• Title/Summary/Keyword: Social factor

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Predicting the Popularity of Post Articles with Virtual Temperature in Web Bulletin (웹게시판에서 가상온도를 이용한 게시글의 인기 예측)

  • Kim, Su-Do;Kim, So-Ra;Cho, Hwan-Gue
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.11 no.10
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    • pp.19-29
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    • 2011
  • A Blog provides commentary, news, or content on a particular subject. The important part of many blogs is interactive format. Sometimes, there is a heated debate on a topic and any article becomes a political or sociological issue. In this paper, we proposed a method to predict the popularity of an article in advance. First, we used hit count as a factor to predict the popularity of an article. We defined the saturation point and derived a model to predict the hit count of the saturation point by a correlation coefficient of the early hit count and hit count of the saturation point. Finally, we predicted the virtual temperature of an article using 4 types(explosive, hot, warm, cold). We can predict the virtual temperature of Internet discussion articles using the hit count of the saturation point with more than 70% accuracy, exploiting only the first 30 minutes' hit count. In the hot, warm, and cold categories, we can predict more than 86% accuracy from 30 minutes' hit count and more than 90% accuracy from 70 minutes' hit count.

Effects of the LOHAS Image of Restaurants on Involvement and Willingness to Pay (레스토랑의 로하스 이미지가 관여도 및 지불의사에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Na-Hyung
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.666-675
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    • 2016
  • With the changing consciousness of consumers, there has been an increasing interest in nature-friendly lifestyles and safety of food ingredients. Therefore, the LOHAS image, which has value in social health and sustainability, is expected to be a factor that helps restaurants establish differentiation strategies. This study examined the LOHAS image of restaurants on involvement and willingness to pay. The results were as follows. First, eco-friendly food ingredients and interiors among the LOHAS image factors of restaurants had a significant effect on involvement. Second, the perception of LOHAS in the LOHAS image factors of restaurants had a significant effect on involvement. These results may be due to the lack of a conceptual understanding of LOHAS among restaurant customers, who fail to properly grasp its meaning. Therefore, in order to promote the LOHAS image of restaurants to customers, it is necessary to consider presenting POPs or signs that will enable customers to understand the concept of LOHAS inside the restaurant. Third, consumers' involvement turned out to have a significant effect on their willingness to pay. Thus, it is necessary to imprint the image of a LOHAS restaurant using eco-friendly colors, sculptures, and agricultural products so that customers can perceive food ingredients or interior elements as eco-friendly.

The Effect of Entrepreneurship on Entrepreneurial Intention: Focusing on Mediating Effects of Fear on Business (대학생의 기업가정신과 창업의도와의 관계 연구: 창업실패두려움의 매개효과를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Jae-Hyoung
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.73-82
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    • 2018
  • This research was implemented to check what effects entrepreneurship have on the entrepreneurial intention verify the emotional factor 'Fear on Business' in terms of the relationship between entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurial intention. Above all, in the study Health Belief Model was applied to research into emotional factors, such as 'Fear on Business'. Specifically, it was performed to check what effects 'Fear on Business' has on the entrepreneurial intention and to see if there are any mediating effects between entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurial intention. To achieve the research purposes above, the students who took a business start-up and entrepreneurship related course were surveyed (all 356); and research findings were produced. To summarize the findings, entrepreneurship did influence the entrepreneurial intention significantly. In addition, entrepreneurship significantly influenced 'Fear on Business'. And 'Fear on Business' significantly influenced the EI; it turned out that 'Fear on Business' plays a mediating role between entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurial intention. From these result, it is thought that programs or policies for reducing 'Fear on Business' are needed. Finally, because entrepreneurship can affect the entrepreneurial intention through the medium of 'Fear on Business', it is thought that the government's effort to create a social atmosphere is needed to overcome 'Fear on Business'.

Analysis of large-scale flood inundation area using optimal topographic factors (지형학적 인자를 이용한 광역 홍수범람 위험지역 분석)

  • Lee, Kyoungsang;Lee, Daeeop;Jung, Sungho;Lee, Giha
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.51 no.6
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    • pp.481-490
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    • 2018
  • Recently, the spatiotemporal patterns of flood disasters have become more complex and unpredictable due to climate change. Flood hazard map including information on flood risk level has been widely used as an unstructured measure against flooding damages. In order to product a high-precision flood hazard map by combination of hydrologic and hydraulic modeling, huge digital information such as topography, geology, climate, landuse and various database related to social economic are required. However, in some areas, especially in developing countries, flood hazard mapping is difficult or impossible and its accuracy is insufficient because such data is lacking or inaccessible. Therefore, this study suggests a method to delineate large scale flood-prone area based on topographic factors produced by linear binary classifier and ROC (Receiver Operation Characteristics) using globally-available geographic data such as ASTER or SRTM. We applied the proposed methodology to five different countries: North Korea Bangladesh, Indonesia, Thailand and Myanmar. The results show that model performances on flood area detection ranges from 38% (Bangladesh) to 78% (Thailand). The flood-prone area detection based on the topographical factors has a great advantage in order to easily distinguish the large-scale inundation-potent area using only digital elevation model (DEM) for ungauged watersheds.

Internet Shopping in Japan: Shopping motivation, Perceived Risks, and Innovativeness (일본의 인터넷 쇼핑 실태에 관한 연구: 쇼핑동기, 지각위험, 혁신성을 중심으로)

  • Park, Cheol;Kang, You Rie
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.91-114
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    • 2011
  • The market size of e-Commerce in Japan was 15 trillion Yen in 2006, and B2C Internet shopping sales were over 6.57 trillion in 2009. Lakuten is a representative Internet shopping company whose market share is 45%. Lakuten has over 70,000 online stores and Japanese shoppers trust them based on the fair competition rule and pre-control system on e-commerce. Japanese consumers accept new technology rapidly and highly use Internet and mobile channel. This research analyse online shopping behaviors of Japan, a big e-commerce market. Internet shopping intention, satisfaction, and recommendation by Internet shopping motivations, perceived risks, shopping innovativeness were analyzed. A questionnaire survey of 464 Japanese consumer was performed and ANOVA, factor analysis, reliability test have done by SPSS 12.0. As the results, Internet shopping intentions were higher in groups of olders, higher innovativeness. House wives' satisfaction of Internet shopping is highest. High innovativeness group showed higher internet shopping motivation of economics, connivence, hedonic, and social. Student, women, and low income group perceives high risks to Internet shopping. Implications and further researches were suggested based on the results.

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The Value and Change of the Forest Village Bugundang in Itaewon, Seoul (서울 이태원 부군당(府君堂) 마을 숲의 변천과 가치)

  • Kim, Hai-Gyoung;Kim, Young-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.58-69
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    • 2013
  • This research try to review about individuals' living culture place by record to before process of transition and modify of Bugundang village's forest in Itaewon. A result is as follows. First, Itaewon Bugundang is located in highest site of center building of twon forest, it has been preserve by double fence and taboo subject. Physical element of village forest is a factor which give sanctity of Buhundang. Second, it is connecting Namsan and Yongsan Family Park as green space. Also Itaewon Bugundang isolated from the current residential area. but in the past, the main beliefs and rituals of its area are responsible for a diverse community where public service was strong. Itaewon Bugundang have played a role presenting a local taboos and social norms. Therefore, these elements of the local community have the traditional cultural values. Third, Zelkova and Kalopanax pictus need to be preserved the value by the Seoul Metropolitan Government. Fourth, components of Bugundang are built by Hwajucheong, Dangjigi house, seonangdan, monument, fence, masonry and various trees. And the function and role of each of these elements remains as traditional culture. And the structural features of historic architectural properties has the value as a registered cultural properties. Fifth, due to these features, the traditional landscape of Itaewon bugundang play a role succeeding disappearing traditional culture and is worth as a potentially valuable landscape elements. This study has significance to the excavation community tradition disappearing landscape and excavation of candidate new tradition.

A study on Career identity, Satisfaction in major, and Adjustment to college life for students of Department of Food and Nutrition at a University (일 대학 식품영양학과 학생의 진로정체감, 전공만족도 및 대학생활적응에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Songmi;Cho, Jihyun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.10
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    • pp.6698-6707
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate relationships among career identity, satisfaction in major, and adjustment to college life for students who major in food and nutrition that is complex and has diversity of carrier and to serve as a guideline for career counselling and college life. After reliability and validity of the data collected were verified using IBM SPSS Statistics 22, difference in variables according to characteristics of students was examined using independent t-test, ANOVA, and chi-square test. The results showed that there was a positive correlation among career identity, satisfaction in major, and adjustment to college life and students who had prior knowledge of their major showed a higher level of career identity, satisfaction in major and adjustment to college life compared to those who did not. Therefore, it is suggested that guidance on Department of Food and Nutrition should be provided to students before they decide on their major for their increased satisfaction in major, smooth adjustment to college life, and career decision. With this data, we recognize the gravity of psychological factor and carrer consciousness may provide base data to practical use of student life and carrer guidance.

A Study of Environment Analysis and Entry Plan for Medium and Small Enterprises' Vietnam Advance (중소기업의 베트남 진출을 위한 환경분석 및 진입 방안에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Seung-Il;Kim, Dong-Il
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.307-313
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    • 2010
  • Recently in Korea, or companies considering overseas expansion is often already begun. Past, enterprise's overseas economic cooperation fund(OECF) was consisted of overseas economic cooperation fund(OECF) of most large enterprise leading but medium and small enterprises as well as large enterprise is recognized for factor that competitive power security through overseas economic cooperation fund(OECF) is indispensable by economy opening Tuesday such as deregulation of great foreign enemy environment change and a technology and capital introduction. In the case of Korea, that advance of the China is going through bottleneck among by far bank Vietnam advance gradually expand. Therefore, in this study, I wished to quote plan for efficient and desirable Vietnam advance strategy establishment regarding our country enterprise's Vietnam advance through economy, politics, social environment analysis. In this study, can do on the basis of Vietnam advance connection domestic?outside literature investigation and virtue study through theoretical investigation according to these purpose and behaved theoretical investigation and lift construction materials allied industry, labor-intensive manufacturing industry, fisheries farm produce cultivation, processing household mascot etc. as energy industry, refined oil and petrochemical industry, electric-power industry, other field by our country medium and small enterprise.

A Study of the Factors Affecting User Acceptance of Smart TVs (스마트TV 사용자 수용에 영향을 미치는 요인 연구)

  • Kim, Su-Yeon;Lee, Sang Hoon;Hwang, Hyun-Seok
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.1652-1662
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    • 2013
  • As smart devices like smartphones and smart pads are prevalent recently, dramatic changes so called 'smart evolution' deployed in many socioeconomic areas. These changes lead the TV industry to develop a smart TV differentiated from a conventional TV by enabling internet connectivity and applications execution. In this study the factors affecting the acceptance of a smart TV are extracted by reviewing the previous works and the structural relationships among these factors are analyzed. Adding 'Social Influence' to consider an environmental factor and 'Innovativeness' for personal characteristics, we build an extended Technology Acceptance Model and analyzed the structural relationships among the factors in the model using Structural Equation Model. In the results we can find that the environmental factors affect the perceived characteristics. The moderating effects of gender and level of experience in smart devices have also been investigated. No difference is found between gender groups. In much-experienced group, Innovativeness affects Perceived Usefulness and acceptance of a smart TV. In less-experienced group, however, Innovativeness affects Perceived Ease of Use, Expected Enjoyment and finally acceptance of a smart TV.

The Effects of Emotional Labor on Casino Dealers' Burnout and Depression (감정노동이 카지노 딜러의 소진과 우울에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Hye-Ja;Kang, Jong-Soo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.12
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    • pp.276-285
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to verify the effects of emotional labor on casino dealers' burnout and depression. Burnout is a big problem which thwarts their professionalism and effectualness and the effectiveness of the service they provide. Depression is a core factor which affects one's mental health. To analyze the effects of emotional labor on casino workers' burnout and depression, we conducted a survey of 606 casino dealers of H resort and analyzed the results. Burnout was measured in terms of the client-related burnout and work-related burnout by the Copenhagen Burnout Inventory (CBI), and depression was measured by the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). The research findings are as follows. First, the level of emotional labor (3.50) was higher than the mid-point on the 4 point Likert scale, and the work-related burnout (3.86) and client-related burnout (3.91) were higher than the mid-point on the 5 point Likert scale. Second, emotional labor was correlated to their depression and burnout. Third, emotional labor showed a significant difference according to gender, while burnout showed significant differences according to age, position and term of service. Fourth, emotional labor had an effect on the casino dealers' burnout and depression. We discussed the implications of these findings and possible strategies to alleviate this situation, for example, the passing of a law and development of an employee assistance program (EAP) to prevent their burnout and reduce their depression.