• Title/Summary/Keyword: Social connection

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Incidence of narcolepsy symptoms after taking COVID-19 vaccines: a Jordanian cross-sectional study

  • Mohammad Al Katatbeh;Yazan Al-Mashakbeh;Hadeel Freihat;Hiba Gharam;Rahmeh Mohammad;Rahma Aldalki;Sadeen Eid;Reema Sharman;Nizar Heissat;Ghusoon Al-Samarraie;Ahmad Al-Shaibie;Laith Khasawneh
    • Clinical and Experimental Vaccine Research
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.218-224
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: Sleeping disorders were reported in many patients who took vaccines during previous pandemics. We aim to investigate the relationship between coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccines and the incidence of narcolepsy symptoms in the Jordanian population. Materials and Methods: We used a descriptive, cross-sectional, online self-administered survey conducted between December 2022 and May 2023. The survey targeted males and females above the age of 18 years who took any type of COVID-19 vaccine, had no chronic diseases, and had no sleep disorders prior to taking the vaccine. The survey was distributed via social media platforms. Results: A total of 873 participants were included in this study, consisting of 44.4% males and 55.6% females, with the majority being in the 18-29 age group. Most participants (79.8%) received two vaccine doses, with the Pfizer vaccine being the most common. Nearly half of the participants reported excessive daytime sleepiness. Sleep paralysis and hypnagogic hallucinations were reported by a notable proportion of participants, but no significant differences were found among the vaccine types. Sleep attacks and fragmented nighttime sleep were associated with the number of vaccine doses received, suggesting a possible influence of the dose count on these symptoms. The presence of excessive daytime sleepiness, sudden loss of muscle tone, sleep paralysis, and hypnagogic hallucinations showed no significant association with the number of doses taken. Conclusion: We hypothesize a possible link between COVID-19 vaccination and the emergence of narcolepsy symptoms in Jordanian individuals. Additional investigations and continuous monitoring to determine the extent of the risk and uncover potential mechanisms behind this connection should be performed.

A Comparative Study on the Policy Process of Long-term Care Insurance for the Elderly Between Korea and Japan - Focused on the Policy Network Theory - (노인장기요양보험제도 정책과정에 관한 한.일 비교연구 - 정책네트워크이론을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Kwang-Jae
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.62 no.2
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    • pp.279-306
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    • 2010
  • This study is to compare and analyze the policy decision process between Korea Long-term Care Insurance and Japan's using policy network theory as an analysis tool, and to lead political and theoretical implications. The result of the study is summarized as follows. First, a policy agenda about Long-term Care problem for the Elderly set up by the government-leading both Korea and Japan. and the number of policy participation(actors) increased to characteristics of policy process stage. but there is a difference between Korea and Japan in a background of setting up policy agenda about Long-term Care problem. Second, interaction among policy actors is corporative from early policy agenda establishment stage in Korea and Japan. but it changes to dissenting or critical rapidly as being announced the frame of system to the people. Also, it shows that main policy actors play a role in policy making decision and the connection structures of network is similar to both countries although it has a difference in the interaction frequency. Fourth, although the number of policy actors and the extent of their opinion reflection to the policy effect are different, it shows that policy network pattern is very similar to from policy agenda setting stage to parliament(The National Assemble) policy decision stage as a result of government-leading policy process. The theoretical and political implications of this study are as follows. The number and the variety of policy participation, the importance of establishing opened-interaction system, lots of limitation of policy making-decision process of Japan Long-term Care system, and exclusively the government-leading network has demerits about the reflection of too much government's opinion to the policy outcomes.

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Formation of Ethnic Community the Concentrated Settlement of Foreign Workers : A Case Study of Igok-Dong, Dalseo-Gu, Daegu (외국인 밀집지역에서의 에스닉 커뮤니티의 형성 -대구시 달서구를 사례로-)

  • Jo, Hyun-Mi
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.540-556
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this paper is to analyze a process of formation of an ethnic community in the global era, taking an example of foreign workers in Igok-Dong, Dalseo-gu, Taegu. Previous studies suggest that playing a role as a hub of culture, resources and ethnic networks an ethnic community becomes an imagined space where its members can feel "us". Through this imagined space, ethnic people communicate and exchange information with each other and establish transnational linkages between their origin and destination countries or the third countries. In my research in Igok-Dong it was observed that ethnic shops had become the centers of the community of foreign workers and helped them connect with their own ethnic people from wider areas than their residence. Partly because of such networks exclusively focused on their own ethnics, there was little connection developed between foreign workers and locals. A social distance between the two parties may turn into antagonism as the ethnic community grows in number. Since it is foreseen that demands for foreign workers will continue to rise in Igok-Dong it is necessary to seek ways to achieve a more inclusive and harmonious multi-ethnic society for both foreign workers and locals.

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A Study on the Tendency of Standardization Related to Universal Design (유니버설 디자인 관련 표준화 동향에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Ho-Soong
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.18 no.1 s.59
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    • pp.175-184
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    • 2005
  • With the rapid progress of the aging society in Korea, the silver generation is emerging as another class of users in the new population structure. This is a social issue to be dealt with, and the effect of such a change is being observed dearly in the design area. In addition, there are increasing demands for consideration of minor groups of users including the elderly, the disabled, the left-handed, children and pregnant women and nursing mothers, who have been treated as the weak. Such a human-centered idea may be the manifestation of the recovery of humanity and the self-realization of human beings through experiences and reflections of the industrial society of the past. The present study examined the tendency of design standardization centering on universal design, which has emerged in response to user-centered social needs, and suggested general considerations for the necessity of introducing such standards. These days the meanings of standardization are not limited to quality, performance, safety and economic aspect. Standardization is required to consider the diversity and the welfare of human beings. In addition, one of the important functions of standardization is to provide designers with important clues and guidelines for designing. In reality, however, standardization has been rejected by the circle of design for the reason that it deters free creation, so research on the introduction of standardization has been at standstill. As ISO/IEC Guide71 was published in November 2001, based on which, the Korea Standards Association established KS A ISO/IEC Guide71 without changing its contents. In companies' manufacturing activities, the progress of standardization in connection to universal design is growing more important. However, usefulness and interchangeability for the absolute majority resulting from standardization are incomparable. Lastly, the realization of universal design requires human-centered design mind, based on users' experiences and needs, the characteristics of the human bodies and inconvenient elements rather than standards for the sake of standardization.

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The Concept of Reproduction and the Criteria of an Exhibition in Contemporary Arts (현대미술에 있어서 '복제'의 개념과 전시규범의 문제 -${\gg}$살바도르 달리 탄생 100주년 특별전${\gg}$의 전시물 <성경> 연작을 중심으로)

  • Chang, Dong-Kwang
    • The Journal of Art Theory & Practice
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    • no.2
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    • pp.169-190
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this article is to delve into the problems of originality of the artwork by examining issues of reproduction within the contemporary art market. In contemporary arts, especially in terms of art production and consumption, we can't overlook society and its economic structure and its connection with of capitalism. As the purity of art creation has turned into an exchange value, art, especially an object as artwork, has fallen into the status of production in an economic marketing system. Walter Benjamin mainly referred to that point in his thesis Das Kunstwerk im Zeitalter seiner technischen Reproduzierbarkeit, which originated the sociology of plastic arts. This thesis, published in 1936, traced how the artistic functions of photograph and movie had been changed through the social development. His main concerns were movie and photograph but what I am concentrating from his point of view, is that even in the field of plastic arts, the manufacture of reproduction has been practiced as a primary method within the social and political contexts and development. Though I am referring to this in the main body of this article, reproduction in contemporary art strongly needs a new definition since it has been spread all over like a newest virus, not only by collector's personal taste or hut also by commercial circulations of these reproductions to the public. This relates to Benjamin's argument about the value of an exhibition at a museum(Ausstellungswert). Since the function of an artwork has been one of cultural industry, the manufacturing of reproduction raises unexpected problems, such as, the originality of the artwork, the value of an exhibition at a museum, its achievement as documentary and as a territory of art criticism. In this point of view, I want to inquire into the value and criteria of an exhibition in contemporary art through the review of the definitions and the intrinsic attributes of reproduction. Somehow in a broad sense, the reproduction is a product coming out of representation or copy (replica) of an original art work or an model. Therefore, the problems it presents differ from the Simulacre, which is an image without an original one. In terms of the Meanings of reproduction, we can distinguish it as reproductions, copies, and productions. These types of reproductions are not the original artworks reflected by the creative intention of the artists. For example, a publishing company reproduced some of lithographs of Salvador Dali in the 1960s. They are commercial copies in the form of representation or reproduction with no artistic and creative intention of the artist. However, In despite of this theoretical basis, reproductions of the famous artists are still displayed without any verification for of the public's quest for the artworks. Moreover, many commercial companies that are planning to exhibit art works of the world-famous artists only for their profits keep trying to speak ill of and judging by the law the honest art critics' articles which discuss the true values of exhibition. If freedom of expression is one of the ideals of democracy, even the judgment of the originality of the artworks should be freely expressed.

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Effects of Service Quality of Culture and Tourism Festivals in Relation to Satisfaction and Re-visit of Visitors(Focusing on Cheonan World Dance Festival) (문화관광축제의 서비스품질이 이용객의 만족과 재방문에 미치는 영향(2013 천안흥타령 춤 축제를 대상으로))

  • Lee, Je-Yong;Lee, Kwang-Ok
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.482-494
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate a total of 800 visitors of those who had enjoyed "2013 Cheonan Heung-taryeong dance Festival". In order to achieve the research goal, the study conducted the questionnaire in the venue of the festival and selected the research subjects at random. With certain standards to measure the social quality, the process quality and the physical quality as in the service quality determined, the study looked into how each of the extracted factors would influence the service quality in general. The study also discussed effects of the general service quality both on the satisfaction and the re-visit intention of the festival visitors. According to the results from the analysis, 1) the social quality factors (the cultural effect and the image effect), 2) the process quality factors (the visitor-focused service and the food and souvenir), 3) the physical quality factors (the convenience in connection with the visitors' enjoying the festival and the facility arrangement) and 4) the general service quality of the festival were confirmed to affect the visitors' satisfaction. 5) The study also learned that how much the visitors of the festival have been satisfied with the event would have an effect on the visitors' intention to re-visit. After all, the study came up with every statistically significant difference in relation to the effects of the service quality on the satisfaction and the re-visit intention of the visitors in the festival.

Analysis of Waterpark Status and Recognition Using Big Data Analysis (빅데이터 분석을 활용한 워터파크 현황 및 인식 분석)

  • Kim, Jae-Hwan;Lee, Jae-Moon
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.15 no.10
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    • pp.525-535
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study aims to examine consumer perception and current status of water park. The Naver and Daum were used for data collection channels and the keyword 'water park' was used for data retrieval. The data analysis period was limited to the study period from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2016 for a total of two years. First, as a result of the frequency analysis, hidden cameras, Lotte water park, arrests, suspects, gimhae were in top 5 in 2015, Lotte water park, swimming, summer, opening, admission ticket were in top 5 in 2016. Second, as a result of the connection degree central analysis, hidden camera, arrest, suspect, female, shower room were in top 5 in 2015, swimming, Lotte water park, summer and One Mount, admission ticket were in top 5 in 2016. Third, as a result of the N-GRAM network graph, the water park/hidden camera, the hidden camera/hidden camera, the suspect/arrest, the Gimhae/Lotte water park, water park/suspect were in top 5 in 2015, and One Mount/water park, Gimhae/Lotte water park, water park/admission ticket, water park/water park, water park/opening were in top 5 in 2016. Fourth, as a result of the CONCOR analysis, three groups in 2015 and two groups in 2016 were formed.

Analysis on Determination of Punishment in Sentencing for Cases Involving Child Maltreatment Fatalities (아동학대 사망사건 판결의 양형 분석)

  • Chung, Ick Joong;Choi, Sun Young;Jeong, Su Jeong;Park, Na Rae;Kim, Yu Ri
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.68 no.2
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    • pp.131-160
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    • 2016
  • In this study, we analyzed determination of punishment of victimizers presented in sentencing(81 plaintiffs, 95 sentencing) for 55 cases involving child maltreatment fatalities between 2001 and 2015. The results showed that about 40% of main victimizers were imposed relatively minor punishment such as probation or imprisonment for less than 3 years. Judgments that deviated from lower limit comprised large proportion in connection with compliance with standards for statutory punishment and punishment determination. The elements of punishment determination, such as earnest rearing of child, psychological pain arising from death of child, sense of guilt, motivation that can be considered, were found to have a significant influence on mitigation of punishment although such elements could be judged differently, depending on perception or subjective tendency of judges towards child abuse. Even abetters in a position to prevent death of child were imposed minor punishment mostly by probation or monetary penalty. This study presented the need to reconsider the circumstances of punishment determination which has been conventionally mentioned in cases involving child maltreatment fatalities, such as first offender, accidental crime, person with parental rights, fosters, agreement with family of the deceased, etc. Moreover, this study suggested the need to reinforce child abuse prevention training for law enforcement officers and to revamp standards for determining punishment unique to the cases of child abuse in the future.

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A Study on the Possibility of Homegrown Terrorism in Korea Depending on Internalization and Strategy to Cope with the Terrorism (국제화에 따른 한국내 자생테러 발생 가능성과 대응전략)

  • Yu, Hyung-Chang
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.31
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    • pp.125-155
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    • 2012
  • Terrorist organization has shown the trend of secret organization and it is harder to cope with terrorism because of uncertainty of terrorism. Homegrown terrorism is the one, whose preparation, execution and effect are restricted to domestic area. By the way, in the worldwide economic depression, violence and radical demonstration have shown the expansion trends as in Middle East, political revolution of Africa, anti-social resistance of Europe and Wall Street Occupation of USA. Homegrown terrorism is occurring in various countries such as UK and Spain as well as USA. Specialists warn homegrown terrorism in Korea. The purpose of this study was to prospect the possibility of homegrown terrorism that can be generated in the transfer to multi-culture society as various foreigners come to Korea rapidly and suggest the method to cope with the trend. The study analyzed environment and analysis of homegrown terrorism that Korea faces now. The methods to cope with homegrown terrorism are as follows. First, distribution of radical homegrown terrorism via internet should be prevented. Second, the connection between terrorist organization and homegrown terrorist should be prevented. Third, there should be a cooperation among government, residents and religious group. Fourth, there should be an open approach against multi-culture society. Fifth, there should be a systematic control for cause of new conflict. Finally, there should be a long-term approach to cause of new conflict. If we do not make an effort to prevent homegrown terrorism, terrorism environment may face new aspect and national and social cost for it will increase.

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An Interpretive Inquiry into the Guidance Experiences of Senior Elementary Teachers (초등학교 원로교사의 생활지도 경험에 관한 해석학적 탐구)

  • Lee, Jeong-Hee
    • The Korean Journal of Elementary Counseling
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.111-133
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study was closely to explore the guidance experiences of senior elementary teachers who have had over 30 years of teaching experiences in elementary school based on interpretive(or hermeneutic) inquiry. The entry research question was 'What are the guidance experiences of senior elementary teachers like?' Seven senior elementary teachers working for O elementary School in G city participated in this study voluntarily. Each participant was interviewed twice in a consecutive manner. 14 periods of interview were completed all together and each period took about 40-60 minutes. In conclusion, this study conceptualized the guidance experiences of the senior elementary teachers(participants) as follows: First, the concepts of guidance held by the participants were conceptualized as 1) supporting and caring activity helping students to lead joyful school life, 2) assisting activity helping students to grow on good basic life habits, 3) character building activity helping students to lead integrative growth. Second, the fields and contents of guidance held by the participants were conceptualized as basic life habits, manners, and health & safety. Interestingly, these concepts were evolved in connection with their personal, practical teaching experiences rather than in-service teacher education. Third, the guidance methods frequently used by the participants were co-work with parents, exemplary storytelling, counselling, and praise. The participants applied these methods differently according to the grade, individual difference, and school curriculum policy to some degree. Fourth, the participants have experienced a lot of struggles with students, teachers, and parents in doing their guidance practices throughout the whole teaching career. Their guidance experiences commonly shifted from more teacher-centered or authoritative to more student-centered or relational way as their teaching years accumulated. Interestingly, all the participants more or less lived as lifelong learners to create their own right space as senior teachers in today's competitive and challenging landscape. This study strongly suggests that responsible teacher education can playa great role of enabling senior teachers to cope with guidance issues successfully. Compared with the speedy social change, the teacher education in Korea had been so authoritative, provider-based, subject-based until recently and it have not met the needs and wants of the elementary teachers in field. This trend has significantly hindered them from catching up with the needs of the speedy social change in terms of contemporary guidance issues. This study is limited in that the data is solely collected based on interview. So, an observational research is strongly suggested in order to uncover the situated understanding of the guidance experiences of elementary senior teachers.

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