• Title/Summary/Keyword: Simulated Flight Test

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Free-wing Tilt-body Aircraft Controllerability Analysis for Change of Center of Gravity (무게중심 변화에 따른 자유날개 동체꺾임형 항공기의 조종성 해석)

  • Park, Wook-Je
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.1-5
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    • 2011
  • The free-wing tilt-body aircraft is researched in the flight performance characteristics for center of gravity (CG) change. All of speed, body tilt angle and center of gravity change are simulated to determine the flight envelope by a non-linear 3-DOF mathematical model. In flight, this aircraft configuration changes by the tiltable empennage. Then, flight dynamics distinguishes from those of a conventional fixed-wing aircraft. Though flight performance and trimmability are studied by CG change, the flight model of free-wing tilt-body aircraft is to reduce the hidden risk and to achieve the successful flight test. It is analyzed the flight characteristics by CG change that distinguishes free-wing tilt-body aircraft from the conventional aircraft.

ADAPT: A Predictive Cognitive Model of Piloting Skill (DAPT: 조종 기술의 예측적 인지 모델)

  • Sohn, Young-Woo;Kim, Kyung-Tae;Chang, Su-Wong;Kim, Do-Hyung
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Cognitive Science Conference
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    • 2005.05a
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    • pp.9-13
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    • 2005
  • A comprehension-based computational model of pilot action planning called ADAPT is presented to model pilot performance in a flight simulation context. Individual pilots were asked to execute a series of flight maneuvers using a flight simulator, and their eye-scanning, control movements, and flight performance were recorded in a time-synched database. Computational models of each of the 25 individual pilots were constructed, and the individual models simulated execution of the same flight maneuvers performed by human pilots. The time-synched eye-scanning, control movements, and flight performance of individual pilots and their respective models were compared to test ADAPT's predictive validity.

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Scramjet Research at JAXA, Japan

  • Chinzei Nobuo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers Conference
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    • v.y2005m4
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    • pp.1-1
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    • 2005
  • Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency(JAXA) has been conducting research and development of the Scramjet engines and their derivative combined cycle engines as hypersonic propulsion system for space access. Its history will be introduced first, and its recent advances, focusing on the engine performance progress, will follow. Finally, future plans for a flight test of scramjet and ground test of combined cycle engine will be introduced. Two types of test facilities for testing those hypersonic engines. namely, the 'Ramjet Engine Test Facility (RJTF)' and the 'High Enthalpy Shock Tunnel (HIEST)' were designed and fabricated during 1988 through 1996. These facilities can test engines under simulated flight Mach numbers up to 8 for the former, whereas beyond 8 for the latter, respectively. Several types of hydrogen-fueled scramjet engines have been designed, fabricated and tested under flight conditions of Mach 4, 6 and 8 in the RJTF since 1996. Initial test results showed that the thrust was insufficient because of occurrence of flow separation caused by combustion in the engines. These difficulty was later eliminated by boundary-layer bleeding and staged fuel injection. Their results were compared with theory to quantify achieved engine performances. The performances with regards to combustion, net thrust are discussed. We have reached the stage where positive net thrust can be attained for all the test coditions. Results of these engine tests will be discussed. We are also intensively attempting the improvement of thrust performance at high speed condition of Mach 8 to 15 in High Enthalpy Shock Tunnel (HIEST). Critical issues for this purposemay be air/fuel mixing enhancement, and temperature control of combustion gas to avoid thermal dissociation. To overcome these issues we developed the Hypermixier engine which applies stream-wise vortices for mixing enhancement, and the M12-engines which optimizes combustor entrance temperature. Moreover, we are going to conduct the flight experiment of the Hypermixer engine by utilizing flight test infrastructure (HyShot) provided by the University of Queensland in fall of 2005 for comparison with the HIEST result. The plan of the flight experiment is also presented.

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The Effect of Low-amplitude Cycles in Flight-simulation Loading (비행하중에서 피로균열진전에 미치는 미소하중의 영향)

  • Shim, Dong-Suk;Kim, Jung-Kyu
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.1045-1050
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    • 2003
  • In this study, to investigate the effects of omitting low-amplitude cycles from a flight-simulation loading, crack growth tests are conducted on 2124-T851 aluminum alloy specimens. Three test spectra are generated by omitting small load ranges as counted by the rain-flow count method. The crack growth test results are compared with the data obtained from the flight-simulation loading. The experimental results show that omission of the load ranges below 5% of the maximum load does not significantly affect crack growth behavior, because these are below the initial stress intensity factor range. However, in the case of omitting the load ranges below 15% of the maximum load, crack growth rates decrease, and therefore crack growth curve deviates from the crack growth data under the flight-simulation loading. To optimize the load range that can be omitted, crack growth curves are simulated by the stochastic crack growth model. The prediction shows that the omission level can be extended to 8% of the maximum load and test time can be reduced by 59%.

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Estimation of Safety Area for Intercept Debris by Using Modeling and Simulation (탄도탄 요격시험 안전구역 산출을 위한 모델링 및 시뮬레이션)

  • Lee, Sungkyun;Go, Jinyong;Han, Yongsu;Kim, Changhwan
    • Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2020
  • The ballistic missile threat continues to increase with the proliferation of missile technology. In response to this threat, many kinds of interceptors have been emphasized over the years. For development of interceptor, systematic flight tests are essential. Flight tests provide valuable data that can be used to verify performance and confirm the technological progress of ballistic missile defense system including interceptor. However, during flight tests, civilians near the test region could be risk due to a lot of intercept debris. For this reason, reliable estimate of safety area for the flight tests should be preceded. In this study, prediction of safety area is performed through modeling and simulation. Firstly, behaviors of ballistic missile and interceptor are simulated for those entire phase including interception to obtain the relative intercept velocity and the relative impact angle. By using obtained data of kinetic energy, the fragment ejection velocity is calculated and fragment trajectories are simulated by considering drag, gravity and wind effects. Based on the debris field formation and hazard evaluation of debris, final safety area is calculated.

Parameter estimation of a single turbo-prop aircraft dynamic model (단발 터어보프롭 항공기 동적 모델의 파라메터추정)

  • Lee, Hwan;Lee, Sang-Kee
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.38-44
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    • 1998
  • The modified maximum likelihood estimation method is used to estimate the nondimensional aerodynamic derivatives of a single turbo-prop aircraft at a specified flight condition for the best deduction of the dynamic characteristics. In wind axes the six degree of freedom equations are algebraically linearized so that the linear state equation contains aerodynamic derivatives in a state-space form and is used in the maximum likelihood method. The simulated data added with the measurement noise is used as a flight test data which is necessary to the estimation of nondimensional aerodynamic derivatives. It is obtained by implementing the 6-DOF nonlinear flight simulation. In the flight simulation, the effects of several control input types, control deflection amplitudes, and the turbulence intensities on the statistical convergence criteria are also examined and quantitative analysis of the results is discussed.

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Data Analysis of KOMPSAT Thermal Test in Simulated On-orbit Environment

  • Kim, Jeong-Soo;Chang, Young-Keun
    • International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.30-42
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    • 2000
  • On-orbit thermal environment test of KOMPSAT was performed in early 1999. An analysis of the test data are addressed in this paper. For the thermal-environmental simulation of spacecraft bus, an artificial heating through the radiator zones and onto some critical heat-dissipating electronic boxes was made by Absorbed-heat Flux Method. Test data obtained in terms of temperature history were reduced into flight heater duty cycles and converted into the total electrical power required for spacecraft thermal control. Verification result of flight heaters dedicated to the bus thermal control is presented. Additionally, an exhaustive heating-control process for maintaining the spacecraft thermally safe and for realistic simulation of the orbital-thermal environment during the test are graphically shown. Qualitative suggestions to post-test model correlation are given in consequency of the analysis.

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Leader - Follower based Formation Guidance Law and Autonomous Formation Flight Test of Multiple MAVs (편대 유도 법칙 및 초소형 비행체의 자동 편대 비행 구현)

  • You, Dong-Il;Shim, Hyun-Chul
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.121-127
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    • 2011
  • This paper presents an autonomous formation flight algorithm for micro aerial vehicles (MAVs) and its flight test results. Since MAVs have severe limits on the payload and flight time, formation of MAVs can help alleviate the mission load of each MAV by sharing the tasks or coverage areas. The proposed formation guidance law is designed using nonlinear dynamic inversion method based on 'Leader-Follower' formation geometric relationship. The sensing of other vehicles in a formation is achieved by sharing the vehicles' states using a high-speed radio data link. the designed formation law was simulated with flight data of MAV to verify its robustness against sensor noises. A series of test flights were performed to validate the proposed formation guidance law. The test result shows that the proposed formation flight algorithm with inter-communication is feasible and yields satisfactory results.

A development of test and evaluation equipment for pulsed doppler radar (펄스도플러 레이더 시험장치 개발)

  • 신현익;이정욱
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics B
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    • v.33B no.7
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    • pp.154-162
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    • 1996
  • The test and evaluation is a integal part of the radar development process and it consists of two parts, field test and in-house test using a standard simulated signal. To take the in-house test, the test environment is needed to generate the critical signal that is used to determine the system design parameters and consists of general urpose measurement equipments, specialized boards and operating softwares. This paper presents the in-house test environment configuration and its function for radar system. Because this test environment genrates the simulated radar signal which has arbitrary flight path and target condition, the developed test environment makes easily to evaluate the function for radar system. The program ability of test parameters makes it possible to apply a test for 2D and 3D radar system.

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Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter Flight Dynamics Simulation and Rehearsal Results for Its Operational Readiness Checkout

  • Song, Young-Joo;Bae, Jonghee;Hong, SeungBum;Bang, Jun
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.181-194
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    • 2022
  • Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter (KPLO), also known as Danuri, was successfully launched on 4 Aug. from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station using a Space-X Falcon-9 rocket. Flight dynamics (FD) operational readiness was one of the critical parts to be checked before the flight. To demonstrate FD software's readiness and enhance the operator's contingency response capabilities, KPLO FD specialists planned, organized, and conducted four simulations and two rehearsals before the KPLO launch. For the efficiency and integrity of FD simulation and rehearsal, different sets of blind test data were prepared, including the simulated tracking measurements that incorporated dynamical model errors, maneuver execution errors, and other errors associated with a tracking system. This paper presents the simulation and rehearsal results with lessons learned for the KPLO FD operational readiness checkout. As a result, every functionality of FD operation systems is firmly secured based on the operation procedure with an enhancement of contingency operational response capability. After conducting several simulations and rehearsals, KPLO FD specialists were much more confident in the flight teams' ability to overcome the challenges in a realistic flight and FD software's reliability in flying the KPLO. Moreover, the results of this work will provide numerous insights to the FD experts willing to prepare deep space flight operations.