• Title/Summary/Keyword: Social Power

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Real-time Natural Disaster Failure Analysis Information System Development using GIS Environment (GIS환경의 실시간 자연재해정보를 연계한 재해고장분석시스템 개발)

  • Ahn, Yeon-S.
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.639-648
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    • 2009
  • Earth's environment issues are introduced recently and every year the social loss have been occurred by the impact of various disaster. This kind of disaster and weather problems are the increasing reason of electricity transmission network equipment's failures because of exposing by the natural environment. The emergency and abnormal status of electricity equipment make the power outage of manufacturing plant and discomfort of people's lives. So, to protect the electricity equipment from the natural disasters and to supply the power to customer as stable, the supporting systems are required. In this paper, the research results are described the development process and the outcomes of the real-time natural disaster failure analysis information system including the describing about the impact of disaster and weather change, making the natural weather information, and linking the realtime monitoring system. As of development process, according to application development methodology, techniques are enumerated including the real time interface with related systems, the analysing the geographic information on the digital map using GIS application technology to extract the malfunction equipment potentially and to manage the equipments efficiently. Through this system makes remarkable performance it minimize the failures of the equipments, the increasing the efficiency of the equipment operation, the support of scientific information related on the mid-term enhancement plan, the savings on equipment investment, the quality upgrading of electricity supply, and the various supports in the field.

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Long Term Average Spectrum Characteristics of Head and Chest Register Sounds of Western Operatic Singers : Extended Study (성악다들의 목소리에 대한 Long Term Average Spectrum 분석 -$2^{nd}$ Singer's Formant의 존재 가능성에 대하여-)

  • Ban, Jae-Ho;Kwon, Young-Kyung;Jin, Sung-Min
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Laryngology, Phoniatrics and Logopedics
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.31-36
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    • 2004
  • Background and Objectives : It has been shown that the epilaryngeal tube in the human airway is responsible for vocal ring, or the singer's formant. In previous study, authors showed that in trained tenors, besides the conventional singer's formant in the region of ,5500Hz, another energy peak was observed in the region of 8,000Hz. This peak was interpreted as the second resonance of the epilarynx tube. Singers in other voice categories who produce vocal ring are assumed to have the same peak, but no measurements have as yet been made. Materials and Methods : Fifteen tenors, fourteen baritones, seven sopranos and five mezzo sopranos attending the music college, department of vocal music who could reliably produce the head and chest registers were chosen for this study. Each subject was asked to produce an/ah/sound for at least three seconds for the head register sound(tenors ; G4, barions ; E4 sopranos ; F5 and mezzosopranos ; C5) and for the chest register sound (tenors ; C3, baritones ; D3, sopranos ; D4 and Mezzosoprano ; A3). The sound data was analyzed using the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)-based power spectrum, Long term average(LTA) power spectrum using the FFT algorithm of the Computerized Speech Lab (CSL, Kay elemetrics, Model 4300B, USA). Statistical analysis was performed using the Mann-Whitney test of the Statistical Package for Social sciences(SPSS). Results : For head register sounds, a significant increase was seen in the 2,200-3,400Hz region(p<0.05) and the Similar to the head register sounds, there was a significant increase in energy in the four trained singer group compared with the untrained group in the 2,200-3,100Hz region(p<0.05), the 7,800-8,400Hz region(p<0.05) for the chest register sounds. Conclusions : When good vocal production was made for the head and chest registers, an energy peak was observed near 2,500Hz, a frequency already known as the "singer's formant', in all subjects in the study group. Another region of increased energy was observed around 8,000Hz that had not been noticed previously. The authors believe this region to be the second singer's formant.

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Professionalism and Professional Project of Korean Journalism Considerations on Historical Context of Press-Politics Parallelism (한국 언론의 전문직주의와 전문직 프로젝트의 특수성 언론-정치 병행관계의 한국적 맥락)

  • PARK, Jin-Woo
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.74
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    • pp.177-196
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    • 2015
  • This paper aims to plan a new research program on the parallel relationship between Korean press and political power, by providing concepts on the mode of existence of professional journalists in Korea. In the midst of the economic crisis of Korean journalism, relative deteriorisation in the political democracy and the liberty of press, and changes in news ecosystem due to the revolution of digital news, the status of professional journalists is at stake. In these circumstances, this paper argues that many existing researches on journalistic professionalism need to be reconstructed in the perspective of professional project. It enables, first of all, an evaluation on actual issues of professional journalists from the actor perspective, i.e. economic interests, social closure, regulative bargain with the authority. Secondly, concerning decoupling phenomenon of journalism and democracy which became salient in the contemporary society, this study raises a necessity to create new logical relations around concepts of journalist professionalism. And we will find, in this situation, a beginning of new evaluation on the mode of existence of professional journalists, that has been possibly developped within the old, assymetric relationship between State-press. And finally, this study proposes to consider a category of professional journalists as a vehicle that helps to conceptualize the old, parallel relationship between Korean press and political power.

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A Series of Rearch for the Theory of Self-estimating Internet Shopping-mall, Business model which uses BMO Estimating Model (BMO 평가모형을 이용한 인터넷 쇼핑몰 비즈니스모델 자가평가 방법론에 관한 사례 연구)

  • Eun, Jong-Seong;Min, Kyung-Se
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.49-68
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    • 2007
  • This paper develop self pre-checkup lists for the validity of business model as web business starters can utilize to open business. In particular, self pre-checkup lists invented by Dr. Bruce Merrifield, is reapplied and modified in appropriate to internet shopping mall business. This paper complete many literature reviews to identify appropriate factors of evaluation such as about the characters of internet business, business validity testing theory for internet business model, pros and cons of e-business and startup ventures, factor analysis of technology valuation, and pros and cons for internet shopping mall. This paper define six different factors; scale of sales, the growth rate of market, competitiveness, risk portfolio, industry upside down, and social conditions, as the factors of evaluating the business attractiveness. Meanwhile, it define characters of CEO, content's power, mutual inclusion, commerce, fulfillment, marketing power as the factors of business appropriateness. This paper also conducts several case studies; company I, D, G of applying the former model. This paper sort out internet business model in imaginations by utilizing self pre-checkup lists of business evaluation. Also, the outcomes of evaluation is expected to provide meaningful future business implications.

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Development of Quality of Life Measurement for Cancer Patients (암환자의 삶의 질 도구개발)

  • Tae, Young Sook;Kang, Eun-Sil;Lee, Myung Hwa;Park, Geum Ja
    • Korean Journal of Adult Nursing
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.741-757
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    • 2000
  • This study was undertaken to develop an instrument to be used for measuring the concept of quality of life of Korean patients with cancer multidimensionary and correctly. It can contribute in holistic nursing care for Korean cancer patients and also provide and validate basic data to help oncology nurses measure the outcome of nursing intervention correctly. To develop this instrument, the researchers first estabilished a conceptual framework based on the results of qualitative data analysis and indepth interview method Development of the scale was conducted using a method in which 31 items were assessed by subjects' self report using linear analogue scales. The subjects were 79 D.M. patients, 103 patients with acute illness, and 91 cancer patients residing in Busan, Korea. Data were collected during the period from July, 24 to August 14, 2000. This instrument consisted of 31 items with a self report scale. This instrument covered 4 dimensions of cancer patients : 1) physical wellbeing 2) psychological wellbeing 3) social wellbeing and 4)spiritual wellbeing. Each item had a possible score of 10. The reliability of the scale was tested with Cronbach's alpha. Validity was evaluated by examining the relationships of this scale, Youn's Quality of Life Questionnare scores and the Simple Quality of Life scale. Two separate runs of multiple regression were used to predict scores on the Simple Quality of Life measurement. Further validation was obtained by examining the correlation between the instrument subscores and Youn's Quality of Life measurement subscore for convergence of this scale. Examination of the discriminant. power of the instrument was done using ANOVA test. The results are summarized as follows: 1. The reliability of the instrument for the quality of life was 0.8321(Cronbach's alpha.), physical wellbeing dimension 0.6343, psychological wellbeing dimension 0.6501, spiritual wellbeing dimension 0.5883. 2. This instrument had a high correlation with Youn's Quality of Life measurement(r= 0.636) in cancer patients, whereas it had a low correlation with Simple Quality of Life measurement(r=0.455) in cancer patients. In the D.M. patients, the instrument correlated with both the Youn's Quality of Life measurement and Simple Quality of life measurement(r=0.313, r= 0.407) and in the acute stage patients, the instrument had no correlation. 3. Multiple regression of individual items on the Simple Quality of Life scores accounted for 56.8% of the variance in the Simple Quality of Life measurement, whereas, Youn's Quality of Life measurement scores accounts for 31.7%. 4. The correlations collected from the three group had the same patterns of variations but especially the instrument developed in this study had higher disciminant power than that of Youn's Quality of Life Measurement.

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A Study of Environment Analysis and Entry Plan for Medium and Small Enterprises' Vietnam Advance (중소기업의 베트남 진출을 위한 환경분석 및 진입 방안에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Seung-Il;Kim, Dong-Il
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.307-313
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    • 2010
  • Recently in Korea, or companies considering overseas expansion is often already begun. Past, enterprise's overseas economic cooperation fund(OECF) was consisted of overseas economic cooperation fund(OECF) of most large enterprise leading but medium and small enterprises as well as large enterprise is recognized for factor that competitive power security through overseas economic cooperation fund(OECF) is indispensable by economy opening Tuesday such as deregulation of great foreign enemy environment change and a technology and capital introduction. In the case of Korea, that advance of the China is going through bottleneck among by far bank Vietnam advance gradually expand. Therefore, in this study, I wished to quote plan for efficient and desirable Vietnam advance strategy establishment regarding our country enterprise's Vietnam advance through economy, politics, social environment analysis. In this study, can do on the basis of Vietnam advance connection domestic?outside literature investigation and virtue study through theoretical investigation according to these purpose and behaved theoretical investigation and lift construction materials allied industry, labor-intensive manufacturing industry, fisheries farm produce cultivation, processing household mascot etc. as energy industry, refined oil and petrochemical industry, electric-power industry, other field by our country medium and small enterprise.

A Basic Study for Wind Energy of Building Cladding using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD를 이용하여 건물 외피의 바람에너지에 관한 적용연구)

  • Chung, Yung-Bea
    • 한국신재생에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2011.11a
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    • pp.39.2-39.2
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    • 2011
  • The new and renewable energy today has a great interest in all countries around the world. In special it has need more limit of the fossil fuel that needs of low carbon emission among the social necessary conditions. Recently, the high-rise building demand the structural safety, the economic feasibility and the functional design. The high-rise building spends enormous energy and it satisfied the design in solving energy requirements. The requirements of energy for the building depends on the partly form wind energy due to the cladding of the building that came from the surroundings of the high-rise building. In this study of the wind energy, the cladding of the building was assessed a tentative study. The wind energy obtains from several small wind powers that came from the building or the surrounding of the building. In making a cladding the wind energy forms with wind pressure by means of energy transformation methods. The assessment for the building cladding was surrounded of wind speed and wind pressure that was carried out as a result of numerical simulation of wind environment and wind pressure which is coefficient around the high-rise building with the computational fluid dynamics. In case of the obtained wind energy from the pressure of the building cladding was estimated by the simulation of CFD of the building. The wind energy at this case was calculated by energy transform methods: the wind pressure coefficients were obtained from the simulated model for wind environment using CFD as follow. The concept for the factor of $E_f$ was suggested in this study. $$C_p=\frac{P_{surface}}{0.5{\rho}V^{2ref}}$$ $$E_c=C_p{\cdot}E_f$$ Where $C_p$ is wind pressure coefficient from CFD, $E_f$ means energy transformation parameter from the principle of the conservation of energy and $E_c$ means energy from the building cladding. The other wind energy that is $E_p$ was assessed by wind power on the building or building surroundings. In this case the small wind power system was carried out for wind energy on the place with the building and it was simulated by computational fluid dynamics. Therefore the total wind energy in the building was calculated as the follows. $$E=E_c+E_p$$ The energy transformation, which is $E_f$ will need more research and estimation for various wind situation of the building. It is necessary for the assessment to make a comparative study about the wind tunnel test or full scale test.

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A Study on Formation and Dissolution of Ownership Restriction System within Newspaper Act (신문법 내 소유규제 제도의 형성과 해체에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Yong-Sung
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.56
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    • pp.71-85
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    • 2011
  • This thesis reviews the process in which the regulation systems against ownership concentration of newspapers established with the opportunity of legislation of the periodical act in 1987 was reinforced as they were all amended to the newspaper act in 2005 and as they were again amended in 2009 it came to confront crisis in the aspect of press law legislation history. The regulation systems against ownership concentration of newspapers established based on the principle of legality of newspaper function in the Clause 3, the Article 21 of Constitution was reinforced as the newspaper act in 2005 and in 2006 they began to shrink following the Constitution Court decision against newspaper act. As newspaper act and broadcast act are revised in 2009, regulation against combining the management of newspapers with broadcast and regulation against owning multiple number of newspapers came not to exist. Because in this process, the opposition party also allowed limited cross-ownership of newspaper and broadcast, it can be said that the system of newspaper ownership regulation confronted the crisis of dissolution. The instruction of regulation alleviation in a short period of time in spite of the fact that regulation alleviation which allows cross-ownership of newspaper and broadcast is the matter of policy that should be decided after long-term review of the change of media environment and the progress of the power of domination of public opinion is dangerous. Newspapers are strong media with terrestrial broadcast in formation of public opinion on politics. It's because it is difficult to ignore the worry that the power of domination of public opinion of the newspapers which are in oligopoly of newspaper public opinion market can be spreaded to the territory of report broadcast. From the point of view that there is probability for democracy to be ultimately threatened due to the shrink of political Darwinism caused by concentration of media ownership, the alleviation of ownership concentration of newspapers should have premise of long-term social discussion.

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A Social Historical Study on Security System of Goryo Period (고려시대(高麗時代) 시위제도(侍衛制度)에 관한 사적고찰(史的考察))

  • Kim, Chang-Ho;Min, Jae-Ki
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.15
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    • pp.107-128
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    • 2008
  • It was started that Shiwe-goon was organized from Shilla-end to Goryeo foundation a country in powerful families existence merely royal household by stably plan means in the reign of Taejo. Generally Shiwe-goon was dutie king' personal danger of protection. Shiwe-goon was organized castle of guarding, stand by king and royal household side armed strength to going on a trip and general armed-organization was collapsed for Goryeo-end continued existence. Goryeo era of Shiwe-organization was divided central army and region army. Two-goon(Eungyang-goon, Yongho-goon) was undertaken king of Shiwe army and six-we(Chunwoo-we, Geumoh-we, Gammoon-we, Jeoawoo-we, Shinoh-we, Hongwe-we) was undertaked capital of guard and the border of defense duty. Central army of commanders was called Sangjanggoon, Daejanggoon. Sangjanggoon and Daejanggoon was discussed military officer of conference apparatus in Jungbang. Jungbang was got afterward Mooshinjungbeon happened military of statesman grasping political power with authority a main stay. Mooshinjungkwen era was appeared modernistic mean of privately guarding organization in Dobang and Naedobang. According as Shiwe-organization was charged military organization as a part of sovereign power and grasping strength of authority- maintenance for security and guarding duty. As a conclusion, national sovereign of guard was achieved not only personal life and body guard protection but also country of welfare protection in country-welfare dimension an inch of non-error. Also national sovereign of guard was considered guarding apparatus of allowance the largest duty and country-welfare direct connection with actual fact recognition in constancy effort.

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Analysis of Nursing Studies of Coping Conducted in Korea from 1978 to 1995 (대처 개념의 국내 간호연구 분석)

  • 소향숙;조복희;홍미순
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.709-729
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    • 1996
  • This study was done to analyze the trends of research on coping in Korea, to suggest future direction, for research on coping, and ultimately to contribute to an increase in explanation of adaptation. This article reviewed 79 nursing research papers on coping done since 1978 by examining them according to the period of publication or presentation, research design, type of subjects, measurement instruments, research for a degree or not, range of reliability, and association of coping and related variables. The results are as follows : The number of studies on coping increased rapidly from the mid-1980's and decreased slowly from the mid-1990's. The maority of the studies were surveys, comparative studies, or correlational studies. The subects of the 46 studies were healthy people, while those in the remaining studies were patients with a variety of illnesses. Thirth-eight studies on coping were done for master's thesis, three for dissertion, and 38 were not degrees. The Bell and Jalowiec coping scales have not been used since the early 1990's. In contrast, Lazarus and Folkman's W.C.C.L. has been used increasingly since that time. The reliabilities of the coping scale were reported in 37 cases and the Cronbach's alpha coefficients were .71 to .86. All subjects reported using more problem-oriented coping than emotion-oriented coping in short-term or emotion-oriented coping and healthy groups did more long-term coping. It was difficult to describe consistently the relationship between stress and coping according to the type of coping scale or research subjects, but generally moderate relationships were found. This was due to instrumental problems and no consideration of situational context. The subject group who used more short-term coping and less long-term coping reported poorer mental status, and higher scores in burnout and state anxiey than others. That is, the relationship between stress and adaptation increased the power of explanation with intervening the mediating effect of coping. The association of locus of control, mastery, social support, and self-concept with coping showed positive relationships : those of uncertainty and severity in illness with coping showed negativerelationships ; those of state anxiety and depression with short-term coping were positive, and those of self-esteem with long-term coping or problem-oriented coping were negative. There were significant differences in the scores of types of coping according to religion, level of education, and socio-economic status. That is, Presbyterians and Catholics, those with higher education levels and higher socio-economic status used more long-term or problem-oriented coping. On the basis of the above findings the following recommendations are made : 1. There is a need to test the mediating effect of coping variable in order to clarify the concept. 2. Longitudinal studies are needed to determine the patterns of change in coping strategies when stressful events are encountered. 3. It's necessary to develop a reliable and variable measurement tool for coping. 4. There is a need to identify subscales of coping to increase explanation of variance 5. It's necessary to consider personal, situational, and antecedent variables : the characteristics of subject populations, the natures of illness and treatment situations. 6. The power of explanation of studies designed to identify the stress-adaptation process should be increased using the combination model of process-oriented coping and cognitive-structural model.

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