• Title/Summary/Keyword: Social connection

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Troilus and Criseyde: Desire and Death (『트로일러스와 크리세이다』 -욕망과 죽음)

  • Lee, Dongchoon
    • Journal of English Language & Literature
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    • v.56 no.4
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    • pp.691-717
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    • 2010
  • Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde is a tale of love framed by an overarching pattern of death, set in the war-torn and doomed Troy, from which the lovers cannot separate their fate. Compared with Boccaccio's poem, the attention paid to death in Chaucer's version underlies his complex treatment of love. Above all, the language of death in Chaucer's poem provides the thread from which the entangled web of love is woven. Death together with desire pervades the language and rhetoric of the poem, prominent not only in the courtly love tropes, but also in the characters' asides and speeches. The prominence of these two concepts, desire and death, seem to be central to the various issues that the poem contains explicitly and implicitly. That is, two concepts are the basis for the breadth and depth of Chaucer's examination of love in light of the social and political realities of late fourteenth century England. The language of death in Chaucer's poem reflects the powerful influence on his imagination. With the devastation wrought by the plague and the changing fortunes of England in the war with France, Chaucer's world was once saturated in death, and one that could amply parallel the turn from prosperity to downfall. In particular, Chaucer's poem is suffused with the language of contagion and death in connection with desire. Troilus's lovesickness mimics the progress of a viral infection. Once breached, his body performs its newly compromised identity through fever, loss of appetite, and physical disintegration. On the other hand, Chaucer depicts Boccaccio's conventional portrait of Criseyde into a elaborate paramour of a pathogen. She is characterized as the contaminant that infects male hero. In addition, Criseyde is cast as sole earthly cure of illness that Troilus suffers from. In spite of Criseyde's role as nurturer and healer, Troilus longs for his own death and feels death clutching his heart. Finally, Troilus's love toward Criseyde is doomed to death.

A Qualitative Case Study of the Narrative therapy group work on the elderly with palsy to solve conflict with the elderly with dementia (치매노인과의 관계개선을 위한 중풍노인 이야기치료 집단상담 사례 연구)

  • Lee, Gyeonguk
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.1123-1140
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study is to explore the process for the elderly with palsy to solve conflicts with the elderly with dementia in day care center through the narrative therapy group work. For this, the researcher enacted the Narrative therapy group work on the 12 elderly with palsy for seven sessions, and analysed these data through qualitative case study method. The results of this study are as follows. First, the elderly with palsy became to recognize the elderly with dementia as 'the people suffering from dementia' rather than 'the problem', and tried to care them rather than to blame. Second, they became to recognize themselves as 'component people' rather than 'the victim'. Third, they grew intimate and collaborated with themselves. Fourth, they participated actively in day care center. It was discussed connection between these changes and narrative therapy skills, such as to separate problem from people, to respect client as expert for one's problem, to seek unique outcome. The recommendation is suggested that it is important to enlarge choice to participate for long-term care service consumer and to apply narrative therapy on the elderly.

History of Organic Agricultural Movement and Perspective for Development of Organic Agriculture in Tasmania (호주 태즈메이니아 유기농운동의 전개과정과 발전과제)

  • Kim, J.S.
    • Journal of Practical Agriculture & Fisheries Research
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.25-43
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    • 2013
  • Tasmania with its clean air, isolated from mainland Australia, has been producing high-quality agricultural products and has been continually developing organic farming since 1946 when the Living Soil Association of Tasmania(LSAT) was established. The organic farming movement in Tasmania has been actively advocated through three steps: the philosophical embryonic period, the movement diffusion period and the industrialised development period. The campaigns for informing about the connection between healthy soil and life unfolded during the embryonic period. This was followed by the birth of publicity of organic farming and the certification system through the dissemination of organic farming techniques and various events related to agriculture in the diffusion period when the Organic Gardening and Farming Society(OGFS) was established in 1972. In the industrialised development period, The Organic Coalition of Tasmania (OCT) which is representative of Tasmania was organised in 2000 and has been leading the organic farming industry. The organic farming movement in Tasmania not only limits the use of artificial agricultural chemical but pursues the quality of food, environment, the health of life including all animals and plants, the issue of development in rural society, social justice, and equity in understanding. It is far more holistic in its philosophy. The output of organic food accounts for 1 % of the total amount of agricultural production and 150 certified organic farms have managed with 5,000ha of land in 2010. The supply channels for organic foods vary from farmer's market, specialty stores, supermarket chains, local store to the cooperative community. Also the consumers' behaviour for organic foods has been establishing as an alternative life style. The education of the value and role of organic farming on the environment should be enlarged for the consumption of the organic food. In addition, organising for small farmers who act individually and the link with differentiated local food have still remained issues.

Factors Affecting Aging Anxiety in University Students (대학생의 노후 불안 영향 요인)

  • Yoon, Mi-Sun;Kim, Seong Yong
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.61-72
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to find ways to reduce old age anxiety by identifying the differences between old age anxiety, grandparents' connection, filial piety, and characteristics, and by identifying factors that affect old age anxiety. The study participants conveniently labeled college students residing in Seoul, Gyeonggi and Chungcheong provinces, and collected data from 2 April to 15 June 2018 and distributed a total of 250 structured questionnaires and retrieved 235 copies to use part 213 for the final analysis. The analysis used SPSS 20.0 Version to obtain frequency, percentage, average, and standard deviation, and age anxiety according to the characteristics of the subject, grandparents and sense of filial piety were analyzed with t-test and ANOVA, and the correlation between aging anxiety, grandparents' bond and filial consciousness was confirmed as Pearson correlation co-efficient. To check the effects of aging anxiety, polylinearity was diagnosed and analyzed with Stepwise multiple regression. Research found that there were statistically significant differences in age insecurity according to majors, grandparents and ties by gender and filial piety by religion and grandparents. And the lower the bond with grandparents, the higher the filial piety, the higher the anxiety was.

A Study on the ERGM on Innopolis Start-ups Networks: Focusing on Daedeok Innopolis (연구소기업 네트워크의 ERGM 분석 연구: 대덕연구개발특구를 중심으로)

  • Jang-Won Koo;Jae-Bin Lim
    • Industry Promotion Research
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.45-58
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    • 2024
  • This study modelled the social network structure characteristics between Innopolis Start-ups located in Daejeon and Innopolis Start-ups' customers scattered across the country as a tendency of regional clustering among homogeneous technologies, and the observed values were included within the 95% confidence interval of the ERGM(Exponential Random Graph Model) analysis model. If both the research institute and the customer company are located in Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, the probability of being connected is about 13 times higher than if they are located in other administrative districts, and there is a strong tendency of connection between firms with the same technology with a negative value of assortment and homogeneity (0.1904), especially among the six technology sectors, with a P value of 0.035. There was a negative value (-0.0035) among firms not located in Yuseong-gu, with less clustering tendency. This confirms that Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, where the Daedeok Innopolis is located, is forming the centre of an innovation cluster.

The Relationship Between Community Characteristics and Participate Continuously of Judo Participants: Focusing on the Value-Attitude-Behavior(VAB) (유도 참여자의 커뮤니티 특성과 지속참여의도의 관계: VAB모델을 중심으로)

  • Si-Won Kim;Ilgwang Kim
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.27-37
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the impact of community characteristics of induced participants on values, attitudes, and behaviors (VAB) and intention to continue participation. Convenience sampling (n=192) was used to sample the research subjects, and confirmatory factor analysis, correlation analysis, and structural equation modeling were conducted using SPSS 26.0 and AMOS 26.0. The results of this study are as follows. 1) Among the community attributes of the participants, reputation, enjoyment, interaction, and social connection had a significant impact. 2) Value-Attitude-Behavior (VAB) was found to have a significant hierarchical impact. 3) Behavioral intention was found to have a significant effect on continuation intention. Through this, the Judo community needs to build a participant-centered organizational culture that can create positive value in order to increase participants' participation in Judo.

Analysis of Z Generation's Collaborative Information Activities through Challenges: Focusing on Korean College Students (챌린지에 나타난 Z세대의 협업 정보 활동 - 국내 대학생을 중심으로 -)

  • Ji Hei Kang
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.55 no.1
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    • pp.173-192
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    • 2024
  • Through a survey of college students, this study explained the process and aspects of how Generation Z interacted with information while collaborating on a daily basis. Applying the Radical Change Theory, the study investigated the platforms through which university students engaged in challenges and their information behaviors. University students primarily participated in challenges using platforms such as Instagram and Naver Blog. In terms of changes in information seeking, which is the first type of information seeking in the theory, a wide and diverse range of information behaviors were observed, with the way of searching for information being quite different from when the digital age arrived 10 years ago. Information sources included not only digitalized ones but also traditional sources such as printed materials and personal contacts. The utilization of various media types was prominent, and collaborative efforts were voluntarily undertaken for challenges. In terms of changing perspectives, type 2 of information behavior, the main motivation for acquiring information and securing knowledge led to participation in the challenge. Participants exhibited a sense of community consciousness, including mutual influence awareness, social participation consciousness, and emotional connection.

An Analysis of Domestic Newspaper Articles on 5.18 using the Bigkinds System (빅카인즈를 활용한 5·18 관련 국내 기사 분석 연구)

  • Juhyeon Park;Hyunji Park;Youngbum Gim
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.107-132
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    • 2024
  • This study attempted to analyze newspaper articles related to May 18 through frequency analysis and network analysis using news data related to May 18 for about 30 years from 1990 to 2022 at the Korea Press Foundation's Big Kinds. Specifically, quantitative change trends were examined by analyzing the amount of articles by period and region, and the connection structure between major keywords by the regime was explored through network analysis by regime using co-appearance keywords. As a result of the analysis, it was found that 2019 had the largest amount of coverage, which had many social issues in time, and the Jeolla-do region had the largest amount of coverage in the region. And as a result of network analysis, there were differences in words related to May 18 in news data according to the perception and policy of the regime toward May 18. As a result of synthesizing the analysis of May 18 news data, it was confirmed that May 18 was becoming a democratic movement over time regardless of region, but at the same time, the distortion of May 18 was not resolved.

The Effect of School-Home-Community Connection on the Alleviation of Teachers' Challenges in Neighborhoods of Immigrant Concentration (이주민 밀집지역 내 학교-가정-지역사회의 연계 효과: 교사의 어려움 경감을 중심으로)

  • Hyojune Song;Kyung-eun Yang
    • Journal of School Social Work
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    • v.43
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    • pp.81-99
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    • 2018
  • Drawing on an open system approach to understanding schools as organizations, this study examined whether challenges experienced by teachers in immigrant neighborhoods are mitigated to the extent in which schools effectively collaborate with parents and other agents in the neighborhoods. Data were gathered from a total of 328 teachers in 32 elementary and middle schools located within areas characterized by high levels of immigrant residential concentration in Seoul and Gyeonggi. The data showed that challenges experienced by teachers were significantly lessened in schools that had organic ties with agents in the external environments. This finding sheds new light on the importance of understanding schools as open-system organizations whose successful performance largely depends on factors external to classrooms. It appears that boundary spanning and bridging strategies may be utilized by school leaders to improve teachers' task performance at schools in areas of immigrant concentration.

Oral health improvement and satisfaction among recipients of home-visiting oral health education (방문구강건강교육 대상자의 구강건강개선 및 교육에 대한 만족도)

  • Seon-Yeong Kim;Jae-Ra Lee;Il-Shin Kim;Min-Sook Jeong;Sang-Eun Moon;Sun-Hwa Hong;Bo-Ram Lee;Hyeong-Seok Lim;Mi-Ra Lee;Young-Ae Yun;Myung-Ok Ha
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.479-488
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    • 2024
  • Objectives: In connection with government projects, the Gwangju medical welfare social cooperative launched the "Visit Oral Health Education Activities" as part of the Gwangju+ Gwangsan Integrated Care Service Project in 2023. This study aims to analyze the improvement in oral health and the level of satisfaction following home-visiting oral health education. Methods: A total of 51 participants who had undergone home-visiting oral health education more than seven times and agreed to participate were eligible for interviews. The data were analyzed using SPSS software. Results: As a result of oral environment improvement and satisfaction with home-visiting oral health education, the average satisfaction scores were 4.67 for educator attitude, 4.46 for educational activities, 3.82 for oral health improvement, and 3.55 for self-management attitude improvement. Satisfaction with oral health improvement showed a positive correlation with educators' work attitude, satisfaction with educational activities, and improvement in self-management attitude. Conclusions: To improve satisfaction with home-visiting oral health education, the development of various educational programs and standardization of educator work manuals are necessary.