• Title/Summary/Keyword: Small and medium city

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The Contents of Emergency Treatment Practice Conducted by Emergency Medical Technician and Related Factors (일부 응급구조사들의 응급처치 시행내용과 관련 요인)

  • Jeong, Sang-Gil;Kim, Ki-Soon;Cho, Soo-Hyung;Kang, Myung-Geun;Han, Mi-Ah
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.346-358
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    • 2009
  • Objectives: A study was conducted by analysing the contents and frequency of emergency treatment practiced by emergency medical technicians(EMTs) in emergency situations and contains related factors. Methods: The study subjects included 80 EMTs who participated in ongoing education classes during the period from June 25th to June 26th, 2008. the survey included 53 EMTs employed within 119 first aid teams in fire stations in both a metropolitan city and a medium-sized city. From the survey results relation between frequency of emergency treatment and subjects characteristics explored statistically including t-test, X2 test, Pearson correlation and finally stepwise multiple regression. Results: The most frequent procedure by EMTs checking vital signs. The statistically significant related factors overall of the 23 items of emergency treatment frequency was the working area and the grading of EMT certification. In contrast, significant related factors with frequency of IV linkage were found to be the subjects gender, institution employed and the importance of recognizing the item. The statistically significant related factors of that of ECG monitoring was the gender of respondents. Conclusions: To keep the appropriate frequency of emergency treatment by EMT, active efforts to promote their individual importance and confidence cognition are necessary, especially towards males and persons who have 2nd class certification. Moreover, EMTs who work in small cities must be supported.

Pattern Analysis for Civil Complaints of Local Governments Using a Text Mining (텍스트마이닝에 의한 지자체 민원청구 패턴 분석)

  • Won, Tae Hong;Yoo, Hwan Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.319-327
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    • 2016
  • Korea faces a wide range of problems in areas such as safety, environment, and traffic due to the rapid economic development and urbanization process. Despite the local governments’ efforts to deal with electronic civil complaints and solve urban problems, civil complaints have been on the increase year by year. In this study, we collected civil complaint data over the last six years from a small and medium-sized city, Jinju-si. In order to conduct a spatial distribution pattern analysis, we indicated the location data on the area through Geocoding after classifying the reasons for civil complaints and then extracted the location data of the civil complaint occurrence spots in order to analyze the correlation between electronic civil complaints and land use. Results demonstrated that electronic civil complaints in Jinju-si were clustered in residential, central commercial, and residential-industrial mixed-use areas—areas where land development had been completed within the city center. After analyzing the civil complaints according to the land use, results revealed that complaints about illegal parking were the highest. Regarding the analysis results of facility distribution within a 50m radius from the civil complaint areas, civil complaints occurred a lot in detached housing areas located within the commercial and residential-industrial mixed-use areas. In the case of residential areas(old downtown), civil complaints were condensed in the areas with many ordinary restaurants. This research explored civil complaints in terms of the urban space and can be expected to be effectively utilized in finding solutions to the civil complaints

A Study on the Improvement of Emergency Safety System as Social Protection System - Focusing on Alone Elderly and Severely Person with Disabilities - (사회적 보호체계로서의 응급안전시스템에 대한 개선방안 연구 -독거노인·중증장애인을 중심으로-)

  • Heo, Soo Kyung;Lim, Soo Jeong;Jeong, Jong Hwa
    • 재활복지
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.31-54
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to explore the improvement method of the emergency safety system as a social protection scheme for the elderly living alone with severe disabilities. The study was conducted by randomly choosing three regions in the metropolitan area (Jongno-gu, Seoul), the small-medium city (Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do) and the rural area (Geochang-gun, Gyeongsangnam-do) among 17 cities and counties nationwide. The study method is based on the interview form of the structured questionnaires with city officials, county officials, and center operators. According to the results of the interview analysis, it was recognized that there was a need for an emergency safety system for the elderly living alone with severe disabilities. In spite of this necessity, there were problems about publicity for the discovery of victims of the blind spot in welfare, about inconvenience due to frequent malfunctions of the emergency equipment, about insufficient awareness of the security of the emergency officials and about supply and demand of manpower for 24-hour monitoring service. In order to improve the effective operation of the emergency safety system, it was the most urgent issue to formulate the legislation for responding to the crisis management of the vulnerable. A suggestion of this study is to build a safety system in which one-stop service is provided for the realization of compact welfare through the establishment of a MOU for linkage with community organizations, the full inspection of emergency equipment to solve safety equipment malfunction problems and the manpower supplement for 24-hour monitoring.

Caries Prevention Effect of Water Fluoridation in Gimhae, Korea (김해시 수돗물불소농도조정사업의 영구치 우식예방효과)

  • Kim, Han-Na;Cho, Hyun-Hee;Kim, Min-Ji;Jun, Eun-Joo;Han, Dong-Hun;Jeong, Seung-Hwa;Kim, Jin-Bom
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.448-454
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    • 2014
  • The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of a water fluoridation program (WFP) on prevention of dental caries in Gimhae City, Korea, with reference to the results of 2012 Korean National Oral Health Survey (KNOHS). In WFP population, 972 subjects including 8-, 10- and 12-year-old children in Gimhae City were examined in 2009. The WFP in Gimhae city has been implemented since 1999. 1872 subjects in non-fluoridated small and medium sized cities similar to Gimhae city were selected from 2012 KNOHS data as the control population. Two dentists who received training in KNOHS with an inter-examiner-agreement examined oral health status of all subjects. To assess the effects of WFP on dental caries, caries preventive fraction was estimated by assessing the differences of decayed, missing, and filled teeth (DMFT) index and decayed, missing, and filled surfaces (DMFS) index, DMFS in pit and fissures and smooth surfaces between WFP population and the control. Univariate analysis of variance adjusted for gender and number of fissure-sealed teeth or surfaces was conducted. DMFT of 12-year-old subjects (n=354) in WFP and control population (n=1,518) were 1.60 and 2.12, respectively, with an estimated prevention effect of 24.7%. Caries preventive fraction on pit and fissure, and smooth surfaces of WFP subjects was estimated 27.5% and 24.0%, among subjects aged 12 years, respectively. WFP in Gimhae City, Korea reduced the prevalence of dental caries and is recommended as a public oral health program where a fluoride-containing toothpastes are commonly used.

Research on the Actual Condition of Working Conditions in the Small and Medium Clinics (중소 병.의원 근무환경 실태조사)

  • Cheol, Kweon-Dae;Mi, Jang-Myeong;Hei, Jang-Yun;Mo, Chung-Kyung;Sin, Kwak-Choong
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.55-65
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    • 2005
  • Research of actual condition of working conditions in the small and clinics, in the Seoul metropolitan city and Kyeonggido province. With the health care environmental change such as a rapid increase of the elderly people, rapid increase of health promotion needs, it is necessary to analyse and identity of the actual condition of working conditions for present and new radiological technologist. Research of general characteristics for the present radiological technologist. To research of the status employment, business scope, pay, working conditions, radiation safety management, equipment, and category association. Defining the problems of related working conditions, radiation safety management for the comprehensive methods to promote the rights the radiological technologist. A proposal for establishment legislature and system of the actual condition in the hospital for radiological technologist. Estimation for the demand and supply numbers of present radiological technologist and improvement of employment relations. Improved and refined scope business and duty regulation related to radiological technologist. Application for the establishment and development of promotion rights to utilize as basic data in a legislative and system frame of reference to implement the radiological technologist.

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The Post-IMF firm strategy and the corporate restructuring in the heavy & chemical industrial district: the case of Ulsan, Korea (울산 중화학공업의 재구조화 특성 - IMF 체제 이후의 기업전략을 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Yang-Choon
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.17-34
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    • 2001
  • This paper is to analyze how firms in a large firm-led industrial city have carried out the restructuring in the face of radical shifts, with focus on the strategy and the restructuring of firms in Ulsan, a typical industrial district in Korea that is specialized in heavy & chemical industry. It has been well known that the local economy has been led by a small number of large firms, including affiliates of chaebol, and its industrial structure has also been characterised as a clear dichotomy between large firms as a customer and small and medium-size firms as a supplier, which can be called not horizontal but vertical relations. It can identify some tendencies, however, that local companies have been rather dynamically changing in response to increasingly turbulent environment since the Asian crisis. Some are radical, but some incremental. These can be summarized in four distinctive but interlinked ways. First, more than half of local companies surveyed have attempted to change their production systems, mainly from the fordist mass production towards the flexible mass production, seeking both economies of scale and scope. Second, local firms have vigorously continued to reorganize the boundary of the production and the organization, by specializing products and focusing on the core competence in order to save costs and cope with radically changing customer demands in a flexible way. Third, there have been various strategies for the organizational innovation such as the introduction of team organization, the boundary blurring between the managerial and production workers and the intra-firm spin-offs, so as to improve managerial efficiency and competence in the use of internal labour market. Finally, they have tried to be more sensitive to the market and customers. These tendencies seem to be increasingly critical to sustain their competitiveness. To do so, they tend to focus increasingly not only on the competing via the product quality rather than through price, but also to seek to diversify the market and customer firms beyond national boundary.

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A Study on the Design Directions for Public Housing through Trend Analysis in Housing (주택 트렌드 분석을 통한 공공주택 디자인 방향설정 연구)

  • Kwon, Hyuck-Sam;Yoon, Young-Ho;Kim, Yu-Jeong;Park, Kwang-Jae;Cho, Sung-Hak
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.45-58
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    • 2012
  • This study aims to provide new design directions for public housing by analyzing trends in housing design. To this end, we investigate the changes in population, household, society, policy, institution, and technology as the main factors that can affect the housing design trends. Then we analyze the applications of public housing design and suggest the new design directions for public housing after considering experts' opinions. The low growth rate of population, growing separation of household members and increasing level of income produced more diverse demands from residents. In addition, housing demand is notably different by region, and the supply of medium and small-sized housing and small scale developments are growing. Information technology and green technology are also advancing. As a consequence, future housing trends would change from numerically-controlled to performance-based, from central to regional-oriented, from unit to city-centric. Current designs of public housing reflect recent housing trends- in reducing the number of housings and making view corridors by placing a central square in the middle. This shows that the existing designs are not differentiated by region and we need to develop various approaches according to location characteristics and the corresponding new housing types. Therefore, this study proposes the following five directions: responsiveness to demand changes, reflection of location characteristics, connectivity to a local community, realization of green environment, and acquisition of housing function.

An Analysis on Health Promotion Behavior of Middle and High School Students (중등학교 학생의 건강증진 행태와 관련요인분석)

  • 김귀희;남철현
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.23-45
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    • 1997
  • This study was conducted from March 1, 1996 through June 30, in order to provide basic data for devising a policy for school health especially students health promotion and for developing of an education program. Middle school students were 1000, high school students were 2000 and a total of 3000 students were selected randomly among the boys/girls/middle/high schools which are in Seoul, Pusan, Taegu, Pohang, Suwon, Kyungsan, Milyang and a town or subcountry. The summary and conclusion are as follows. 1. In general characteristics of respondents, 51.8% were girl students, 33.7% were middle school students, 66.3% were high school students. 37.2% were living in a medium and small city, 89.1% were middle classes, 43.6% were having no religion, 27.3% were buddhists. 2. As a result of analyzing, exercise, nutrition, personal behavior, knowledge of health education and behavior level which are the factors promotion, exercise level were 3.61 of the perfect 9(40.1/100), nutrition level were 3.71(41.1/100), personal hygiene were 6.89(76.6/100), health education level were 5.1(58.9/100), all of the them are low level. 3. Judging from characteristics, in case of exercise behavior level, It was far higher in boy students than in girl students, in middle school students than in high school students. It was respectively higher than other groups in the second graders of middle school, in the first graders of high school, in the residents who live in a big city, in the high classes in the buddhists. 4. The students level against disease was average 9.11 of the perfect score 14(65.1/100). The level of disease consciousness was high in girl students by characteristics, in the second graders of high school by grades, in high school students than middle school students. 5. In health status, 55.4% were healthy, 7.9% were unhealthy. It was respectively higher than the other groups in boy students, in middle school students, in the residents who live in a big city, in high classes of life level, in buddihists, in higher education level of parents. 6. Judging from the factors of health status and health promotion and the degree of significance, there's a significant differences between exercise and dietary life as P〈0.001, in personal hygiene as P〈0.05, in health education an P〈0.01. 7. Knowledge on disease, health promotion behavior level were average 19.42 ± 4.01 of the perfect score 50(38.8/100) this score was too low. As for characteristics, the level between variables was statistically significant in the higher life level, in the higher parents education level, in the happier family. 8. Judging from health status, knowledge on disease, health behavior level, knowledge and health promotion behavior level significantly in the better health status, in the better school record. 9. As a result of the multiplex regression analyzing the factors which were under influence on health status, the variables like exercise, school record level, the degree of family happiness, nutrition, grades, the members of family influenced much and its persuasive power was 10.2%. The factors which are under the influence on the health promotion were exercise, satisfied degree of education, health status, the degree of family happiness, knowledge on disease, the usage of physical training, sex, the number of the family members, mother's education level. It’s explained power was 21.3%. promotion were high We should develop a text book and an education program to study exercise, nutrition(dietary life), personal hygiene, knowledge on disease and health systematically. As far as health education irrespective city and locality without considering the entrance exam for high school and university we should execute it continuously. To do this, it’s important to cultivate and secure qualified men of ability who can teach things related health promotion and the related subject, that is, health or health promotion subject should be established in middle and high school curriculum necessarily.

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A Study on the Regionality of Land-Lease Farming : A Comparative Analysis of the Case Study Areas (임차농(賃借農)의 지역성(地域性)에 관한 연구 -사례지역의 비교분석-)

  • Suh, Chan-Ki
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.121-150
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    • 1997
  • This Study puts the purpose to explicate the regionalities of land-lease farming by a comparative analisis of the five case study areas in Kungpook Province as the agricultural space system of Teagu metropolitan city. For the regional comparative analysis the province was divided into the three zones with the distance from the central city(Teagu): urban fringes, intermediate and remote zone, and then subdivided into the five regions by farming systems : horticulture, rice-farming, and dry-field farming. The data were collected from 77 land-leasing farmers by questionnaire and interview with farm managers in 5 sample villages representing the regionalities of the above five regions respectively. In spite of relatively restricted scope of the research areas, the analytical results appear remarkable regional differences in the characteristics of land-lease farming within a single agricultural space system. In the final analysis the regionalities of the five land-lease farming regions could be described respectively as follows. (1) Koryong-Gun in the inner urban fringe zone : The developing land-lease farming region of commercialized suburban horticulture with medium scale. (2) Songju-Gun in the outer urban fringe zone : The developing land-lease farming region of highly commercialized horticulture with large scale. (3) Uisong-Gun in the intermediate zone : The stagnated land-lease farming region of commercialized rice-farming with large scale. (4) Yongil-Gun in the intermediate zone : The stagnated land-lease farming region of commercializing dry-field farming with medium scale. (5) Ponghwa-Gun in the remote zone : The stagnated and delayed region in commercializing of intermountain dry-field land-lease farming with small scale. These varied regionalities resulted from the diverse spatiality as a complex of spatial orders and localities. The spatial orders in this study are frequently recognizable as a form of distance-decay, and the locality of a region is determined mostly by the its peculiarity of physical and population conditions. In the comparative analysis of the regionalities the degree of commercialization of a region is a most comprehensive and useful frame of reference because it reflects the degree of development of capitalist land-lease farming. Finally these apparent regional differentiations of land-lease farming within a agricultural space system raise the problem of impracticality of the existing uniform logic on the land-lease farming such as "large scale farms share larger part of leased farmland." This problem suggests the urgent need of reappraisal of many aspatial logics and theories on the land-lease farming.

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Development and assessment of pre-release discharge technology for response to flood on deteriorated reservoirs dealing with abnormal weather events (이상기후대비 노후저수지 홍수 대응을 위한 사전방류 기술개발 및 평가)

  • Moon, Soojin;Jeong, Changsam;Choi, Byounghan;Kim, Seungwook;Jang, Daewon
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.56 no.11
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    • pp.775-784
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    • 2023
  • With the increasing trend of extreme rainfall that exceeds the design frequency of man-made structures due to extreme weather, it is necessary to review the safety of agricultural reservoirs designed in the past. However, there are no local government-managed reservoirs (13,685) that can be discharged in an emergency, except for reservoirs over a certain size under the jurisdiction of the Korea Rural Affairs Corporation. In this case, it is important to quickly deploy a mobile siphon to the site for preliminary discharge, and this study evaluated the applicability of a mobile siphon with a diameter of 200 mm, a minimum water level difference of 6 m, 420 (m2/h), and 10,000 (m2/day), which can perform both preliminary and emergency discharge functions, to the Yugum Reservoir in Gyeongju City. The test bed, Yugum Reservoir, is a facility that was completed in 1945 and has been in use for about 78 years. According to the hydrological stability analysis, the lowest height of the current dam crest section is 27.15 (EL.m), which is 0.29m lower than the reviewed flood level of 27.44 (EL.m), indicating that there is a possibility of lunar flow through the embankment, and the headroom is insufficient by 1.72 m, so it was reviewed as not securing hydrological safety. The water level-volume curve was arbitrarily derived because it was difficult to clearly establish the water level-flow relationship curve of the reservoir since the water level-flow measurement was not carried out regularly, and based on the derived curve, the algorithm for operating small and medium-sized old reservoirs was developed to consider the pre-discharge time, the amount of spillway discharge, and to predict the reservoir lunar flow time according to the flood volume by frequency, thereby securing evacuation time in advance and reducing the risk of collapse. Based on one row of 200 mm diameter mobile siphons, the optimal pre-discharge time to secure evacuation time (about 1 hour) while maintaining 80% of the upper limit water level (about 30,000 m2) during a 30-year flood was analyzed to be 12 hours earlier. If the pre-discharge technology utilizing siphons for small and medium-sized old reservoirs and the algorithm for reservoir operation are implemented in advance in case of abnormal weather and the decision-making of managers is supported, it is possible to secure the safety of residents in the risk area of reservoir collapse, resolve the anxiety of residents through the establishment of a support system for evacuating residents, and reduce risk factors by providing risk avoidance measures in the event of a reservoir risk situation.