Software Understanding)와 SRE(Software Re/reverse-engineering Environment))

  • Lee, Moon-Kun
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.4 no.12
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    • pp.3159-3174
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    • 1997
  • This paper reports a research to develop a methodology and a tool for understanding of very large and complex real-time software. The methodology and the tool mostly developed by the author are called the Architecture-based Real-time Software Understanding (ARSU) and the Software Re/reverse-engineering Environment (SRE) respectively. Due to size and complexity, it is commonly very hard to understand the software during reengineering process. However the research facilitates scalable re/reverse-engineering of such real-time software based on the architecture of the software in three-dimensional perspectives: structural, functional, and behavioral views. Firstly, the structural view reveals the overall architecture, specification (outline), and the algorithm (detail) views of the software, based on hierarchically organized parent-chi1d relationship. The basic building block of the architecture is a software Unit (SWU), generated by user-defined criteria. The architecture facilitates navigation of the software in top-down or bottom-up way. It captures the specification and algorithm views at different levels of abstraction. It also shows the functional and the behavioral information at these levels. Secondly, the functional view includes graphs of data/control flow, input/output, definition/use, variable/reference, etc. Each feature of the view contains different kind of functionality of the software. Thirdly, the behavioral view includes state diagrams, interleaved event lists, etc. This view shows the dynamic properties or the software at runtime. Beside these views, there are a number of other documents: capabilities, interfaces, comments, code, etc. One of the most powerful characteristics of this approach is the capability of abstracting and exploding these dimensional information in the architecture through navigation. These capabilities establish the foundation for scalable and modular understanding of the software. This approach allows engineers to extract reusable components from the software during reengineering process.

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Reengineering Legacy systems into Design Patterns of Component Base Design (CBD) (기존 시스템에서 CBD 지원을 위한 설계 패턴 재공학)

  • Kim Cuk-Boh
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2004
  • The effect of Application system with class units is not sufficient because of independency and reuse of Component elements due to component abstraction based on only source code. Therefore We need to apply design pattern approach to represent not only the problem abstraction but also information and relationship between system elements for generic solutions of specific domain, Also, it is essential to software reverse engineering acquiring the correct understandings of the system through examining the existing systems and utilizing the acquired knowledges as reusable resources. In this paper, the extraction algorithm with JAVA and the validity of applying reverse engineering with extracting design patterns from source codes of the existing object-oriented system; are devised. The architecture of automatic tool is designed and implemented for 1) automatic extraction of design patterns and 2) reuse tool for retrieving, editing and rebuilding of design patterns.

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Development of production planning system for shipbuilding using component-based development framework

  • Cho, Sungwon;Lee, Jong Moo;Woo, Jong Hun
    • International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.405-430
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    • 2021
  • Production planning is a key part of production management of manufacturing enterprises. Since computerization began, modern production planning has been developed starting with Material Requirement Planning (MRP), and today Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Advanced Planning and Scheduling (APS), Supply Chain Management (SCM) has been spreading and advanced. However, in the shipbuilding field, rather than applying these general-purpose production planning methodologies, in most cases, each shipyard has developed its own production planning system. This is because the applications of general-purpose production planning methods are limited due to the order-taking industry such as shipbuilding with highly complicated construction process consisting of millions of parts per ship. This study introduces the design and development of the production planning system reflecting the production environment of heavy shipyards in Korea. Since Korean shipyards such as Hyundai, Daewoo and Samsung build more than 10 ships per year (50-70 ships in the case of large shipyards), a planning system for the mixed production with complex construction processes is required. This study draws requirements using PI/BPR (process innovation and business process reengineering) methodology to develop a production planning system for shipyards that simultaneously build several ships. Then, CBD software development methodology was applied for the design and implementation of planning system with drawn requirements. It is expected that the systematic development procedure as well as the requirements and functional elements for the development of the shipyard production planning system introduced in this study will be able to present important guidelines in the related research field of shipbuilding management.

A Study on the Reengineering Tool with Concepts Recognition and Logical l Analysis of Objects (객체의 개념적 인식과 논리적 분석에 의한 재공학 툴에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Haeng-Gon
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.200-210
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    • 1996
  • Re-engineering has the potential to improve software productivity and quality y across the entire life cycle. It involves improving the software maintenance process and improving existing systems by applying new technologies and tools to software maintenance. Re-engineering can help us understanding existing systems and discover software components(e.g., design structure, data structure that are common across systems. These common components then can be reused in the development (or redevelopment )of systems, thereby significantly shortening the time and lessening the risk of developing systems. The Object-Oriented paradigm has been known to improve software maintainability. There still exist many problems in recognizing object, attributes and operations that are conceptually integrated and constructing of object class. In this paper, we propose a method that defines a fundamental theories of re-engineering and a concept recognition for object- oriented paradigm. We also describe the re-engineering tool that translates the existing procedure-oriented program into object-oriented system. This tool has a strength to solve the conceptual integrity problem in object-oriented recognition.

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Construction Business Automation System (건설사업 자동화 시스템)

  • Lee, Dong-Eun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute Of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • 2007.11a
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    • pp.95-102
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    • 2007
  • This paper presents the core technology of Construction Business Process Automation to model and automate construction business processes. Business Process Reengineering (BPR) and Automation (BPA) have been recognized as one of the important aspects in construction business management. However, BPR requires a lot of efforts to identify, document, implement, execute, maintain, and keep track thousands of business processes to deliver a project. Moreover, existing BPA technologies used in existing Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems do not lend themselves to effective scalability for construction business process management. Application of Workflow and Object Technologies would be quite effective in implementing a scalable enterprise application for construction business processes by addressing how: 1) Automated construction management tasks are developed as software components, 2) The process modeling is facilitated by dragging-and dropping task components in a network, 3) Raising business requests and instantiating corresponding process instances are delivered, and 4) Business process instances are executed by using workflow technology based on real-time simulation engine. This paper presents how the construction business process automation is achieved by using equipment reservation and cancellation processes simplified intentionally.

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A Technique on Reengineering RPC Program using Object Wrapper Classes (객체 랩퍼 클래스를 이용한 RPC 프로그램의 제공학 기법)

  • Seo, Bong-Won;Choe, Eun-Man
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.401-411
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    • 1999
  • RPC(Remote Procedure Call)는 프로그래밍이 쉽고 데이터 표현이 기계 독립적이므로 네트워크 파일 시스템등의 시스템 프로그래밍에서만 아니라 응용 프로그래밍에서도 활발히 사용되고 있다. 그러나 복잡하고 다양한 기능의 최신 프로그램을 개발하는데는 미흡한 점이 많고, 다른 RPC 표준간의 호환성이 결여되어 있어 유지보수가 어려운 단점을 가지고 있다. 본 논문에서는 객체 랩퍼 기술에 입각한 CORBA 계층을 추가함으로써 RPC 프로그래밍을 수정하는 단점을 해결하고 , 기존 RPC 프로그램을 재사용하면서 다중 플랫폼에서 RPC 프로그램을 연동하고 객체 지향 프로그래밍에 의한 재사용과 유지보수성을 높일 수 있는 WDL(Wrapper Definition Language)와 랩퍼 클래스 자동생성기를 제안한다. 사용사례로 기존 파일 전송 RPC 서버 프로그램을 랩핑해서 Unix, Windows 95 및 웹상에서 CORBA클라이언트와 연동할 수 있음을 보인다. 이 과정에서 RPC 프로그램의 구조적 프로그래밍에서 객체지향 프로그래밍으로의 전환이 가능하므로 객체 지향 방법론의 장점인 높은 재사용성과 유지보수성을 가질 수 있고 기존 RPC 서버 프로그램의 수정 없이 사용 가능할수 있다.

A Reengineering Framework for Software Componentization on Legacy System (레거시 시스템의 소프트웨어 컴포넌트화를 위한 재공학 프레임워크)

  • 박옥자;유철중;장옥배
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2000.10a
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    • pp.376-378
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    • 2000
  • 최근 시스템의 컴포넌트화 경향은 인터넷 환경이 보편화되면서 플러그앤플레이(plug and play) 형태로 조립하여 재사용하려는 기업의 요구에 가장 핵심적인 패러다임으로 등장하고 있다. 따라서, 기업은 기존의 레거시 시스템을 컴포넌트화하여 유지보수뿐만 아니라 새로운 시스템 도입에 있어서도 유연성 및 확장성을 용이하게하기 위한 재공학 솔루션을 필요로 하고 있다. 따라서, 본 논문에서는 레거시 시스템을 소프트웨어 컴포넌트화하기 위한 재공학 프레임워크를 제안하였다. 이 프레임워크는 컴포넌트 개발 방법론에서 필요한 절차와 Robert C. Seacord와 John Robert가 제안한 레거시 시스템 현대화 방법론을 통합하여 제시하였으며, 프레임워크의 각 단계는 레거시 시스템의 분석 단계, 컴포넌트화 방법 결정 단계, 마지막으로 컴포넌트로의 변환 단계로 이루어져 있다. 각 단계에서는 다시 세부 절차와 이에 필요한 제반사항을 기술하여 레거시 시스템을 소프트웨어 컴포넌트화하는데 있어서 필요한 절차와 가이드라인을 상세하게 제공하고자 한다.

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Reengineering Test Cases of Embedded Software (임베디드 소프트웨어의 테스트 케이스 리엔지니어링)

  • Seo, Kwang-Ik;Lee, Dong-Kun;Choi, Eun-Man
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2005.11b
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    • pp.346-348
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    • 2005
  • 소프트웨어를 동적으로 테스트 하려면 대상 소프트웨어에 적절한 데이터를 주어 실행해 보아야 한다. 효과적인 테스트가 되기 위해서 테스트 케이스의 선택뿐만 아니라 테스트 케이스가 어떻게 표현되었는가가 중요하다. 또한 정적인 테스트 작업에도 테스트를 위한 체크리스트가 어떻게 작성되었는지에 따라 테스트 작업의 효율성이 좌우된다. 이 논문에서는 비효율적이며 문제가 있는 테스트 케이스와 체크 리스트들을 리엔지니어링하는 방법을 제시하고 이를 실험 하였다. 임베디드 시스템의 일종인 디지털 방송수신 장치에 탑재된 소프트웨어를 대상으로 하여 이미 사용 중인 테스트 케이스의 효율성과 적합성을 따져보고 이를 리엔지니어링 하였다. 리엔지니어링 한 후의 테스트 케이스의 산출물이 얼마나 효과적인지를 살펴보았다. 또한 제품 계열 개념의 소프트웨어를 테스트하기에 적합하도록 테스트 케이스를 재사용 또는 restructuring하는 방법도 연구하였다.

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Re-engineering framework for improving reusability of embedded software (임베디드 소프트웨어의 재사용성 향상을 위한 리엔지니어링 프레임워크)

  • Kim, Kang-Tae
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2008
  • Most consumer electronics companies hold numerous line-ups to cope with divergent customer's needs. To cope with current situation, most products are derived from the 'base product' which is developed for brand new features with respect to the change requests. That is called derivation. After 'base code' is developed for newly introduced products, some modification will occur corresponding to the derivative product models. So, quality attributes of 'base code' affects quality and productivity of 'derived code'. But in the middle of continuous modification to 'base code', violation of architectural design decision and unauthorized or maybe unsophisticated change to source code willing to happen and thus it cause critical problem. Those code has 'aging symptom' both architectural and code level in nature. In this paper, we introduced reengineering framework which guide the procedure and tactics to find and fix 'aging symptom' for improvement on quality attribute of 'base code'.

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